


UNIT 1单元过关卷

时间:100分钟 满分:120分

Ⅰ. 听力测试(每小题1分,计25分)


( )1. A.



( )2. A.



( )3. A.



( )4. A.



( )5. A.




( )6. Where was Jack yesterday?

A. In the library. B. At home. C. In the bookstore.

( )7. How long did it take Bob to arrive at Georgetown?

A. 1. 5 hours. B. 2 hours. C. 2. 5 hours.

( )8. When did Peter go to Central Park?

A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.

( )9. How was the weather last Sunday?

A. Rainy. B. Sunny.


C. Cloudy.

( )10. What did Jim do last weekend?

A. He went to the movies.

C. He played tennis.



( )11. What did Tom do on vacation?

A. He went swimming.

C. He went to the beach.

( )12. Who did Tom go with?

A. His cousin. B. His sister. C. His brother.

B. He went to summer camp.

B. He went to the mountains.


( )13. When did John go to Beijing?

A. Last week. B. Last month. C. Last year.

( )14. What did John do in Beijing?

A. He visited the Great Wall.

C. He visited museums.


( )15. How many interesting places did Eric mention (提及)?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

B. He saw his parents.

( )16. What does Eric think of the food in China?

A. Delicious. B. Terrible. C. Expensive.

( )17. Where is Eric probably (很可能) from?

A. China. B. Thailand. C. America.


( )18. How did the girl go to Sanya last Sunday?

A. By car. B. By bus. C. By plane.

( )19. What special food did they have for lunch there?

A. Chicken. B. Fish.


C. Fruit.

( )20. What did the girl do in the afternoon?

A. She tried paragliding.

C. She visited the old buildings.


( )21. Where does David's uncle live?

A. In England. B. In China. C. In America.

B. She went shopping.

( )22. Who did Tom go with?

A. His parents. B. His uncle. C. His cousin.

( )23. What did Tom do in Hong Kong?

A. He met lots of stars. B. He took lots of photos.

C. He bought something special for his friends.

( )24. How did Sally go to England?

A. By boat.

( )25. Who are in America?

A. Lisa's parents.

C. Lisa's friends.

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(95分)

Ⅱ. 单项选择(每小题1分,计10分)

( )26. —David, who did you go on a trip to Sanya with?

—Nobody. I went there by________.

A. me

C. myself

( )27. —What are you going to give your mother for her birthday?

—I'm not sure. But I'll buy her ________.

A. something special

C. special something

B. anything special

D. special anything

B. you

D. yourself

B. Lisa's grandparents.

B. By plane. C. By train.

( )28. —Would you like some more dumplings?

—Yes, just________, please.


A. a little

C. quite a few

B. a few

D. quite a little

( )29. —Where did you go________ vacation?

—Huanggang. I stayed there________ three days.

A. on; in

C. for; in

B. to; for

D. on; for

( )30. —Li Lei, National Day is coming. Where will you go?

—I decide________ to Mount Tai.

A. go

C. to go

B. will go

D. going

( )31. —What do you think of your English teacher?

—She is good. She can always make learning________.

A. important

C. difficult

B. enjoyable

D. terrible

( )32. —The new restaurant is________ for 500 people.

—Wow, let's have a big party there.

A. enough big

C. big enough

B. enough small

D. small enough

( )33. —Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday, Tony?

—________. I did it by myself.

A. Someone

C. Everyone

B. No one

D. Anyone

( )34. —What________ you________ yesterday afternoon?

—I went to see a movie.

A. do; do

C. are; doing

B. did; do

D. did; did

( )35. —Did you go anywhere interesting this summer vacation?

—________. I just stayed on my uncle's farm and helped him.

A. Of course

C. Not really

B. No problem

D. Sounds great


Ⅲ. 完形填空(每小题1分,计10分)

I went to Jiuhua Mountain with my three friends last week. The mountain was a

little__36__. So we decided to go there by bus. We __37__ at the school gate at seven

o'clock in the morning, and then we took a __38__ to go to the mountain.

On the bus, we had a good__39__. The people on the bus found many ways to be

happy. There was a little girl. __40__ sang three songs.

