


《圣诞颂歌》讲的是一个名叫埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇(Ebenezer Scrooge)的可怜人的故事。在他看来,圣诞节无非是人们逃避工作的借口而已。什么圣诞快乐之类的祝福语,对于他来说都是无稽之谈。每当有人对他表示圣诞祝福的时候,他总是对其嗤之以鼻,并深信他的这一举动会让所有的人明白他的个性所在。




埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇: i hate having this god damn Christmas.

In my opinion,

Christmas is nothing but the excuse of avoiding work. merry Christmas,

merry Christmas! such as for me is eyewash.

Jacob Marley 飘过。。。。

埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇who is that ?

Jacob Marley:How are you doing?Scrooge。接近(Scrooge)remember me?your friend Jacob Marley.

埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇:what are you doing here?you’ve been dead for

1 years .迟疑一下what do you want with me ?

Jacob Marley:my dear friend ,I come here just want to tell you

my true experience .you know,I was selfish and greedy in the past .as

you r now .when I died 哭,my spirit have to wander the earth with

heavy chain .i made it link by link ,yard by yard . To me, this is more difficult

than death. You should give up your vices.

埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇:humbug !you r kidding me .i don’t believe

it .

Jacob Marley:if you insist

you will follow in my t,,a ghost will

show u something ,….飘走


G:hey, Scrooge,follow me .带她一起飘,中间位置停,look ,the boy

Is playing with friends sohappy


I seem to have seen him somewhere

G:yes ,his name is Scrooge

埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇思考一下的样子,yes ,its me .i

remembered ,I haveso many happy memory ,搽泪水 but it is past 。I remember my girlfriend dumped me and married a rich merchant .i

‘ve been crying for 3 days .

G:yes ,scrooge,at that time you r an

innocent, boy .

埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇苦笑:no ,I’m a fool take me to other place

G:now ,let’s see another man .there指向宁一方,斯克鲁奇顺着方向看去

斯克鲁奇:my employee,bob ,their family r preparing dinner .they

are so happy

G:see that little boy tim,bob’s son .he have been hungry for

he is gonging die

斯克鲁奇:die ?why ?

G:ask much did you pay bob.


G :listen ,what they saying ?they wish you merry Christmas .

斯克鲁奇:what ?I treat him so hard 仔细听的样子。I wish all of

them merryChristmas。Little tim ,stand on your foot quickly。带Scrooge离开

G:Scrooge,where r you?

斯克鲁奇:四周看看,很惊讶的尖叫起来。What happen to me ? why

I am in a grave .

G: Scrooge,its your ending .

斯克鲁奇:no ,please help me .help .

G:it is on your own .you choose your life .飘走

斯克鲁奇:从床上醒来:its so horrible, I must change myself。打电话:bob ,this is scrooge。I‘d like togive you a raise in salary

本文标签: 样子故事借口醒来