



1. 现在进行时


Keep quiet! The baby is sleeping.



I'm tired. I'm going home now. Goodnight!


Look! The bus is coming!


My boss is leaving for South Korea.


2. 一般现在时


Rice doesn't grow in cold climates.


I always go to work by car.



I can't understand why he is being so selfish. He isn't usually like that.


3. 一般过去时


We invited them to our party but they decided not to come.


I was angry because they were late.


4. 过去进行时


I was walking home when I met Dave.


Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking.


5. 现在完成时


I have just finished my work.


I have never been abroad.


I love this movie. I have seen it ten times.


I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday.


What a boring movie/film! It's the most boring movie/film I have ever seen.


6. 现在完成进行时


How long have you been learning English?



Mary is still writing letters. She's been writing letters all day.


Mary has written ten letters today.


7. 过去完成时


At first I thought I'd done the right thing, but I soon realized that I'd made a mistake.


The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it for weeks.


8. 过去完成进行时


I was very tired when I arrived home. I'd been working hard all day,


Ken gave up smoking two years ago. He'd been smoking for thirty years


9. 将来时


Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain.


I think the weather will be nice later.



He told me that he would give up his job.


10. 情态动词

情态动词不能单独作谓语,只能与实意动词一起构成谓语。有: shall, should, will, would, can,

could, may, might, must, dare, need, ought to, be able to, used to, 等。

We can see the lake from our bedroom window.


I was so tired. I could have slept for a week.


Will you shut the door, please?


Whenever Arthur was angry, he would walk out of the room.


Liz, can you do me a favor?


Could I use your mobile phone?


Where shall we go this evening?


Should we invite Susan to the party?


You must keep it a secret. You mustn't tell anybody else.


I am not sure whether I can lend you any money. I may not have enough.


You might have left it in the shop.


We've got plenty of time. We needn't hurry.


They dare not tell the truth.


I really ought to go and have my eyes tested.


You used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.


Jack was an excellent tennis player. He was able to beat anybody.


11. 被动语态


The situation is serious. Something must be done before it's too late.


How is this word pronounced?


Have you ever been bitten by a dog?


I don't like being told what to do.


12. 间接引语

间接引语是转述别人的话。一般由引述动词say, tell, ask,declare, remark, reply, think, write 等


Tom said that he was feeling ill.


He told me that he loves me.


He asked me if he could go steady with me?


13. 疑问句与助动词


Do you live near here?


What can I do?


Can you tell me where I can find Linda?


Do you know what time the film begins?


Does your husband do any cooking at home?


Have you had any breakfast yet?


Susan hasn't been married, neither has Liz.


You don't know where Karen is, do you?


Keep quite, will you?


Is there anything I can do for you?


Who died and made you king?


What else is there to do?


Which person do you think is qualified for the job?


Where are you from?


When will the train leave?


How do you go to work everyday?


Why do you keep asking me the same question?


How long did it take you to accomplish this complicated job?


How soon will it be when your brother discovers you've been dating his girlfriend?


After watching the red-dressed women walk by, I went to the rooftop and watched workers weave



Look, the falling leaves are all yellow. Lots of fallen leaves make the road yellow.


The secretary worked late into the night, preparing a long speech for the president.


Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.


When he was decorating his house, he had gotten the bedroom painted first.


She doesn't approve gambling.


Please forgive me for not writing to you.


It's no good trying to persuade me. You won't succeed.


It's a waste of time reading that book. It's rubbish.


Why don't you come swimming with us?


To see is to believe.


To finish so much work in a day is impossible.


It is important for us to express our opinions.


Not to grasp firmly is not to grasp at all.


My wish is to be a first-class interpreter


We found it difficult to work with him.


He has no choice but to wait.


Mr. Huawei always has a lot of meetings to attend.


She has no money and no place to live.


To be or not to be, that's the question.

(生存亦或死亡, 是问题所在。)

To serve the people well, I study hard.


He was so angry as to be unable to speak.


After that day they were separated, never to see each other again.


You are never too old to learn.


He made up his mind to once again ask for her hand in marriage.


15. 冠词与名词


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


Lake Baikal is the deepest of all the lakes in the world.


Members of the press weren't allowed into the meeting.


The Macdonalds finished supper at Macdonald's, and then bowled at the bowling alley.


After you visit your mom in the hospital, call me so we can meet at the movies.


The Shaws naturally were a musical family.


He was a sleek, short man with a bright bald-head, pink face, and gold-rimmed glasses.



The beautiful are envied by the ugly.


The are no batteries in the radio.


