



Unit 1

Understanding ideas

Facing the Future


For many of us, it's something we already have moment, we are lying

comfortably in bed, about to fall into a deep sleep. The next, our eyes are open and we find

ourselves wondering or even worrying about possibly the most important issue of our lives-the

future. Will we get into the school of our choice? What will we be doing in ten years' time? Can we

become the person we really want to be In the face of such questions, how should we approach the

future? Can we take action to shape it, or should we just accept whatever comes our way?


As many of us already know, having plans in place for the future is no guarantee that they will

become reality. In this respect, some people are more fortunate than others, as can be illustrated by

comparing the lives of two famous authors, born 40 years apart. Although they shared the same

ambitious and energetic approach to life, their careers unfolded in contrasting ways.


he American author, Ernest Hemingway, born in 1899, was from early boyhood single-minded

in his ambition to write. On leaving high school, he joined a local Kansas newspaper as a trainee

reporter. He went on to become foreign correspondent for the Toronto Star and used his

extraordinary experiences in Europe and later Cuba to inform his writing In his words,"I decided that

I would write one story about each thing that I knew about." Having set himself this goal, he wrote

novels and short stories based on his personal experiences of the First World War, the Spanish Civil

War, bullfighting and deep-sea fishing, amongst others. His short novel The Old Man and the Sea,

about the three-day epic struggle between an elderly fisherman and the biggest fish he had ever

caught, won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1953. He would later go on to win the Nobel Prize in





By contrast, the young Authur Conan Doyle, born in Scotland in1859, had originally worked as

doctor. But Doyle's' main ambition was to become a writer of historical novels. Although some of his

historical novels were published, their success was nothing compared to the stories of his fictional

detective, Sherlock Holmes, which he is still best known for to this day.


Interestingly, Doyle wrote some of his early Holmes stories while he was waiting for patients

in his medical practice in London. After Sherlock Holmes made him a household name, Doyle gave

up medicine and devoted himself entirely to writing. He still longed to become known for his

historical novels amongst other academic works. The public, however, couldn't get enough of

Sherlock Holmes. In desperation, Doyle killed off the famous detective in a novel published in 1893

so that he could focus on his "serious" writing. However, fans of Holmes were so angry that Doyle,

under immense pressure, was forced to bring Holmes back from the dead. Doyle's many historical

novels, plays, poems and academic papers have remained largely forgotten, but Sherlock Holmes

has been entertaining readers for well over a century.



Though both of these men were ultimately successful, their paths to success were very

different, their futures not necessarily turning out exactly as they planned. So, whatever twists and

turns you might encounter, take a leaf out of the books of these two authors and be prepared for

the unexpected. As renowned tech innovator Steve Jobs once said, "You can't connect the dots

looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots

will somehow connect in your future.



Unit 2

Developing ideas

The Road Not Taken




Two roads diverged in a vellow wood

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;






Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that, the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,






And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.






I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.






Lines from the poem The Road Not Taken are often quoted in speeches of all kinds. The poem

has been set to music by a number of artists and used in numerous television commercials. It has in

fact become one of the most famous American poems of all time, not only because of its natural



style, but also because of its thoughtful insights into human nature.


When reading The Road Not Taken, one cannot help but see in one's mind images of a peaceful

wood deep within the countryside. Paths in the woods are often used to symbolize how our lives

progress and change. The lines "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, /And sorry I could not travel

both"give us a visual representation of the choices that we face and the decisions that we need to

make. Life throws many alternatives at us on a daily basis. These range from the basic"What should I

wear today?" to the key issues of what subject to study at university or what job to do after

graduation. Of course,the greatest dilemmas arise from moral problems, when we are uncertain

which choice results in doing the right thing.


Whether big or small, what all our choices have in common is that they leads to specific

consequences Once we make a decision, in most circumstances, there is no going back. Although

the writer of the poem considers taking the other path another day, he knows it's unlikely that he

will ever have the opportunity to do so. Like the writer, all we can do is look backwards "with a sigh"

and imagine what could have been.


This sigh, this wondering whether we made the right choice, is understandable. Although we

may be free to choose which path to take, this choice isn't easy when those two paths look similar.

Presented with two job offers, for instance we may wonder exactly what it is we're choosing

between What if, in choosing one, we are unknowingly turning down other future opportunities?

Will we ever even find out whether we made the right choice?


Ultimately, the road ahead the road through our lives-is a mixture of choice and chance. And

when we are approaching the end of that road, how will we remember the journey? How will we

look back on our lives? In the poem, the writer doubts his choice, thinking that in the future "ages

and ages hence", he may claim that he took the "less traveled" road. Some of us do take a more

unusual path through life and while it may be a harder one to follow, it can also lead to new

adventures and experiences. Nonetheless, part of the art of decision-making is learning to make the

most of our decisions Instead of looking back with regret, we should be facing our future with

energy and optimism, for the choices are ours, and ours only.





Unit 2

Understanding ideas

Tuesdays with Morrie


Despite being a sports journalist with a successful career ahead of him, Mitch Albom feels

that there is something missing from his life. This all changes when he is reunited with his favourite

college professor, Morrie Schwartz. On discovering that Morrie is being weakened by severe illness,

Mitch starts visiting him at his house on Tuesdays. The weekly conversations between Mitch and

Morrie result in series of lessons on the meaning of life and how best to live it.


