

vitis 版本2020.2

示例工程 hello,world!


修改FSBL 阶段调试打印使能




Xilinx Zynq MP First Stage Boot Loader
Release 2020.2   Aug 17 2021  -  02:36:25
Reset Mode      :       System Reset
Platform: Silicon (4.0), Cluster ID 0x80000000
Running on A53-0 (64-bit) Processor, Device Name: XCZU3EG
Processor Initialization Done
================= In Stage 2 ============
SD1 Boot Mode
SD: rc= 0
File name is 1:/BOOT.BIN
Multiboot Reg : 0x0
Image Header Table Offset 0x8C0
*****Image Header Table Details********
Boot Gen Ver: 0x1020000
No of Partitions: 0x3
Partition Header Address: 0x440
Partition Present Device: 0x0
Initialization Success
======= In Stage 3, Partition No:1 =======
UnEncrypted data Length: 0x153E27
Data word offset: 0x153E27
Total Data word length: 0x153E27
Destination Load Address: 0xFFFFFFFF
Execution Address: 0x0
Data word offset: 0x8290
Partition Attributes: 0x26
Destination Device is PL, changing LoadAddress
Non authenticated Bitstream download to start now
DMA transfer done
PL Configuration done successfully
Partition 1 Load Success
======= In Stage 3, Partition No:2 =======
UnEncrypted data Length: 0x2412
Data word offset: 0x2412
Total Data word length: 0x2412
Destination Load Address: 0x0
Execution Address: 0x0
Data word offset: 0x15C0C0
Partition Attributes: 0x116
Partition 2 Load Success
All Partitions Loaded
================= In Stage 4 ============
PMU-FW is not running, certain applications may not be supported.
Protection configuration applied
Running Cpu Handoff address: 0x0, Exec State: 0
Exit from FSBL
Hello World
Successfully ran Hello World application

本文标签: 串口工程ZYNQMPXAZU3EGVitis