







如Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word,我们要注意几个方面:

(1)in the passage那就是说所找的单词必须是本文中出现的;

(2)a word那就是只能用一词而不是多词表达;





I must take good care of my sister at home.可以说

I must care for my sister well al home.将take good care of压缩成三个单词well。


The rain was very heavy last night,—It rained heavily last night.


The woman is our new director, She is in red.

—the woman in red is our new director.


①比较状语从句句型转换:最高级=比较级十than any other/the other=no other十原级+as。如:

This flower is more beautiful than any other flower at the exhibition.

- No other flowers are as beautiful as this one.

- This flower is the most beautiful one at the exhibition.


The bear wants to climb the tree in order that he can get the apple on it.

The bear wants to climb the tree in order to get the apple on it.


He ordered that we should do our homework in the classroom after school.

He ordered us to do homework in the classroom after school .


He will miss the train if he does not take a taxi.

He will miss the train unless he takes a taxi.


I suggest that you should phone your aunt before turning up at her house.

suggest calling up your aunt before visiting her house.




2.忽略答题要求。不同类型的问题要用不同形式的回答。例如:就目的提问,答案要用for短语或不定式;就原因提问,答案应用because of短语或because从句;提问词是what时,要用名词,名词性短语或名词性从句来回答。

3.忽略字数限制。可采用一些小技巧进行形式上的浓缩,比如:可利用缩写,将can not缩写为cann’t;把两个词合成—个复合词,比如horse-riding、waiting-room等;尽量用词或短语代替句子,尽量用简单句代替复合句等,比如He works very

hard可改写成working-hard man.















2.近义词定位。题干中的关键字可能在原文中以同义词或者近义词的方式出现,不一定是原词的重现。即我们常说的“同义改写”或者“同义替换”。如alter/ change;choice/alternative等。

例文:The sculptors bring out their favorite tools that work best 0n the hard iced snow.but they are not allowed

to employ tools that use electricity.

题:What kind of tools are the sculptors NOT profited to use?(No more than 6 words)





例文:Game hunters of the 19th century had hunted the creatures almost to extinction(绝种).

题:According to this passage.what was the most probable reason for elephants’ almost extinction in

north——eastern South Africa in the 19th century?(No more than 8 words)

解析:题目以what开头,回答时,要用一个名词性的短语或句子。分析原文可知,是参加狩猎游戏的人在猪杀人物,导致动物濒临绝种。因此,猎杀是动物绝种的主要原因,答案为Hunting of the 19th century.

2.以why开头的问旬:要用原因状语或者原因状语从句来回答,常用because或者because of来开头。


例文:The fact that he was caught in the traffic jam might explain his being late.

题:Why was he late? No more than10 words)

解析:阅读原文可知“因为他遇到了交通堵塞”,所以答案为Because he was caught in the traffic jam.或

Because of the traffic jam.



例文:Fortunately,he loaned some money from the bank,and set up his own company.

题:How did he get the money to set up his OWN company? No more than 8 words)


loaning some money from出e bank.


例文:He was born in 1993.And when he was five years old,he lost his legs in a car accident.

题:When did he become disabled?。(No more than 8words)

解析:原文中说是当他五岁的时候,所以最佳答案就是When he was five years old或In 1998.


例文:He went to Harvard University.There he found his interests in biology.

题:Where did he find his interests in biology?(No more than 8 words)

解析:原文中的there指代的是Harvard University. 问句以where开头所以答案为In Harvard.

【技巧3:如何转换表达方式? 】



1.词语替代法。此法是指用词性相同的同义词,近义词或同义词组,反义词组对原句的某些成分进行简单的替代,而句子的结构保持不变,如: is Meimei at home?--is Meimei in?


The rain was very heavy last night. — It rained heavily last night.


He is a new teacher, He is called Sun Jun.

--- He is a new teacher called Sum Jun.



①比较状语从句句型转换:最高级=比较级+than any other/the other…=no other+原级+as…

Lilei is taller than any other student.

 Lilei is the tallest in his class in his class.


The little girl was so tired that she couldn’t go farther.

— The little girl was too tired to go farther.


We all hope that we will be able to play games on the sports field.

We all hope to play games on the sports field.

④从句之间的转换 l

He will miss the train if he does n't take a tax.

He will miss the train unless he takes a taxi。


when 1 was going shopping yesterday. I came across an old friend of mine.


Going shopping yesterday, I met an old friend of mine.

When I taught EFL (English as a foreign language)

In Israel, I remember a young student named Shalev who sat in my seventh grade class. He

had the reading knowledge of a third grader. According to his intake reading tests and forms, he was supposed to be in a remedial (补习的)reading recovery class. Shalev was very dependent on me and he wouldn't do anything that wasn’t easy enough to deal with. He

also wanted immediate feedback(反馈)。

One day, he told me that he liked studying with me best. I wanted to get rid of his feelings that he didn' t know anything as he

would usually say in class. I eagerly began to find strategies that would be best in supporting his low serf-image and. esteem.

I started using a simple point system for every good thing he did in class. As I th0ught,it worked like a charm giving Shalev

immediate signs of progress in terms of promoting effective work habits. One day during class, Shalev filled out a monitoring report

and asked me, "Did I work well today?" His face lighted with delight when I said "yes", which other students had heard.

After that, I made him my helper and monitor. I saw how eager he was for the next assignment. He said then in English,

"Please, please, I can do it! " Remember, Shalev' s mother tongue is Hebrew(希伯来语).

I decided to turn this into a teachable moment for the rest of the class. I looked at my students and asked them in Hebrew,

"What should I say to Shalev?" They told me, "Do it! " I was very excited when the lesson suddenly opened to a more positive

atmosphere where the students were offering their suggestions.

From this experience I came to understand how much students have the power to learn when you believe in them and how

much foreign or second language learning (or for any subject is dependent on the positive connection with students.

was Shalev like according to the passage.'? (no more than 8 words)

can we learn about when Shalev said "Please, please, I can do it! "(no more than 8 words)

's the writer's suggestion in writing this text? (no more than 8 words)

does the passage mainly talk about? (no more than 10 words )


本文标签: 考生阅读转换