






Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor

language the closest natural equivalent of the source

language message, first in terms of meaning and

secondly in terms of style. —— Eugene A. Nida



The receptors of a translation should comprehend

the translated text to such an extent that they can

understand how the original receptor must have understood the

original text.

—— Eugene A. Nida

Eugene A. Nida (November 11, 1914 – August 25, 2011)

was the developer of the dynamic-equivalence Bible-translation



1 . 直译(Literal translation)

例子: C.O.D. (cash on delivery) 货到付现

blue chip 蓝筹股

一箭双雕 hit two hawks with one arrow

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意译(Free translation)

例子: WPA 水渍 blue chip 绩优股 一箭双雕 kill two

birds with one stone

一、广告的定义 Advertising is the non-personal

communication of

information usually paid for and usually persuasive in

nature about products, services or ideas by identified

sponsors through the various media.

—— American Marketing Association


1. 理性广告( Rational ads)情感广告(Emotional ads)


1. Headline Subhead Text (body) Logo slogan

I’m lovin’ it! (麦当劳) 我就喜欢!

Good to the last drop. (Maxwell coffee)

滴滴香浓, 意犹未尽。

Just do it. (耐克运动鞋)只管去做。

We lead, others copy. (Ricoh 复印机)我们领先,别人模仿。

Minolta, finest to put you finest. (美能达相机)

第一流的美能达, 第一流的你。

I’m More satisfied. (摩尔香烟)摩尔香烟,令我更爱。

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Have a Break. Have a Kit-Kat. (奇巧巧克力)

轻松一刻, 奇巧时刻。

It’s finger-licking good. 吮指回味,其乐无穷。(肯德基)

Let us make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦)

To lighten the burden of womankind. 我们为女人减负。(水晶洗衣机)

The un-cola, 7-up. 非可乐——七喜。

You are not fully clean until you’re Zestfully clean.

干净? 用激爽。 (激爽, 沐浴产品)

Go well, go Shell. 使用壳牌汽油, 保您一路不愁。

Born to run. 天生奔驰。

The world leader in oral care. (高露洁)

口腔护理, 引领世界。

Originality---Integrity---Innovation. (Levi’s)


Small. Smart. Smile.

Pentax: See the difference.

小巧。 灵便。微笑。

宾得相机:不一样, 就是不一样。

No problems too large. No business too small. (IBM)没有解决不了的大问题,没有不做的小生意。

We take no pride and prejudice. (Time 杂志)

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傲慢与偏见, 均与我们无缘。








2 . 英语多采用静态, 汉语多采用动态

例1: The meeting was a success. 会开得很成功。

例2: We are short of hands. 我们正缺人手。


例1: A few years ago, it was thought unusual that programs

could be called up by viewers to be displayed on their screens at

home.几年前, 人们还以为, 观众打电话要求……

例2: She was asked about 10 questions during the interview.


4 . 英语多复合长句,汉语多简单短句。

例: I took it for granted that there would be plenty of

graduates in the area who would be willing to work for a joint-venture like ours. 我想当然地以为, 这地区会有大量的大学毕业生, 愿意为我们这样一家合资企业工作。

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5. 英语多头轻脚重(孔雀尾),

汉语多头重脚轻 (狮子头)

例:揭穿这种老八股、老教条的丑态给人民看, 号召人民起来反对老八股、老教条, 这就是五四运动的一个极大功绩。

A tremendous achievement of the May 4th Movement was its

public exposure of the ugliness of old stereotype and the old

dogma and its call to the people to rise against them.

6 . 英语重时态,汉语轻时态。

例:What are you doing? What were you doing at this time

yesterday? 你在干什么? 昨天这个时候, 你在干什么?

7. 英语常用间接肯定与否定,汉语常用直接肯定与否定。

例1:I can’t agree with you more. 我非常赞同你的意见。

例2:We found the quality of the goods below the standard.


8 . 英语多用代词,汉语少用代词。

例:He hated failure; he had conquered it all his life, risen

above it, and despised it in others.

