


应用程序初始化失败问题(Application initialization failed)

The application failed to initialize _~ ~!

Application initialization failed (oxc0000005) reasons and


1, Microsoft IE buffer overflow vulnerability caused

2, memory or virtual memory address conflict program needs to

be allocated to address certain procedures to use, when new

procedures for the use of space to release at the end of the

program, win is a multi tasking system before the program does

not end sometimes

There is a new task to how much memory or virtual memory to

ensure that we run at the same time the task? Perhaps win on

this issue is not ready, so the errors often occur, the general

operation of the large-scale software or multimedia

3, poor memory will appear this problem in general, memory

problems are not likely, the main aspect is: bad memory, memory

quality problems, there are 2 different brands of different

memory mixed interpolation, are more prone to incompatible

situation, but also pay attention to the heat problem,

especially after overclocking. You can use the MemTest software

to check memory, which can thoroughly detect the stability of

memory. If you are dual memory, and the memory of different

brands, mixed in, or bought a secondary memory, this problem

occurs, then you have to check whether the memory problems, or

incompatible with other hardware.

4, Microsoft WINDOWS system vulnerabilities, windows memory

address 0X00000000 to 0X0000ffff designated as assigned null

pointer address range, if the program attempts to access this

address, is considered to be wrong. Programs written by c/c++

usually do not undergo rigorous error checking and return null

pointers when malloc is used to allocate memory and the assigned

address space is insufficient. However, the code does not check

this error, considers that the address assignment has been

successful, so it accesses the address of the 0X00000000, so

memory violation access occurs, and the process is terminated.

The following ASCII character fill consisting of PIF file: an

illegal PIF file (filled with a ASCII character ''x'') at

least 369 bytes, the system was considered to be a valid PIF

file, 0] will display to the PIF icon, [, will have

a program, font, memory, screen etc. the contents in the

attributes. And when a non PIF file is 369 bytes in size, the

program's error is not detected even if it is 370 bytes. When

a PIF file is larger than 369 bytes for illegal property

"program" page, Explorer will go wrong, that ''***''Command

Reference ''***'' memory. This memory cannot be ''read''

The problem is in the 16 hexadecimal address of the PIF file:

0x00000181[0x87]0x00000182[0x01] and

0x00000231[0xC3]0x00000232[0x02] even if it's a legitimate PIF

file, it can cause program errors whenever you change any of

these places. As long as the value of 0x00000181 and 0x00000182

is changed to [0xFF][0xFF], any change of other addresses will

not cause errors.

5, there may not be a Apache service is installed correctly,

and started its service in the cause;

OracleOraHomeXXHTTPServer to stop

6, the application does not check the memory allocation failure

procedure requires a memory to save the data, you need to call

the operating system to provide a "function" to apply, if

successful memory allocation, memory area function will be the

new return to the application, the application can use this

memory via this address. This is the "dynamic memory

allocation", the memory address, that is, "pointer" in

programming". Memory is not always available, endless, and

sometimes memory allocation will fail.

When the allocation fails, the system function returns a 0 value,

when the return value "0" does not represent the newly enabled

pointer, but rather a notification issued by the system to the

application informing the error. As an application, in the

memory after each application should check whether the return

value is 0, if it is, it means that there is a fault, some

measures should be taken to save, which enhances the robustness

of the program "". If the application does not check the error,

it will continue to use this memory in subsequent operations,

in accordance with the thinking inertia that the value is the

pointer that is allocated to it. The real 0 address memory area

holds the most important "interrupt descriptor table" in the

computer system and absolutely does not allow the application

to use. In the operating system without protection mechanism

under (such as DOS), write data to this address will lead to

crash immediately, and in the robust operating system, such as

Windows, this operation will be immediately captured the

protection mechanism of the system, the result is forcibly

closed by the operating system application error, in order to

prevent the error expansion. At this point, the above "write

memory" error occurs and indicates that the referenced memory

address is "0x00000000"". Memory allocation failure, many

reasons, memory is insufficient, the version of the system

function mismatch, and so may have an impact. Therefore, the

distribution of failure in the operating system to use for a

long time, the installation of a variety of applications

(including accidentally "Install" virus program), after the

change of system parameters and system of a large number of


7, the application due to its unusual BUG quoted the memory

pointer in the application using dynamic allocation, sometimes

there will be such a situation: the program attempts to write

a "should be available" in memory, but I do not know why, it

is expected that can be a pointer has been a failure. There may

be "forget" to the operating system requirements distribution,

or it may be the program itself at some point has canceled the

memory, and "no attention" and so on. Off the system memory to

be recycled, the access does not belong to the application, read

and write operations can also trigger a mechanism to protect

the system, trying to "end" illegal procedures only termination

of the operation is to be run, all resource recovery. The laws

of the computer world are still much more effective and harsher

than human beings! A situation like this belongs to the BUG of

the program itself, and you can often reproduce errors in a

particular order of operations. The invalid pointer is not

always 0, so the memory address in the error is not necessarily

"0x00000000", but rather the other random numbers.

