

passage 247

1. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

A. A generalization is made and two specific instances are provided to illustrate it.

(first, give an opinion, then examples are given to prove it)

B. A phenomenon is described and two possible explanations are presented and evaluated.

(explanations will explain the same phenomenon, but actually, the last two paragraphs deal with different phenomenon, we call the things happen in second and third paragraph phenomena, but the first paragraph, we need to call it a point or a stance)

C. A new explanation of a phenomenon is presented and evidence of its advantages over earlier explanations is provided.

D. An approach to solving a problem is described and certain obstacles to its implementation are discussed.

E. A hypothesis is summarized and evidence that has traditionally been presented in support of it is evaluated.


3. Each of the following, if true, could provide a logical explanation for why farmers in large areas of the midwestern United States do not rotate their corn crops EXCEPT:

A. The cost of rotating corn with soybeans is greater than the cost of accepting lower yields of corn as a result of damage inflicted by the northern corn rootworm.

(the plan’s possible limitation)

B. A safe and effective combination of insecticides has been found to be more effective at eradicating northern corn rootworm than has crop rotation.

(other option)

C. The capacity of the northern corn rootworm to synchronize its diapause with farmers rotation schedule has made this method of control significantly less effective.

(the plan’s problem)

D. The price that the farmers can get for soybeans and other crops that could be effectively rotated with corn has dropped significantly.

(the plan’s possible limitation)

E. Farmers have yet to discover a variety of corn that can effectively resist northern corn rootworm.

(not talk about this topic)

(for this question, you need to find a wrong choice)


4. The passage is primarily concerned with

A. outlining the assumptions underlying an incorrect theory about the evolution of pests

B. discussing the use of bacteria to control certain kinds of agricultural pests

C. countering a claim regarding the nature of a seemingly intractable pest control problem

D. evaluating some innovative proposals for overcoming pest control problems

(if we choose this choice, then the passage may not talk about the failure)

E. explaining why farmers have been unable to overcome a continuing pest control problem


Meltzoff and Moore reported experiments showing that human newborns possess the ability to imitate certain facial expressions, such as a protruding tongue or an open mouth. Yet numerous researchers challenge Meltzoff’s interpretation that such neonatal imitation is the origin of later imitation, which appears at approximately eight to twelve months of age. (this part is M’s view) These researchers point out that the neonatal imitative response disappears or is lessened at approximately two months. Moreover, since in follow-up studies only one type of imitative response toward a facial expression (that is, tongue protrusion) was observed, some researchers assert that neonatal imitation is not imitation at all but may simply be a form of exploratory behavior in response to interesting stimuli.

2. According to the passage, those who challenge “Meltzoff’s interpretation” do so on the basis that it

A. implies inaccurate predictions

B. lacks testable consequences

C. assumes a discredited theory

D. leaves an unexplained gap

E. involves circular reasoning

This is a gap, not other things.

For this question, you need to paraphrase (those who challenge “Meltzoff’s interpretation”)’s opinion

passage 250

In “The Franklin’s Tale,” from Chaucer’s fourteenth-century Canterbury Tales—, a Clerk uses medieval astronomical tables, calculating lunar and solar positions, to predict an extraordinarily high flood tide. Literary scholar Phyllis Hodgson has concluded that Chaucer’s purpose here is artistic, not scientific, and that even though Chaucer was a master of astronomy and author of an astrolabe treatise, this “highly technical account of the Clerk’s astrological calculations need not be taken too seriously.” Recently, however, astronomer Don Olson concluded that Chaucer’s account actually describes a very rare astronomical configuration of the Sun, Moon, and Earth that produced an exceptionally high tide in December 1340. But why would Chaucer be aware of a high tide that occurred in 1340, some five decades before “The Franklin’s Tale” was written Some scholars place Chaucer’s birth in late 1340 or early 134A. When Chaucer was studying astronomy during the 1380s and 1390s, it is plausible that he investigated his own horoscope. Chaucer may have discovered the remarkable tide-raising configuration in 1340 while calculating celestial positions at the time of his own birth and then used this knowledge as inspiration for the plot device in “The Franklin’s Tale.”

(this problem, tests your ability to paraphrase)

2. It can be inferred that Hodgson would agree with which of the following statements about the Clerk’s astronomical calculations?