他讨厌失败。 他一生中曾战胜失败、超越失败, 并且藐视别人的失败。


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1. 音译法

例:ASEM China Co., Ltd. 阿塞姆洁具贸易(中国)有限公司

Ford Motor Company 福特汽车公司

Bayer China Co., Ltd. 拜耳中国有限公司

Dow Corning (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 道康宁(上海)有限公司

William Grant & Sons Ltd. 威廉·格兰特父子有限公司

Midland Bank 英国米兰银行

2. 直译法

例:Gulf Oil Corporation 海湾石油有限公司

Nippon Electric Company 日本电气公司

International Business Machines Corporation 国际商用机器公司

3. 历史沿用法

例: First National City Bank 花旗银行

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行

Imperial Chemical Industries 卜内门化工公司

3. 音义结合法

例:EasyJet 易捷航空公司 Goodyear Tire & Rubber 固特异轮胎橡胶公司

Benz 奔驰 P&G 宝洁公司

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例: A. O. Smith A · O · 史密斯公司IBM (China) IBM




例1:Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs得寸进尺

例2:Give him an inch and he'll take an ell杀鸡取卵

例3: a rat in a hole瓮中之鳖


例1:to show one’s cards put / lay (one's) cards on the table摊牌

例2: at a snail’s pace 蜗牛般的速度

例3:like a fish out of water 如鱼离水

例4: in one ear and out the other 左耳进,右耳出

例4: strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁

3. 意译法

例1:by hook or by crook不择手段 例2: as poor as a

church mouse 一贫如洗

3:wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼 例4: put all one's

eggs in one basket 孤注一掷


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(1)同义词交叉搭配的成语 通常只需译出其中一组的意思。

例如:兵荒马乱turmoil of war愁眉苦脸 gloomy face



例如:貌合神离 appear united outwardly but divided at heart

深入浅出 explain the profound in simple terms


有时只需译出一个部分, 有时需要将前后两个


例如:冷嘲热讽 be ironical 温故知新gain new insights

through reviewing old material



例如:马马虎虎 carelessly勤勤恳恳 diligently



例如:悲欢离合 sorrow and joy, be near and apart 古今中外 anytime and anywhere

1. 音译法

例:Philips 飞利浦 Fanta 芬达 Elizabeth Arden 伊丽莎白·雅顿

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例: McDonald’s 麦当劳 Budweiser 百威

谐音译法例: OMO 奥妙Benz 平治

4. 直译法

例:Crocodile 鳄鱼 Camel 骆驼 Arrow 箭牌

自创法例: Duracell 金霸王 Neutrogena 露得清

Rejoice 飘柔

不译例: LG NEC3M

Directions: Remove cap. Spray it on the surface of the object

and wipe with clean paper towel or dry cloth.

Caution: In case of eye contact, clean your eyes with

water. If swallowed, drink plenty of water and consult

physician immediately.

例1:If you want to interrupt recording, you should press


例2:Should you encounter any problems during the

installation of this fax machine, please refer to the trouble-shooting guide before calling the service center.


例1:Additional information can be found in the electronic

user’s manual which is located on the CD-ROM.

例2:The fan belt tension should be checked regularly.

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例3:This product can be used in hot water or steam line with

the temperature limited to 225°C.

例1:Tupperware cups have many series, each having its own



例2:Test the effect of the two speakers with both turned to the

largest volume.

例3:This phenomenon of howling is caused by the

microphone picking up the sound output from the speaker.


例1:To prevent this, first decrease the volume, then place the

microphone so that it is not pointed to the speaker and that there

is sufficient distance between the microphone and the speaker.

例2:For a transistor to work properly, it is necessary to apply

proper voltages to its electrodes.


1. Twice a week it will make the skin even, white and elastic.

2. Apply a small amount to the face and gently massage

with circular movement until absorbed. Use after cleaning in the

morning and evening or whenever necessary.

3. If the cigarette lighter fails to come back to its normal

position automatically in 18 seconds, it means it may have

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something wrong, and must be put back to its normal

position manually.

3. The drug should not be administered to patients with

known hypersensitivity to penicillin.

一、 商务英语中数词的互译

1. 实指

例: The first phase of domestic air freight village, which

covers an area of about 40,000 square meters, has a yearly

handling capacity of 500,000 tons.

译文: 国内航空货运站第一期占地约4万平方米, 年吞吐量达 50 万吨。

一、 商务英语中数词的互译


例1:Two is company, three is none.

译文: 两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。

例2: We need to figure out a method to settle these technical

problems once and for all.

译文: 我们必须想办法一劳永逸地解决这些技术问题。

(2)不等值翻译例1:Two heads are better than one.

译文: 三个臭皮匠, 顶个诸葛亮。例2: We have just

moved into the new office and everything is at sixes and sevens.

译文: 我们刚搬进新办公室,因此东西都是乱七八糟的。

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例3: Once bitten, twice shy.译文: 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

例4:The economic recession has put our new business behind

the eight ball.

