


Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.


1. get his driver’s license

2. have parttime jobs

3. No way!

4. be worried about

5. be allowed to do

6. cut one’s hair

7. get one’s ears pierced

8. stop doing

9. seem to do

10. need to do

11. need time

12. spend time with friends

13. be excited about

14. take photos

15. use a flash

16. stay by my side

17. make sure

18. keep sb. away from

19. up

20. talk back

21. awful dreams

22. think back to sth.

23. regret doing sth.

24. encourage sb. to do

25. do social work for their munity

26. be strict with sb.

27. hances




























28. fail a test

29. take the test

30. pass the test

31. be too strict with sb.

32. make one’s own decisions

33. get in the

34. a professional runner

35. have nothing against

36. spend more time on

37. end up

38. be

39. have a chance to do














1. license /ˈlaɪsns/ (=licence) (n.)证;证件;(v.)

词汇搭配: 驾驶执照;a license holder 许可证持有人

They had licensed the pany to produce the medicine. 他们批准了那家公司生产这种药物。

You need a licence to fish in this river.你在这条河里钓鱼要有许可证。

2. safety /ˈseɪfti/(n.) 安全;安全性

词汇变形: (adj.) 安全的; (adv.) 安全地

词汇搭配: 提升安全性;safety standards 安全标准

The police are worried for the safety of the 12yearold boy who has been missing for three days.那个12岁的



3. smoke /sməʊk/ (v.) 吸烟;冒烟;(n.)烟

词汇变形:smoker ( )

词汇搭配: 禁止抽烟;smoke alarm ;secondhand smoke 二手烟

There is no smoke without fire. 无火不生烟;无风不起浪

Do you mind if I smoke? 我抽烟你介意吗?

4. cry /kraɪ/ (v./n.) 哭;叫喊

词汇搭配: 呼喊救命;cry out ;

cry out for sth.

She ran to the window and cried for help.她跑到窗口呼喊救命。

A nurse patted me on the shoulder and said, 'You have a good cry, dear.'一位护士拍了拍我的肩膀说,“痛快


5. field /fi:ld/ (n.) 田野;场地;领域;实地,野外

词汇搭配: 一片稻田;a landing field ;a field study

field trip


 She is doing a field trip to study animals and plants in the local countryside.

 This discovery has opened up a whole new field of research.

 People were working in the fields.

 Some boys are lying on the football field.

6. lift /lɪft/ (v.) 举起,抬高;(使)(情绪)高涨,(使)(心情)振奋;(n.) 电梯;搭便车;鼓舞,振奋

词汇搭配: lifted one’s spirits ; 搭电梯;



 His heart lifted when he saw her. ( )

 Amy lifted her arm to wave. 'Goodbye,' she called. ( )

 The boy can lift the box up. ( )

 They took the lift to the fourth floor. ( )

 He had a car and often gave me a lift home. ( )

 Passing the exam gave him a real lift. ( )

7. badly /ˈbædli/ (adv.) 差地;坏地;严重地;非常

词汇变形: (adj.)差的;坏的

词汇搭配: 睡得不好;badly designed building ;

badly hurt

She's only trying to help, so don't think badly of her.她只是想帮忙,所以别把她想得太坏。

The building is badly in need of repair.这栋楼急需维修。

8. awful /ˈɔ:fl/ (adj.) 很坏的,讨厌的;骇人听闻的,可怕的;(量)极大的,极多的

词汇变形:awfully( )

词汇搭配: 坏天气; 感觉很糟糕; 难闻的味道

It's going to cost an awful lot of money.这要花非常多的钱

I feel awful about forgetting her birthday.我忘了她的生日,感到很难过。

9. regret /rɪˈɡret/ (v./n.) 感到遗憾;懊悔

词汇变形:regretful ( )

词汇搭配:regret doing sth. ; regret to do sth.


I simply gave in to him, and I've regretted it ever since. 我就向他屈服了,从那以后我一直后悔。


10. poem /ˈpəʊɪm/ (n.)诗,韵文

词汇变形:poetry ( ) ;poet( )

The poem uses simple language. 这首诗用语简单。

11. munity /kəˈmju:nəti/ (n.) 社区,社会;社团,群体,界; (不同人士、团体之间的)友谊,伙伴关系

词汇搭配: 当地社会;the farming munity 农业界;


He's well liked by people in the munity. 社区的人都非常喜欢他。

There is a strong sense of munity in this town.这个镇上有一种强烈的社区意识。

12. chance /tʃɑ:ns/ (n.) 可能性;机会;风险,冒险;偶然,巧合

词汇搭配: 给某人一个做某事的机会; 可能…;

no chance ;take a chance (on sth)

写出下列句中chance 的中文意思:

 There will be a chance for parents to look around the school.

 There is no chance that he will change his mind.

 I met her by chance at the airport.

 You take a chance on the weather if you holiday in the UK.

