





[1] Management Science (UTD 24)

[2] Operations Research (UTD 24)

[3] INFORMS Journal on

Computing (UTD 24)



[1] Production and Operations

Management (UTD 24)

[2] Journal of Operations

Management (UTD 24)

[3] Manufacturing & Service

Operations Management (UTD 24)

Strategy and [1] Academy of Management

Journal (UTD 24)

[2] Academy of Management

Review (UTD 24)

[3] Administrative Science

Quarterly (UTD 24)

[4] Strategic Management Journal

(UTD 24)

[5] Organization Science (UTD 24)

[6] Journal of International

Business Studies (UTD 24)


Economics [1] American Economic Review

[2] Econometrica

[3] Journal of Political Economy

Total 27


(Business Week, FT列表期刊中未列入我院A+列表的期刊)

[1] Accounting, Organizations and Society

[2] Contemporary Accounting Research

[3] Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice

[4] Human Relations

[5] Human Resource Management (US)

[6] Journal of Applied Psychology

[7] Journal of Business Venturing

[8] Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

[9] Journal of Management

[10] Journal of Management Information Systems

[11] Journal of Management Studies

[12] Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

[13] Organization Studies

[14] Organizational Behavior and Human Decision


[15] Research Policy

[16] Review of Accounting Studies

[17] Review of Finance

[18] The Quarterly Journal of Economics

[19] The Review of Economic Studies

[20] Harvard Business Review

[21] Journal of Business Ethics

[22] Journal of Consumer Psychology

[23] Sloan Management Review

[24] Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal


澳大利亚管理学院院长联合会管理学期刊列表期刊的A*类期刊,除去我院A+与A1类期刊;英国商学院协会出版的高质量学术期刊指南(ABS Academic

Journal Quality Guide 2018)4*/4评级期刊;Thomson


[1] Academy of Management Annals

[2] Academy of Management Perspectives

[3] Academy of Management, Learning and


[4] Academy of Management Annals

[5] Accident Analysis and Prevention

[6] Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal

[7] ACM Transactions on Computer-Human


[8] Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

[9] Agricultural Economics

[10] American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

[11] American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

[12] American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics

[13] American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

[14] American Economic Review

[15] American Journal of Agricultural Economics

[16] American Journal of International Law

[17] American Journal of Political Science

[18] American Journal of Public Health

[19] American Journal of Sociology

[20] American Political Science Review

[21] American Psychologist

[22] American Sociological Review

[23] Annals of Applied Probability

[24] Annals of Applied Statistics

[25] Annals of Probability

[26] Annals of Statistics

[27] Annals of Tourism Research

[28] Annual Review of Economics

[29] Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and

Organizational Behavior

[30] Annual Review of Psychology

[31] Annual Review of Sociology

[32] Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory

[33] Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource


[34] Automation in Construction

[35] Biometrics

[36] Biometrika

[37] Biostatistics

[38] Boston University Law Review

[39] British Accounting Review

[40] British Journal of Industrial Relations: An

International Journal of Employment Relations

[41] British Journal of Management

[42] British Tax Review

[43] Business Ethics Quarterly

[44] Business History Review

[45] Business Strategy and the Environment

[46] California Management Review

[47] Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and


[48] Cambridge Law Journal

[49] Canadian Tax Journal

[50] Columbia Law Review

[51] Commercial Law Journal

[52] Computers & Operations Research

[53] Cornell Law Review

[54] Corporate Governance - An International Review

[55] Current Directions in Psychological Science

[56] Decision Sciences

[57] Decision Support Systems

[58] Ecological Economics

[59] Econometric Theory

[60] Economic Geography

[61] Economic History Review

[62] Economic Journal

[63] Economic Policy

[64] Economic Systems Research

[65] Economic Theory

[66] Economics & Human Biology

[67] Economy and Society

[68] Emerging Markets Review

[69] Energy Economics

[70] Energy Policy

[71] Environment and Planning A

[72] Environment and Planning B: Planning and


[73] Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

[74] European Accounting Review

[75] European Economic Review

[76] European Journal of Health Economics

[77] European Journal of Information Systems

[78] European Journal of Marketing

[79] European Journal of Operational Research

[80] Experimental Economics

[81] Expert Systems with Applications

[82] Family Business Review

[83] Federal Law Review

[84] Food Policy

[85] Forbes

[86] Foreign Affairs

[87] Foreign Policy (Washington)

[88] Futures

[89] Games and Economic Behavior

[90] Gender and Society

[91] Global Environmental Change

[92] Government Information Quarterly

[93] Harvard Law Review

[94] Health Economics

[95] Human Resource Management Journal (UK)