If the system often mentions errors, the following suggestions

might help:

1. check whether there is a Trojan horse or virus in the system.

In order to control the system, such programs often change the

system without responsibility, resulting in abnormal operating

systems. Generally, we should strengthen the awareness of

information security and not be curious about the executable

programs of unknown sources.

2. update the operating system so that the operating system's

installer re copies the correct version of the system file and

changes the system parameters. Sometimes, the operating system

itself will have BUG, pay attention to install the official

release of the upgrade program.

3. try out a new version of the application.

4, delete, and then recreate the WINDOWSWbemRepository

File in the folder: right click on my computer on the desktop,

and then click manage. Under services and applications, click

service, then close and stop Windows Management

Instrumentation service. Delete


All files in the folder. (create a backup copy of these files

before deleting.) Open the service and application, click

service, and then open and start Windows Management

Instrumentation service. When the service restarts, these

files are recreated based on the information provided in the

following registry key:

hkey_local_machine 软件微软 ”MOFs CIMOM WBEM







98 /我”。Win2000如果打了SP的补丁后,只要开始,运行,输入:regsvr32

C:系统 apppatch slayerui。DLL。右键,属性,也会出现兼容性的选项。












例七:我的笔记本电脑用的XP系统,有时关闭网页时会弹出Tbrowser .exe遇到问题需要关闭,然后有弹出0x03e7c738指令引用的0x03e7c738内存,该内存不能为读,请问是怎么回事?


Also, if you install software such as browsing enhancement,

please remove it.

Example eight: open any program from the desktop or start menu,

An error has occurred: "0x...". The directive refers to the

"0x00000000" memory that cannot be "read"". The ellipsis

represents variable value. It's OK to open the program from


Solution: run regedit to enter the registry,


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShellExecuteHooks, there should be only one normal

key value, "{AEB6717E-7E19-11d0-97EE-00C04FD91972}",

Delete other (default key values, of course, do not delete).

Example nine: I got the machine three months ago. The system

is less stable, within three months after reinstalling the

system has many times, just four or five days before the

installation of the system, but often randomly appear Explorer-

application error, "0x4a01259d" Command Reference

"0x00000000" memory. The memory cannot be "read"". To terminate

the program, click ok". To debug a program, click cancel". If

the point is OK, the windows desktop is gone. This problem in

the previous system also appeared, I do not know whether it is

hardware problems?

Solution: memory compatibility issues! Encountered such

problems, the user can open the machine itself, the memory of

the location of the transfer, to see whether the problem can

be solved, if the problem is still available, and your friends

swap memory.

Through a few examples above, you can see that there are many

reasons for the failure. The following lists are mentioned and

the possible reasons for easy access.

Problems, causes, causes - Solutions

Memory bar is broken - replace memory bar

Dual memory is incompatible - using the same memory or only one


Memory quality - replacing memory bars

Heat dissipation - - enhance the internal heat of the chassis

Memory is not plugged into the motherboard, or incompatible

with other hardware - re - inserted memory or changed slot

There's a problem with the hard disk -- replacing the hard disk

Drive problem - reinstall drive. If it is a new system, install

the motherboard driver first

Software damage - reinstall software

The software has BUG patches or the latest version.

The software is not compatible with the system -- patch the

software or try the system's compatibility mode

There is a conflict between software and software - if you have

recently installed any new software, try uninstalling

Software to use other related software problems - reinstall

related software. For example, there is an error playing a file

in a format. It may be a problem with the decoder of this file

Virus problem - antivirus

Antivirus software conflicts with systems or software - as

antivirus software goes into the underlying monitoring system

and may conflict with some software and uninstall it

The system itself has problems - sometimes the operating system

itself will have BUG, and should pay attention to installing

an official release upgrade program, like the patch SP, it is

best to hit. If not, reinstall the system or replace other

versions of the system.