13. educate /ˈedʒukeɪt/ (v.) 教育;教导

词汇变形: (n.) 教育; (adj.)教育的,有教育意义的;

educator( ) ;welleducated( )

词汇搭配:educate sb. on/in sth. 教导某人某事

Children need to be educated on the dangers of drugtaking.有必要对儿童进行吸毒危害的教育。

She was educated in the US.她是在美国受的教育。

14. manage /ˈmænɪdʒ/ (v.) 完成(困难的事),应付(困难局面);明智地使用;经营,管理

词汇变形:manager ( ) ;management ( )

词汇搭配: 设法完成,成功应付; 明智地利用时间

I don't know exactly how we'll manage it , but we will, somehow.我说不准我们如何去完成这件事,但不管


In a busy world, managing your time is increasingly important.在忙碌的世界里,善于利用时间变得越来越


15. society /səˈsaɪəti/ (n.) 社会;社团,协会

词汇变形: (adj.)社会的,社交的;socialist ( )

词汇搭配:modern industrial societies 现代工业社会;a member of the drama society剧社成员

They carried out research into the roles of men and women in today's society.他们就男人和女人在当今社会


support /səˈpɔ:t/ (v.) 支持;赡养,养活;(n.) 支持

词汇变形:supporter ( ) ;supportive (adj.) 支持的

词汇搭配:support sb. in sth. 在某事上支持某人;support his family 养家;in support of 支持

If you raise it at the meeting, I'll support you.如果你在会上提出这个问题,我将支持你。

Her family and friends have given her lots of support.家人和朋友给了她许多帮助。

16. enter /ˈentə(r)/ (v.) 进来,进去;成为…的一员,加入; 开始参加,开始进入; 参加,报名参加;登记,登录,输入

词汇搭配: 进入房间; 考入大学,上大学;

写出下列句中enter 的中文意思:

 Someone entered the room behind me.

 Several new panies have now entered the market.

 1 000 children entered the petition.

 Enter your name and occupation(职业) in the boxes.

17. choice /tʃɔɪs/ (n.) 选择;挑选

词汇变形: (v.) 选择,挑选(<过去式> ; <过去分词> )

词汇搭配: 做出选择;have no choice but

He had no choice but to leave. 除了离去,他别无选择。

We are faced with a difficult choice.我们面临着困难的抉择。


1. 翻译短语

(1) 获得驾照

(2) 做兼职工作

(3) 绝不可能,步行

(4) 花时间和朋友一起

(5) 使用闪光灯

(6) 确保

(7) 使某人远离

(8) 把...举起来

(9) 回嘴

(10) 回想某事

(11) 后悔做过某事

(12) 鼓励某人做某事

(13) 考试不及格

(14) 对某人太严格

(15) 自己做决定

(16) 挡...的路,妨碍

2. 单项填空


Most parents think it is a good ________ to take a school bus because it’s quite safe.

A. risk B. choice C. game D. pity

school bus because it’s quite safe.”可知,乘坐校车很安全,所以是一个很好的选择,故选B。


You have to pass a test ______ you can get a license.


— How’s the new restaurant?

— It’s ________. We waited a long time for the food to arrive.

A. wonderful B. exciting C. difficult D. awful


—Could you keep your dogfrom here? The baby is afraid of it.


f t


Yuan Longping, known as the father of hybrid rice, helped________the nation out of hunger. People will never

forget him.

A. hug B. lift C. divide D. lock


It is necessary to learn ________ time and make good use of every minute.

A. to manage B. managing C. to lose D. losing


Don’t you know passengers ________ smoke on highspeed trains?

A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. wouldn’t D. couldn’t


China has made a plete victory in its fight________poverty (贫困).

A. in B. for C. against D. between


—Hi Billy! How was your trip to Xian?

—It was________.I caught a bad cold as soon as I got there

B fortable C. awful D. peaceful


—Mom, can I have some more cookies?

—________.I’ll get you some.

way e? for? not?

3. 根据提示填写单词或短语

(1) He was angry because he played so (差).

(2) There is no (可能性) that he will change his mind.

(3) Holding the instructions, I managed (fix) the new kind of machine.

(4) Yo need (spend) more time with your parents.

(5) You must not (take) photos in the art center.

(6) Can I have a (极小的) piece of cake, please?

(7) For modern (社会), the puter is a great invention.

(8) Do you know Liu Hui finally (进入,考上) a top school?

(9) Watching The Legend of Luo Xiaohei is a good (choose) to relax when you're tired.

(10) Although he looks a little different, he has achieved a lot in the math (领域).

(11) The art festival is ing. It’s a good chance (show)ourselves.

(12) Students begin to pay more attention to subjects of art (educate).

4. 根据汉语意思翻译句子或补全句子

(1) 在当地消防员的帮助下,我们学到了一些消防安全技巧。

, we learned some fire .

(2) 他一听到小女孩在外面喊救命,就冲出了房间。

(3) 唐代诗人张若虚以《春江花月夜》闻名于世。

Zhang Ruoxu, , A Moonlit Night on the Spring River.

(4) 我经常去当地的图书馆。它已经开放了两年了,目的是鼓励我们多读书。

I often go to . It for two years

(5) 他的父母总是使它远离电子(electronic)产品。

His parents always keep him away from electronic products.

(6) 振作起来。不要让这些困难和麻烦阻碍你的生活。

. Don't let these difficulties and troubles

(7) 只有通过努力工作,你才能找到更多更好的机会。

(8) 孩子们应当从小就被教育要有礼貌。

(9) 老师总是告诉我们为我们的社区作社会工作是多么的重要。

The teacher always tells us

(10) Jim, 你最好多花费点时间在你的书写(handwriting)上。

本文标签: 教育时间参加词汇