


Image by jacobian


Heard of BitTorrent, but not quite sure how to use it, or wonder whether you should use it at all? Here’s a quick guide for newbies on how it works and how to get started downloading torrent files.

听说过BitTorrent,但不确定如何使用它,还是想知道是否应该使用它? 这是新手的快速指南,介绍了它的工作方式以及如何开始下载torrent文件。

什么是BitTorrent? (What is BitTorrent?)

BitTorrent is an internet peer-to-peer file sharing protocol that works in a sort of decentralized fashion. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that as you download portions of your files from the the person who originally shared the file, you are also getting portions from fellow downloaders to maximize data exchange.

BitTorrent是一种互联网点对点文件共享协议,以一种分散的方式工作。 它的独特性在于,当您从最初共享文件的人那里下载文件的一部分时,您还会从其他下载者那里获得文件的一部分,以最大程度地进行数据交换。

BitTorrent is one of the most commonly used protocols for transferring very large files because it doesn’t overload web servers that provide downloads—since everybody is both sending and receiving, it’s much more efficient than everybody downloading from a single server.


BitTorrent如何运作 (How BitTorrent Works)

To better understand how this all works, take a look at this diagram from Wikipedia detailing the process:


“In this animation, the colored bars beneath all of the 7 clients in the upper region above represent the file, with each color representing a individual piece of the file. After the initial pieces transfer from the seed (large system at the bottom), the pieces are individually transferred from client to client. The original seeder only needs to send out one copy of the file for all the clients to receive a copy. To stop animation, click browser’s Stop or hit ESC key.”

“在此动画中,上方上部区域中所有7个客户端下面的彩色条表示文件,每种颜色分别表示文件的一部分。 从种子(最初的大系统在底部)传输初始片段后,片段会分别从客户端转移到客户端。 原始种子播发者仅需要发送该文件的一个副本,所有客户端都可以接收该副本。 要停止动画,请单击浏览器的“停止”或按ESC键。”



An “indexer” is a site that compiles a list of torrents and descriptions and is a place where users form a community (with rules!) around BitTorrent content.  When you want to share, download, or request files, the indexer’s community is where you go.  These usually take the form of a forum and/or an IRC channel.

“索引器”是一个站点,其汇集了种子列表和说明,并且是用户围绕BitTorrent内容形成社区(有规则!)的地方。 当您想要共享,下载或请求文件时,索引器的社区就是您的去处。 这些通常采用论坛和/或IRC频道的形式。



A “tracker” is a server that assists in directing peers, initiated downloads, and maintaining statistics. Since most indexers have their own private tracker, most people just refer to them both as trackers.  In this article, we’re going to use this more general definition to avoid confusion with whatever you may find yourself on the internet.

“跟踪器”是一台服务器,可协助指导同级,启动下载并维护统计信息。 由于大多数索引器都有自己的私人跟踪器,因此大多数人都将它们都称为跟踪器。 在本文中,我们将使用这个更笼统的定义来避免与您在互联网上发现的东西混淆。

Trackers route little pieces of data, or packets, to downloaders and assist them in connecting to their fellow peers—as you download chunks of files, you also upload them to other people who have different chunks of the file, and because everybody’s sharing with each other while downloading, it tends to zip along quickly.


Seeders and Leechers


Once you’re done downloading, you become a “seeder” and you continue to upload to other peers. If you disable uploading and you only download, you’re referred to as a “leecher,” and aside from its ethical misgivings it can lead to being banned from the tracker.  As such, it’s generally good practice to seed at least as much as you download.

下载完成后,您成为“种子”,并且继续上载到其他同级。 如果您禁用上传而仅下载,则您被称为“窃贼”,除了其道德上的疑虑外,它还可能导致被跟踪程序禁止。 因此,通常最好的做法是至少下载一定数量的种子。

Image by nrkbeta


Public vs Private Trackers


Another aspect of trackers are whether they are public or private—the “Private” trackers are based on membership, so only registered users can download, upload, and/or have access to perks like additional downloads. “Public” trackers usually don’t require registration, or if they do, it’s free and always open.  In general, the best experience comes from a private tracker with a strong community, so be sure to look around and see if you can’t find one that suits your tastes.