A. The Clerk’s calculations do not add artistic merit to “The franklin’s Tale.”

B. Chaucer’s purpose in describing the Clerk’s calculations is to instruct readers in the rudiments of astronomy.

C. Chaucer’s intent in using technical material was not to provide a scientifically valid discussion.

(this choice also agrees that seriousness reckons about this account is unnecessary)

D. The Clerk’s ability to predict a high flood tide is implausible, given the level of scientific knowledge in the late fourteenth century. (this part is not mentioned)

E. The technical language that Chaucer uses in describing the calculations does not reflect the scientific terminology of the time.

passage 252

Shapin’s book demonstrates that contrary to a widely held belief, industrial research has not invariably been more regimented than academic science. He argues that the intellectual freedom historically available to industrial scientists during the twentieth century has been underestimated. Many companies, recognizing that the results of scientific investigation were necessarily uncertain and that profits, if any, might take years to materialize, granted scientists considerable latitude to develop their ideas and follow them in unexpected directions. Some companies even provided senior scientists with free time to pursue their own research interests, whatever they might be. (you need to know, this sentence is trying to extend the meaning of the previous sentence) Consequently, some scientists were drawn to industrial research not primarily because of the generally good financial compensation but because they saw industry as the best place to do cutting-edge research.

1. The passage’s discussion of “free time” suggests that

A. senior scientists in industry have been less likely than junior scientists to remain in positions where opportunities to conduct their own research are restricted

B. scientists who work in industry can gain financially from their own independent research as well as from research they conduct for their companies (not mention)

(one way to create a lie, is to combine the truths with what you intend to say and this choice offers an example)

C. scientists who work in industry have tended to become frustrated by their employers’ expectations that their research will be restricted to areas deemed to be in the employers’ interests

D. industry has sometimes been willing to support scientific research that has no prospect of yielding a direct profit

E. industrial scientists have not differed from academic scientists in the amount of time they are able to dedicate to pure research

passage 253

Certain practices common in the early United states make it easy for historians to underestimate the extent of American women’s paid labor. Under the legal principle called coverture, married women had no legally recognized economic existence apart from their husbands and could not receive wages for their work. Records of payments for outwork (work performed in the home on a piece-rate basis) show male names as wage recipients. One has to look in the columns recording the amount of work completed to see that female names are listed as producers. Furthermore, most wage laborers were paid partly in goods and received cash wages only quarterly or once or twice a year. The infrequency of such payments has sometimes made it difficult for historians to recognize them as wages.

(To accomplish a group of questions of one passage, one need to divide the sentences into different parts according to their meanings. One way to create a wrong answer is to take the meaning of other part to explain certain part.)

1. The passage suggests which of the following about records of payments for outwork?

A. They have only recently received attention from historians.

B. They could easily be misinterpreted by historians.(paraphrase the red part)

C. They have frequently been overlooked by historians.(this choice explain the second part)

D. They show a discrepancy between the amount of men’s and women’s wages.

E. They fail to reflect the infrequency of payments for completed work.

2. According to the passage, payments to wage laborers in the early United States were

A. usually lower for outwork than for other kinds of wage labor (not mention)

B. consistently higher for male workers than for female workers (actually none)

C. paid to male workers at more frequent intervals than to female workers

D. often paid partly in forms other than cash

E. often not recorded by employers

(you do need to form some criterions to eliminate some choices)

1. The author mentions the fact that evening bats radio-tracked since 1993 have roosted in trees primarily in order to

A. account for a puzzling aspect of evening bat behavior mentioned earlier in the passage (puzzling has not appeared)

B. introduce evidence that indicates a change in evening bat behavior discussed later in the passage

C. undermine a theory about evening bat behavior presented earlier in the passage

(just description)

D. provide a contrast between evening bat behavior and big brown bat behavior

(mention the information that appears later)

E. provide an example of evening bat behavior that fits well-established scientific views of the species (not mention)

You need to know what the author wants to convey, and what would you most likely to express with the same information

passage 255

Subsequent experiments in a soundproof chamber showed that many things can act as transducers to convert VLF waves into audible vibrations. Aluminum foil, thin wires, pine needles, or dry hair all responded to a VLF field. VLF waves induce small charges in such objects, thereby causing them to vibrate in time with the waves’ oscillation. This transducer effect would explain why some people heard the noises while others close by heard nothing. (this actually explain the phenomenon) Those who heard sounds were simply nearer to transducers. It could also explain why attempts to record meteor sounds have failed: scientists carefully place their microphones away from possible sources of interference.

1. Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence?

A. It explains why observers who were looking at the meteor would be the only ones who could hear the sounds made as it went overhead.

B. It explains why the witnesses’ claims could not be verified by scientific experts.

The sentence offers an explanation of the claim, itself

It has nothing to do with whether the observer talks the truth

C. It shows that Keay’s hypothesis provides the correct explanation of the sounds heard by observers of the meteor.

D. It suggests that Keay’s hypothesis is capable of explaining an important aspect of the witnesses’ observations (observation, refers to their overall descriptions)

E. It suggests that Keay’s hypothesis is able to explain how observers can see a fast-moving meteor.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that if Keay’s proposed explanation of meteor sounds is correct, it is true that

A. meteors themselves produce no audible vibrations, even though the meteor does cause the sounds that observers hear (not the meteor creates the sound)

B. when an observer hears the sounds, it is his or her own hair that is causing the audible vibrations (it depends)

C. if two observers in widely separated locations hear sounds caused by the same meteor, the audible vibrations that reach the observers are produced by different objects

D. visible light and VLF radio waves are the only forms of electromagnetic radiation that are given off by a meteor’s trail (not mention)

E. atmospheric conditions, such as clouds, that made a meteor invisible to observers on the ground would also prevent those observers from hearing any sounds caused by that meteor (not the meteor creates the sound)

(for this problem, you really need to understand, what the related sentences meaning)


passage 256

Larvae of many marine invertebrate species delay their metamorphosis into juveniles when cues signaling an appropriate juvenile environment are absent, thereby increasing their likelihood of thriving as juveniles and of ultimately reaching adulthood. Nevertheless, (the topic begins to appear) delayed metamorphosis has potential costs for juveniles, including reduced growth and increased mortality. Nearly all evidence of such costs involves species whose larvae do not feed but rather subsist on stored nutrients, indicating that insufficient energy reserves may be an underlying cause of these costs. Supporting this hypothesis are laboratory studies showing that in a certain bryozoan, the prolonged larval swimming that results from delayed metamorphosis is associated with size reductions in the juvenile feeding organ (the lophophore) and that one factor influencing the size of juveniles of certain barnacle species is how long larvae delay metamorphosis. However, other studies show that while significantly fewer juvenile Capitella worms survived to adulthood when metamorphosis had been delayed, prolonged larval swimming had no significant effect on juvenile size, suggesting, perhaps, that in some species, factors other than insufficient energy reserves account for the negative effects of the larval stresses that result from delayed metamorphosis.

A. weighing the relative benefits and costs of delayed metamorphosis

In fact, the benefits are talked in limited words in this passage.

Some information may seem not patient, but information like this does play a critical part in one passage.

passage 257

The presence of work themes in the painting of the Impressionist movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries has until recently been largely discounted (topic), despite the body of Impressionist works that continued the tradition, initiated by Courbet and Millet and developed through the 1880s by Breton, Bastien-Lepage, Pissaro, and Berthe Morisot, of representing rural labor, and notwithstanding the significant body of Impressionist work—including that of Degas, Caillebotte, and Morisot—representing urban or suburban labor. The notion of Impressionism as concerned primarily with the representation of leisure has less to do, however, with the subject matter of the paintings than with the acceptance of the view, widely held in nineteenth-century France, that considered peasants performing physically demanding rural labor as the epitome of work. The numerous Impressionist representations of activities (often those of women) that we might classify as work—a woman serving beer in a cafe, many paintings by Degas of the ballet (a physically demanding activity by any standard)—were instead classified as representations of leisure by those who held this view.

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. propose a new theory about the techniques used to represent work themes in Impressionist painting

B. expand the meaning of the term “work” as it applies to painting

C. note that work themes were often overlooked in Impressionist painting and suggest a reason why (because the acceptance of the view)

D. provide insight into why certain activities were not considered work in the late nineteenth century (this passage doesn’t deal with the classification)

E. provide specific examples of rural work themes in Impressionist painting and explain the significance of such themes

3. With which of the following statements about Impressionist painting would the author of the passage be most likely to agree?

A. The view that Impressionist painting is concerned primarily with themes of leisure is based in part on a limited definition (the epitome of work) of what constitutes work.

