


Pressure and

Measurement Terminology from A-Z

Absolute Pressure

A pressure measured relative to a perfect vacuum.

Atmospheric Pressure

The total outside air pressure measured with reference to absolute vacuum. The pressure

varies depending on geographical location, altitude and local weather conditions.

Barometric Pressure

The total outside air pressure measured with reference to absolute vacuum. The pressure

varies depending on geographical location, altitude and local weather conditions.


The comparison of a pressure sensor output against the output of a reference standard.


The change in a sensors output occurring with time after removal of a load which had been

applied for a specific period.

Creep Recovery

The change in no-load output occurring with time after removal of a load which had been

applied for a specific period.


A random change in output under constant load or pressure conditions.

Full Scale

The maximum measurement range for which a pressure sensor is calibrated.


The maximum difference between pressure sensor output readings for the same applied load;

one reading obtained by increasing the measurement from zero and the other by decreasing

the measurement from rated capacity.

Long Term Stability or Long Term Drift

The amount of change of a measured reading at exactly the same pressure and ambient

conditions over a given period of time which is typically quoted as an annual figure.


A physical measured, quantity/property or condition which is measured.

Maximum Pressure Hysteresis

The largest difference between measurements recorded during an increase in pressure from

zero to full scale pressure and a decrease in pressure from full scale to zero pressure.

Measurement Precision

The limit that any pressure measurement reading will deviate from the best straight line.


The limit that any pressure measurement readings recorded from a series of increasing

pressures will deviate from the best straight line.


The maximum pressure that can be applied to a pressure instrument without significantly

effecting its reading accuracy. Some manufacturers will state a maximum calibration shift

following an over-pressure condition where others will state that the specification is unaffected.


The amount of force or load applied to a unit area; Force divided by Area = Pressure; the SI

unit for pressure is the Pascal (Pa) which is derived from Kilogram per Meter Squared (kg/m2).


The amount of change of a measured reading at exactly the same pressure and ambient

conditions over a series of pressure cycles from zero to full scale pressure and back to zero

again. To ensure no Pressure Hysteresis is introduced into Repeatability measurement,

readings are always taken during an increase in pressure or a decrease in pressure but never a

mixture of the two.


The amount of change in measured output or reading from zero to full scale pressure.

Span Offset

The deviation in Span output or reading from the ideal point at full scale pressure.

Span Sensitivity

The ratio of a change in measured output or reading to a change in pressure.

Sensor Element

An individual sensing element within a Sensor Array.

Standard Atmosphere or ATM

A universally adopted standardized pressure reading for barometric pressure at sea level and

equals precisely 1013.25mb absolute. Standard atmosphere is a particularly useful datum point

in altitude measurement since all altimeters are calibrated to this pressure.

Tactile Sensing

The detection and measurement of the spatial distribution of forces perpendicular to a sensing

array, and the subsequent interpretation of the spatial information. A tactile-sensing array is a

coordinated group of Sensor Elements.

Thermal or Temperature Errors

The limit of change of any pressure output or reading over a given operating temperature


Thermal Span Sensitivity

The amount the Span output or reading at full scale pressure has changed between two

different temperatures. This error is also often expressed as a percentage of full scale per

degree Celsius or ±0.01%FS/DegF.

Thermal Zero Error

The amount the output or reading at Zero Pressure has deviated between two different

temperatures. This error is often expressed as a percentage of full scale per degree Celsius or


Zero Offset

The deviation in output or reading from the ideal point at zero pressure.

Zero Tare

The operation of removing any Zero Offset to obtain the optimum measurement at zero


本文标签: 测试术语压力