跟踪器的另一个方面是公开的还是私有的-“私人”跟踪器是基于成员资格的,因此只有注册用户才能下载,上传和/或访问特权(如其他下载)。 “公共”跟踪器通常不需要注册,或者,如果需要注册,它是免费的并且始终开放。 通常,最好的体验来自拥有强大社区的私人跟踪器,因此请务必环顾四周,看看是否找不到适合自己口味的跟踪器。

BitTorrent Clients


The other side of the BitTorrent equation can be found on your local computer: a client.  The client’s job is to manage your torrents, actually connect to other peers, manage statistics on your end, and, of course, download and upload. While the tracker gives instructions on what to do and how to connect, it’s the client that actually does the heavy-lifting.  Because of this, it’s important that you choose a client you trust as well as a client that performs amiably.

您可以在本地计算机上找到BitTorrent方程的另一端:客户端。 客户的工作是管理您的种子,实际上与其他对等服务器连接,管理您端的统计信息,当然还有下载和上传。 跟踪器提供有关操作方法和连接方法的说明时,实际上是由客户端来完成的。 因此,选择信任的客户以及表现出色的客户非常重要。

There’s no lack of free, feature-packed BitTorrent clients, but we strongly recommend uTorrent (for Windows) and Transmission (for Mac OS and Linux).  uTorrent is a powerhouse of an app, and easily one of the lightest to run on Windows.  Transmission is installed by default on Ubuntu and many other Linux distributions, and the Mac version runs extremely well and has Growl support.  They are both novice and resource-friendly but don’t skip out on some of the more useful options for advanced users.

不乏免费的,功能丰富的BitTorrent客户端,但是我们强烈建议uTorrent (对于Windows)和Transmission (对于Mac OS和Linux)。 uTorrent是一个强大的应用程序,很容易在Windows上运行最轻巧。 传输默认安装在Ubuntu和许多其他Linux发行版上,而Mac版本运行得非常好,并且具有Growl支持。 它们既是新手,又是资源友好的用户,但不要为高级用户跳过一些更有用的选项。

Note: uTorrent, by default, enables an Ask toolbar during installation and offers to make your default search Ask.  This can be turned off without any problems, but it bears mentioning.

注意:默认情况下,uTorrent在安装过程中启用Ask工具栏,并提供进行默认搜索Ask的功能。 可以将其关闭而没有任何问题,但是值得一提。

BitTorrent的合法性 (Legality of BitTorrent)

BitTorrent itself is a protocol, so it falls to individual trackers as to what’s legal and what’s not.  If a copyright violation occurs, it is the tracker that is primarily held responsible, and subsequently its users. You probably should avoid blindly downloading copyrighted works on public trackers, since your IP address can be easily tracked.

BitTorrent本身是一个协议,因此对于合法和不合法,它属于各个跟踪器。 如果发生侵犯版权的行为,则主要是由跟踪器负责,随后是其用户。 您应该避免盲目地在公共跟踪器上下载受版权保护的作品,因为可以轻松跟踪您的IP地址。

There are many legal uses for BitTorrent, however—for instance, most community-driven Linux distributions offer torrents for their ISOs. Phish fans often record live shows (so long as they comply with Phish’s policy on music trading) and share them online, as do many artists themselves.

但是,BitTorrent在法律上有许多用途-例如,大多数社区驱动的Linux发行版都为其ISO提供种子。 网络钓鱼爱好者经常录制现场表演(只要他们遵守网络钓鱼对音乐交易的政策),就可以像许多艺术家本人一样在网上分享这些表演。

There are plenty of legal trackers out there, as well as torrent aggregators that compile links to legal downloads hosted on other trackers. Here’s a couple of examples:

那里有很多合法的跟踪器,以及洪流聚合器,可编译指向其他跟踪器上托管的合法下载的链接。 这里有几个例子:

  • Jamendo is a free music tracker that distributes Creative Commons-licensed albums, and artists can contribute their own album if it’s licensed in the same way.

