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    • typora-copy-images-to: Risk Management and Financial Institution
  • Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 18 —— Fundamental Review of the Trading Book
      • 18.1 基本背景
      • 18.2 Standardized Approach 标准法
        • 18.2.1 Term Structures期限结构
        • 18.2.2 Curvature Risk Charge
        • 18.2.3 Default Risk Charge
        • 18.2.4 Residual Risk Add on
        • 18.2.5 A simplified Approach
      • 18.3 Internal Models Approach
        • 18.3.1 Back - Testing
        • 18.3.2 Profit and Loss Attribution
        • 18.3.3 Credit Risk
        • 18.3.4 Securitization 证券化
      • 18.4 Trading book vs Banking Book

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 18 —— Fundamental Review of the Trading Book

  • “Fundamental Review of the Trading Book” (FRTB),针对市场风险资本的计算

  • 比之前的方式更加复杂

18.1 基本背景

  • FRTB 使用 ES expected shortfall with a 97.5% confidence,测量的标准是出于压力状态下的ES
  • 通常情况下,97.5%的ES 与 99% 的VaR基本相等
  • 如果损失分布存在厚尾,那么ES 将比VaR大得多
  • 巴塞尔I 和 II.5使用的展期更改为了体现流动性
    • market variables change shocks
    • market variables risk factors
    • 展期 liquidity horizons,总共明确的五种,10、20、40、60、120

  • 银行被要求使用IMA以及SA方式计算市场风险资本

  • FRTB与之前计算方法的区别

    • 基于trading book
    • IMA方法在银行内可以部分分割,某些部门使用IMA 有些使用SA
    • 目标是防止监管套利
    • FRTB对于trading book and banking book 定义更加明确

18.2 Standardized Approach 标准法

  • Under the standardized approach, the capital requirement is the sum of three components:
    • a risk charge calculated using a risk sensitivity approach
      • 七种风险资产种类
      • 每个资产种类需要计算delta 风险,vega风险,曲率风险(curvature)
        • delta risk charge for a risk class is calculated using the risk weights and weighted sensitivity approach
        • Wi以及ρ由巴塞尔委员会给予,δ,由银行自行给出
        • In practice, the Wi are set equal to multiples of the stressed daily volatility to reflect the liquidity horizon and the confidence level that regulators wish to consider
        • Suppose that the stressed daily volatility of risk factor i is estimated as 2% and that t

本文标签: InstitutionChapterFinancialRISKManagement