At nine twenty we got to the mountain. We had a good__41__ at the beginning,

but Li Hui suddenly felt terrible and she couldn't walk any farther. __42__ knew what

to do. Liu Lei __43__ to call her mum with her mobile phone, but there was no signal

(信号) in the mountain. __44__ we brought a tent with us. We put it up and let her

__45__ in it. She drank some water, and ate some food.

After an hour, Li Hui felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed

ourselves on the top of the mountain.

( )36. A. tall

( )37. A. met

( )38. A. car

( )39. A. idea

( )40. A. I

( )41. A. trip

B. far

B. studied

B. bus

B. show

B. He

B. visit

C. cold

C. stopped

C. train

C. time

C. They

C. turn

B. Someone

D. popular

D. sat

D. bike

D. sleep

D. She

D. food

C. Anyone D. No ( )42. A. Everyone


( )43. A. visited B. tried

( )44. A. Luckily B. Also

( )45. A. read B. enjoy

C. hoped

C. Later

C. relax

D. wished

D. Sure

D. eat

Ⅳ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,计20分)


Friday, August 10th

It was fine today. My friends and I had an egg and an apple for breakfast. Then

we went to Tian'anmen Square in the morning. It was great! In the afternoon, we went


swimming. I taught some kids to swim. It was interesting.

Saturday, August 11th

It was cool today. We went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and

great. We were very tired and hungry in the evening. So we ate a lot for dinner. I ate a

large bowl of noodles, chicken and ice cream. The food was delicious.

Sunday, August 12th

It was rainy today, so we stayed in the camp. I wrote letters to my family and

friends. At noon we ate hamburgers and salad for lunch. After lunch, we watched an

action movie. It was exciting.

( )46. The writer and his friends traveled in________.

A. Tianjin

C. Nanjing

B. Beijing

D. Shanghai

( )47. What was the weather like on Saturday?

A. Fine.

C. Rainy.

B. Cool.

D. Snowy.

( )48. What did the writer have for lunch on Sunday?

A. Hamburgers and salad.

C. An egg and an apple.

( )49. They visited the Great Wall on________.

A. Thursday

C. Saturday

B. Friday

D. Sunday

B. Some fruit and vegetables.

D. Noodles, chicken and ice cream.

( )50. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The writer didn't go swimming on Friday afternoon.

B. The writer watched an exciting movie on Sunday evening.

C. Although it was fine on Sunday, they stayed in the camp.

D. The writer and his friends had fun in Beijing.


Can you live in your “home” when you are traveling? You may say it's


“impossible”. But the Home Exchange (交换) Vacation Club can help you make it.

Home Exchange Vacation started in Europe fifty years ago. At that time, some

teachers wanted to go to Europe on vacation, but they didn't have enough money.

Then they thought of an idea. They made some friends in Europe. When they traveled

in the cities where their friends lived, they could live in their friends' houses and

cooked food there. And when their friends visited the cities they lived in, they could

do the same, so both of them could save lots of money. And with the money, they

could visit more interesting places.

Later, some teachers made the Home Exchange Vacation Club. Many people

joined the club in more than fifty countries around the world. It is also popular in

China now. When you are visiting some places, just call your friends. And they may

give you a warm “home”.

( )51. According to the passage, when you travel,you can live in a ________.

A. hotel

C. park

B. shop

D. friend's house

( )52. The word “impossible” may mean “________” in Chinese.

A. 有趣的

C. 真实的

B. 不可能的

D. 不明智的

( )53. The teachers thought of the idea of exchanging homes, because they wanted

to ________.

A. stay at home

C. live in Europe

B. save money

D. meet their friends often

( )54. They saved money to________.

A. go shopping

C. visit more places

B. enjoy delicious food

D. take photos

( )55. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The Home Exchange Vacation Club started thirty years ago.

B. Nobody joined the Home Exchange Vacation Club.

C. People in China also like the Home Exchange Vacation Club.

D. Some doctors made the Home Exchange Vacation Club.


Ⅴ. 任务型阅读(每小题2分,计10分)

Deborah and Paul Evans enjoyed life. They loved nature and outdoor activities,especially hiking(远足). (56)________ When they went hiking, they always took their

dog Buddy. Buddy was a large sheepdog. He loved Deborah and Paul. (57)________

One day during the summer vacation, they decided to hike to South Mountain.

