


Every year, when Apple drops a new iOS, I can’t wait to get hold of the Beta version. This is sometimes to my own detriment, as a few times I’ve not owned an iPhone when the new software was announced.

每年,当苹果发布新的iOS时,我都迫不及待想要获得Beta版本。 有时这对我自己不利,因为在发布新软件时,有几次我没有拥有iPhone。

And this year, it was no different. iOS 14 was announced, and as soon as it was available, iOS 14 Beta was on my iPhone 11. And within a week or so, iOS 13 was back on my iPhone.

今年,也一样。 宣布了iOS 14,并在iPhone 11上发布了iOS 14 Beta。在一周左右的时间内,iOS 13又回到了我的iPhone上。

Safe to say, it was a rocky road to start- but it wasn’t all Apple’s fault.


The reason for this quick jump back was due to my carrier; I had recently switched to Visible, of which I’d heard good things (and of which those “good things” appear to be few and very far between), and once I upgraded to iOS 14, I could no longer send SMS messages over 160 characters.

快速跳回的原因是我的携带者; 我最近切换到了Visible,我听说过其中的好消息(其中那些“好消息”似乎很少且相差很远),并且一旦升级到iOS 14,我将无法再通过160个字符。

Correction: I could send those longer messages all day long. But if I typed just one character past 160, my recipient would not receive the text. It took several conversations that felt like every other message wasn’t getting responded to, and several long conversations with Visible support (read: a joke) to come to the conclusion that their network just didn’t play well with unreleased software.

更正:我可以整天发送这些较长的消息。 但是,如果我只输入160 字符,接收人将不会收到该文本。 经历了几次交谈,感觉好像其他所有消息都没有得到回应,并且经过Visible支持的几次漫长交谈(笑话),得出的结论是他们的网络在未发布的软件中表现不佳。

So I downgraded my phone back to iOS 13. And when my month with Visible was over, I switched to Ryan Reynold’s carrier (Mint) and upgraded myself back to iOS 14. And now… finally… I can discuss it.

所以我将手机降级到iOS13。当我在Visible的月份结束时,我改用Ryan Reynold的运营商(Mint),然后又升级回iOS14。现在……终于……我可以讨论一下。

应用程序库,主屏幕和延迟停靠 (App Library, Home Screen, and the Lingering Dock)

The very first thing I should say about iOS 14 is that I honestly have forgotten that I’ve upgraded at all. That’s not to say that iOS 14 is forgettable; on the contrary, the new App Library is a godsend, and the new Siri animation is much less intrusive. And while I love the ability to put widgets on my home screens, I much prefer to have nothing on my home screen at all (this may very well change once iOS 14 is official and more apps are supporting the new widget form factor).

关于iOS 14,我首先要说的是,我真的忘记了我已经升级了。 这并不是说iOS 14是令人难忘的。 相反,新的App Library真是天赐之物,而新的Siri动画则不那么令人讨厌。 而且,尽管我喜欢将小部件放置在主屏幕上的功能,但我还是更喜欢一点也不在主屏幕上(一旦iOS 14正式发布并且更多应用程序都支持新的小部件形状,这可能会发生很大的变化)。

What I mean to say is that I’ve quickly become so used to iOS 14 that I don’t even think about it anymore.

我的意思是说我已经很快习惯了iOS 14,以至于我什至不再考虑它。

You may recall that several paragraphs ago I mentioned that sometimes didn’t have an iPhone when the new software was announced. One can, logically, assume that I instead had an Android device (except for that time when I tried to only use a dumb phone… or the good ol’ days when Windows Phones were still a thing). And while I always ended up returning to Apple (usually because of the camera), I always, always missed how Android laid out the home screen. I would miss the app drawer, and the ability to not have anything on the home screen (I hate clutter on my computer, and that translates to my phone as well).

您可能还记得,我在几段之前提到过,在发布新软件时有时没有iPhone。 从逻辑上讲,可以假设我使用的是Android设备(除了那段时间,我尝试仅使用哑电话……或者在Windows Phone仍然是美好的日子)。 而且,尽管我总是回到苹果(通常是因为使用摄像头),但我总是一直想念Android如何布置主屏幕。 我会想念应用程序抽屉,也不会在主屏幕上没有任何东西(我讨厌电脑混乱,这也转化为我的手机)。

In the past, I’d made several attempts to clear my iPhone’s home screen of apps, including dumping them all into a single folder and using Spotlight to pull up the app I needed, or pushing everything off to a second home screen, leaving the default one empty. But these solutions weren’t the greatest; if I wanted my one app folder to be in alphabetical order, I have to do so manually- and if I downloaded an app after I’d set up the folder, it was a pain in the ass to put it in order. And when I had set up a second home screen, my iPhone- more often than not- just defaulted to this screen instead.