译文: 经济不景气使我们的新业务处于很不利的处境。例5: We will think twice before we sign that contract.译文: 在签署那份合同之前, 我们会三思而行。例6: 我们都是来自五湖四海。译文: We are from all corners of the country.

二、 商务英语中量词的互译

增加量词 例1:Would you please provide a receipt for us.

译文: 能否请你们给我们开一张收据?

例2:To our dismay, we find three computer screens got

broken during shipment.

译文: 使我们失望的是, 我们发现三台电脑显示屏在运输途中破裂。

选择量词 例1:We would like to order 500 pairs of pliers with

the article no. of H846.

译文: 我们想订购500把货号为H846的钳子。

例2:The price quoted is for quantities smaller than 5 metric

tons. For orders of larger-than-5-ton quantities, we offer a 3%

discount.译文: 所报价格适用于5公吨以下的订货量。 若订货量超过5公吨, 我们给予3%的折扣。

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二、 商务英语中倍数的互译


例1:Our total output of chemical fertilizer this year is

approximately three times as great as that of last year.译文: 我们今年的化肥产量大约相当于去年的三倍。

例2:The warehouse under construction is five folds as large

as the old one.

译文: 正在建造的仓库的大小是旧仓库的五倍。

例3:The registered capital of the pharmaceutical company

reached one billion yuan, 4 times the number that we had

expected.译文: 该药物公司的注册资本达十亿元人民币,

比我们与其的高了三倍。例4:The total sales volume in the

first quarter rose by 11.2%, compared with the same period of

last year.译文: 和去年同期相比,今年第一季度的销售总额增长了11.2% 。

例5:The total government revenue reached 5.13 trillion yuan

in 2007, a 171% increase over 2002.

译文: 全国财政收入在2007年达到5.13万亿元人民币,比2002年增长171% 。

例6: The rate of Vitamin D in the product has increased by a

factor of ten due to the use of new technology in manufacturing.13 / 2613 / 26


译文: 因为使用了新的生产技术,该产品中维生素D的含量增长了9倍。

例7:We plan to quadruple our business in your country in the

next two years.

译文: 我们计划在下面的两年中,将我们在贵国的业务扩大3倍。

例8:The production costs tripled over the last three years.译文:生产成本在过去三年中翻了两番。例9: Our profits

have trebled in the last two years.译文: 最近两年我们的利润翻了两番。

倍数减少例1:The global revenue of this series of products

declined by 21.5% to 19.4 million USD from last quarter.

译文: 这一系列产品的全球收入比季度下降了21.5%, 达到1940万美元。

例2:The principal advantage of the innovation is a three fold

reduction in production cost.

译文: 这一革新的主要优点是生产成本下降了四分之三。

例3:The personnel expenditure has decreased by a factor of

three as against that of 2008.

译文: 今年人力资源开支比2008年降低了2/3。


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Accountants 会计师事务所agency / agents 代理公司

Associates 联合公司

Branch (office / company) 分公司Communications 通信公司Consultancy / consultants咨询公司 / 顾问公司 Electronics

电子有限公司 Group 集团公司Head office 总公司

制Holdings 控股公司Industries 实业公司Laboratories

药公司Leasing 出租公司

Networks 网络公司Operator 运营公司Pharmaceuticals 制药公司

Telecommunications 电讯公司

公司内部部门名称的翻译Account Dept. 客户部

Accounting dept. 财务部Administration dept. 行政管理部 Advertising dept.

Customer service dept.

配送部 / 发货部

广告部Board of directors 董事会客户服务部 Dispatch dept.

Export dept. 出口部 Human Resource Dept. 人力资源部Logistics dept. 物流部

marketing dept. 市场部Overseas dept.

dept. 人事部Product development dept.


产品开发部公共关系部 Production dept. 生产部Public relations dept.

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Purchasing dept. 采购部Quality control dept.

Research and development dept. / R&D dept.


dept. 销售部 Training dept. 培训部


Ave. = avenue blvd = boulevard Bldg = building Corp. =

corporation Dept. = department

Rd. = road St. = street


accountant 会计师advisor 调研员inspector 巡视员

agronomist 农艺师architect 建筑师

assistant to president 总裁助理chief engineer


chief executive officer 首席执行官chief finance officer


chief information officer 信息总监 / 资讯主管 chief

operating officer 首席运营官

executive director 执行董事executive secretary


deputy general manager 副总经理factory director

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managing director / board chairman

administrator 行政秘书


research fellow


secretary general

senior economist

研究员sales executive 销售部 秘书长section chief 科高级经济师standing director


常务理事vice president


① 去年, 我公司在国内的该类项目的投标取得了接二连三的胜利。

① 每箱货物都装好了, 正等待装船。

① 如果贵方的第一批货物令人满意, 随后将有大批续订。

① 贵方每多销售10架钢琴, 我方将给你方加0.2%的佣金。

一、 英汉互译中主语的翻译方法

例1:A businessman of today handles more business in a day

than a businessman of 1960s could have handled in a month.

