






3.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔把答题卷上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。作答非选择题,请按题号用0. 5毫米的黑色签字笔在答题卷上各题目规定的答题区域内作答,不能超出横线或方格,在其他位置作答一律无效。





本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话后有一道小题,请从题中所给的A、 B、 C三个选项中选出你认为最合适的答案。每段对话读两遍。

1. What does Millie like to do after class?

2. What is Simon's festival?

3. What does Peter usually do in the evening?

4. What did the girl do on Mid-Autumn Festival?

5. Who does Lisa often get help from?

A. Her parents. B. Her friends. C. Her teachers.

6. How long is Ted's holiday?

A. Seven days. B. Eight days. C. Fifteen days.

7. What fruit is in the fridge

A. Apples. B. Pears. C. Oranges.

8. Where are they now?

A. In a shoe shop. B. In a classroom. C. In a clothes shop.

9. Whose birthday is it today?

A. The girl's mother's. B. The girl's. C. The boy's.

10. When is the football match?

A. 12 December. B. 13 November. C. 13 December.




does Lucy like doing?

A. Watching TV. B. Swimming. C. Playing basketball.

12. Who likes watching TV?

A. Lucy's brother. B. Jim. C. Jim's brother.


Sam's sports

Every morning 13

14 Going Swimming

After school Playing 15 with David

13. A. Going swimming B. Going walking C. Going running

14. A. Twice a week B. Twice a month C. Twice a day

15.A. football B. volleyball C. tennis


16. When is Mother's Day?

A. Always on May 13th.

the second Saturday of May.

the second Sunday of May.

17. Who is the first to get up on Mother's Day in the writer's family?

A. Mother. B. The writer. C. Father.

18. What does the writer do on Mother's Day?

A. He does some cleaning for his mother.

B. He cooks breakfast for his mother.

C. He wakes his mother up.

19. What present does the writer give her mother

A. A nice cooking book. B. A card with good wishes. C. Some flowers.

20. How does the writer's mother feel on that day?

A. Funny. B. Happy. C. Sad.



21.―What big fish it is!

―Yes, it is. And fish is my favourite food.

A./;/ B. a;/ C./;the D. a; the

22. I want to buy and .

A. two kilos of pork;three potatos B. some tomatoes; two kiloes of meat

C. some fish;some carrots D. two boxes of eggs;many beef

23. Tim usually an hour his homework after school.

A. spends;doing B. takes; to do C. spends;to do D. takes; doing

24. Tom was ill yesterday, he still went to school.

A. and B. or C. so D. but

25.―What would you like your birthday?

―I want a big cake much cream.

A. for; of B. on;of C. for; with D. at; with

26. It's cold today. The window is . Joanna, go and it, please.

A. closed; open B. open;close C. close; open D. open; closed

27.―This T-shirt isn't the right .

―Yes. It looks too large.

A. price B. sine C. place D. time

28. There juice. Would you like water?

A. isn't any; any B. isn't any; some

C. aren't any;any 't any;some

29. I hope your homework carefully.

to do B. you doing C. you cgn, .do D. to do

30.―Where is Frank now?

―He with his friends games in the garden.

A. plays B. is playing C. are playing D. is playing with

31.― would you like to have?

― I am not hungry.

A. What else; Yes, please. B. When else;I'd like to.

C. Where else; Thanks a lot. D. What else; No, thanks.

32.―Can I your history book?

―Of course. But you can't it to others.

; borrow B. lend;lend C. borrow; lend D. borrow; borrow

33.―I want to call my mother. But I can't find my phone.

―Don't worry. My sister's phone is here. You can use .

A. yours B. mine C. hers D. her

34.―Which of the following words has the same sound as the "s" in the word "cups"?

―Let me see. That's .

A. boys B. pens C. desks D. girls

35.―Happy New Year, Millie !

― .

A. Have a good time B. All right

C. Thank you D. The same to you



Gunny, a young rabbit, was drinking some water from the river near her village. Suddenly, she

found two foxes walking to her. She turned around and said, "Hello, friend. I am Gunny. Are you

here for some 36 too?"

" You know we are here 37 for you," both of the foxes laughed.

