


Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips



Japanese anime(动漫) film Your Name has already been a huge success in its own country. And now it

has become one of the most successful films at the Chinese box office.

Though it has no famous Hollywood stars or amazing stunts (特技),it has taken nearly 78 million since

it appeared for the first time in public in early December, 2016.

Written and directed(导演)by 43-year-old Makoto Shinkai, Your Name is a love story about two

teenagers who exchange bodies. The film tells about two unlucky lovers who always missed each other. It

has captured the imagination of Chinese audiences.

“The film was beautiful beyond words and every shot(镜头)was like a painting,” one film viewer

Taylor wrote. “Watching this film made me miss the time of my youth and that really touched me, ” said

one fan.

Film experts believe young Chinese has the same feelings with Your Name at just the right time. “It’s

a love story aimed at the group who has enough income, the so-called ‘Post 90s’ which has made the box

office increase quickly,” said Jonathan Papish, film industry analyst for China Film Insider.

“It also fits well with the ACGN( Anime, Comic, Game, Novel) youth subculture that is more and more

popular in China,” Mr. Papish added.

1. What is Your Name?

A. A magazine. B. A newspaper. C. A film. D. A TV program.

2. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Your Name has many famous Hollywood stars and amazing stunts.

B. Your Name hasn’t already been a huge success in its own country.

C. Your Name has taken nearly 78 million yuan since it appeared for the first time in public.

D. Your Name becomes very popular among Chinese audiences

3. The underlined word “captured” in Paragraph 3 means _________.

A. caught B. opened C. kept D. helped

4. Why did the film make such a great success in China?

A. Because the price of the film is cheap.

B. Because it can make the audiences cry.

C. Because it meets the imagination and the feelings of Chinese audiences.

D. Because it is a happy story.

5. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The writer and director of Your Name.

B. Film experts for China Film Insider.

C. The ACGN youth subculture

D. Your Name ---- a successful Japanese anime film.



Every child likes cartoons, and so do I. When I was young, nothing was more __1__ than watching

cartoon on Saturday morning. I used to __2__ before the cartoons started, irritated (恼怒的) by whatever

was still on TV at 7: 30. But then came three __3__ with Mighty Mouse, Bugs Bunny and so on until lunch.

And I like Astro Boy best.

The cartoon character Astro Boy has a __4__ history. He was created as a comic book character in

1951, and was the first cartoon character on Japanese television in 1963.

Astro Boy's story __5__ when Dr. Boyton's son Toby dies in a car accident. Dr. Boyton, a scientist

creates Astro Boy to replace(代替)his son. When Astro Boy is first built, Dr. Boyton wants to __6__ it a

secret. But the secret is finally out. People get to know Astro Boy and he becomes __7__soon.

Since Astro Boy is a robot, he has many amazing powers. His eyes can turn into powerful searchlights

(探照灯) and his __8__ can make his hearing stronger by one thousand times. He is so strong that his fingers

can turn into powerful lasers(激光). And his legs can turn into rockets, so he can __9__. Like a superman,

he saves people in trouble and fights against bad men __10__. His stories have continued for more than 50

years in comic books and on television.

1. A. surprising

2. A. wake up

3. A. minutes

4. A. strong

6. A. hold

7. A. lucky

8. A. eyes

9. A. walk

答案:1-5 CABDC


Almost everyone knows Garfield. He is a fun-loving cat in comic strips. Most people like to read about

this cute cat.

6-10 BCDBA

B. boring

B. go out

B. hours

B. short

B. ends

B. keep

B. rich

B. mouth

B. fly

B. quietly

C. exciting

C. lie down

C. days

C. bad

C. begins

C. let

C. popular

C. nose

C. jump

C. slowly

D. frightening

D. run away

D. years

D. long

D. loses

D. wish

B. mouth

D. ears

D. swim

D. happily

5. A. continues

10. A. bravely

But who made Garfield? Jim Davis did. When Jim was a young boy, he was sick and had to stay in bed

for a long time. He wanted to do something to kill time, so he decided to draw pictures. Jim’s pictures made

people laugh. When Jim added words to his pictures, people laughed harder. Then he started making comic

strips. When Jim read other comic strips, he found there were a lot of dogs in the comics, but no cats. That's

how he got the idea for Garfield.

Jim lived in Indiana with 25 cats. These cats helped him get his ideas for the things Garfield did. But

Garfield is a special cat! Garfield isn’t afraid of dogs. He likes to kick Odie, the dog in his comic strips.

Sometimes Garfield is bad, but it always acts in a funny way.

