



Unit 1 Past and Present Revision








Part One: Lead-in

Say something about Sunshine Town in the past and now.

Part Two: Pre-task

Talk about the pictures below.

Teacher asks:

T: What can you see in the picture on the left?

Ss: I can see some small boats.

Ss: I can see some fishermen.

T: Where is it?

Ss: Maybe it is a small lake or small villages near the sea.

T: What do you think of it?

Ss: It is very poor and the air around it is dirty too.

T: What kinds of wildlife live there?

Ss: Wild ducks and birds etc.

T: What can you see in the picture on the right?

Ss: I can see many tall buildings.

Task 1

T: Open your books on page 18. Look at part A1 and read through the lists below.(Make

sure the students know what to do next )

Play the tape for the students to listen and complete the lists.

Play the tape again and check the answers with the students.

Task 2

Ask the students to talk about Starlight Town in the past and now in a few words according

to the lists.

Task 3

Present part A2

T: Have you ever been to Starlight Town?

Do you know it well?

Ss: ….


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T: Simon is writing about Starlight Town in his diary. Help him complete his diary entry

on page 19.

First read the words on page fill in the blanks on page 16.

Check the answers with the students.

Let the students read the diary by Simon.

Find out some key sentences in the diary and explain them

Part Three: Speak up


1. How do you usually go to school? (on foot/ by bike)

2. How did you go to school when you were in primary school?

3. What do you often after class and after school?

Listen and answer

Listen and repeat

Read and role-play

Ask Ss to think about changes in their lives



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