



1 )听力理解(20%)


2)阅读理解 (40%)



   共20道选择题,每题1分,均出自教材前六个单元reading1 后面的词汇结构练习题。




血亏 +1000000000000000000000000000000


  1. There has been a lot of resistance to tax(税) increases, even those designed to benefit education. ( a )
    a. opposition b. fighting c. defense

  1. Tuition fees(学费) for some top tier universities have reportedly topped $35,000 this year. (a)
    a. been higher than b. done better than c. been in the highest position

  1. The popular science association is mounting an exhibition to illustrate how life evolved from water. ( c )
    a. climbing b. increasing c. organizing

  1. These forms can provide you with easy access to our overseas office to help fulfil(满足) your international shipping needs. ( c )
    a. accomplish b. carry out c. satisfy

  1. The candidate’s political views were too extreme and met with resistance from citizens. ( c )
    a. very great in degree b. very serious c. unacceptable and unreasonable

  1. Davis has earned a reputation as an outspoken opponent of any kind of nuclear waste dumping (倾倒) at sea. ( c )
    a. enemy b. competitor c. a person who disagrees

  1. These teaching quality standards have been adopted by many colleges and universities; others have established their own standards. ( b )
    a. approved by voting b. accepted and used c. taken in and brought up

  1. My American tutor in college advised me to take all the required credits in the first two years. ( c )
    a. praises b. loans c. courses

  1. Early resistance to online education (Para. 1)

  1. concern about diploma mills (Para. 1)

  1. a lack of oversight (Para. 1)

  1. be up for revision (Para. 1)[准备]

  1. their ultimate impact on the ivy-covered halls (Para. 2)

  1. On the pro side of the MOOC debate (Para. 4)

  1. making quality educational instruction available to the masses (Para. 4)

  1. participating in MOOCs to one degree or another (Para. 5)

  1. focused on scholarship (Para. 7)

  1. working in concert with massive online offerings (Para. 8)

  1. The management is working in concert with the staff to upgrade the quality of their products.

  1. However, many companies concentrate on the technological aspects and neglect to focus on the “human side” of the product marketing.

  1. I wonder if the agency has any idea how much wildlife has been killed by the lack of food and water.

  1. Whether there is any truth in the article is up for discussion but we’d certainly be interested in reading your views on the matter.

  1. Professor Dodge will act as a mentor — he’ll be available to the tutors with lesson plans or suggestions for activities.


  1. Many fear that budget cuts will have an adverse(不良) effect on education.

  1. The upside of moving would be a shorter commute to work.

  1. The downside(缺点) of the camera is that the batteries have to be replaced often.

  1. This one small event altered(改变) the course of history.

  1. You need to safeguard(保护) your computer against viruses[病毒].

  1. Heavy rains, in the central valley in particular, have driven up the price of vegetables.

  1. The lawyer portrayed(描述) his client as a victim of child abuse.

  1. The movie portrays an idealized(理想化的) version of middle-class life.

  1. No previous experience is necessary for the job.

  1. Childcare is no longer solely a female domain(领域).

  1. Donations raised during the four-hour telethon will go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Red Cross Society of China and the China Charity Federation, according to the director.

  1. It is necessary to check the time length and major topic of your webinar(网络研讨会), because you are inviting participants from other countries and different time zones.

  1. Interrogation (审讯) is a type of psywar(心理战) between the police questioners and criminal suspects.

  1. The biological clock is also called biorhythm(生物节律). It ties up with people’s minds, and controls people’s behavior.

  1. A(n) hazmat(有害的) accident can cause great destruction to society and this kind of accident is usually associated with criminal and terrorist activities.

  1. If teachers purposefully and flexibly apply the concept of edutainment(与娱乐有关) to classrooms, it will increase the fun of teaching, cover the shortage of textbooks, and have a better effect on learning.


  1. with a very somber(忧郁的) look, I inform patients that … (Para. 1)

  1. … one thing they absolutely must do in order to make a successful recovery after a cardiac event … (Para. 1)

  1. … stress, and an inability to deal with it, is a direct contributor to heart disease. (Para. 2)

  1. … a study … found that anxiety was associated with a 26 percent increase … (Para. 2)

  1. Anger and hostility rank at the top of the list of heart-harmful emotions. (Para. 3)

  1. … patients who suffered a heart attack reported significant(明显的) anger within the previous year, … (Para. 3)

  1. … they also clearly demonstrate(展示) the amazing healing power of positive emotions. (Para. 4)

  1. In my 25 years as a cardiologist performing clinical trials and treating patients, … (Para. 4)

  1. Deep belly laughter triggers(诱因) the release of endorphins, … (Para. 5)

  1. … which lowers(降低) the risk of blood clots. (Para. 5)

  1. … listening to music … resulted in a 12 mm Hg reduction in systolic blood pressure … (Para. 7)

  1. Results like these are equivalent to the benefit of taking a strong blood pressure medication. (Para. 7)

  1. … listening to relaxing music … was more effective at reducing(减轻) stress than a sedative medication. (Para. 7)

  1. … music acts directly on the body’s autonomic nervous system, … (Para. 8)

  1. Scientists have proved that moderate exercise triggers the release of(触发释放) chemicals in the brain that make you feel better.

  1. Edward made a successful recovery from injuries and was expected to return to the competition next week.

  1. The country has been ranking at the top of the list of the safest countries in the world for three consecutive (连续不断的) years.

  1. Previous research has proven that being optimistic boosts overall physical health and lowers the risk of death from all causes.