[another said]

In the add / Remove Programs in the control panel to see if you

install the Microsoft ork, if it is installed,

uninstall it can be considered, of course if you need

ork in other applications, can be re installed.

Also, if you're using ATI graphics and you're using SP2 patches

(some ATI video card drivers need to be in ork's

normal working environment). In this case, you can find a ATI

graphics driver that does not require ork support.

If the above two methods do not completely solve the problem,

You try using the "IE fix" software and check for viruses and

the like.

[Microsoft ork upgrade to version 1.1 should be OK.]

There is another saying

Method one:

Friends of the Microsoft newsgroup: start - run: Regsvr32

Start - run: Regsvr32

But it doesn't work - but provides a way to register all DLL

at one run

Search for the following method:

Run CMD enter and enter at the command prompt

For,%1, in (%windir%system32*.dll), do, , /s,%1

This command man you slowly input correctly or quickly scroll

Otherwise, failure is without this effect. Wait

slowly after the carriage returns (take 1-2 minutes), then run

and turn on

Method two:

This is a typical problem caused by this problem a lot. In

general, the system is to patch and replace memory, memory for

another slot, these 3 methods to solve. [system patch as long

as Microsoft

The Update site is updated online.]

1, Microsoft IE buffer overflow vulnerability caused

2, memory or virtual memory address conflict program needs to

be allocated to address certain procedures to use, when new

procedures for the use of space to release at the end of the

program, win is a multi tasking system before the program does

not end sometimes

There is a new task to how much memory or virtual memory to

ensure that we run at the same time the task? Perhaps win on

this issue is not ready, so the errors often occur, the general

operation of the large-scale software or multimedia

3, poor memory will appear this problem in general, memory

problems are not likely, the main aspect is: bad memory, memory

quality problems, there are 2 different brands of different

memory mixed interpolation, are more prone to incompatible

situation, but also pay attention to the heat problem,

especially after overclocking. You can use the MemTest software

to check memory, which can thoroughly detect the stability of

memory. If you are dual memory, and the memory of different

brands, mixed in, or bought a secondary memory, this problem

occurs, then you have to check whether the memory problems, or

incompatible with other hardware.

4, Microsoft WINDOWS system vulnerabilities, windows memory

address 0X00000000 to 0X0000ffff designated as assigned null

pointer address range, if the program attempts to access this

address, is considered to be wrong. Programs written by c/c++

usually do not undergo rigorous error checking and return null

pointers when malloc is used to allocate memory and the assigned

address space is insufficient. However, the code does not check

this error, considers that the address assignment has been

successful, so it accesses the address of the 0X00000000, so

memory violation access occurs, and the process is terminated.

The following ASCII character fill consisting of PIF file: an

illegal PIF file (filled with a ASCII character ''x'') at

least 369 bytes, the system was considered to be a valid PIF

file, 0] will display to the PIF icon, [, will have

a program, font, memory, screen etc. the contents in the

attributes. And when a non PIF file is 369 bytes in size, the

program's error is not detected even if it is 370 bytes. When

a PIF file is larger than 369 bytes for illegal property

"program" page, Explorer will go wrong, that ''***''Command

Reference ''***'' memory. This memory cannot be ''read''

The problem is in the 16 hexadecimal address of the PIF file:

0x00000181[0x87]0x00000182[0x01] and

0x00000231[0xC3]0x00000232[0x02] even if it's a legitimate PIF

file, it can cause program errors whenever you change any of

these places. As long as the value of 0x00000181 and 0x00000182

is changed to [0xFF][0xFF], any change of other addresses will

not cause errors.

5, there may not be a Apache service is installed correctly,

and started its service in the cause;