There was no electricity in my dorm last night.


There's a hair in my soup.


You've got very long hair.


He lives in a two-room apartment.




I don't want to share a room with anybody. I want my own room.


The film itself wasn't good but I liked the music.


Nobody phoned me, did they?


He speaks little Chinese, so it's difficult to communicate with him.


How I wish all the money were mine!



关系从句包括:主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,定语从句,同位语从句以及状语从句。通常由以下连词连接:Who, what, that, which, whose, whom, where, when, why, and how.

What you have just said does hurt him.


This is just what I wanted.


He suggested that we find a better job.


The woman who lives next door is a doctor.


I don't like stories that / which have unhappy endings.


Everything that happened was my fault.


The news that NATO bombed the China Embassy in Yugoslavia offended all Chinese people.


The news that the leader will come here is not true.


Whenever I visit him, he is not at home.


Where there is a will, there is a way.


Wherever there is smoke, there is fire.


I have had so many falls that I am black and blue all over.


Though he is young, he knows a lot.




She was not especially pretty. But she was extremely bright.


German is a more difficult language than English is.


Usually mothers cook more delicious food than fathers do.


The coffee is very weak; I like it a bit stronger.


It's a very old castle. It is the oldest one in Britain.


She is a workaholic. She always regards work as the most important thing in the world.


He did very badly on the exam----worse than expected almost the worst in the class.


The mobile phone is as popular as the beeper nowadays


It is becoming harder and harder to find a job.


The more you exercise, the fitter you will be.


The harder you work, the richer you will become.




If you loved me, you wouldn't say that.


We would've called a taxi if Liz hadn't offered us a ride home.


You wouldn't have met her if it hadn't been for him.


If I were you, I wouldn't have bought that vase.


Had he worked harder, he would have gotten though the exams.


I don't think it is advisable that Tom be assigned to the job since he has no experience.


But for the English examination, I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.

(上个星期天,要不是有英语考试, 我就去听音乐会了。)

It is time that we made a decision.


I would rather you came to see me now.


If only he were here.


I wish I had followed your advice.



介词又叫前置词,一般置于名词之前。 它是一种虚词,在句中不单独做任何句子成分,只表示其后的名词或相当于名词的词语与其它句子成分的关系。

Do you give each other presents at Christmas?


I learnt to drive in four weeks


After working hard during the day I like to relax in the evening.


There're usually a lot of parties on New Year's Eve.


The conference was very well organized. Everything began and finished on time.


I must hurry. I want to get home in time to see the football match on television.


At the end of the concert, there was a great applause.


Jim couldn't decide where to go for his holidays. He didn't go anywhere in the end.


You'll find details of TV programs on page seven.


Have you seen this article in the paper?


London is on the river Thames.


I was standing at the back, so I couldn't see very well.


We got stuck in a traffic jam on our way to the airport.


I've never met him but I've talked to him on the net.


Sometimes I have problems at work but on the whole I enjoy my job.


The train was traveling at 120 miles an hour.


Did you pay by check or cash?


The firm closed down because there wasn't enough demand for its product.


The train was late but nobody knew the reason for the delay.


Do you think we will find a solution for the problem?


Last year was a bad year for the company. There was a big fall in sales.


Thank you .It was very nice of you to help me.


I am very impressed with her English. It was good.


He was late again. It's typical of him to keep everybody waiting.


She got very angry and started shouting at me.


I don't care for very hot weather.


Sue accused me for being selfish.


Don't look out of the window concentrate on your work.



The bus was full. We couldn't get on.


A woman got into the car and drove off.


Sally is leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday.


When I touched him on the shoulder, he turned around.


Sorry I am late. The car broke down.


Look out! There is a car coming.


It was my first flight. I was nervous when the plane took off.


I was very tired this morning. I couldn't get up.


My French isn't very good but it is enough to get by.


Why did you run away from me?


You are walking too fast. I can't keep up with you.


Are you looking forward to your holiday?


Jack is trying to cut down on smoking.


They gave me a FORM and told me to fill it out.


Please fill in the blanks when you are answering the test questions.


I think I'll throw away these newspapers.


Sandy was so sick that she threw up all over the bathroom floor.


I arranged to meet Jane after work last night but she didn't turn up.


That man was so disgusting, I was instantly turned off.


We all know how wonderful you are. There is no need to show off.


The taller, more charismatic of the two friends, out shined the other at the party.


If you make a mistake on the FORM, just cross it out.


She was offered a job as a translator, but she turned it down.


Would you like to see the factory, I'd like to show you around.


Did you show up to the meeting yesterday?

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