"I see, you are 38 ," said Gunny. "But I don't think I am fat enough for you to eat. How

about going to my village with me? You can 39 a lot of rabbits if you want."

The two foxes thought that they would have a big 40 soon. Gunny 41 the two foxes to

a bush(灌木丛).

"My village is 42 the bush. Would you like to let me go first?" asked Gunny.

"Do you think we are 43 ? You must want to run away. We will go 44 ," said one of the

foxes. "OK, let's run together," said Gunny.

They three started running fast, 45 Gunny stopped just before the bush, while(然而)the

foxes kept on running. They fell off a really high cliff(悬崖), which was behind the bush.

36. A. food B. water C. meat D. grass

37. A. waiting B. catching C. asking D. playing

38. A. lazy B. full C. hungry D. angry

39. A. eat B. meet C. find D. watch

40. A. party B. match C. trick D. meal

41.A. turned B. took C. showed D. brought

42. A. behind B. in front of C. far from D. near

43. A. clever B. foolish C. happy D. bad

44. A. around B. late C. together D. after

45. A. and B. but C. or D. so




My Favorite Sweater

by Bonnie Highsmith Taylor

My favorite sweater grew too small.

I love that sweater best of all.

My grandma made it when I was three.

She made that sweater just for me.

I picked the yarn(纱线), a special blue.

The color of bluebells, wet with dew(露珠).

When I was three I was very small.

But now I'm five and much too tall.

I have a new jacket now that's green.

So I gave my sweater to our cat Queen.

Queen just had kittens out in the shed(小屋).

My favorite sweater is now their bed.

46. Who wrote the poem?

A. Grandma. B. Miss Taylor. C. Mrs. Taylor. D. Queen.

47. What colour is the girl's favourite sweater?

A. Green. B. Blue. C. Red. D. White.

48. The word "kitten" in this poem means .

A. a baby animal B. a kind of food C. a kind of drink D. a bed for a baby


One Saturday, Bob decides to take a drive through the countryside. After a few hours, he sees

a dog walking behind a man on the side of the road. As the car comes near them, the dog jumps into

the road. Of course, the car hits the poor animal and kills it.

Bob stops his car and walks up to the man. "I' m very sorry," he says. "Is there anything I

can do? Will $10 help?" Bob takes $10 out of his wallet and gives it to the man.

"Oh, but…," says the man, "I should tell you…"

"Stop! You're right. Maybe $10 isn't enough! That dog was your best friend!"

Bob then takes out $30 and gives it to the man. Then he thanks the man and drives away.

After Bob leaves, the man looks down at the dog and says, "I would like to know whose dog this


49. On the way, Bob sees .

A. a man walking after a dog B. a dog walking after a car

C. a man walking in front of a dog D. a dog walking in front of the car

50. How much money does Bob give to the man?

A.$10. B.$20. C.$30. D. $ 40.

can we know from the passage?

A. The dog is Bob's. B. The dog is the man's.

C. The dog is the man's best friend. D. No one knows whose dog it is.


A milkmaid(挤奶女工)is on her way to the market to sell some milk from her cow. When she carries

the large jug(罐子)of milk on top of her head, she begins to dream of all the things she can do

after she sells the milk.

"With that money, I'll buy a hundred chicks to raise(饲养)in my backyard. When they grow up,

I can sell them at a good price at the market."

When she walks on, she dreams on, "Then I'll buy two young goats and raise them on the grass

near my home. When they grow up, I can sell them at an even(更加)better price! Soon,I'll be able

to buy another cow, and I will have more milk to sell. Then I shall have even more money…"

She thinks and thinks. She is so happy with her dream that she begins to skip and jump(跳跃).

Suddenly she trips and falls down(绊倒).The jug breaks and all the milk comes out onto the ground.

She sits down and cries without any dreams.

From the story we know, "There's no use crying over spilled(溅出的)milk.