Jim had fun writing about Garfield’s stories. He also spent lots of time drawing Garfield’s action. This

careful work has made Garfield popular. Now there are comic strips, posters, books and even TV shows

about the funny Garfield.

1. Which of the following about young Jim Davis is true?

A. He drew best pictures in his class.

C. He was a boring boy.

B. He got ill in bed for a long time.

D. He kept many dogs.

B. From the 25 cats he lived with.

D. from other novel writer.

B. He likes to draw pictures.

D. He isn’t afraid of dogs.

2. Where did Jim get ideas for the things Garfield did?

A. From the cats in the hospital.

3. Why is Garfield a special cat?

A. He is afraid of mice.

C. He likes to play with mice.

4. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Jim began to make comic strips to kill his time when he was sick in bed.

B. Jim created Garfield because he loved cats.

C. Garfield’s stories may come from Jim’s experiences with his 25 cats.

D. Garfield made Jim's 25 cats become famous.

5. What can be the best title for this passage?

A. Jim Davis and Garfield

C. Garfield’s 25 Cats



The word “cartoon” came from Italian. It first referred to the picture before an actual drawing on the

wall. __1__________ Since the 1840s, it has also come to refer to any drawing that is humorous and satirical

(讽刺的). __2___________

Today cartoons are a part of the daily life of most people. People of all ages, especially young children,

enjoy all kinds of cartoons in newspapers and magazines on television or at the movies. __3____________

B. Garfield and dogs

D. Jim Davis and his 25 Cats

C. From dogs which most cats are afraid of.

They have set the style for clothing, food, manner and many other things. They have supplied creative

materials to plays, movies, television series and so on. __4____________

Many cartoonists draw with special pens. Some use the computers. __5_____________ This helps us

to enjoy more lively cartoons.

A. It usually appears in a newspaper or magazine, with or without a short text.

B. Sure, computers are especially effective tools for making cartoons.

C. In the mid-19th century, it came into English.

D. Names or words from cartoon series have also come into modern languages.

E. Cartoons not only show their life, but help form their lifestyle.




Do you want to know what we can do to help make our city a better place to live in? Why not take part

in “Clean Green Weekend”? Join us, and you can make new friends and help protect the environment at the

same time.

Some people think graffiti(涂鸦) is cool. Well, it is not! The best way to stop buildings from becoming

totally covered in ugly graffiti is to get rid of it as soon as possible. And that is exactly what we are going to

do. We will repaint the school walls from I p. m. on Sunday. You don' t have to bring any tools. Just

remember wear some old clothes!

1. Where might we read the above passage?

A. In a fashion magazine.

B. On a school notice board

D. In a storybook. C. In a newspaper advertisement.


Once upon a time, a farmer kept a pigeon(鸽子). The pigeon lived in a cage. She didn’t need to go out

to search food. The farmer gave her some food to eat.

The pigeon didn't have chances to fly out and she didn‘t take exercise at all. Then she became fatter

and fatter. And she was pleased with her life.

One day, a crow(乌鸦)flew in the farmer's house and stopped by the pigeon's cage. The pigeon saw the

crow and began talking with him. She said, “You must get tired because you have to search for food yourself.

Don' t you wish you could live as well as me?”

“Not at all, ” cried the crow as he flew off, “I‘d rather be free to hunt my own food than stay in the cage

like you. I’m sure you will be put in an oven and cooked for supper.”

2. What can we infer from the passage?

A. The crow didn’t want to be kept in the cage.

B. The crow wanted the farmer to give him food.

C. The crow wanted to help the pigeon to get out.

D. The crow admired the pigeon for her life.




• 写作思维导图







• 句型点拨: 意为 “不但……而且……”


I think shopping is not only interesting but also relaxing.





• 实战演练

Are you interested in making cartoons? Now let me tell you something about it.__________________









Cartoons are so helpful that I hope you can enjoy making Cartoons as well.


句型仿写 Watching cartoons can not only make us happy and relaxed, but also help us develop our



Are you interested in cartoons? Now let me tell you something about it. First, you should decide on some

basic ideas and think about some characters for the story. The second step is about drawing. You can draw

some rough sketches on the paper first and then draw detailed pictures on the computer and color them. Next,

use the computer to put the pictures together and make them into a film, including recording the sound

effects. Finally, after all the things have been checked the cartoon is ready to be played.

I like watching cartoons very cartoons can not only make us happy and relaxed, but also help develop

our imagination.

Cartoons are so helpful that I hope you can enjoy making cartoons.

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