    Jamendo是一个免费的音乐跟踪器,可分发Creative Commons许可的专辑,如果以相同的方式获得许可,则艺术家可以贡献自己的专辑。

  • Linux Tracker provides downloads to Linux distributions, both popular and low-key, and serves as a great alternative for downloading ISO files.

    Linux Tracker提供流行和低调的Linux发行版的下载,并且是下载ISO文件的绝佳选择。

  • Clear Bits offers “open licensed digital media” downloads for free, charging content providers instead.  And, as always, Google can be a powerful ally in finding legal torrents.

    Clear Bits免费提供“开放许可的数字媒体”下载,而是向内容提供商收费。 而且,一如既往,Google可以成为寻找合法种子的强大盟友。

We here at How-To Geek do not condone piracy and we urge you to please download responsibly.

我们在How-To Geek上不容忍盗版,我们敦促您以负责任的方式下载。

下载洪流 (Downloading Torrents)

Things are shared through “torrents,” small files containing text that act as instructions for the tracker.  In order to download files, you hop on your tracker’s website and download the torrent file, which is usually under 30 KB.  You then open that torrent in your chosen BitTorrent and you’ve started to download!  The process is that simple, although there is a lot you can do to make the most of your connection if you play around with your client.

事物是通过“洪流”共享的,“洪流”是包含文本的小文件,这些文本充当跟踪器的说明。 为了下载文件,您跳到跟踪器的网站上并下载torrent文件,该文件通常不到30 KB。 然后,您可以在所选的BitTorrent中打开该种子文件,然后开始下载! 流程非常简单,但是如果您与客户一起玩,可以做很多事情以充分利用自己的联系。

Step by Step


First and foremost, download and install your chosen BitTorrent client.  Here, I’m using uTorrent as my chosen client on Windows.  If you’re using Mac or Linux, it won’t be too hard to follow along using Transmission.

首先,请下载并安装您选择的BitTorrent客户端。 在这里,我将uTorrent用作Windows上的选定客户端。 如果您使用的是Mac或Linux,那么使用Transmission会很容易。

Next, we need a torrent file.  I’ve got a torrent of Countdown’s album “Break Rise Blowing” from Jamendo.

接下来,我们需要一个种子文件。 我从Jamendo获得了Countdown专辑“ Break Rise Blowing”的洪流。

Once you have your torrent file in an easy-to-reach (or well-organized) location, all you have to do is double-click on the .torrent file to load it in your client.


You’ll see uTorrent pop up and you’ll get a dialog with option for the specific download.


Here, you can choose where the torrent will download to, whether or not you want to add it to the top of your queue of torrents, and you can even unmark individual files from being downloaded.  Once you’ve settled on what you’d like, you can go ahead and click on OK.

在这里,您可以选择将洪流下载到的位置,是否要将其添加到洪流队列的顶部,甚至可以取消对单个文件的下载标记。 确定所需条件后,可以继续并单击“确定”。

In the main uTorrent window you’ll see your queue.  From here you can manage your torrents:

在uTorrent主窗口中,您将看到队列。 您可以在此处管理种子:

  • The Pause button will pause downloading, but keep its connections open.


  • The Stop button will stop downloading and close its connections.


  • The Play button will start downloads once they’ve been paused or stopped.

    暂停或停止下载后,“ 播放”按钮将开始下载。

  • The red X button will give you a prompt to delete your torrent (and files, if you choose).


  • The Up arrow will raise your torrent’s priority amongst all of the currently active torrents.


  • The Down arrow will lower its priority in the queue.


Getting started is just that easy.  The world of BitTorrent is vast, but hopefully this introduction will give you the incentive to take the plunge.  Happy torrenting!

入门就是那么容易。 BitTorrent的世界非常广阔,但希望本次介绍会激发您的动力。 快乐洪流!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/31846/bittorrent-for-beginners-how-get-started-downloading-torrents/


本文标签: 初学者BitTorrenttorrent