[96] IEEE Systems Journal

[97] IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

[98] Industrial and Corporate Change

[99] Industrial and Labor Relations Review

[100] Industrial Marketing Management

[101] Industrial Relations: a journal of economy and


[102] Information and Management

[103] Information and Organization

[104] Information Processing & Management

[105] Information Systems Journal

[106] International Economic Review

[107] International Journal of Computer-Supported

Collaborative Learning

[108] International Journal of Contemporary

Hospitality Management

[109] International Journal of Electronic Commerce

[110] International Journal of Forecasting

[111] International Journal of Geographical

Information Science

[112] International Journal of Hospitality


[113] International Journal of Information


[114] International Journal of Management Reviews

[115] International Journal of Operations and

Production Management

[116] International Journal of Production Economics

[117] International Journal of Production Research

[118] International Journal of Project Management

[119] International Journal of Research in Marketing

[120] International Small Business Journal

[121] Journal of Agrarian Change

[122] Journal of Agricultural Economics

[123] Journal of Applied Econometrics

[124] Journal of Banking and Finance

[125] Journal of Business and Economic Statistics

[126] Journal of Business Logistics

[127] Journal of Business Research

[128] Journal of Common Market Studies

[129] Journal of Computational and Graphical


[130] Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

[131] Journal of Conflict Resolution: Research on

War and Peace Between and Within Nations

[132] Journal of Construction Engineering and


[133] Journal of Contract Law

[134] Journal of Corporate Finance

[135] Journal of Development Economics

[136] Journal of Econometrics

[137] Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

[138] Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

[139] Journal of Economic Geography

[140] Journal of Economic Growth

[141] Journal of Economic Literature

[142] Journal of Economic Perspectives

[143] Journal of Economic Surveys

[144] Journal of Economic Theory

[145] Journal of Environmental Economics and


[146] Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied

[147] Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

[148] Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human

Perception and Performance

[149] Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,

Memory, And Cognition

[150] Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

[151] Journal of Financial Econometrics

[152] Journal of Financial Intermediation

[153] Journal of Financial Markets

[154] Journal of Financial Stability

[155] Journal of Health Economics

[156] Journal of Human Resources: Education,

Manpower and Welfare Economics

[157] Journal of Information Technology

[158] Journal of Informetrics

[159] Journal of Institutional Economics

[160] Journal of Interactive Marketing

[161] Journal of International Economics

[162] Journal of International Marketing

[163] Journal of International Money and Finance

[164] Journal of Labor Economics

[165] Journal of Manufacturing Systems

[166] Journal of Monetary Economics

[167] Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

[168] Journal of Occupational and Organizational


[169] Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

[170] Journal of Organizational Behavior

[171] Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

[172] Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

[173] Journal of Product Innovation Management

[174] Journal of Public Administration: Research and


[175] Journal of Public Economics

[176] Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

[177] Journal of Regional Science

[178] Journal of Retailing

[179] Journal of Service Management

[180] Journal of Service Research

[181] Journal of Small Business Management

[182] Journal of Sport Management

[183] Journal of Strategic Information Systems

[184] Journal of Supply Chain Management

[185] Journal of Sustainable Tourism

[186] Journal of the American Medical Informatics


[187] Journal of the American Statistical Association

[188] Journal of the Association for Information

Science and Technology (formerly Journal of the

American Society for Information Science and


[189] Journal of the Association for Information


[190] Journal of the European Economic Association

[191] Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B:

Statistical Methodology

[192] Journal of Transport Geography

[193] Journal of Travel Research

[194] Journal of Urban Economics

[195] Journal of Vocational Behavior

[196] Journal of World Business (formerly Columbia


[197] Land Economics

[198] Law Quarterly Review

[199] Leadership Quarterly

[200] Long Range Planning

[201] Management Accounting Research

[202] Managing Service Quality

[203] Marine Resource Economics

[204] Mathematical Finance

[205] Mathematical Programming

[206] Networks & Spatial Economics

[207] New Political Economy

[208] Omega

[209] Organization & Environment

[210] Organizational Research Methods

[211] Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal

[212] Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

[213] Personality and Social Psychology Review

[214] Personnel Psychology: A Journal of Applied


[215] PharmacoEconomics

[216] Post-soviet Affairs

[217] Probability Theory and Related Fields

[218] Production Planning & Control

[219] Psychological Bulletin

[220] Psychological Review

[221] Psychological Science

[222] Public Administration Review

[223] Public Administration: An International


[224] Quantitative Economics

[225] Quarterly Journal of Economics

[226] RAND Journal of Economics

[227] Regional Studies

[228] Reliability Engineering & System Safety

[229] Research Evaluation

[230] Resource and Energy Economics

[231] Review of Asset Pricing Studies

[232] Review of Corporate Finance Studies

[233] Review of Economic Dynamics

[234] Review of Economic Studies

[235] Review of Economics and Statistics

[236] Review of Environmental Economics and Policy

[237] Review of International Organizations

[238] Review of International Political Economy

[239] Risk Analysis: An international Journal

[240] Scientometrics

[241] Small Business Economics

[242] Social Science and Medicine

[243] Social Science Computer Review

[244] Socio-Economic Review

[245] Sociology

[246] Sociology of Health and Illness

[247] Supply Chain Management: An International


[248] Systems & Control Letters

[249] Technological and Economic Development of


[250] Technovation

[251] Telematics and Informatics

[252] The Economic Journal

[253] The Energy Journal

[254] The European Accounting Review

[255] The Journal of Economic History

[256] The Journal of Law and Economics

[257] The Leadership Quarterly

[258] The Modern Law Review

[259] The Review of Economics and Statistics

[260] The Yale Law Journal

[261] Theoretical Economics

[262] Torts Law Journal

[263] Tourism Management

[264] Transport Policy

[265] Transportation Research Part A: Policy and


[266] Transportation Research Part B:


[267] Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and

Transportation Review

[268] Transportation Science

[269] University of Chicago Law Review

[270] Urban Studies: An International Journal for

Research in Urban Studies

[271] Value in Health

[272] Work, Employment and Society

[273] World Bank Research Observer

[274] World Development

注:由于JCR一区期刊包含所有学科,此表只列出了Thomson Reuters的JCR分区中与经济管理紧密相关的小学科(Business; Business, Finance; Economics;

information Science & library science; Management;

Operations Research & Management Science),以及中科院JCR分区中的管理科学类。其他学科期刊亦可,但原则上文章要与经济管理相关。

本文标签: 期刊列表管理管理学出版