

  1.  create a user in sqlserver
    1. server -> security - > right click logins ->  new login
    2. in General page,
      1. fill login name
      2. sql server authentication (radio button)
      3. uncheck Enforce pass policy
      4. drop down list
        1. default DB -> select your DB  (could leave it)
        2. default language -> English  
  2. Add the new user to be your DB user  (create a user to a certain DB, this user is not real DB owner, but could set permission as owner. Set the real DB owner see bottom, if set a real owner, could skip this step )
    1. your DB -> security -> right click user -> new user
      1. in General page
        1. fill the User name
        2. put your new created user to Login name
        3. don't select schema
        4. in DB Role membership ->  check the DB owner
  3. set the server authentication type
    1. right click server -> property -> security in left Panel
    2. select the SQL server and Windows Authentication mode (radio button)

set up your program configuration file

  1. connection string
  2. user, role provider
  3. create the membership user role table (createUserWizard in web app)
  4. use ASP adminstrator configuration tool (add,edit,delete user and role)

    Set the DB Owner (normally leave as the default)

    select the certain DB, right click property, in left page, click Files, browse for a owner. then OK.  (this could replace step 2)

本文标签: LoginsqlservercreateUserauthentication