



•••••••••Find English phrases for the following from the passage:飞机乘客泄愤事件







归罪于酗酒错在航空公司机舱内空气流通性问题sophisticated air conditioning devices (先进的空调设施)at optimum capacity 按最佳设置运行 minimum settings 按最低设置运行aviation fuel (航空燃油)lead to irritability and disorientation 引起易怒和失去方向感soaring number of passenger complaints 陡升的乘客投诉量complaints across a wide range of issues 包含大量问题的投诉stiffer penalties against the offenders 用更加严厉的刑罚惩处肇事者Reading task-based vocabulary exercise1. Hay group , a global consulting firm , worked with fortune magazine to conduct

research to determine the world ' s most admired companies(全球最受赞赏的公司”排行榜)since 19972. Individualism has been the secret ingredient (秘诀)in developing his chain of

fashion stores.

讲求个性化是他发展时装连锁店的一大秘诀。3. I think that is one of the major ingredients (主要因素)in his success.

4. a travel company specialising in amazingly competitive rates (极优惠价格)for


(专门提供极优惠航班折扣的旅游公司)air rage incident(s) be stemmed frominterminable delay in takeoff be cooped up

tarmac mass unrest

individual misbehaviour to blame alcoholthere are as many explanations as examplesthe airlines are at fault (to blame)

cost-cutting exercise/practices cabin ventilation

5. Qualified candidates will be offered with highly competitive benefit package

(优厚的待遇). (对于合格录取者提供优厚的待遇。)6. Because of the high exchange rate, our products have lost their competitive


由于汇率很高,我们的产品失去了竞争优势。7. With excellent production techniques they were able to gain the competitive edge.

凭借极好的生产技术,他们能够取得竞争上的优势。(assess/evaluate/appraise/rate) Measuring performance Performance benchmark

(criteria/standard)Benchmark意思是在木制条凳上刻的标记。木匠用的工作台在英文中是bench。木匠为了省事,常常在工作台上划些记号(mark),以便不用标尺就可以比照着砍砍锯锯。时间一长,两个字就成了一个字benchmark,中文意思是“刻度”、“记号”、“标记”。以后发展成了一个带有专业意味的词“基准”。从词源角度看,这些都是“参照”的意思。8. A performance appraisal(绩效考评) is a systematic and periodic process that

assesses (考量,评估)an individual employee’s job performance and productivity

in relation to certain pre-established benchmark (标准,尺度)and organizational

objectives.9. AuthorityMatch “authority” in each sample with its corresponding ity is the right to command and control other authority is an official organization or government department that has the

power to make ity is official permission to do e who is an authority on a particular subject knows a lot about is recognized internationally as an authority in this plans to delegate more authority to his deputies.

The local authority chartered him to do business.

Taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament.10. Accountability Vs. ResponsibilityYou cannot retreat from your responsibility in this affair.


The father of a family should have more sense of responsibility.


The major service industries should be accountable to their customers.

主要的服务行业应该对它们的顾客负责。We will diligently follow the accountability system for product quality and safety.

认真落实产品质量安全责任制.Promoting administrative accountability system is the reform direction of public

administrative management.

行政问责制是公共行政管理体制改革的发展方向."Accountability" means that you are answerable to others for what you do.

So we demand "accountability" of our elected officials -- we expect them to answer to

the voters for their decisions and behavior."Responsibility" means that it is on you to complete a task faithfully. You may or may

not be accountable for the tasks you are responsible example, an employee is responsible for certain tasks in his job, and he is

accountable to his supervisor. While a person who owns his own business is

responsible for many tasks, but he is not accountable to anyone else.11. Eliminate ( Remove, get rid of)To eliminate something, especially something you do not want or need, means to

remove it completely.

Eliminate vs Removea. She went through the typescript carefully to ______(eliminate/remove) all errors

from it.

you _______ (eliminate) all possibilities, what you have left, however

improbably it may be, must be the truth

company has _______(eliminated ) all perk (previleges) and status , the simplest answer is just to ________(remove) yourself from the situation.

