


Module 1 Europe




1. Europe n.. 欧洲人 n. 欧洲的 adj.

2. continent n. 大陆的adj. 大陆人,大洲人 n.

3. situate v. 坐落的,位于的 adj. 位置 n.

4. locate v. 位于adj. 位置 n.

5. architect n. 建筑学 n. 建筑学(师)的 adj.

6. civil adj. 使。。。文明开化 v. 文明 n.

7. govern v. 统治,管理 n. 州长,总督n.

8. represent v. 代表n. 典型的,有代表性的 adj.


1.一座山系 2.在。。。的海岸上 3.西方文明的发源地

4. 位于 5.远离海岸 6.据,依照。。。

7.控制 8. 国家元首 9.渐渐地

10.有。。。人口 11.目前 12.另一方面

13.信息包 14.作为。。。。而出名 15.横跨英吉利海峡

16.在中国的东部 17. 以。。。的名字命名 18.主要的工业城市和港口


1. be situated on / in/ to 位于某处

Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine.


a small town _______________just south of Cleveland 地处克利夫以南的小城。

2..查出下列词组的意思 more than = over _______________no more than = only

not more than = at most____________________ more……than -----------


.work on (sth) “从事于… 致力于…”“继续工作,对…起作用”

work at 致力于; 研究 work out 计算出;制定出4

work has influenced other writers ever since.________________________________________

ever since 自那时起 (ever) since then; from that time/ then on(与____________时态连用)



The Snow White and the prince ____________(live) a Happy life ever since

5. across 与through

二者均表示―穿过‖,across指从一个平面上穿过;through指从物体的中间穿过, 给人以立体感。如:

They drive a boat across the river. (从平面上穿过)

He traveled through the forest. (在树林中间走过。给人以立体感)

across 与cross across 是介词, 不能在句中作谓语; cross是动词,在句中作谓语。如:

She went across the bridge. (谓语为went) She crossed the bridge.


1. As I came _____ the town, I found many houses had been destroyed by the big earthquake.

A. through B. across C. cross D. in

2. As the first _____ country in economy, America has a lot of advantages in global affairs.

A. rich B. richer C. richest D. most richest

6. sign n. ① 记号,符号;

② 标志;招牌;标牌 The sign says "Parking Forbidden". 告示牌上写着"禁止停车"。

③ 手势;暗号;表示[+to-v][+that] I talked with him by signs. 我和他用手势交谈。

④征兆;前兆[(+of)][+(that)] World trade is showing signs of revival. 世界贸易正显示出重新活跃的征兆。

⑤ 【医】体征 Blood in phlegm can be a sign of lung cancer. 痰中带血可能是肺癌的体征。

及物动词 vt. ①. 签(名);写下 He signed his name on the cheque. 他在支票上签了名。

②. 做手势(或其他动作)通知 She signed the child to be quiet. 她示意孩子安静下来。

③. 预示 All this signs rejuvenation of agriculture. 所有这些都预示着农业将复苏。

不及物动词 vi. ①.签字,署名 ② 签约受雇用[(+with)] He signed with the firm. 他与那家公司签约。

③. 做手势示意 She signed to us to stop talking. 她做手势示意我们不要讲话。

vt. ①覆盖,遮盖 be covered with 由。。覆盖 be covered with 被。。。覆盖

②占用(时间、空间)cover an area of The town covers 5 square miles.

③行走,走过 She covered 1,000 meters.

④采访,报道I am covering the result of election.

⑤包括,包含 Is that word covered in the dictionary?


8.倍数的表示方法句型:① A is …times﹢adj./adv.的比较级﹢than B

②A is …times﹢as ﹢adj./adv.的原级﹢as B

③A is …times﹢the size/height/depth/width ﹢of B

④ The size/height/depth/width ﹢of A is …times﹢of B


1. 有些词(组)没有被动语态。如:take place, happen, break out, break in, occur等。如:

This accident happened yesterday.

