



《印度重症医学杂志》不时有好的文章出现,近期在读到其今年1月号的一篇《Can less be more in intensive care?》后,觉得深有启发,不如简单的编译出来,与大家共享。


Can Less be More in Intensive Care?

Kapadia FN, Kapoor R, Trivedi M.

Indian J Crit Care Med. 2017 Jan;21(1):1-5.

doi: 10.4103/0972-5229.198308.

Available from: /?2017/21/1/1/198308


Seven recent randomized clinical trials (RCTs)

[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7] add momentum to a question the intensive

care community is increasingly exploring; can 'Less be More' in

the management of the critically ill? Practices are evolving in this direction with a preference for less invasive monitoring or

intervention, less routine changing of invasive devices, and a

decrease in the frequency of routine investigations. At the basic

human level, it is easier to do something than to do nothing, and

the pressure on clinicians to do something is much more in the

context of a critically ill patient. Many clinicians have a strong

intervention bias to use unproven therapies. But increasingly,

clinicians are questioning if this liberal approach is effective or

even harmful. [8],[9],[10],[11]。

最近的7项随机临床试验(RCT)为重症监护正在探索的问题增加了新的变数: 危重病人的治疗能做到“少即多”吗?临床实践正在朝这个方向发展——倾向于较少的有创监测或干预,有创设备较少的常规变化,以及减少常规调查的频次。从人类基本层面上看,做些事要比什么都不做容易,而临床医生应做点什么的压力在危重患者范畴中尤为明显。许多临床医生均存在强烈的使用未经认证疗法的偏倚。但越来越多的临床医生怀疑这种自由主义的做法是有效还是有害的。

There are nonclinical and clinical arguments to support a

minimalistic approach. In the context of 'less is more,' even with

equivalent clinical outcomes, lesser therapies can be 'more' in

terms of more efficient resource utilization. This is equally

relevant in the rich and poor economies, and one sees the richer

countries fighting an increasingly difficult battle against runaway

expenditure. Unfortunately, in the real world, there are financial

incentives for clinicians, administrators, and industry to do more

rather than less, regardless of the evolving scientific data. Upton

Sinclair pithily observed that it is difficult to get a human to

understand something, when his/her salary depends on his/her

not understanding it.

已有不少非临床和临床证据支持极简疗法。 在“少即多”的范畴中,即使相同的临床结局,较少的治疗就意味着“更多”——即更为有效的资源利用。 这在贫富经济体中具有同样意义,人们看到富裕国家正在与失控的支出进行着越来越艰巨的斗争。不幸的是,在现实世界中,无论科学如何发展,临床医生,行政人员和行业都在经济的驱动下做得更多而不是更少。 Upton Sinclair看到,如果一个人的收入基于他对某件事情的不理解,那么要让他理解这件事情就太难了。

The main clinical argument against doing too much is that

there are adverse outcomes noted with many therapies. We have

explored this [11] and cited the literature that demonstrates that

less can actually be equivalent or more for multiple Intensive Care

Unit (ICU) therapies including O 2 supplementation, drugs in

cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and other standard ICU practices

including monitoring and life support.

There is reasonable plausibility too in supporting such an

approach. During the stress of an illness, many parameters may

fall outside the normal range, as part of a protective response.

Reversing these protective responses by targeting normal values

may be detrimental. Two billion years of eukaryotic evolution and

600 millions of years of large animal evolutionary selection have

resulted in complex but poorly understood physiologic

adaptations that are ruthlessly efficient in ensuring healing and

survival. Our add-on therapies, based on 2-3 centuries of modern

medicine, are often too simplistic and superficial to impact


在疾病的压力下,作为保护性反应的一部分,许多参数可能会超出正常范围。 通过达到正常值以扭转这些保护性反应可能是有害的。


Ultimately, however, the concept of 'Less is More' needs to

be empirically proven. Critical care trials may study surrogate end

points or clinical outcomes. While numerous trials have

demonstrated physiological benefit, there has been much less

success when studying clinical end points. There are a large

number of trials where there has been clinical harm despite

success in achieving the physiological target. [11] In critical care,

the main clinical outcomes are decreased mortality, decreased

severity, and a faster and more complete recovery. A lesser

severity can be gauged by the duration of the illness and therapy,

the degree of invasive interventions needed, and the associated

discomfort caused to a patient. Mortality is by far most important

and we focus on this in attempting to use empiric data and prove

that less is truly more in emergency and ICU patients.

If the 'less is more' concept were correct, we hypothesized

that, in randomized controlled trials (RCTs), the mortality in the

patients in the 'less' or control group (receiving placebo,

restrictive, or standard therapy) would be significantly lower than

in the 'more' or intervention group (receiving study intervention

or liberal therapy). We reviewed all RCTs related to emergency,

acute, or critical care medicine with mortality as an end point

published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) from

2008 onward. [11] In this list [Table 1], updated to October 2016,

[1] we found 63 trials. This is not a cherry-picked list. These trials

passed the NEJM review and selection process, and we included

all which we felt were representative, before doing any analysis.