OracleOraHomeXXHTTPServer to stop

6, the application does not check the memory allocation failure

procedure requires a memory to save the data, you need to call

the operating system to provide a "function" to apply, if

successful memory allocation, memory area function will be the

new return to the application, the application can use this

memory via this address. This is the "dynamic memory

allocation", the memory address, that is, "pointer" in

programming". Memory is not always available, endless, and

sometimes memory allocation will fail. When the allocation

fails, the system function returns a 0 value, when the return

value "0" does not represent the newly enabled pointer, but

rather a notification issued by the system to the application

informing the error. As an application, in the memory after each

application should check whether the return value is 0, if it

is, it means that there is a fault, some measures should be taken

to save, which enhances the robustness of the program "". If

the application does not check the error, it will continue to

use this memory in subsequent operations, in accordance with

the thinking inertia that the value is the pointer that is

allocated to it. The real 0 address memory area holds the most

important "interrupt descriptor table" in the computer system

and absolutely does not allow the application to use. In the

operating system without protection mechanism under (such as

DOS), write data to this address will lead to crash immediately,

and in the robust operating system, such as Windows, this

operation will be immediately captured the protection

mechanism of the system, the result is forcibly closed by the

operating system application error, in order to prevent the

error expansion. At this point, the above "write memory" error

occurs and indicates that the referenced memory address is

"0x00000000"". Memory allocation failure, many reasons, memory

is insufficient, the version of the system function mismatch,

and so may have an impact. Therefore, the distribution of

failure in the operating system to use for a long time, the

installation of a variety of applications (including

accidentally "Install" virus program), after the change of

system parameters and system of a large number of documents.

7, the application due to its unusual BUG quoted the memory

pointer in the application using dynamic allocation, sometimes

there will be such a situation: the program attempts to write

a "should be available" in memory, but I do not know why, it

is expected that can be a pointer has been a failure. There may

be "forget" to the operating system requirements distribution,

or it may be the program itself at some point has canceled the

memory, and "no attention" and so on. Off the system memory to

be recycled, the access does not belong to the application, read

and write operations can also trigger a mechanism to protect

the system, trying to "end" illegal procedures only termination

of the operation is to be run, all resource recovery. The laws

of the computer world are still much more effective and harsher

than human beings! A situation like this belongs to the BUG of

the program itself, and you can often reproduce errors in a

particular order of operations. The invalid pointer is not

always 0, so the memory address in the error is not necessarily

"0x00000000", but rather the other random numbers.

If the system often mentions errors, the following suggestions

might help:

1. check whether there is a Trojan horse or virus in the system.

In order to control the system, such programs often change the

system without responsibility, resulting in abnormal operating

systems. Generally, we should strengthen the awareness of

information security and not be curious about the executable

programs of unknown sources.

2. update the operating system,

Let the operating system's installer re copy the correct

version of the system file and correct the system parameters.

Sometimes, the operating system itself will have BUG, pay

attention to install the official release of the upgrade


3. try out a new version of the application.

4, delete, and then recreate the WINDOWSWbemRepository

File in the folder: right click on my computer on the desktop,

and then click manage. Under services and applications, click

service, then close and stop Windows Management

Instrumentation service. Delete


All files in the folder. (create a backup copy of these files

before deleting.) Open the service and application, click

service, and then open and start Windows Management

Instrumentation service. When the service restarts, these

files are recreated based on the information provided in the

following registry key:


Below I from several examples for everybody analysis:

Example 1: open the IE browser, or in a few minutes there will

be the "0x00000000" memory referenced by the "0x70dcf39f"

directive. The memory cannot be "read"". To terminate the

program, click "OK" message box, click "OK", and "internal

error occurred, you are using one of the window will close the

message box, after closing the message, the IE browser has also

been closed.

Solution: fix or upgrade the IE browser and patch it up at the

same time. See one of the fixes, Win2000 upgrade, that is,

Win2000 upgrade to Win2000, in fact, this method is to restore

the system to the initial state of the system. For example, your

IE upgrade to 6, since the upgrade will be replaced by IE5.0.

Example two: double click the "" file in the CD under

WindowsXP to show the 0x00000078 memory referenced by the

0x77f745cc command. The memory cannot be "written". To

terminate the program, click OK and at Windows

98 runs are normal.

Solution: this may be the system's compatibility, winXP system,

right click the "" file, properties, compatibility,

the "run this program in compatibility mode" item selection,

and select "Windows

98/Me". Win2000 if you hit the SP patch, just start, run, and

enter: Regsvr32

C:. Right, property,

compatibility options are also available.

Example three: RealOne

An error occurred when Gold was shut down. It used to be normal,

but recently the "0xFFFFFFFF" memory referenced by the

"0xFFFFFFFF" command was closed every time. The memory cannot

be "read""


Solution: when the input method used for the Microsoft Pinyin

input method 2003, and hide the language bar (when not hidden

when no problem) close RealOne will appear this problem, so in

the closed before RealOne can show the language bar or any other

input method as the current input method to solve the problem.

Example four: my hero STHVCD since after the Internet cannot

play, every time "0x060692f6" (each) Command Reference

"0xff000011" memory could not be "read", press OK to terminate

the program.

Solution: try to reinstall the hero super king, if also after

reloading, to download the official website of the

corresponding version of the patch. Not yet, so I'll try using

another player instead.