2. 由实意动词演变而来的系动词,如taste, feel, look, sound, smell等,后接形容词作表语,不用于被动语态。如:

This kind of ice cream tastes delicious.

3. 还有一些动词后面跟well; easily, long等副词时, 常用用主动语态表被动意思。

如:begin, sell, wash, keep, open, close等。如:

The shop closes early on Fridays.

These books sell well.


1. More than a dozen students in that school _____ abroad to study medicine last

year. (2005 上海)

A. sent B. were sent C. had sent D. had been sent

2. Her voice ______ so beautiful that everybody present was attracted by her song.

A. sounded B. was sounded C. had been sounded D. was sounding

Keys: BA


are many beautiful islands the east coast of the country.

C. on

2. –what should I do with this passage ?

g out out C. Found out D. To find out

3. The man over there is the person by the manager.

ed to B. refered to ing to D. to refer to

4.—David has made great progress recently. --- , and .

he has ; so you have B. So he has ; so have you

has he ;so have you D. So has he ; so you have

earth is about as the moon.

A. as fifty times big B. fifty times as big

big fifty times D. fifty as times big

6. He the heavy burden of carrying for a wife and two children.

with faced with faced to

7. When he was ________, he got seriously ill ______ his addiction to smoking.

A. in his twenty; because of B. in his twenties; because

C. in his twenties; because of D. in his twenty; because

8. As the first _____ country in economy, America has a lot of advantages in global affairs.

A. rich B. richer C. richest D. most richest

9. The husband rolled away all the money the family had ,leaving his wife and children

behind him. A. cry B. to cry C. crying D. cried

10. that all mountain roads were closed.

became the dangerous weather dangerous did the weather become

dangerous became the weather ous the weather became so

11. Only after my friend came .

the computer repair repaired the computer

the computer repaired computer was repaired


Our City我们的城市

Our city is a new and developing city, and was built at the beginning of 1980s. The infrastructure for water, gas,

electricity and other energy in this area is complete and sufficient. From here one can travel to any place by sea,

by air or by land. And there is a highway leading to the capital, Beijing. Besides there are many other advantages

for the investors to work here. For example, the areas around this city are rich in natural resources. The public

order is very nice and so on. The most impor ant. thing is that the government of this city supports foreign

investors in many respects. In a sentence, this city is filled with enthusiasm and vigor. It is a good place for



Grammar: Agreement(主谓一致)

1. 语法一致原则 句子的主语是单数,谓语动词用单数形式;主语是复数,谓语动词用复数形式。如:

Australia is an extremely rich country.


(1) something, everybody, nobody , either, neither, each等不定代词作主语时,谓语需用单数。如:

If anybody calls, tell him I’ll be back later.

(2) 当主语后面跟有with, together with, as well as, like 等时,谓语动词的单复数形式仍然要与这些词语前面的主语保持一致。如:

Tom, (together) with his parents has been to Beijing.

2. 意义一致原则

一些集合名词,如:family, enemy, class, population, army等作主语时,谓语动词的单复数要根据实际含义而定。当表示整体意义时,用单数;当强调个体成员时,用复数。如:

Our class is a model one in our school. (指班集体)

Our class are doing well in English.(指全体学生)

3. 邻近性原则。neither…nor, either…or, not only…but also, or连接两个名词或代词作主语时;由there,


There is a dictionary and some books on the desk. Either you or I am wrong.


1. Professor Smith, along with his assistants, _____ on the project day and night to meet the deadline. (2005 上海 )

A. work B. working C. is working D. are working

2. When I came in, his family _____ watching TV. A. are B. is C. were D. was


1.单形集体名词被视为一个整体时,用作单数名词 Our family has a reunion every year.

2. 单形集体名词被视为若干个体时,则要求复数动词 His family are waiting for him.

3. 有些单形集体名词,即所谓的―群体名词‖,如police,cattle等,要求复数动词

The police have caught the murderer.