译文: 今天一位商人一天内所处理的业务比上世纪60年代一位商人一个月能处理的还要多。

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例2: That the earth goes around the sun is well-known to


译文: 众所周知,地球绕着太阳转。

例3: I have been wondering about something and would like

to consult you about it.

译文: 有件事我一直很纳闷, 想咨询一下你。

例4: 这件事你不用操心。 (topic + comments)

译文:You don’t need to worry about this. (subject +


例5: This old auditorium has witnessed many ceremonies.

译文: 曾经有过许许多多的仪式在这个礼堂里举行。

例6: The year 2004 witnessed the 100th anniversary of that

prestigious university.

译文: 2004年那所蜚声海内外的大学举行了百年校庆。

例7: He was visited by a bizarre thought. 译文: 一个奇怪的念头闪过他的脑际。

二、 英汉互译中的增词法和减词法

1. 增词法

例1:While insurance may be arranged by the exporter, the

importer is the rightful owner; consequently, claims are usually

made by the importer, after discovering a loss.

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译文:虽然可能由出口商来投保, 但进口商是合法的拥有者。 因此, 发现损失之后, 通常是由进口商提出索赔

例2: After the exhibition, the banquet, the delegates will

return to the hotel.

译文: 参观展览、出席宴会之后, 代表们将回到酒店休息。

例3: Although it spent nearly $2 billion last year advertising

its various brands around the globe, Coke saw its share of the

critical U.S. cola market decline.

译文: 尽管去年斥资20亿美元在全球为其各种品牌做广告,可口可乐公司还是眼看着自己在重要的美国可乐市场上的份额下降。

例4:Although Basis cleans thoroughly, dissolving dirt and

makeup deep in the pores of your skin, it’s very, very gentle.

译文:Basis 可以彻底清洁肌肤,清除残留在肌肤深层的污垢和化妆品, 但它非常柔和, 毫不刺激皮肤。

例5:Packing is designed not only as a form of protection, but

also a form to facilitate handling, storage, to prevent pilferage

and, more importantly, to help promote the sales.

译文: 包装不仅仅是为了保护商品,也是为了便利搬运和库存、防止盗窃, 更重要的是,有助于促销。例6:More

thorough testing might have caught the failure initially.

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译文:如果测试更为彻底, 也许一开始就能找出故障。

例7: Please read carefully before signing.译文: 签名前请仔细阅读内容。

例8:A new type of aircraft --- small, cheap, pilotless --- is

attracting increasing attention.

译文: 一种新型的飞机正越来越吸引人们的注意——此飞机体积小、价格低、无人驾驶。

例9:After all preparations had been made, the meeting began.


例10:The board of directors discussed my suggestions and

supported most of them.

译文: 董事会讨论了我的各项建议, 对其中多数表示支持。

例11: Inflation was and still is a major problem of the country.

译文 : 通货膨胀过去是、现在也仍然是该国的一个主要问题。

例12:Newsmen were flying off to Atlanta for the Atlanta 500.


例13: Morgan Stanley译文: 摩根斯坦利证券公司

2. 减词法

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例1:I hope you will enjoy your stay here.译文:希望您在这儿过得愉快。

例2: If I had known it, I would not have come here.译文:

早知如此, 我就不来了。

例3: The crisis, however, proved short-lived.译文: 然而这次危机为时并不长。



例1: At the age of 37, already a star on the American business

scene (he was president of HJ Heinz company, then one of the

biggest food companies on the planet), Tony O’Reilly had

taken his first step into the media world by buying control of the

Irish Independent, a staid and down-at-heel newspaper based in

his native Dublin.

例2: In any case, China is far less influential as a consumer

than as a producer. At the World Economic Forum in Davos,

Switzerland, in January, Bank of China Group Executive Vice-President Zhu Min told Business Week Editor-in-Chief Stephen

J. Adler in a panel discussion that even rapid growth in Chinese

consumption can’t make up for weaker spending in the U.S., the

world’s No. 1 shopper.