B. Many Impressionist paintings once regarded as representing work themes are now viewed as being concerned primarily with the representation of leisure. (time comparison does appear in the passage)

C. Most of the Impressionist paintings that treat work themes depict activities representing urban and suburban labor.

D. Although themes of work appear frequently in Impressionist paintings, these themes are limited to the traditional representations of work as rural physical labor.

E. Notwithstanding the large body of Impressionist painting in which work themes are present, the notion that Impressionist paintings are primarily about leisure activities is essentially correct. (the author only gives objective comments)

passage 258

The ship Mary Rose, first launched in 1511, underwent extensive repairs in 1528 and 1536 and sank in 1543. Researchers raised the ship in 1982 and analyzed the wreck’s preserved timbers; some timbers came from trees felled after 1511, so they must have been added during repair. There were some beams, however, that came from trees felled before 1511. It is likely, therefore, that these beams were part of the original ship.

This passage deals with time. The time of the timbers being used when reparation takes place.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

A. The repair caused the Mary Rose to be significantly more difficult to handle and ultimately may have led to the ship’s sinking. (irrelevant)

B. The beams were fastened with wooden nails that came from trees felled after 151A.


C. The beams came from a part of the ship that quite commonly needs to be repaired every few

years. (irrelevant)

D. One structurally important timber came from a tree felled after 1528. (irrelevant)

E. Shipbuilders of the 1500s preferred to work with recently felled wood that was still green with sap.

passage 259

Tea is rich in compounds called polyphenols, which are similar to certain compounds known to help prevent cancer. Among people in Japan, those who drink over ten cups of tea per day have lower rates of stomach cancer than others. On average, people in Japan drink much more tea than people in the United States and have lower rates of lung cancer. It is therefore likely that polyphenols also help prevent cancer.

Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the argument?

A. Smoking, a known cause of lung cancer, is more common in Japan than it is in the United states. (Eliminate a possible cause)

B. Few people in the United States drink more than ten cups of tea per day.

C. Stomach cancer is much more common in Japan than it is in the United States.

D. Soy products, which are known to help prevent cancer, are more widely used in Japan than in the United States. (This choice, providing another possible reason, undermines the argument.) (If you want to strengthen it, this product should provide polyphenols)

E. Coffee, which like tea is a source of caffeine, is more popular in the United States than in Japan.


passage 260

Few central Asian textiles from the Timurid period (1370-1526C. E.) have survived to be dated. However, scholars have long assumed that Timurid rugs with geometric patterns were replaced in royal courts by floral-patterned rugs only at the end of the 1400s, under the influence of the painter Behzād (circa 1455-circa 1536). Nevertheless, the presence of floral-patterned rugs in court scenes from two paintings in a 1440s Timurid manuscript suggests that floral-patterned rugs were already being used at that time. Whether (here, another fact is mentioned) the occasional presence of geometric rugs in similar paintings after the 1440s means the tradition of weaving rugs with geometric patterns also continued, or whether here the painters simply followed a well-established formula, is still an open question.

1. According to the passage, after the 1440s, Timurid paintings of court scenes

A. generally followed well-established formulas

(this choice isn’t talked explicitly)

B. are more likely to have survived than Timurid textiles

C. were greatly influenced by the painter Behzād D. are frequently found in Timurid manuscripts

E. sometimes showed rugs with geometric patterns (occasional presence)

2. The passage implies which of the following about the introduction of floral-patterned rugs in Timurid royal courts?

A. It explains the absence of any surviving geometric-patterned rugs. (Few central Asian textiles)

B. It predates any influence wielded by the painter Behzād. (under the influence of the painter Behzād)

C. It occurred earlier than scholars have long thought. (were already being used at that time.)

3. Which of the following statements best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?

You should think how the writer write this passage.

A. It notes a fact about Timurid rugs, that explains why they have been the subject of scholarly controversy.

B. It emphasizes the fragility of central Asian textiles from the period in question,

C. It situates Timurid rugs within the wider context of textile arts from the same period.

(Then the author may not ask in this regard)

D. It suggests why the author is relying upon indirect evidence for the dating of trends in Timurid rugs.

E. It describes a constraint on the study of Timurid rugs that the author thinks has been overemphasized.

4. In the context in which it appears, “formula” most nearly means A. fact B. symbol C. ritual D. maxim E. recipe

1: prescription 4a

2: a set of instructions for making something from various ingredients

3: a formula or procedure for doing or attaining something

  • a recipe for success


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