单数形式的名词与谓语动词的一致之 ―more than‖

1. ―More than one + 单形名词‖结构虽有复念,但习惯上多用单数谓语

More than one question was asked.

2. ―more +复形名词+than one‖多要求复数动词

More members than one have protested against the proposal.

3. ―a+单形名词+or two‖结构多要求单数动词

A servant or two or three was to accompany them.

4. ―one or two +复形名词‖结构要求复数动词 One or two reasons were suggested.

5. ―many a +单形名词‖结构要求单数动词 Many a fine man has died in the battle.

单数形式的名词与谓语动词的一致之 ―两个形容词+一个单形名词‖


The red and the white rose are both beautiful.

English and French grammar are not very difficult to learn.




1. 含双数概念的复形名词要求复数动词 Are your kitchen scales(天平) accurate?

2. 含复数概念的复形名词要求复数动词 The customs (关税)were paid.

My funds (资金)are a bit low at present.

3. 含单数概念的复形名词要求用单数动词 His works (工厂)is rather small.

4. 表时间,距离,钱额的复数名词用单数动词 Ten years is a moment in history.

Ten thousand dollars is a large sum.

5. 外来的复形名词要求用单数动词 This data is very interesting.

6. 以-ics结尾表学科的复形名词要求用单数动词

Politics(政治) is often a topic for discussion.

Statistics (统计学) is a principal course at the business school.

注意: 这类名词用于表示具体的、实际的内容时,则往往要求复数动词。

What are your politics(政治观点)?

Statistics(统计数字) prove nothing in this case.

7. 以-s结尾的某些表疾病的复形名词要求用单数动词

German measles(风疹) is a dangerous disease for pregnant women.

8. 有些复形名词既可用单数动词也可用复数动词 Where is / are your manners(礼貌)?

9. 复形书名一般要求用单数动词

The Newcomers《新来的人们》 is one of Thackeray’s finest books.



1. ―名词+and+名词‖结构表示一种事物或一种概念时,应用单数动词

Fish and chips(炸鱼土豆片) is a popular supper.

The poet and writer(诗人兼作家) has come.

注意:有时并列主语用单数或复数动词都可Time and tide(岁月) wait / waits for no man.

2. ―each / every / no+单形名词+ each / every / no+单形名词‖结构要求单数动词

Every hour and every minute(每一小时,每一分钟) is important.

3. ―名词/代词+or+名词/代词‖结构应根据or后的名词/代词确定单/复数动词

He or I (他或是我) am in the wrong.

He or his brothers(他或他的兄弟们) were to blame.

4. ―either+名词+or+名词‖结构应根据or后的名词/代词确定单/复数动词

Either the shirts or the sweater(这些衬衣,要不就是这件毛衣) is a good buy.

5. ―not only+名词+but (also) +名词‖结构要求动词应与but (also)后的名词一致

Not only the students but also their teacher(不仅是学生,他们的老师也) is enjoying the film.

6. ―neither+名词+nor+名词‖结构要求动词与nor后面的名词一致

Neither you nor your brother(你和人你的兄弟都不) is in fault.

Neither he nor they(你和他们都不) are mistaken.

7. ―there be‖结构的动词应与最靠近它的名词的单复数一致。

There is a desk and some chairs in the room.

There are some chairs and a desk in the room.

四、“单数形式的名词+with/as well as…+名词”结构与动词的一致

―名词+介词或介词短语with / together with / along with / including / except / besides / as well

as / added to…+名词‖结构作主语,谓语一般与第一个名词一致。

A teacher, with his students, is seeing a film.I as well as they am ready to help.


1. ―one of + 复形名词‖结构后的定语从句要求谓语动词应用复数;但当―one of‖前有限定词如the、the only、the very等修饰时,结构后的定语从句要求谓语动词应用与one一致,用单数谓语。

This is one of the best books that have appeared.

She is the one of those women who doesn’t know a thing about furniture.