过去,我曾多次尝试清除iPhone的应用主屏幕,包括将所有应用都转储到一个文件夹中,并使用Spotlight提取所需的应用,或将所有内容推到第二个主屏幕,默认一个为空。 但是这些解决方案并不是最好的解决方案。 如果我希望我的一个应用程序文件夹按字母顺序排列,则必须手动进行;如果在设置文件夹后下载了一个应用程序,那么将它整理起来很麻烦。 当我设置了第二个主屏幕时,我的iPhone经常(而不是默认情况)默认使用此屏幕。

The App Library isn’t perfect; currently, Apple sorts the apps for you into their own categories. This works in most cases, but sometimes you find apps in weird place- for instance, I’d prefer the Google Search app to be listed with my news apps instead of in Utilities, because I primarily use it to skim through my curated article feed. And half of the apps under “Productivity” I would rather have under “Creativity” because I use programs like Word for creative writing. But at least we get an alphabetical list and a search function as well.

应用程式库并不完美; 目前,Apple为您将应用分类为自己的类别。 在大多数情况下,这是可行的,但有时您会在奇怪的地方找到应用程序-例如,我希望Google搜索应用程序与新闻应用程序一起列出,而不是在实用工具中列出,因为我主要是用它来浏览精选的文章供稿。 在“生产力”下,我宁愿拥有一半的应用程序,因为我使用Word之类的程序进行创造性写作。 但是至少我们得到了字母顺序的列表和搜索功能。

On that search function, though… I wish it was combined with Spotlight Search. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on the App Library screen and I swipe down to search for something and discover halfway through typing that I’m only searching through my available apps and not the entirety of the web and the contents of my phone. And on the subject of wishing, I also wish that the dock at the bottom of the home screen would just go away if I move all of my apps to the App Library. I’ve got a gorgeous screen on my device, and I love to put art and photography as my wallpaper, but I want that unsightly, empty dock to disappear.

不过,在该搜索功能上……我希望将其与Spotlight搜索结合使用。 我无法告诉您我进入“应用程序库”屏幕的次数,我向下滑动以搜索内容并在键入过程中发现自己只是在搜索可用的应用程序,而不是整个网络手机中的内容。 关于希望的主题,我也希望如果将所有应用程序移至应用程序库,主屏幕底部的停靠点将消失 。 我的设备上有一个漂亮的屏幕,我喜欢将艺术和摄影作为墙纸,但是我希望那个难看的,空的基座消失。

You might be wondering why my dock is empty. Well, when I started playing around with widgets- and with the App Library a swipe away- I realized that my go-to apps to keep in the dock just didn’t make sense anymore. I had a widget for Apple Music, so I didn’t need the icon on the dock. Similarly, I had a Notes widget, and with the new shortcuts in Accessibility to program a double-tap or triple-tap on the back of the phone to do a task, I didn’t need the camera app docked either; instead, I set a Siri shortcut to open the Camera app when I tap the back of the phone twice. Messages then looked pretty lonely, and since I was already used to using Spotlight to find an app- or tapping on a notification to get to my messages- pretty soon I found that I just didn’t need anything in the dock anymore. But Apple still for some reason insists on keeping the empty dock on the screen.

您可能想知道为什么我的基座是空的。 好吧,当我开始使用小部件(以及轻拂App库)时,我意识到保留在扩展坞中的go-to应用不再有意义。 我有一个用于Apple Music的小部件,因此不需要扩展坞上的图标。 同样,我有一个Notes小部件,并且在Accessibility中使用了新的快捷方式,可以在手机背面编程两次或三次以完成任务,所以我也不需要停靠相机应用程序; 取而代之的是,我设置了一个Siri快捷方式,以便在我点击手机背面两次时打开“相机”应用程序。 然后,消息看起来很寂寞,由于我已经习惯于使用Spotlight查找应用程序-或点击通知以获取消息-很快,我发现我不再需要在扩展坞中放置任何东西 。 但是苹果出于某种原因仍然坚持将空的基座停在屏幕上。

西里 (Siri)

Ah… Siri.


I’ve never outright hated Siri- she was my first digital assistant, after all (and one of the deciding factors in my purchase of my first iPhone, the 4S). And Siri is completely worthwhile; she handles pretty much any task I throw at her. But with every new update claiming that Siri is “smarter than ever”, she’s still not the smartest kid in the room. That kid is definitely Google Assistant.

