




二、 形容词、副词比较等级的构成:



如:small -—— smaller --- smallest long-—-longer---longest

② 以不发音—e结尾的形容词或副词直接加 –r或 –st,

如:large --- largest --— largest nice--—nicer—--nicest

③ 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,双写该辅音字母,再加-er或—est。 big -——bigger--—biggest hot--- hotter---hottest

④ 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的形容词和副词,把“y”变“i”,再加 –er或-est.

busy-——busier-—-busiest happy——-happier———happiest

⑤ 部分双音节及多音节形容词或副词前要加more和most构成比较级和最高级,如:

slowly —-— more slowly —-— most slowly

difficult———more difficult——-most difficult

beautiful———more beautiful—--most beautiful


good / well———better-——best


bad / ill / badly ———worse-—-worst


far -—- farther / further ——— farthest/ furthest

old—-— older/ elder-—— oldest/ eldest


1. 修饰形容词副词原级的常见的词有:very, so, too, enough, quite 等。

2. 常用句型:

(1)“甲+ be动词+ as +形容词原级+ as + 乙”

“甲+ 谓语动词+ as +副词原级+ as + 乙"


I’m as tall as you. He runs as fast as you.

(2)“甲+ be+not+ as/so +形/副 原级+ as + 乙”

“甲+ don't/doesn’t+行为动词原形+ as/so +形/副 原级+ as + 乙”


I'm not as/so tall as you 。 He doesn't run as/so fast as you.

This book isn’t as/so interesting as that one。

(3) “甲+ 谓语动词+less +形/副 原级+than +乙” 表示甲不如乙..。.。。

This book is less interesting than that one.

Tom writes less carefully than Jim。


1.表示两者进行比较就用比较级,修饰形容词副词比较级的常见的词有:a little,

a bit, a lot, still, no, any, much, even , far 等.


(1)“甲+ be + 形容词比较级+ than+ 乙”

“甲+ 行为动词 + 副词比较级+ than+ 乙”表示甲比乙......

注意:than后面接代词时, 一般要用主格形式, 但在口语中也可使用宾格形式。 如:My brother is taller than I / me.

Lily’s room is bigger than mine.

Tom writes more carefully than Jim.

(2)甲+ 谓语动词+比较级+ than+ any other+单数名词+ (介词短语) 表示甲比其他任何一个。。.。.。。都。.。...

Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China。

Tom writes more carefully than any other sudent in his class。

(3) “甲+谓语动词+ the + 比较级+ of the two + 其他" 表示 “甲是两者中较.。。...的”.

Lucy is the taller of the two girls.

(4)“比较级+and +比较级” “more and more +多音节形容词/副词" 表示 “越来越....。.”

It's getting warmer and warmer in spring。

Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful。

(5) “the + 比较级, the + 比较级” 表示“越。。..就越....。。”

The more we get together, the happier we will be. 我们聚会得越多,我们就越高兴.

The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.

(6) Who/ Which + 谓语动词+ 比较级, 甲 or 乙?表示两者之间进行选择“哪一个更..。。。.”

Who is taller, Li Ming or Wang Tao?

Which sweater is more beautiful , the yellow one or the pink one?

Who draws better ,Tom or Jim?


1。表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级.形容词的最高级要加定冠词the , 副词最高级前的the可有可无.



⑴ 甲+谓语动词+the + adj。/adv。最高级 (+名词单数)+of/ in 短语


a. in 表示“在…内(指某范围内)” 可以跟表示单位,组织,时间等单数名词。

He runs the fastest in his class。

b。 of表示属性(指在同类的人,物中)后可接:①the +基数词 ② the +基数词+名词复数 ③ all +the +复数名词 ④ all

eg. Jim works hardest of us all。

Jim works hardest of the three (students)

Tom gets up most earlier of all the students。

My mother is the busiest in my family

(2 )甲+谓语动词+ the +序数词 +形/副最高级+单数名词+in/of 短语 “。。.是


The Yellow River is the second longest river in China

(3) 甲+谓语动词+one of the+形/副最高级 +名词复数+of/in 短语“.。.是最。。.之一”

eg。 Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China. 上海是中国最大的城市之一。

(4)特殊疑问词+谓语动词+the+形/副 最高级,A,B or C? “在A,B,C中,。。.最..。?"

which book do you like best, A, B or C?

Who has the most books, Li Lei ,Jim or Tom?


① 比较应在同类事物中进行.

His bag is bigger than me(误)

His bag is bigger than mine(正)

② 避免双重比较。即:构成比较级时不能既加词尾—er,又在其前加more。


误:His English is more better than mine。

正:His English is much better than mine


若加强比较级的语气,其前通常可用far, even, still, a bit, any, no, much 等修饰,注意不要按汉语意思用very, fairly等修饰比较级。

如: 他比你强壮得多。

误:He is very stronger than you. 正:He is much stronger than you。


a。 in 表示“在…内(指某范围内)” 可以跟表示单位,组织,时间等单数名词。

b。 of表示属性(指在同类的人,物中)后可接 the +基数词 / the +基数词+名词复数 / all +the +复数名词/all


⑥比较级前不加the.但当特指两者中“较(更)……”时,比较级前通常要带定冠词the 。

Mary was the more beautiful of the two. 玛丽是这两个人当中较美丽的。

This dictionary is the more useful of the two. 在这两本词典中,这本更有用。


1。 His computer is cheaper than I。

2. Mary is very younger than her brother.

3。 Shanghai is bigger than any city in China.