52. What's the milkmaid going to do?

A. She is going to sell mills in the market.

B. She is going to buy some chicks.

C. She is going to dream.

D. She is going to buy milk.

53. In her dream, what's she going to do after she sells her goats?

A. She's going to buy another cow.

B. She's going to get another goat.

C. She's going to stay at home and do nothing.

D. She's going to buy more chicks.

54. Why does the milkmaid cry without any dreams?

A. Because she can't stand up.

B. Because she can't get any milk from her cow.

C. Because the jug was broken and all the milk were on the ground.

D. Because no one wants to buy her milk.


In the 22 century(世纪), there will be too many people on the earth, and there will not be

enough space(空间)for us. So people decide to rearrange(重新安排)their living space. They want to

build a new world underground to move(迁移)all the factories there, so that they can build more

buildings and houses for people to live on the ground. They also have beautiful gardens and parks

near their houses. On weekdays, everyone comes underground and works in the large factories. There

are also some shops and restaurants so that the workers can have lunch and buy things. Of course,

the shopping malls, cinemas and theatres are mainly(主要)on the ground. People can go to see a

film at weekends when they are free.

55. Why do people build another new world underground?

A. Because they like to live underground.

B. Because people can't find enough space on the ground.

C. Because they want to have fun.

D. Because it is safe.

56. What's in the underground world?

A. There are houses. B. There are buildings.

C. There are parks. D. There are factories.

57. Where are the gardens and parks?

A. Underground. B. On the ground.

C. In the factory. D. Near the factory.




58. The price (包括)both the house and the furniture.

59. ['pɑ: dn]? I can't hear you well on the phone.

60. The colourful trainers are ['pɒpjələ] among students.

61. Forty-five minutes is three (一刻钟).

62. Suzy is not here. (也许), she is in the classroom.

63. The (总的)cost(费用)of the trip is 12,000 yuan.

64. These (游泳者)swimming suits are modern and beautiful.

65. Summer is one of the seasons and red is one of the .

66.―Wow!Your gloves feel very soft and smooth.

―Thank you! They are of leather.

67.―Are you ready to start?


―Just give me ten minutes.


68. James (not be)good at making model planes.

69. Lucy went out without (tell ) her parents.

70. This pair of jeans (match ) his jacket very well.

71. Look!There a notebook and 3 pencils (lie) on the desk.

72. I don't know what (wear) for the party.

73. Simon, (read ) in the sun is bad for your eyes.

74. (not shout). Your father is sleeping.

75. Listen! He can (speak) much English.

76. Mr. Liu often goes to the bookshop (buy) books.

七、句型转换(共6小题;每空格0. 5分,84题1分,满分6分)

A)按要求改写,每空一词(每空格0. 5分)

77. She is my hero.(改为复数句)

my .

78. There are two bottles of orange juice in the fridge.(划线提问)

How orange juice there in the fridge?

79. Mike is late for school because he gets up very late.(划线提问)

Mike late for school

80. Tom's sister is a teacher. His brother is a teacher too.(同义句转换)

Tom's sister brother are teachers.

81. She looks nice in the red sweater.(同义句转换)

The red sweater looks nice .


82. fit, a, trainers, for, walk, are, long(?)








What do you usually do in your free time? Play sports? Watch TV? How about reading books? You

must know the Chinese saying: "Read thousands of books; travel thousands of miles". Books are

important in our life. Reading books is good for us. It can help us know and understand the world

better. It can help us get a lot of knowledge(知识).

In a word,books are treasure(财宝)and we must love them. But before you read, remember to choose

a good one. Ask your parents or teachers about what books to read. Be sure you love reading them.

I like reading stories because they are very interesting.

What about you? Friends, please love books and read them. They are very helpful to you.

88. What kind of books does the writer like reading?(1分)

89. According to the passage(根据文章),what should you do in your free time? ( 2分)

90. Do you think that books are treasure? Why or why not? ( 3分)




What's your school like? 有一个漂亮的艺术教室和两个现代化的电脑教室;

周一至周五早上7点45开始上课,上7How is your school life?





What do you do in your free time?


What do you think of your school ……(自拟一点)





Dear Tom ,

Long time no see! How are you going? I study at my new school for half a year. Now, I'd like

to tell you about my school life.

Would you like to tell me about your school life?

Lots of love,


本文标签: 小题答题选项短文答案