

imgburn dvd

There may be times when you’ll want to create a Windows disc image file, to use with a virtual machine or for backup. Today we take a look at using ImgBurn to create an ISO from the physical disc.

有时您可能需要创建Windows磁盘映像文件,与虚拟机一起使用或进行备份。 今天,我们来看看使用ImgBurn从物理磁盘创建ISO。

Create ISO with ImgBurn


While there are several different utilities that will create an ISO, one of our favorites is ImgBurn. It’s free, let’s you create an ISO, and can burn about anything you want it to disc. To create an ISO open ImgBurn and select Create image file from disc from the main menu.

虽然有几种不同的实用程序可以创建ISO,但我们最喜欢的工具之一是ImgBurn。 它是免费的,让您创建一个ISO,并且可以刻录您想要刻录的任何内容。 要创建ISO,请打开ImgBurn,然后从主菜单中选择从光盘创建映像文件

In the next step select the drive that contains the disc in this example it’s Windows 95, select the destination directory for the ISO, and select Read Speed. When everything looks good click on the Read button to begin the process.

在下一步中,选择包含光盘的驱动器(在此示例中为Windows 95),选择ISO的目标目录,然后选择“读取速度”。 当一切看起来不错时,请单击“读取”按钮以开始该过程。

ImgBurn starts converting the disc to an ISO image and you can view the progress and ImgBurn logs. You can choose what the disc does after the file is finished and can stop the process at any time if you need to as well.

ImgBurn开始将光盘转换为ISO映像,您可以查看进度和ImgBurn日志。 您可以选择文件完成后光盘的功能,也可以根据需要随时停止该过程。

Here we see the completed Windows 95 ISO that was created and we can begin using it on a virtual machine.

在这里,我们看到已创建的完整Windows 95 ISO,我们可以在虚拟机上开始使用它了。

And it works! The ISO is fully functional and we can begin installing Windows 95 on a virtual machine (does this bring back memories or what).

而且有效! ISO已完全起作用,我们可以开始在虚拟机上安装Windows 95 (这样做会带回内存还是什么)。

Creating an ISO is an easy process with ImgBurn, in fact all of it’s features are really nice, it can burn almost any type of file to disc. If you’re looking for a way to convert your Windows CD/DVD into an ISO image, you might want to look at ImgBurn as it’s free and effective.

使用ImgBurn创建ISO是一个简单的过程,实际上,它的所有功能都非常好,它几乎可以将任何类型的文件刻录到光盘上 。 如果您正在寻找一种将Windows CD / DVD转换为ISO映像的方法,则可能要看看ImgBurn,因为它是免费且有效的。

Download ImgBurn from Ninite


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/11003/how-to-create-a-windows-iso-from-a-disc-using-imgburn/

imgburn dvd

本文标签: 如何使用光盘imgburnisoWindows