2. ―a pair of +复形名词‖ 结构多要求用单数谓语,但―复数名词+of a/this/that pair‖结构多用复数谓语。 A pair of gloves(一双手套) is a nice present.

Socks of this pair(这双袜子) are different in size.

3. ―(a) part of+ 名词‖结构中,若名词为单形,一般要求用单数动词,若名词为复形,则复数动词。 (A) part of the story(故事的一部分) is not true.

A part of the apples(部分苹果) are bad

4. ―a group(一组) / crowd(人群) / flock(一群) / file(一列)… of +复形名词‖结构可用单数动词,也可用复数动词。前者强调整体,后者强调各个组成部分。

This group of students(这一组学生) is to be sent to Italy.

This group of students(这组学生都) are to be sent to Italy.

5. ―a number of /numbers of + 复形名词‖结构应用复数动词;而―the number of +复形名词‖结构应用单数动词。 A large number of people(许多人) have come to see the exhibition.

The number of the chairs(椅子的数量) in the room is ten.

6. ―an average / total of +复形名词‖结构应用复数动词;而―the average / total of +复形名词‖结构应用单数动词。

An average of 3000 letters (平均3000封信) a month are received by the newspaper’s office.

A total of 3000 letters(总共3000封信) were received last month.

The average of letters(信件的平均数) received each month is 3000.

The total of letters(信件的总数) received last month was 3000.

7. ―a lot / mass / heap/plenty…of +名词‖结构要求谓语动词与of后的名词的单复数一致。

A mass of people(许多人) were seen working there.

A lot of money(很多钱) is spent on travel.

8. ―a large quantity of +不可数名词或复数名词‖、―a large amount of +不可数名词‖结构要求单数谓语动词;―large quantities of +不可数名词或复数名词‖、―large amounts of +不可数名词‖结构要求复数动词。 A large quantity of students(很多学生) is coming.

Large amounts of water(大量水) are wasted.

9. ―this / that / a / what kind of +名词‖结构要求单数动词;而 ―these /those kind of+名词‖、―these/ those /what kinds of+名词‖结构多要求复数动词。

This kind of apple(这种苹果) is sour. These kind of apple(s)(这些苹果) are sour.

What kind of apple(哪种苹果) is sour? What kinds of apple(哪些种类的苹果) are sour?

These kinds of apple(s)(这些种类的苹果) are sour.

10. ―most / 百分数/分数/the rest/ the remainder + of +名词‖结构要求动词与of后面的名词的单复数一致。

The rest of the story(故事的其余部分) needs no telling.

He stayed in the classroom and the rest of the boys(其他的男孩们) were out at play.

Three-fourths of the surface of the earth(地球表面的四分之三) is sea.

Three-fourths of the people (四分之三的人)were illiterate.

Most of his time(他的大部分时间) is spent on traveling.

Most of his students(他的大部分学生) like him.

11. ―worth of + 名词‖结构不论名词是单形还是复形,一般皆要求用单数动词,与worth一致。

The worth of this painting(这幅画的价值) is estimated at a half million dollars.

The worth(价值) of men like Galileo is not always understood while they are alive.


Thousands of pounds’ worth(以千镑计的数额) of damage have been done to the apple crop.



No news is good news. (no news 为名词短语 )

Children’s interfering in their parents’ right to remarry has become a social problem.(主语为一动名词复合结构)

That he likes Mary is known to many of his friends.(主语为一名词性从句)

―How do you do?‖ is not a question but a greeting.(主语是一句子)

注意:主语为what 引导的主语从句时,谓语动词应与从句所指代的内容的单复念一致。

What he says (他所说的) is not important.

What I want(我所需要的) are details.

当what 引导的主语从句中谓语为复数时,全句的谓语动词也应是复数。

What make the river more beautiful are the flowers growing in the water.



1. 主语表单念,谓语用单数。

The true(真实,表单念) is to be distinguished from the false.

The accused(被告,表单念) was released.