我从来没有恨过Siri,毕竟她是我的第一个数字助理(也是我购买第一部iPhone 4S的决定因素之一)。 Siri完全值得。 她几乎完成了我要执行的所有任务。 但是,每当有新的更新声称Siri“比以往任何时候都更聪明”时,她仍然不是房间里最聪明的孩子。 那个孩子绝对是Google助手。

Siri still lacks the context that Google can bring, she still lacks some of Google’s coolest features (like call screening), and she frustratingly still responds sometimes by showing me something on the screen rather than reading it off- the whole reason I verbally asked my phone for something is because I wasn’t looking at the screen; I usually use Siri most when my phone is sitting on a table and I’m not near it.

Siri仍然缺乏Google可以带来的环境,她仍然缺乏Google的一些最酷的功能(例如呼叫筛选),并且有时仍然令人沮丧地通过在屏幕上向我显示一些内容而不是阅读这些内容来做出回应-我口头询问我的全部原因打电话是因为我没有看屏幕; 通常,当我的手机坐在桌子上而不在桌子旁边时,我通常会使用Siri。

But there are some improvements with Siri this time around. Namely, the interface. I absolutely love that Siri doesn’t take over the whole screen anymore. Of course, she actually does- you can’t interact with the app or web page that was open underneath Siri without dismissing the digital assistant- but at least you can still see what you were looking at. I understand that the iPhone screen probably isn’t big enough to multitask with Siri and a web page, but I do hope that this functionality makes it’s way to the iPad.

但是这次Siri有了一些改进。 即界面。 我绝对喜欢Siri不再占据整个屏幕。 当然,她确实做到了 -您不能在不关闭数字助理的情况下与Siri下打开的应用程序或网页进行交互-但至少您仍然可以看到您正在查看的内容。 我知道iPhone屏幕可能还不够大,无法与Siri和网页进行多任务处理,但是我确实希望此功能可以将其用于iPad。

Speaking of…


iPadOS 14 (iPadOS 14)

Of course, I also installed the Beta on my iPad. Why not? And I have to say that when I played around with the Beta on the iPad, I was… whelmed.

当然,我也在iPad上安装了Beta。 为什么不? 我不得不说,当我在iPad上玩Beta时,我感到… 神魂颠倒

While it is disappointing that you can’t interact with the iPad’s screen while Siri is present, the biggest disappointment for me is that the App Library didn’t translate over to iPadOS. That was the biggest improvement in iOS, and for some reason, Apple didn’t think that the iPad could benefit from it, too.

虽然Siri出现时您无法与iPad的屏幕进行交互令人失望,但对我来说最大的失望是App Library并未转换为iPadOS。 这是iOS的最大改进,由于某种原因,苹果公司也不认为iPad也可以从中受益。

iPadOS 14, to me, just feels like more of the same. Since track pad support already came to the iPad a couple updates ago, it felt like iPadOS didn’t bring a whole lot new to the table.

对我来说,iPadOS 14感觉就像是更多一样。 由于触控板支持已经在iPad上进行了一些更新,所以感觉iPadOS并没有带来很多新功能。

Ok, it brought a couple of awesome new things. For one, being able to use the Apple Pencil to do handwriting in search bars and whatnot is pretty cool. Maybe more of a gimmick than a usable feature- I’m probably just going to use the on-screen keyboard before I grab my Pencil to scribble something to Google- but it is nifty.

好的,它带来了一些很棒的新事物。 首先,能够使用Apple Pencil在搜索栏中进行手写,这非常酷。 也许更多的是花哨的技巧而不是可用的功能-我可能会先使用屏幕键盘,然后再抓住我的Pencil将某些东西涂在Google上-但这很漂亮。

I also love the improvements that Apple brought to note-taking on the iPad- again, with the Apple Pencil. I love being able to move scribbles and copy hand-written text and convert it to typed words. It’s a damn shame that I much prefer OneNote over Apple’s Notes app.

我也很喜欢Apple通过Apple Pencil再次在iPad上做笔记的改进。 我喜欢能够移动涂鸦并复制手写文本并将其转换为键入的单词。 我更喜欢OneNote而不是Apple的Notes应用程序,这真是太可惜了。

最后的边疆 (The Final Frontier)

There are plenty of other features that I haven’t been able to test yet- either because they aren’t yet fully supported (like App Clips or AirPods’ new spacial audio feature) or because I simply haven’t had a need to try them out yet (like the new translate app or the digital car keys thingy). I’m excited to try out the updates to widgets, but I really can’t judge this feature because only a handful of apps support it right now (and not the ones I use on a day-to-day basis). And there are some cool iMessages features I can’t try out because none of my other iPhone-wielding friends are using the beta yet. And of course, I’m switching my browser to Google Chrome as soon as that is supported, but as of yet, I’m still stuck with Safari.

