






During the summer vacation, I savored Don Quixote again.

The author of this book draws a caricature of the knight

errant through the miserable experience of the mad Don Quixote.

You see, it's the mill windmill, but he thinks it's a giant with three

heads and six arms. So he urges the horse spear to rush away,

but it's thrown to the ground and can't move. Even so, when the

servant Sancho came to tell him again that it was not a giant but

a windmill, he argued that it was the magician who turned the

giant into a windmill. There are countless such actions, which are

very funny and make readers laugh again and again. The author

combines the description of the characters of different social

classes with the description of the social reality, vividly reappears

the domineering of the noble gentlemen and the ups and downs

of the common people.

Don Quixote was a little squire who was fascinated by

reading Knights' novels all day. He imitated the ancient knights

and went out to adventure and did many ridiculous things.

Although he is crazy, he hates tyranny and cruelty and opposes

oppression. You see, once, his horse was injured by a group of

porters. Regardless of the other side's more than 20 people, he

resolutely fought with the other side and was finally knocked

down to the ground. If I see more than 20 men holding sticks, I'm

sure I'm not brave enough to go out. I'll either admit my

misfortune or run away. And Don Quixote, knowing that the

enemy is strong and we are weak, is still fighting for justice in the

end. This spirit is really worth learning. Don Quixote is also very

charitable, sympathizing with the weak and upholding justice.

Once, he caught a wronged prisoner. In order to let him go, he

reconciled and beat him once, although at last many prisoners

ran away.

Don Quixote is a complex and contradictory man. He has

some other bad habits. He thinks he's right and doesn't listen to

others' advice. Sangqiu advised him not to cut down the windmill,

but he didn't listen. At last, he was lifted up by the windmill and

hurt. He was nervous again. When he saw a man coming to him,

he thought that the other side was going to fight him, so he killed

the other side with a knife.

The first time I read "Don Quixote", I wanted to laugh, and

did ridiculous things for Don Quixote. The second time I read it,

I wanted to cry, for the domineering of aristocratic gentlemen

and the ups and downs of ordinary people. The third time will

naturally think from these cries and smiles. So, what do you read

from it? Let's talk about it together!


When I first read Don Quixote's work, I thought that he was

a funny vulgar work. The nervous "brave spirit" of the protagonist

is vividly displayed in the book, which makes people look down

upon him more and more. However, I think that the book asks for

a certain truth. The essence of people's most basic is to achieve

it recklessly for their own goals. From the book, we can see that

A skinny Knight like a sorghum pole, the fantastic gentleman

always shows his integrity and good nature in the process of

realizing this, which is the highest spirit of human beings, but also

because of his simplicity, he makes many jokes.

The task of Don Quixote has become a famous model in the

world for learning. His character is complex. On the one hand, he

is divorced from reality and always indulges in fantasy. He takes

the estimation of his own strength and his motherland, and fails

repeatedly. But on the other hand, his motive is pure and kind.

He is determined to eradicate the demons in the world, oppose

oppression, eliminate the strong and support the weak. He is full

of selfless and fearless spirit. For the question of the crooked

knights, his comments are always profound, clear and


There are nearly 700 characters in Don Quixote's book, which

describes a wide picture of life, truly and comprehensively

reflects the contradictions of the Spanish Kingdom at the

beginning of the 16th century, condemns the shamelessness of

the aristocracy, and expresses deep sympathy for the sufferings

of the people. I think it is this willingness that makes this work

deeply loved by people all over the world, so that it is loved by

54 countries and regions in the world One hundred of the writers

were selected as the best classics.

This is the charm of Don Quixote, and I am also deeply

attracted by it. I read it over and over again, and I have many

aftereffects after reading it.


Don Quixote is the work of Cervantes, a Spanish writer in the

17th century. Of course, this is a great work, because the

characters described by the author still exist today.

Man is the unity of spiritual substance. For Don Quixote, we

will find him ridiculous at the beginning. Because what he did

seemed so crazy. He sees himself as a just man, a man who acts

with chivalry and justice everywhere. However, the author let us

see is such a character, but did not do one thing right. Don

Quixote's starting point is good. He should follow the chivalry

spirit and do what he thinks is right. He also led an honest farmer,

Sancho, to the world with him. He rescues the children who are

bound and fights for those who are in trouble. Here we can't help

but ask:

1. Since Don Quixote is doing a good job, we can treat him

as a good man. But why do we get tired of him when we think

about the aftereffects of his work?

2. Is there any madman like Don Quixote in reality?

3. In reality, what should we do when we encounter things

that are unfair and do not conform to our own values?

Let me first answer the first question. Don Quixote's spiritual

quality is good, but he does things regardless of the

consequences, and only regards reality as his fantasy tool of

chivalry, which is very stupid and undesirable. Blindly following

the heroism of others will pay a heavy price.