Example five: double-click a shortcut to the game, and the

"0x77f5cd0" command refers to "0xFFFFFFFF" memory,

The memory cannot be "read""

And prompt the program error.

Solution: reinstall the latest video card driver, and then

download and install DirectX9.0.

Case six: a friend sent messages over, my computer will appear

error message: "0x772b548f" Command Reference "0x00303033"

memory, the memory can not be "written", then QQ automatic

assembly line, and then open the QQ, found dozens of information

he sent.

Solution: This is the other side of the BUG using QQ, send

special code, do QQ error, as long as the patch or upgrade to

the latest version, it's okay.

Case seven: XP system with my laptop computer, sometimes close

the page will pop up problems need to close, then

pop 0x03e7c738 Command Reference 0x03e7c738 memory, the memory

can not be read, what happens?

The solution: check the virus first, and if you install software

such as browsing and enhancement, please remove it.

Example eight: open any program from the desktop or start menu,

An error has occurred: "0x...". The directive refers to the

"0x00000000" memory that cannot be "read"". The ellipsis

represents variable value. It's OK to open the program from


Solution: run regedit to enter the registry,


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShellExecuteHooks, there should be only one normal

key value, "{AEB6717E-7E19-11d0-97EE-00C04FD91972}",

Delete other (default key values, of course, do not delete).

Example nine: I got the machine three months ago. The system

is less stable, within three months after reinstalling the

system has many times, just four or five days before the

installation of the system, but often randomly appear Explorer-

application error, "0x4a01259d" Command Reference

"0x00000000" memory. The memory cannot be "read"". To terminate

the program, click ok". To debug a program, click cancel". If

the point is OK, the windows desktop is gone. This problem in

the previous system also appeared, I do not know whether it is

hardware problems?

Solution: memory compatibility issues! Encountered such

problems, the user can open the machine itself, the memory of

the location of the transfer, to see whether the problem can

be solved, if the problem is still available, and your friends

swap memory.

Through a few examples above, you can see that there are many

reasons for the failure. The following lists are mentioned and

the possible reasons for easy access.

Problems, causes, causes - Solutions

Memory bar is broken - replace memory bar

Dual memory is incompatible - using the same memory or only one


Memory quality - replacing memory bars

Heat dissipation - - enhance the internal heat of the chassis

Memory is not plugged into the motherboard, or incompatible

with other hardware - re - inserted memory or changed slot

There's a problem with the hard disk -- replacing the hard disk

Drive problem - reinstall drive. If it is a new system, install

the motherboard driver first

Software damage - reinstall software

The software has BUG patches or the latest version.

The software is not compatible with the system -- patch the

software or try the system's compatibility mode

There is a conflict between software and software - if you have

recently installed any new software, try uninstalling

Software to use other related software problems - reinstall

related software. For example, there is an error playing a file

in a format. It may be a problem with the decoder of this file

Virus problem - antivirus

Antivirus software conflicts with systems or software - as

antivirus software goes into the underlying monitoring system

and may conflict with some software and uninstall it

The system itself has problems - sometimes the operating system

itself will have BUG, and should pay attention to installing

an official release upgrade program, like the patch SP, it is

best to hit. If not, reinstall the system or replace other

versions of the system.

[another said]

In the add / Remove Programs in the control panel to see if you

install the Microsoft ork, if it is installed,

uninstall it can be considered, of course if you need

ork in other applications, can be re installed.

Also, if you're using ATI graphics and you're using SP2 patches

(some ATI video card drivers need to be in ork's

normal working environment). In this case, you can find a ATI

graphics driver that does not require ork support.

If the above two methods do not completely solve the problem,

you try to use the "IE repair" software, and can check whether

there are viruses and the like.

[Microsoft ork upgrade to version 1.1 should be OK.]

There is another saying

Method one:

Friends of the Microsoft newsgroup: start - run: Regsvr32

Start - run: Regsvr32

But it doesn't work - but provides a way to register all DLL

at one run

Search for the following method:

Run CMD enter and enter at the command prompt

For,%1, in (%windir%system32*.dll), do, , /s,%1

This command man you slowly input correctly or quickly scroll

Otherwise, failure is without this effect. Wait

slowly after the carriage returns (take 1-2 minutes), then run

and turn on

Method two:

This is a typical problem caused by this problem a lot. In

general, the system is to patch and replace memory, memory for

another slot, these 3 methods to solve.

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