There were a few therapies in conditions with a low (<10%) mortality,="" but="" we="" included="" them="" as="" we=""

felt="" they="" represented="" intensive="" care="" practices=""

(prbc="" transfusions,="" thrombolysis="" in="" pulmonary=""

embolism,="" and="" antibiotic="" duration).="" some=""

studies="" had="" more="" than="" two="" arms,="" and=""

we="" combined="" the="" groups="" together="" in="" a=""

way="" that="" a="" 'less'="" approach="" was="" compared=""

to="" a="" 'more'="" approach.="" trials="" variously=""

report="" icu="" mortality,="" hospital="" mortality,="" or=""

mortality="" at="" specified="" time="" points.="" we=""

used="" the="" value="" reported="" at="" the="" longest=""

follow-up="" period="" based="" on="" the="" protocol=""

of="" each="" individual="">10%)>

如果less is more这个概念是对的话,那么随机对照实验中less组(相当于接受安慰剂、限制性疗法或标准治疗组)的病死率应该少于more组(即接受干预性治疗或开放性疗法组)。于是作者选择了NEJM 2008-2016年的报道的63篇对照研究考察这个假设......

Table 1: Randomized controlled trials published in the New

England Journal of Medicine 2008-Oct 2016. n = 63

In this cohort from 63 RCTs, the total reported mortality in

intervention group was 23,601/58,727 (40.19%), and in the

control group, it was 20,752/53,568 (38.74%). The relative risk of

death in the intervention group of patients was 1.0374 (95%

confidence interval: 1.0224-1.0526; P < 0.001).="" though=""

the="" absolute="" difference="" appears="" relatively=""

low="" at="" 1.45%,="" it="" denotes="" a="" statistically="" significant="" higher="" mortality.="" this="" translates="" to=""

an="" additional="" death="" for="" every="" 69="" patients=""

enrolled="" in="" the="" intervention="" arms="" of="" these=""

trials.="">This adds empiric evidence to the concept that doing

less in ICU may result in significantly lower mortality in a wide

spectrum of emergency or critically ill patients.

63篇研究综合后,治疗组(即More组)的病死率为23,601/58,727 (40.19%), 而对照组(Less组)的病死率为 20,752/53,568 (38.74%).,干预组的死亡相对风险度为1.0374 (95%

CI 1.0224-1.0526; P <>

Medicine is not a black and white field, and a therapy may

be beneficial even if it does not decrease mortality. For this

reason, many trials report a composite end point which may or

may not include mortality. To evaluate the impact of intervention

on these other relevant end points, we compared the number of

positive, neutral, and adverse outcomes in terms of reported

primary end points. We did not include nonmortality secondary

end points, post hoc-adjusted outcomes, or subgroup benefits in

our analysis. Only eight therapies reported improved mortality or

other clinically meaningful primary outcomes (continuous

positive airway pressure in respiratory failure, thrombolysis in

cerebrovascular accident [CVA], neuro-intervention in CVA,

surgical control of intracranial pressure [ICP] in CVA, prone

position ventilation in ARDS, neuro-muscular-blockers in acute

respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS], liberal transfusion after

cardiac surgery, and limited approach in pancreatitis) while seven

therapies worsened outcomes (hydroxy ethyl starch solutions for

fluid resuscitation, fluid bolus in pediatric nonhypotensive sepsis,

high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in ARDS, glutamine supplementation, early total parenteral nutrition, surgical ICP

control in traumatic brain injury, and hypothermia in traumatic

brain injury). The majority had no impact on the primary

outcome. This further strengthens the case for the judicious use

of unproven therapies.


It is worth pointing out that 'Less is More' is not a lazy

approach; rather, it is a well-researched and carefully thought-out

strategy aimed at getting rid of the therapies that do not improve

clinical outcomes. This analysis of more than 100,000 patients

from high-quality NEJM RCTs in the past decade demonstrates

that the majority of studies failed to demonstrate clinical benefit.

A judiciously restrictive approach, besides being resource

efficient, could be associated with an overall mortality benefit. In

critical care, simplicity may be the ultimate form of sophistication.

值得指出的是“少即是多”不是一种懒惰的做法; 相反,它是一个经过深入研究和仔细思考的策略,旨在摒除不能改善临床结果的疗法。 在过去十年中,对来自高质量NEJM RCT的100,000多名患者的分析表明,大多数研究未能证明其临床益处。除了资源有效利用之外,明智的限制性策略可能降低总体死亡率,在重症医疗中,极简可能复杂的最终极形式。

本文标签: 治疗临床疗法可能研究