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译文: 无论从哪方面来看,中国作为消费国的地位和影响力远不及其作为生产国的地位和影响力。 今年1月在瑞士达沃斯举办的世界经济论坛上, 中国银行集团副行长朱民在一词小组讨论中告诉《商业周刊》总编斯蒂芬·阿德勒,

就算中国消费快速增长, 也难以弥补作为世界第一消费国的美国所留下的消费缺口。


例1:1998年, 中国政府向贷款银行注入了2700亿人民币, 即326亿美元的资金, 来充实银行资本。 一年后,

中国成立了四家资产管理公司, 从银行剥离了超过1.4万亿元人民币的不良资产。

译文: China, in 1998, spent 270 billion yuan, or $32.6 billion

to boost capital at the lenders. A year later, it formed four asset-management companies to acquire more than 1.4 trillion yuan

of bad assets from banks.

例2: Early estimates say the millionaire population in the U.S.

fell 30% last year. Now, it seems Britain’s millionaire

population has fallen an astounding 50%.

译文: 根据初步估计, 去年美国的百万富翁人数减少了30%。 如今, 看起来英国的百万富翁人数减少了50%, 太令人震惊了。

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例3: The United States passed a major milestone today as the

country’s population reached 300,000,000. The US Census

Bureau says USA gains 1 new citizen every 11 seconds.

译文: 今天, 美国人口达到3亿, 这是美国历史上的一个里程碑。 美国人口普查局说, 美国现在每11秒就增加一位公民。


例1:As a proportion of GDP, Danish companies attract more

venture capital than any other European country.

译文: 按占国内生产总值得比重来说,丹麦的公司吸引的风险投资超过其他人和一个欧洲国家。例2: The stock has

climbed from its $85 IPO to above $171, a 101% increase in a

mater of months.译文: 这一支股票在区区数月之内就已经从其85美元/股的首次公开发行价涨至171美元/股, 涨幅高达101%。


英语的:hereinafter, hereto, whereat, hereafter, thereby,

hitherto 等。

汉语的: 欣悉、候复、特此、贵方、敬请、谨上等。

例1:This agreement and any rights or obligations stipulated

herein are not transferrable or assignable by one party to this

agreement without the consent of the other party hereto.

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译文: 本协议以及本协议所规定的权利或义务未经另一方的同意不得擅自转让。

例2:Whereas, Tenant desires to lease the Premises from

Landlord on the terms and conditions as contained herein.译文: 租户意欲, 根据本协议所列明之规定和条件,从业主处租得本协议中所指之房产。例3: 欣寄产品目录一份,提供我方各类产品的详细情况。

译文: We have pleasure in forwarding our catalogue, which

gives full information about our various products.


例如: force majeure (不可抗力)、ad hoc (特别地、专门地)、de facto (事实上, 实际上的)、per se (自身)等等

例:The tort is actionable per se.



大量使用长句。 句子结构复杂, 经常包含主句、从句、修饰词或插入语等。

例1:The actual global saving rate in 2006, overall, was only

modestly higher than 1999, suggesting that the uptrend in

developing-economy saving intentions overlapped with, and

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largely tempered, declining investment intentions in the

developed world.

译文: 2006年全球实际储蓄率总体而言只比1999年稍高一点。 这表明,发展中国家储蓄意愿的上升趋势与发达国家投资意愿的不断下降出现交叠, 并对后者起到很大的调和作用。

例2:Here’s the big idea: If the lack of demand that the Obama

Administration is fighting were the only problem, you’d expect

prices to fall across the board. Instead, it appears that supply --

that is, oversupply – is at least as important a factor. The sectors

in which prices are falling are those plagued by an excess of

factories, often because of huge investment in plants in

developing nations. Most service, in contrast, are not in severe

oversupply and have domestic labor as their main ingredient.

Consider this: Prices of goods fell 4.1% last year; prices of

services rose 3%.

译文: 以下是一种见解:如果奥巴马政府所奋力抗争的需求减少是唯一的问题, 那么价格应该全面下跌。 但以目前的现象来看, 供给——或者说过度供给——只是其中一个重要因素。 价格下降的那些领域多是因为设厂过多 而出现问题, 通常是由于在发展中国家投入巨资建立工厂。与此相反, 大多数服务性行业并未出现严重的过度供给, 而且25 / 2625 / 26


往往以本国劳动力为主。 比较一下这对数据吧:去年商品价格下降了4.1%, 而服务价格却上涨了3%。

1. We will help this region out of its backwardness.

1. The present position and potentialities of this region

justify optimism.

1. 出口大于进口必然会增加就业。

1. 推销和宣传活动使这一新产品在几周内就成为了畅销品。


(1)但以目前的现象来看, 供给——或者说过度供给——只是其中一个重要因素

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