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George Lakoff and Mark Johnson

Metaphor is for most people device of the poetic imagination and the

rhetorical flourish--a matter of extraordinary rather than ordinary

language. Moreover, metaphor is typically viewed as characteristic of

language alone, a matter of words rather than thought or action. For this

reason, most people think they can get along perfectly well without

metaphor. We have found,on the contrary, that metaphor is pervasive in

everyday life, not just in language but in thought and action. Our ordinary

conceptual system, in terms of which we both think and act, is

fundamentally metaphorical in nature.

The concepts that govern our thought are not just matters of the

intellect. They also govern our everyday functioning, down to the most

mundane details. Our concepts structure what we perceive, how we get

around in the world, and how we relate to other people. Our conceptual

system thus plays a central role in defining our everyday realities. If we

are right in suggesting that our conceptual system is largely metaphorical,

then the way we thinks what we experience, and what we do every day is

very much a matter of metaphor.

But our conceptual system is not something we are normally aware

of. in most of the little things we do every day, we simply think and act

more or less automatically along certain lines. Just what these lines are is

by no means obvious. One way to find out is by looking at language.

Since communication is based on the same conceptual system that we use

in thinking and acting, language is an important source of evidence for


what that system is like.

Primarily on the basis of linguistic evidence, we have found that

most of our ordinary conceptual system is metaphorical in nature. And we

have found a way to begin to identify in detail just what the metaphors

are halt structure how we perceive, how we think, and what we do.

To give some idea of what it could mean for a concept to be metaphorical

and for such a concept to structure an everyday activity, let us start with

the concept ARGUMENT and the conceptual metaphor ARGUMENT IS

WAR. This metaphor is reflected in our everyday language by a wide

variety of expressions:


Your claims are indefensible.

He attacked every weak point in my argument.

His criticisms were right on target.

I demolished his argument.

I've never won an argument with him.

You disagree? Okay, shoot!

If you use that strategy, he'll wipe you out. He shot down all of my


It is important to see that we don't just talk about arguments in terms

of war. We can actually win or lose arguments. We see the person we are

arguing with as an opponent. We attack his positions and we defend our

own. We gain and lose ground. We plan and use strategies. If we find a

position indefensible, we can abandon it and take a new line of attack.

Many of the things we do in arguing are partially structured by the

concept of war. Though there is no physical battle, there is a verbal battle,


and the structure of an argument--attack, defense, counter-attack,

etc.---reflects this. It is in this sense that the ARGUMENT IS WAR

metaphor is one that we live by in this culture; its structures the actions

we perform in arguing.

Try to imagine a culture where arguments are not viewed in terms of

war, where no one wins or loses, where there is no sense of attacking or

defending, gaining or losing ground. Imagine a culture where an

argument is viewed as a dance, the participants are seen as performers,

and the goal is to perform in a balanced and aesthetically pleasing way. In

such a culture, people would view arguments differently, experience them

differently, carry them out differently, and talk about them differently. But

we would probably not view them as arguing at all: they would simply be

doing something different. It would seem strange even to call what they

were doing "arguing." In perhaps the most neutral way of describing this

difference between their culture and ours would be to say that we have a

discourse form structured in terms of battle and they have one structured

in terms of dance.

This is an example of what it means for a metaphorical concept,

namely, ARGUMENT IS WAR, to structure (at least in part) what we do

and how we understand what we are doing when we argue. The essence

of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms

of another.. It is not that arguments are a subspecies of war. Arguments

and wars are different kinds of things--verbal discourse and armed

conflict--and the actions performed are different kinds of actions. But

ARGUMENT is partially structured, understood, performed, and talked

about in terms of WAR. The concept is metaphorically structured, the


activity is metaphorically structured, and, consequently, the language is

metaphorically structured.



乔治·莱考夫 和 马克·约翰逊




首先, 以语言学证据为基础,我们发现大多数普通概念系统本质上是隐喻的。并且我们发现了能详细定义什么是隐喻的方法。隐喻 5


为了让读者了解为什么一种概念是隐喻以及这种概念是怎样构建我们日常活动的,我们从 “争论”这个概念和“争论是战争”这一隐喻开始解释。这个隐喻在我们的日常生活中的许多表达方式上得到了反映:








重要的是我们不仅仅是从“战争”方面谈论“争论”, 我们真的可以赢得或者输掉一场争论。我们把和我们争论的人当作敌人。我们攻击对方的位置并包围自己的据点。我们会获得或者失去土地。我们谋划并使用策略。倘若我们发现某个位置难于防御,我们可以放弃它并展开新的战线。我们在辩论的过程中所做的很多事都部分建构于战争的概念之上。虽然没有身体上的战斗,却又言语上的斗争。一场争论的结构——进攻,防守,反击等——反映了这一切。就是从这个意义上说,“争论是战争”是我们在这个文化中赖以生成的隐喻之一,它构建了我们在争论中的行为表现。





本文标签: 隐喻概念争论战争系统