2. 主语表复念,谓语用复数。

The poor (穷人,表一类人)are looked down upon by the rich.

3. 名词化的形容词或过去分词为复数形式,谓语用复数。

The newlyweds(新婚夫妇,本身为复形) are now spending their honeymoon abroad.


1. all / some / any / most用作主语时,随其数念用单数或复数动词。

All(事情,单念) is ready and all(人,复念) are here.

I don’t think any is left.我认为没什么剩下。

I don’t think any of them(他们中没人) have seen her.

Most of the building was destroyed but most were saved.

2. ―each of + 复形名词‖结构要求单数动词,但―复形名词+ each‖结构要求复数动词。

Each of the jobs(每一份工作) was planned by Billy.

we each(我们每个人) have a copy of this dictionary.

3. every和everyone 一般要求用单数谓语;either一般要求用单数谓语,但在非正式文体中, ―either of +复形名/代词‖ 结构可用复数动词。

Either method(任一种方法) is practical.

Either of them(他们中任一人) are/is enough to drive me mad.

4. Many 之后通常需用复数谓语,但在many’s (was) the time/thing…(that)…这一固定结构中应用单数谓语。

Many’s the time (很多次)(that) I’ve thought of leaving.

Many was the time(很多次) I ate at that restaurant.

5. neither/none 可用单数或复数动词 Neither of the books is /are satisfactory.

None of us know / knows for certain.

6. 疑问代词what作主语时,谓语与其所含的数念一致。当说话人不确知what的数念或不强调数念时,应用单数动词。

What’s on the table?桌上是什么? What are on the table? 桌上是些什么?

What’s in the sky? 天上是什么?


1. 语法一致Two and two are four.(主语是Two and two )

Four from seven is three.(主语为four) 261 divided by 9 equals 29.(261是主语)

Three times one is three.(主语为three, times被看成介词)

2. 意念的一致 Two and two is four.(将主语two and two 看成一个数目,故谓语单数)

One half of the world’s population are Asians.(集体名词population在此指成员)


1. Large quantities of water ____every day here while it is in great need in some faraway area.

A. are being wasted B. is wasted

C. have been wasted D. was wasted

2. The writer and actor ____ invited to give us a report yesterday.

A. are B. have been C. was D. were

3. Zhang’s family ____ rather big and his family ____ fond of music.

A. is; are B. is; is

C. are; is D. are; are

4. ____ of the land in that district ____ covered with trees and grass.

A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifths; are

C. Two fifth; are D. Two fifths; is

5. Since then the number of people taking driving lessons ____ 20%.

A. has increased to B. increased by

C. has increased by D. have increased by

6. Although many of the houses in the small town ____ still in need of repair, there ____lots of improvement in

their appearance.

A. are; has been B. is; have been C. is; are D. are; was

7. His cattle _____ very fat. A. is B. have C. has D. are

8. The audience ____ large and the audience ____ enjoying every minute of the play.

A. are, is B. is, have C. is has D. is are

9. Where ____ my jeans? I can’t find them. A. is B. are C. was D. were

10. The surroundings ______ ugly and dirty. I don’t like to live here.

A. was B. were C. is D. are

11. There ____ a watch and chain on the table. A. have B. has C. are D. is

12. Skating and swimming ____ my favorite sports when I was young.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

13. All ______ ready for the Christmas party and all ____ eager to enjoy the ball.

A. was, is B. is were C. is, are D. are, is

14. Not only his children but also his wife _____ to visit the zoo.

A. likes B. like C. has liked D. have liked

15. Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else ______ willing to do this work. A. are B. is C. am D. has

16. Bob, as much as his brothers, ________ responsible for the accident. A. was B. were C. had D. are

17. Tom, more than anyone else, _____ anxious to go to China again.

A. is B. are C. has being D. have being

18. No one except John and Rose _____ late for school yesterday. A. was B. were C. is D. are

本文标签: 名词动词单数结构要求