4。 Tom is taller of the two brothers.

is my the best friend。

6。Today is happiest day of my life.

七、 比较句型的转换:

1.“not so/as。。。 as”与“比较级+than"的转换

eg:He is not as/so old as I.

= I am older than he。=He is younger than me。 他年龄没有我大。

Tom doesn’t draw so/as well as Jim。

=Jim draws better than Tom。=Tom draws worse than Jim。


2。 “more。..than”与“ than"的转换

I think art is less popular than music。=I think music is more popular than art。


Computers are more useful than TV sets。=TV sets are less useful than




Bill is the tallest student in his class。

=Bill is the taller than the other students in his class.

=Bill is taller than any other student in his class.

=Bill is taller than any of the other students in his class.

= Bill is taller than any of the others in his class.

Lucy writes the most carefully of the three girls.

=Lucy writes more carefully than the other two girls。



1. nice ____________ 2. fat ____________3。 slow ___________4. dry


5. happy____________ 6。 wet _____________7。 much ____________8。 ill

_____________9。 little _______________ 10。 bad ____________11. thin


15。 exciting ____________________16。 busy ___________________


1。 This horse is very ________ (strong), but that horse is much _________ (strong)

than this one.

2。 It’s so late, so I drive the car _______(slowly) than usual.

3. He went ______________(far) than the other explorers。

4。 The ____(little) you eat, the _________(thin) you are。

5. The Beijing Library is one of __________(big) libraries in China。

6. The street is as _______(long) as that one, but it is_____ (wide) than that one.

7. His drawing isn’t so _______(good) as yours。

8. When a piece of ice is taken into a warm room, it becomes __________(small) and


9。 This piano is ____________(expensive) than the other two. It is

_____________(expensive) of the three。

10. Which is _____________(difficult), English, physics or biology?


1.The Yellow River is one of ___ in China。

A。 the longest rivers B。 the longer river C。 the longest river D. the long


2。 Does he speak Chinese ___ his brother?

A。 as better as B。 as good as C. as well as D. best than

3. Which shirt do you like ___, the white one or the blue one?

A. better B。 good C. best D。 much

4. This picture book is not ___ that one.

A. so interesting as B。 so interesting than C。 as interesting than D。

interesting as

5。 This article is ___ than that one.

A. much easier B。 more easier C. much more easier D。 more easy

6. The Changjiang River is ___ river in China.

A。 long B. longest C。 the longest D。 Longer

hair is longer than ________ 。

A. my sister B。 Kate C. my brother’s D. Lucys’

8。 There is_______ paper here .Please bring some。

A。 little B。 less C. fewer D. a little

9. The pen is_______than that one.

A. more cheap B. cheap C. much cheaper D。 quite cheaper

10。Tom speaks Chinese________ better than Jimmy。

A. more B. very C。 a lot of D。 much

11. An elephant is ____ than a tiger. (长沙市)

A. heavy B。 very heavy C。 the heaviest D. heavier

12. Lesson Ten is ____ than Lesson Nine。 (哈尔滨市)

A. difficult B. more difficult C. difficulter D。 very difficult

13。 The bread is ____ than those cakes.

A. very delicious B。 much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious

14。 Few of us like him because he thinks ____ of others of h than imself。

A. much more B. a little C。 much D。 much less

15. ——Mum, could you buy me a dress like this? (南京市)

——Certainly, we can buy ____ one than this, but ____ this。

A. a better, better than B. a worse, as good as

C。 a cheaper, as good as D。 a more important, not as good as

16.Mr Smith thought the Century Park was the second ____ in Shanghai.

A, large B, larger C, largest D, very large

17。 In our city, it’s ____ in July, but it is even ____ in August. (天津市)

A. hotter, hottest B. hot, hot C. hotter, hot D。 hot, hotter

18. Mary has three brothers。 Smith is ____ of the three. (武汉市)

A。 most tall B. the tallest C。 taller

19. Who’s ____ in your class? (兰州市)

A。 strong B。 stronger C. strongest D. the strongest

20。 —-What animal do you like ____? ——I like all kinds of animals。

A. better B. best C。 very D。 well

21。 Which subject is ____, physics or chemistry?(吉林省)

A. interesting B。 most interesting C。 more interesting D. the most


22. ——I will give you some nice picture books.

——Good. The ____, the ____.(厦门市)

A。 more, better B。 many, better C. most, best D。 much, better

23。 Lin Tao jumped ____ in the long jump in the school sports meeting.

A. far B. farther C. farthest D。 quite far

24. The horse is old and cannot run ____ it did. (武汉市)

A. as faster as B. so fast than C。 as fast as

25. Of the two Australian students, Masha is ____ one. I think you can find her

easily。 (重庆市) A。 tallest B。 the taller C. taller D. the tallest

本文标签: 形容词副词比较级表示名词