  1. With a very somber look, he asked the employees, “who is responsible for this inferior product?”

  1. The anti-depression medication can act directly on the brain to change aspects of mental activity.

  1. Nuclear explosions are measured in kilotons. Their energy release is equivalent to(相当于) that of thousands of tons of TNT (炸药).

  1. The great increase in tourism in recent years has resulted in a corresponding boom in hotel construction.

  1. Numerous cases have demonstrated the amazing healing power of this very simple yoga pose.

  1. Drinking very hot tea (at least 70°C) is associated with an eightfold increased risk of esophagus cancer (食道癌) compared with warm tea.


  1. After winning the championship, the team’s players all credited / credit their coach for helping them succeed.

  1. All of the options offered here are reasonable ones; therefore, no one could be faulted(指责) for picking one over the other.

  1. In writing to inquire into the matter, he kept the tone(语气) of the letter formal and businesslike.

  1. Scientists studying the species of marine life said the diversity of life (生物的多样性)in the deep sea was much greater than previously believed.

  1. The food company prizes their good reputation and always places top priority on food security.

  1. We’ve assigned(指派) Chris to the advertising campaign and Steve to the marketing.

  1. Both sides have agreed to attend a peace conference on the condition that it is held in a neutral country.

  1. My initial inclination(倾向) was to say no to their terms, but I finally decided to give in and continued the negotiation.

  1. When a daycare center is licensed(许可) you can be assured at least to some degree that the center itself is inspected with some regularity.

  1. Being the creator of a successful cartoon series, he has been an idol among children through the ages.

  1. But the biggest reason for the female phone fixation rests in social science. (Para. 4)

  1. … an associate professor … who specializes in human-computer interaction. (Para. 4)

  1. … both women and men said female voices came across as warmer. (Para. 4)

  1. In practice, women even showed a subconscious preference for responding to females … (Para. 4)

  1. … we are more likely to opt for(选择) a female interface. (Para. 5)

  1. … companies will make a better impression on a broader group of customers … (Para. 6)

  1. It has to align with a brand’s personality. (Para. 6)

  1. For help with that, companies often turn to Greg Pal, … (Para. 6)

  1. That’s about right for a brand attempting to appeal to guys ordering pies … (Para. 6)

  1. Rural things always appeal to me. I like the fresh air, the country roads, even the smells of the soil.

  1. The problem of mismanagement rests in the fact that they do not have a competent leader.

  1. After I did my engineering degree, I began to specialize in(专攻) computer technology and I even had my own company for a while.

  1. If you opt for something, you choose it or decide to do it in preference to anything else.

  1. Urban residents often picture rural life as leisurely and comfortable, but in practice, that may not be the case.

b 1) You can’t appreciate how much I prize the friendship between us
  a) judge    		b) value   	   c) award

a 2) It is very essential to maintain cultural diversity and integrity in a healthy community.
  a) variety     	b) similarity      c) unity

c 3) The invention of the industrial robot is credited to this enterprising team.
  a) praised        b) directed    	c) attributed(由于)

c 4) Urban planners in practice have to take account of many interest groups in society.
  a) with possibility  b) in conclusion    c) in reality

b 5) The report to the general conference should be a neutral one and be based on facts.
  a) prejudiced   	 b) unbiased    	 c) mature

a 6) Optimism, as an essential personality trait, is an individual’s cognitive and emotional inclination(倾向) toward the current and future condition.
 a) tendency    	b) involvement    	c) opinion

c 7) The State Department spokesman said that the domestic oil price has been aligned with that of the world market.
 a) cooperated   	b) accompanied       c) coordinated(协调)

a 8) The whole tone of the president’s speech was one of continuity and stability.
 a) expression  	    b) pitch   	        c) attitude


  1. The continuous rainfall and the subsequent(后续) flooding have thrown city traffic into chaos.

  1. Despite our heroic efforts to save the business, it ultimately(最终) went bankrupt.

  1. In the information era, communications with friends far-away can be virtually(几乎) simultaneous.

  1. To boost productivity, the company plans to introduce robots to automate the process that used to be manual.

  1. Many of the company’s workers were displaced by robots as a result of the rapid development of artificial intelligence.

  1. Due to the severe misconduct in the crisis management, he was transferred to a humble(卑微的) position for the time being.

  1. The wind was so violent that our maintenance(维护) staff could not get out to fix the antennae (天线) until a few hours later.

  1. Across the company, robust Asian demand almost entirely offset(抵消) falling sales of jewelry and watches in European and American markets.

  1. Word processing has led to the advancement of office automation and is definitely the best-established technology in the office today.

  1. In a notice published on its website today, Baidu said it had deleted indecent content and links and improved its regulatory(监管) system.

  1. This training program will help workers to upgrade their computer skills and be better prepared for the automated process.

  1. The websites you visit on a regular basis utilize(利用) psychology to understand how people read, use and interpret online information.

  1. During the first few months after he took over the loss-making business, he lived on a miserable schedule, sleeping only five hours a day. (gained control over; Para. 1)

  1. I agree with you in theory, but realistically I don’t think we have enough funding to accomplish that. (theoretically; ideally; Para. 4)

  1. Scientists believe that more breakthroughs in many other Information Technology domains are on the horizon. (coming in the near future; Para. 7)

  1. Flexible working arrangements may cut down on your stress as well as free up some of your time. (make available; Para. 8)

  1. What the consumers need first and foremost from food companies is food quality and safety. (above all else; Para. 9)

  1. The factory needs someone to handle the debt problem and that is where you come in. (have a particular role; Para. 17)

  1. While the research might be biological, the ability to make headwayv on this centuries-old problem is technological. (make progress; Para. 18)







本文标签: 英语期末考试学术