(通常情况下,最简单的办法就是让你自己脱离那个环境)Eliminate vs get rid Sex Discrimination Act has not ________ (eliminated/ got rid of)

discrimination in is difficult to ____(get rid of) deep - rooted habits.摆脱

The following year Parliament voted to _____ (abolish) the death penalty for murder(put an end to a system or practice)12. RigorousThe work failed to meet their rigorous standards (严格标准).

工作没有达到他们的严格标准。The planes have to undergo rigorous safety checks (严密的安全检查).

飞机必须经过严密的安全检查。Vigorous youth is subjected to rigorous discipline (严格的纪律约束).

活泼的年轻人须受到严格的纪律约束。13. Keen on

If you are keen on something, you like it a lot and are very enthusiastic about has always been very keen on doing physical exercises.


c.f. Fanatical about: extremely interested in14. (人际交往能力) Interpersonal skills/ people skill/communication skillare the

skills a person uses to communicate and interact with others. It is also often used in

business contexts to refer to the measure of a person's ability to operate within

business organizations through social communication and interactions.

15. Renovated 翻新的,装修过的If someone renovates an old building, they repair and improve it and get it back into

good conditionComp:decorate16. Lands a contract to get / land a contract 得到合同 ; to sign a contract签合同At the top of the company hierarchy is the Board of Directors, headed by the Chairperson or

President. The Board is responsible for policy decisions and strategy. It will usually appoint a

Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer, who has overall responsibility for the running of

the business. Senior managers or company officers head the various departments or functions

within the company, including:The current buzzword is flexibility. This has a number of related meanings.

in the form of flextimethe flexible working of the British Airways office in the main course unit, hot-desking,

homeworking, teleworking or telecommuting What can you do to flatten your

organization and thereby ________(释放潜能)?

____________(去除不必要的障碍)that stand in the way of results.

Simplify your structure to give your people more ________(自主权,自由权) while

allowing them to interact frequently with their managers.

Future trend: Organization only has a core staff and outsources, who are employees

recruited on short contract to work on specific project, or part time._____________. (转变不是一夜之间就能完成的) But it is where a CEO can become the

most important person in the company, by ________(助长一种参与式,合作式的企业文化)in which every employee feels that his or her contribution is truly valued.

Mozilla and Facebook, have open, collaborative cultures that _______(靠…而蓬勃发展) ideas, innovation and employee engagement.

Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle , is about how Israel became one

of the most entrepreneurial nations in the world, ________(克服了巨大的困难),

thanks to the training its entire workforce receives in the military.

The bottom line(底线)figure out(找到) some way reinvent(改造) themselves.”

discount stores(折扣商店)face mounting(激烈) competition

steady(持续) loss of market share

a new approach(方法)has recast(改造) itselfmore space is rented to vendors(零售商) showcase(展示) business model design their own booths(摊位)•seducing(吸引) customers•developing the right merchandise(商品)••••• “reinvent(重塑)” strategyenhanced(优化) fitting rooms(试衣间)comfortable lounge(休息) areas3.本文为研究我国股份公司的股利理论和股利政策打下坚实基础。This paper lays a

solid foundation for the dividend theory and policies of the stock companies in our

country.4. 克莱斯勒汽车公司应宣布破产,不应向政府求援。Chrysler should go into

bankruptcy rather than approach the government for help.••5. 即使是在上一次经济衰退期间,高露洁公司也有着非凡的生产力增长的记录。 Colgate had a remarkable record of productivity growth, even during the last recession.

股东 shareholder股市 equity market年度收入 annual revenue财政年度 fiscal year实物资本 physical capital智力资本 brainpower国家资本主义 state capitalism必备的小件 the must-have gadget

股份回购 a share buy-back

网络泡沫 dotcom bubble

the most highly valued company on the stockmarket

by Apple standards 以苹果做参照the epitome of the modern company

现代公司缩影conglomerate 集团公司,企业集团dream up 设计 (devise, invent)beneficiary 受益人source its products at low cost

以低成本生产产品premium Scotch上等/高端苏格兰威士忌price-earnings ratio市盈率/股票与价格的收益比

dividend yield 红利收益股市里市值最高的公司

本文标签: 公司发展事件股利