Before starting their trip, they saw a piece of news on TV. (58)________“We

advise(建议)hikers to be away from South Mountain,”said the news reporter. “If so,

how about going there another day?”Deborah said in a small voice. “Don't worry.

I'm sure we'll be safe,”said Paul. “(59)________”In the end, they set off with Buddy.

At about 5 pm, Deborah, Paul and Buddy made it to the top of the mountain.

Soon after, they heard a big noise. A mountain lion did jump out. It ran towards

Deborah. (60)________He scared the lion away. Deborah and Paul were very

thankful to Buddy. How lucky they were to have such a brave dog!


A. Hiking was one of his favorite things, too.

B. Mountain lions usually stay away from people.

C. They often hiked during their vacation.

D. It is said that someone saw a mountain lion around there.

E. Just then, Buddy barked(叫)and jumped up to save her.

Ⅵ. 补全对话(每小题2分,计10分)


A:Tim, you're back! How was your vacation?

B:It was so much fun.

A:(61)________ Tell us about Australia, Tim.

B:It is a beautiful country! But it's very crowded at this time of the year.

A: You're right. April is part of the tourist season (观光季节)! (62)________

B:I went to Sydney for ten days and Canberra (堪培拉) for seven days.

A:Canberra? Is it the largest city of Australia?

B: No, Sydney is. Canberra is the capital (首都) city of Australia.



B: I visited the Sydney Opera House in Sydney and the National Gallery of Australia

in Canberra.

A:Wonderful! (64)________

B: Yes, very good. The hotel was also cheap!

A:Who did you go with?

B:No one. (65)________ I think I had a great vacation!

A. I traveled there by myself.

B. Was your hotel nice?

C. What cities did you go to?

D. I heard you went to Australia.

E. Where did you take these photos?

F. Were you tired there?

G. What places did you visit?

Ⅶ. 完成句子(每小题2分,计10分)


66. 为了学好英语,他总是用英语写日记。(keep)

In order to learn English well, he always________________in English.

67. 因为恶劣的天气,我们看不到下面的任何东西。(because)

________________ the bad weather, we couldn't see anything below.

68. 昨天,我给我的妹妹买了一些特别的东西。(something)

I bought________________for my sister yesterday.

69. 在玩滑翔伞时,我感觉自己像一只小鸟。 (feel)

When I tried paragliding, I ________________ I was a bird.

70. 因为晚上没有什么事情做,所以大家似乎很无聊。(bored)

There was nothing much to do in the evening, so everyone


Ⅷ. 综合填空(每小题1分,计10分)




but, try, hungry, duck, because, wonder,difference, top, dislike, we, to, with

It was sunny last Saturday. I felt bored, so I rode a bicycle to a farm near a hill

(71)________ some friends. A farmer welcomed us warmly. The farm was so

beautiful. We saw hens, (72)________ and pigs there. We were like birds out of the

cage(笼子). We did many interesting activities. Mary (73)________ to get some

apples on a tree. Mike also picked some. I (74)________ how big the farm was. I got

to the (75)________ of the hill and took quite a few photos. Jack seemed to

(76)________ these activities. He sat under a big tree and relaxed.

At twelve o'clock, most of us were (77)________. The farmer prepared some

delicious food for (78)________. Of course, we must pay for it, (79)________ we all

still thanked him. To remember what we did, I wrote down the (80)____________

between the school and the farm in my diary.

All in all, it was an enjoyable day.

Ⅸ. 书面表达(15分)




活动 上午





















UNIT 1 单元过关卷

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分



1.We went to New York City last weekend.

2.Mary visited Huangguoshu Waterfall with her parents last summer.

3.Cindy fed some hens on the farm yesterday.

4.Mike bought me a toy camera when he was on vacation.

5.Last week, I visited the Palace Museum with my friends.


6.W:Did you do anything special yesterday, Jack?

M:No, I only stayed at home and read books.

7.W:Did Bob arrive at Georgetown?

M:Yes, it took him two hours and a half to get there by bike.

8.W:Hello, Peter. Did you go to Central Park on Wednesday or Thursday?

M:Oh, I went there on Friday.

9.W:Hi, Tom. Did you go to the beach last Sunday?

M:No, I didn't. Because it rained heavily.

10.W:I went to the movies last weekend. How about you, Jim?

M:I played tennis with my friends.


Text 1


W:Did you go anywhere on vacation, Tom?

