

题意:如何使用 Microsoft Azure OpenAI 和 Azure Cognitive Search 在 Python 中与我的数据进行聊天


I have written code that extracts text from a PDF document and converts it into vectors using the text-embeddings-ada-002 model from Azure OpenAI. These vectors are then stored in a Microsoft Azure Cognitive Search Index and can be queried. However, I now want to use Azure OpenAI to interact with this data and retrieve a generated result. My code until now works fine, but i dont know how to implement the interaction through Azure OpenAI with my custom data in Azure Cognitive Search in Python.

我编写了代码,从 PDF 文档中提取文本,并使用 Azure OpenAI 的 `text-embeddings-ada-002` 模型将其转换为向量。然后,这些向量被存储在 Microsoft Azure Cognitive

本文标签: PythonMicrosoftChatDataCognitive