我还无法测试很多其他功能-因为它们尚未得到完全支持(例如App Clips或AirPods的新空间音频功能),或者因为我根本不需要尝试它们还没有出来(例如新的翻译应用或数字汽车钥匙)。 我很高兴能尝试对小部件进行更新,但是我真的无法判断该功能,因为目前只有少数应用程序支持此功能(而不是我日常使用的应用程序)。 还有一些很酷的iMessages功能,我无法尝试,因为其他使用iPhone的朋友中没有一个正在使用Beta。 当然,我一支持就将浏览器切换到Google Chrome,但到目前为止,我仍然对Safari感到困惑。

At least I was able to pseudo-swap out Siri for Google Assistant- I programmed a triple tap on the back of the iPhone to summon the Google Assistant app which works, more or less (sometimes sitting the phone down on a table activates this accessibility feature by accident).

至少我能够为Google Assistant伪交换Siri-我在iPhone的背面编程了三次轻击,以唤起或多或少起作用的Google Assistant应用(有时将手机放在桌子上激活了此功能)功能)。

Overall, I feel like iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 were very different updates. Neither feel terribly comprehensive- and maybe that’s due to the pandemic- and instead chose to bring a few new features to an already well-designed operating system.

总的来说,我觉得iOS 14和iPadOS 14是完全不同的更新。 两者都没有感觉到非常全面-也许是由于流行病-而是选择为已经精心设计的操作系统带来一些新功能。

iOS 14 in particular feels like it brings some much-needed refinements to the operating system… even if it does feel like it is copying Android in a few key places- most notably with the less intrusive assistant and call notifications, and the picture-in-picture mode that the iPhone has been lacking for literal years now (I haven’t tested this last one yet, because- again- I’m waiting on apps to support it). I also like the ability to pin conversations in Messages; that way, my conversations with my fiance and my parents are always at the top of my page.

尤其是iOS 14感觉上它为操作系统带来了一些急需的改进……即使它确实感觉它在几个关键位置上复制了Android(最引人注目的是使用了较少干扰的助手和呼叫通知以及图片) iPhone多年来一直缺乏的-picture模式(我还没有测试最后一个,因为-再次-我正在等待支持它的应用程序)。 我也喜欢在“消息”中固定对话的功能; 这样,我与未婚夫和父母的对话始终位于页面的顶部。

While iPadOS gained a few neat tricks and some welcome app redesigns (for example, the new sidebar in Photos), it definitely lost out on some of iOS’s best new features (most notably, the App Library), and that, to me, is a damn shame. And while Siri is even more less intrusive on the iPad, you still can’t actually utilize the screen while she’s active besides looking at the information you already had pulled up. If anything, the best iPad updates aren’t to the iPad itself, but rather the accessories you use with the iPad- like the Pencil or the AirPods. And while I have both, this update feels kinda boring- especially if you don’t use those peripherals.

iPadOS获得了一些巧妙的技巧和一些受欢迎的应用程序重新设计(例如,Photos中的新边栏),但它肯定会失去iOS的一些最佳新功能(最著名的是App Library),对我来说,这是该死的耻辱。 而且,尽管Siri在iPad上的干扰程度更低,但除了查看您已获取的信息之外,在Siri处于活动状态时,您仍然无法真正使用它。 如果有的话,最好的iPad更新不是iPad本身,而是iPad上使用的配件-如Pencil或AirPods。 而且,尽管我同时拥有这两种功能,但此更新让人感到很无聊-特别是如果您不使用这些外围设备。

Since Apple is so adamant about the iPad being a computer replacement, I would have liked to see more improvements on multitasking- for example, the ability to have apps in windowed boxes on the screen like… well… Windows… or macOS or even Chrome OS offers. Split screen is great, but sometimes you just need more than two programs running at a time, and with the new mouse support, this would have been a perfect time to introduce a more traditional desktop mode to iPadOS. Oh well, there’s always next year… maybe since Macs are moving to Apple’s chips, future iPad updates will bring more Mac features across the table.

由于Apple坚决主张将iPad替代计算机,所以我希望看到多任务处理方面的更多改进,例如,能够将应用程序显示在屏幕上的窗口框中,例如……好…… Windows ……或macOS甚至是Chrome OS。提供。 分屏功能很棒,但是有时候您一次只需要运行两个以上的程序,而有了新的鼠标支持,这是将更传统的桌面模式引入iPadOS的绝佳时机。 哦,好吧,总会在明年…也许由于Mac正在转向苹果的芯片,未来的iPad更新将带来更多Mac功能。

翻译自: https://medium/swlh/my-month-with-ios-14-beta-ec5afc3c1cb5


本文标签: 迅雷iosbeta