



本文节选自:The New York Times(纽约时报)



原文标题:Will This Be the ‘Indian Century’? Four Key


India is on the cusp of passing C-hina in population,

according to the latest U.N. estimates. At 1.428 billion

people, I-ndia has already edged past Mainland of China,

the data show, and it will soon surpass the Mainland of

China and Hong Kong combined. With China’s population

declining, the margin between the two countries will only

grow as India becomes the most populous country in

history. What had long been the world’s largest

democracy is now, simply, the world’s largest everything.

The gentle slope of the demographic curve propelling

India into first place looks enviable to the many

developed nations that are rapidly aging. Indians are

living longer, and the number of babies being born each

year has barely budged. Unlike China, India faces no steep

drop-off and accompanying economic and social dangers.

It has a young and expanding work force as China’s grays

and contracts. In some of India’s regions, the population

is still growing too fast for their economies, producing

many more able-bodied young people than there are jobs

to occupy them.

Having a fast-expanding young work force could be a

big opportunity — or a disaster. India is a country

primed to work. More than two-thirds of all Indians are

between the ages of 15 and 59. The country’s ratio of

children and retirees to working-age adults is remarkably

low. But this opportunity comes with huge challenges.

That “demographic dividend” could instead become

something like a disaster. In some recent years, India has

squeaked past China to claim the title of fastest-growing

major economy. But it has never expanded fast enough to

produce sufficient formal employment for everyone. The

country needs about nine million new jobs every year just

to keep pace; the annual shortfall helps relegate many to

India’s old standby, agricultural work.

Most people in India lack the means to be

“unemployed” – in the work force but without a job.

Underemployment is the more discreet danger. Wages

have been stagnant for eight years, according to an

analysis by Jean Drèze, an economist at Delhi University.

Economic growth without an equivalent increase in jobs

makes India’s massively unequal society even more so,

raising the potential for unrest.

Women work outside the home at lower rates in India

than almost any other country, a huge roadblock for

economic expansion. India has one of the world’s lowest

rates of formal employment for women: about one in five.

China’s is almost double that rate, higher than the United

States’ and the world average. An economy cannot meet

its potential when it draws on the contributions of so few



1. What is the current population of India?

A. 1.428 billion people

B. 1.4 billion people

C. 1.3 billion people

D. 2 billion people

2. What is the demographic curve of India like?

A. It is gently sloping.

B. It is steeply sloping.

C. It is flat.

D. It is unpredictable.

3. What is the ratio of children and retirees to working-age

adults in India?

A. High

B. Low

C. Average

D. Unknown

4. What is a major challenge for India's fast-expanding young


A. Not having enough jobs available.

B. Being overpaid which will lead to inflation.

C. Being underqualified for many jobs.

D. Not being interested in formal employment.

5. What is one of the roadblocks for India's economic


A. The country's young and expanding workforce.

B. Underemployment.

C. The high rate of formal employment for women.

D. Women working outside the home at lower rates.



1. Cusp: 界限,转折点;

2. Population: 人口;

3. U.N. (United Nations): 联合国;

4. Estimates: 估计数据;

5. Mainland: 大陆;

6. China: 中国;

7. Data: 数据;

8. Surpass: 超过;

9. Hong Kong: 香港;

10. Combined: 合计;

11. Margin: 差距;

12. Populous: 人口众多的;

13. Democracy: 民主;

14. Developed: 发达的;

15. Aging: 老龄化;

16. Babies: 婴儿;

17. Budged: 移动;

18. Drop-off: 下滑;

19. Accompanying: 伴随的;

20. Economic: 经济的;

21. Social: 社会的;

22. Dangers: 危险;

23. Workforce: 劳动力;

24. Grays: 变老;

25. Contracts: 收缩;

26. Regions: 地区;

27. Economies: 经济体系;

28. Able-bodied: 有劳动力的;

29. Opportunities: 机会;

30. Disaster: 灾难;

31. Primed: 准备好的;

32. Ratio: 比率;

33. Retirees: 退休人员;

34. Working-age: 适龄劳动人口的;

35. Remarkably: 显著地;

36. Low: 低的;

37. Dividend: 红利;

38. Squeaked past: 勉强超过;

39. Fastest-growing: 增长最快的;

40. Major: 主要的;

41. Economy: 经济;

42. Sufficient: 充分的;

43. Formal: 正式的;

44. Employment: 就业;

45. Underemployment: 低收入就业;

46. Stagnant: 停滞不前的;

47. Massively: 极大地;

48. Unequal: 不平等的;

49. Rates: 比率;

50. Roadblock: 障碍


英/ skwiːk /美/ skwiːk /



te英/ ˈrelɪɡeɪt /美/ ˈrelɪɡeɪt /


ock英/ ˈrəʊdblɒk /美/ ˈroʊdblɑːk /




the cusp 在交点上;在尖端上

pace 并驾齐驱;齐步并进


原句:Having a fast-expanding young work force could be a big

opportunity — or a disaster.

结构:Having XX could be a big opportunity — or a disaster.

例句:Having a solid education could be a big opportunity —

or a disaster, depending on how you use it.


India is on the cusp of passing C-hina in population, according

to the latest U.N. estimates. At 1.428 billion people, I-ndia has

already edged past Mainland of China, the data show, and it

will soon surpass the Mainland of China and Hong Kong

combined. With China’s population declining, the margin

between the two countries will only grow as India becomes

the most populous country in history. What had long been the

world’s largest democracy is now, simply, the world’s largest



The gentle slope of the demographic curve propelling India

into first place looks enviable to the many developed nations

that are rapidly aging. Indians are living longer, and the

number of babies being born each year has barely budged.

Unlike China, India faces no steep drop-off and accompanying

economic and social dangers. It has a young and expanding

work force as China’s grays and contracts. In some of India’s regions, the population is still growing too fast for their

economies, producing many more able-bodied young people

than there are jobs to occupy them.



Having a fast-expanding young work force could be a big

opportunity — or a disaster. India is a country primed to work.

More than two-thirds of all Indians are between the ages of 15

and 59. The country’s ratio of children and retirees to

working-age adults is remarkably low. But this opportunity

comes with huge challenges. That “demographic dividend”

could instead become something like a disaster. In some

recent years, India has squeaked past China to claim the title

of fastest-growing major economy. But it has never expanded

fast enough to produce sufficient formal employment for

everyone. The country needs about nine million new jobs

every year just to keep pace; the annual shortfall helps

relegate many to India’s old standby, agricultural work.


Most people in India lack the means to be “unemployed” –

in the work force but without a job. Underemployment is the

more discreet danger. Wages have been stagnant for eight

years, according to an analysis by Jean Drèze, an economist at

Delhi University. Economic growth without an equivalent

increase in jobs makes India’s massively unequal society even

more so, raising the potential for unrest.


Women work outside the home at lower rates in India than

almost any other country, a huge roadblock for economic

expansion. India has one of the world’s lowest rates of formal

employment for women: about one in five. China’s is almost

double that rate, higher than the United States’ and the world

average. An economy cannot meet its potential when it draws

on the contributions of so few women.


本文标签: 印度人口中国