



1. American Puritanism: is a code of values, a philosophy of

life, and a point of view;in essence, it is an idealism;it is the

basis of American dream, but it is also concerned with business

and profit.

3. Realism: is a reaction against "the lie" of Romanticism and

sentimentalism in the later half of the 19th century. It expressed

the concern for the world of experience, of the commonplace,

and for the familiar and the low.

5. Local colorism: a trend first made its presence felt in the

late 1860s and early seventies. Local colorists concerned

themselves with presenting and interpreting the local character

of their regions. They formed an important part of the realistic


6. American Naturalism: is a branch and a furtherance of

American Realism in the late 19th century. Naturalists tore the

mask of gentility to pieces and wrote about the helplessness of

man, his insignificance in a cold world and his lack of dignity in

face of the crushing forces of environment and heredity(遗传);they reported truthfully and objectively, with a passion for

scientific accuracy and an overwhelming accumulation of factual

detail;Naturalists reveal a bitter and wretched world where

human beings battle hopelessly against overwhelming odds in a

cold, harsh and at best apathetic environment.

m: Imagist movement came as a reaction to the

traditional English poetics to meet the need of expressing the

temper of the age, the sense of fragmentization and dislocation.(three phases: ① It first began in London in the years 1908-1909.

T. E. Hulme founded a Poets' Club which met in Soho every

Wednesday to dine and discuss poetry. ②The second phase of

the movement was the period of some three years 1912-1914

when Ezra Pound took over and championed the new poetry. ③

The third phase of Imagism(1914-1917)was when Amy Lowell

took over from Pound and pushed the movement into the period

of "Amygism," as Pound called it.)

8. The Lost Generation: is a term coined by Gertrude Stein. It

is a label for the group of American young expatriate writers born

at turn 20th century and reached maturing after World War I.

These writers felt profound cut off from tradition, disillusioned

and alienated with society and cynical idealism. To them, life is

meaningless and futile. F. Scott. Fitigerald, Ernst Hemingway,

T. S. Eliot are the most important representatives.

9. Iceberg Theory: If a writer knows enough about what he is

writing about, he may omit things that he knows and the reader,

if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those as

strongly as though the writer had said. The dignity of the

movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it begin

above water.

10. The Y oknapatawpha county series:It have overall

pattern in which the fate of a ruined homeland always focus on

the collision of Faulkner’s intelligence sensitive and isealistic

protagonist with the society of the 20th century. Most of the

major themes are the confrontation.

11. The Hemingway hero: the typical Hemingway hero is one

who wounded but strong, more sensitive and wounded because

stronger, enjoys the pleasures of life (sex, alcohol, sport) in face

of ruin and death and maintains, through some notion of a code,

an ideal of himself.

本文标签: 美国文学史名词解释