Let's answer the second question. These people still exist in

reality. Take some famous people who dare to tell the truth. There

is nothing wrong with their courage to criticize the powerful and

expose the darkness. But some people don't view the reality of

customers and criticize them, and finally they leave the market


The third question everyone has their own answers. But

reason should be a criterion, and people should make correct

decisions according to their actual situation and the situation of

the event. We should advocate heroism, but we should base our

actions on reason.

Reason is the measure of emotion, reality is the reflection of

spirit. In a diverse world, only by polishing your eyes can you do

the right thing.


I always wanted to read this famous book - I wanted to read

it when I was in school, but I always missed each other and didn't

see it. I finished reading today, but I was a little disappointed. I

don't know why Cervantes created such an image of a "madman".

Don Quixote was a declining aristocrat. He was addicted to

Knights' novels and became obsessed with them. He found a pair

of armor and rode on a skinny old horse. He began his imaginary

journey of supporting justice and wandering the Jianghu. He is a

pure and stubborn idealist, living in fantasy. In other words, he is

a completely stubborn lunatic. He regarded windmills as giants,

sheep as enemies, convicts as knights, and a common village

woman as his princess. Repeatedly hit the wall, often head broken

blood but unswervingly, infatuated. It's his servant sangqiu, who

is fat and timid and greedy for a small price, who is still a normal

man with flesh and blood. He will take advantage of his master's

craziness and paranoia, play a little cleverness, and seize the

opportunity to increase some benefits for himself. He is a real

living man. Just like this, two other living treasures, a pair of

unimaginable masters and servants, staged a funny farce for us.

One of the most amusing scenes is that in the dark night, sangqiu

is afraid to hold his master's thigh all the time and dare not give

up. However, he is eager to describe courteously, which is really

vivid and vivid.

The most touching ones in the book are some of Don

Quixote's good friends. They never give up on Old Tang. They

must try their best to cure his madness. They have used violent

means - to put the old Tang in a cage and escort him home with

arms; they have used the means of burning books and "pit"

Confucianism - to burn all the Knights' novels in the old Tang

family and even seal the study; they have used the means of

concealing the sky and the sea - to pretend to be a knight, to

pretend to be a princess in distress and so on, all in order to pull

the old Tang from fantasy to reality. They really mean to their

friends, especially for such a "terminally ill" crazy friend. They

didn't give up, and even were wrongly wounded and beaten by

old Tang. Life can have such a few friends, enough!

I just don't know the background of the times. I don't know

what the intention of this episode is that some sangqiu, who was

governor of the island for several days, handled several cases

cleanly and fairly, but was forced to resign at last.


The protagonist of Don Quixote's novel, originally named

Alonso jihada, was a local man. He was fascinated by the popular

Chivalry Novels at that time and wanted to imitate the chivalry.

He found a pair of tattered and incomplete armor from the

antiquities of his family. He named it Don Quixote de Mancha

himself. He also found a servant sangqiu and a milkmaid from

the neighboring village, named Dulcinea, as his favorite person

to serve him all his life. Then he rode on a thin horse and ran

away from home. Don Quixote also acted according to the

strange ideas in his mind, regarding windmills as giants, sheep as

enemies, convicts as knights, wine bags as giants' heads,

indiscriminately cutting and killing, causing many ridiculous

things. His actions were not only useless for people, but also

suffered from beating and suffering. When he got home for the

last time, he was bedridden and finally understood. He made a

will, and if the niece, the only heir, married the knight, her right

of inheritance would be cancelled.

At first glance, Don Quixote, I think, is just a funny vulgar

work. The nervous "brave spirit" of the protagonist is vividly

displayed in the book, which makes people look down upon him

even more. But savor carefully, and feel that there is a truth in the

book. The most basic essence of people is to achieve their goals

recklessly. In the process of realization, the chivalrous knight, who

is as thin as a high pole, and the gentleman with fantastic ideas,

always shows his integrity and kindness. This is the most noble

spirit of human beings. Because it is too simple, many jokes are


When Cervantes wrote Don Quixote, he aimed at attacking,

satirizing and fabricating the strange chivalrous novel and its bad

influence on people. It was intended to be written as a few short

stories. Later, it was written that he wrote in his life experience

and ideal. His thought content became more and more rich, and

his characters became more and more realistic, until he described

the disaster brought by Spanish society to the people, and

became an encyclopedia for us to understand and study the

social politics, economy, culture and customs of Spain at that


This is Don Quixote. Although Don Quixote is funny, what

about other people in reality? So, when we see Don Quixote, we

should all reflect on ourselves. That's what I think after watching

Don Quixote.

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