M:I went to summer camp.

W:Did you go with anyone?

M:Yes, I went with my cousin. We both had a good time.

Text 2

W:Hello, John! Long time no see.

M:Hello, Alice. Yes, I went to Beijing with my parents last month.

W:Did you go to the Great Wall?

M:Yes, of course. It was excellent. We took many photos there.

Text 3

W:What did you do in China, Eric?

M:We went to a lot of cities. And we visited many places of interest in Beijing, like

the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou is also


W:Do you like the food there?

M:Yes, it is delicious. But my parents didn't like it and they thought it was expensive.

So we usually had meals at American restaurants.

Text 4

W:Hello, Jim. I went to Sanya with my family last Sunday.

M:Really? When did you arrive there?

W:We drove there at 9:30 a.m. Then we went to the beach. It was so beautiful.

M:What did you do there?

W:I tried paragliding with my parents in the morning.

M:Oh, so exciting. Did you eat anything special there?

W:Yes, we ate special fish for lunch. It was very delicious. We visited the old

buildings of Sanya in the afternoon.

M:How wonderful! I want to go there next vacation.


For the summer vacation, my good friends went to different places. David visited

his uncle in Sanya. He got there by boat and he met lots of stars there. Tom went to


Hong Kong with his parents by plane. His parents bought many beautiful clothes there.

And he bought something special for his friends. Sally took a plane to England. She

visited some museums there. Lisa went to meet her friends in America. And she took

a bus to Chinatown with them. She stayed there for five days. They all had a good



Ⅰ.1~5:ABCAC 6~10:BCCAC

11~15:BABAB 16~20:ACABC


第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分

Ⅱ.26.C 点拨:by oneself表示“独自”,由于此句意为“我独自去那儿”,故用myself。

27.A 点拨:答句是肯定句,所以用something,形容词修饰它时要后置。

28.B 29.D 30.C 31.B

32.C 点拨:从题意可知“新餐馆大得可容纳五百人”,又因enough修饰形容词时要后置,故选C。

33.B 点拨:由答句中“I did it by myself,我自己做的。”可知前一句表示“没有人帮助我”。故用no one“没有人”。

34.B 35.C

Ⅲ.36.B 点拨:根据后一句“所以我们决定乘公共汽车去”可知路途有点远。故用far。

37.A 38.B 39.C 40.D 41.A

42.D 点拨:由前一句“她不能再向前走了”可知,此句表示“大家不知道怎么办”,故只有no one表示否定。


44.A 点拨:由“我们搭起了帐篷”可知用luckily符合语境。


Ⅳ.46.B 点拨:由第一篇日记的第三句中的Tian'anmen Square可知。

47.B 点拨:由第二篇日记的第一句可知天气是cool。



49.C 点拨:由第二篇日记的第二句“我们去长城”,结合日记中左上角的时间和星期可知。

50.D 点拨:在第一篇日记的倒数第三句可知A项错误;在第三篇日记的倒数两句可知B项错误;在第三篇日记的第一句可知C项错误;根据三篇日记的最后一句可知D项正确。


Ⅴ.56.C 点拨:根据前一句提出“远足”话题,故此处应当涉及“远足”方面的事情,从选项可知C符合,且能与后句意思连贯起来。

57.A 点拨:从前两句介绍Buddy是一只大牧羊犬,他爱Deborah和Paul可知,此处选A“远足也是他最喜爱的事情之一”。

58.D 点拨:由前一句“他们在电视上看到一条消息”可知,此处应该说明消息的内容。D项“据说有人看见在那里有一只山狮”。


60.E 点拨:由“山狮跳出来并冲向Deborah”可推测“就在那时,Buddy叫着跳起来救她”。


Ⅶ. a diary / keeps diaries

67.Because of ing special like be bored


74.wondered e



Ⅸ.One possible version:

Sunday, April 12th

It was sunny today. I had a trip with my family.

In the morning, we climbed the hills. On the top of the hills we flew kites. We

also planted trees. At noon, we enjoyed the food we brought in a big tent. The food

tasted delicious. In the afternoon, we visited a big farm in the countryside. We fed

hens and ducks. We also saw lots of baby pigs there. What a great day! All of us felt


tired but really happy.


本文标签: 可知日记小题选项