





一. 表示“反对”“违背”( In hostile opposition or resistance to),其反义词为 for。若表示“强烈反对”,一般与副词 strongly搭配。如:

1. Public opinion is strongly against his visit to the country. 舆论强烈反对他访问这个国家。

2. They are strongly against the idea. 他们强烈反对这个意见。

3. we shouldn’t go against nature.我们不应该违背大自然。

4. What have you done is against the law.你所做的事情是违法的。

5. Jane married Jack against her own will.简与杰克结婚,违背了自己的意愿。

表示“反对”时,经常同那些与之含义相关的动词连用 (如:fight, struggle, prot est,

argue, guard等)。如:

6. The soldiers fought against the enemy bravely. 士兵们勇敢地打敌人。

7. He struggled against those who opposed his plan. 他同那些反对他的计划的人作斗争。

8. Rules and regulations help teams function well, but we should always guard

against making teams too bureaucratic.规章制度有利于团队功能的发挥,但是我们经常应该防止使团队过于官僚制度化。

9.(2007福建,32) Although my opinion, the old professor didn’t come up with

his own.

A. against B. on C. for D. in

解析:选A。句意:虽然这位老教授反对我的观点,但并没有提出他自己的观点。against意为反对(opposing or disagreeing with sb.),for意为支持,拥护(in support of


二. 表示位置,意为“靠着”、 “倚在”、“顶着”等(In contact with so as to rest or

press on)。如:

1. Place the ladder against the wall.把梯子靠在墙上。



2. The teacher’s desk is against the wall. 老师的办公桌靠墙放着。

3. He stood leaning against the tree. 他站着斜靠在墙上。

4. Put your bicycle against the tree. 把你的自行车靠在树上。

5. He stood with his back against the door.他背靠着门站着。

三. 表示“撞击”、“碰着”之意(So as to come into forcible contact with)。如:

1. The waves dashed against the shore.波涛撞击海岸。

2. The rain was beating the windows. 雨点拍打着窗户。

3. Tom hit his head against a tree in the dark.黑暗中汤姆的头撞在一棵树上。


本文标签: 含义团队使用观点动词