Arthur K


This book is about dying, but it is not pessimistic. Indeed, it was a pleasant surprise to find that

this book is filled with joy and hope. Morrie's bravery towards the end of his life is inspirational and

has made me value my own life more. In fact, far from being book about death,it' s book about

Morrie says, "Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live." As Morrie anticipates his

own death, he observes everything as though through new eyes-the things around him seem more

beautiful than ever before and hold new meanings. From his window, he watches each season

change, knowing it could be his last. This encourages us to appreciate what we have, and to make

the most of each day.


Amy Wang


I think this book should be on all school reading lists. After finishing it, I feel I have been given



deeper insight into the world and can see things from a different point of view. On the 11th Tuesday,

Morrie explains that ".. the big things-how we think, what we value -those you must choose yourself.

You can't let anyone -or any society-determine those for you" While we are living, we tend to get

distracted by unimportant things, such as gathering material possessions. I think it's important for

young people to know that making a lot of money won't always make them happy, or that looking

different doesn' make person abnormal! It's up to us to find out what is important in our lives and

establish our own values.



Morrie says that most people"seem half-asleep", even when they're doing things they think

are important. Reading this book made me feel as if I'd been woken up from a long sleep and finally

opened my eyes to the world!




Despite its widespread recognition, my first impression was that Tuesdays with Morrie is just made

up of collection of over-emotional thoughts and messages, many of which are repeated. But

thinking back, it did teach me a lesson or book made me stop and think about how much I

am influenced by popular culture and the importance of creating my own values based on love and

open communication. Although it isn't my favourite book, I'd still recommend that people read it-

after all, it is something that's a bit different!




Warning! A box of tissues will be needed to get through this book! Morrie's reflections on love

and friendship made me think about my life and all the good friends that I've lost touch with along

the way. It made me realise just how much I miss them.


I guess that's one of the lessons of the book-always keep in touch with the good people you

meet as you go through life. Like Mitch, Morrie makes you aware that you want to die feeling that

you have lived life to the full knowing that you are loved and have loved others as much as you

could. As Morrie's favourite poet Auden said, "Love each other or perish.





Unit 2

Developing ideas





Tyltyl and Mytyl have been searching for the Blue Bird in the Land of Memory, the Palace of

Night and the Forest. Now, they have arrived at the Palace of Happiness.


SCENE II. -The Palace of Happiness.


(A troop of HAPPINESSES rush into the hall, singing, "There they are! They see us!" They dance

merrily around the CHILDREN, then the one who appears to be the chief goes up to TYLTYL with

hand outstretched.)


THE HAPPINESS How do you do, Tyltyl?


TYLTYL Who are you?


THE HAPPINESS Don't you recognise me?


TYLTYL (a little embarrassed) Why, no... I don't remember seeing any of you.


(All the other HAPPINESSES burst out laughing.)Why, we are the only things you do know! We are

always around you! We eat, drink, wake up, breathe and live with you!


TYLTYL Oh... But I should like to know what your


THE HAPPINESS I am the chief of the Happinesses of your home; and all these are the other

Happinesses that live there.


TYLTYL Then there are Happinesses in my home?


(All the HAPPINESSES burst out laughing.)


THE HAPPINESS You heard him! Are there Happinesses in his home! Why, it is crammed with

Happinesses! Let me introduce myself first: the Happiness of Being Well. I am not the

prettiest, but I am the most important. This is the Happiness of Pure Air, who is almost



transparent. Here is the Happiness of Loving One's Parents. Here are the Happiness of the Blue Sky,

who, of course, is dressed in blue, and the Happiness of the Forest: you will see him every time you

go to


TTWTL Excuse me, but do you know where the Blue Bird is?


THE HAPPINESS He doesn't know where the Blue Bird is! (All the HAPPINESSES OF THE HOME

burst out laughing.)


TTLITL (vexed) No, I do not know. There's nothing to laugh at.(Fresh bursts of laughter)


THE HAPPNESS He doesn't know: well what do you expect? He is no more absurd than the





Unable to find the Blue Bird anywhere the children say goodbye to their magical friends and

return home. While they are trying to tell their parents about their adventures, their neighbour

comes in. Her sick daughter has wanted Tyltyl's pet bird for a long time, but until now he has been

reluctant to give it to her.


SCENE II. The Awakening.


(Enter NEIGHBOUR BERLINGOT, a little old woman leaning on a stick.)


MUMMYTYL How is your little girl?


THENEIGHBOUR Only so-so. She can't get up. But I know what would cure her.


MUMMYTYL Yes, I know; it's Tyltyl's bird. Well, Tyltyl, aren't you going to give it at last to that

poor little thing?


TYLTYL My bird! Why, he's blue! But it's my turtle-dove! But he's much bluer than when I went

away! Why, that's the Blue Bird we were looking for! We went so far and he was here all the time!

There, Madame Berlingot, take him to your little girl.




THE NEIGHBOUR Really? Straight away and for nothing? How happy she will be! (Kissing



(Later, the NEIGHBOUR enters with a little girl who carries TYLTYL'S' dove in her arms.)


THE NEIGHBOUR Do you see the miracle? She can run, she can dance, she can fly! (Pushing the

LITTLE GIRL into TYITYL'S arms. Come along and thank Tyltyl.)


(After TYITYL kisses the LITTLE GIRL rather awkwardly, the two children look at each other without

speaking; then TYLTYL strokes the dove's head.)


TYLTYL Is he blue enough?


THE LITTLL GIRL Yes, I am so pleased with him.


TYLTYLL I have seen bluer ones. But those which are quite blue, you know, do what you

will, you can't catch them.狄蒂尔:我还见过更青的鸟,但是你知道的,那些纯青的鸟,


THE LITTLL GIRL That doesn't matter; he's lovely.


TYLTYL Has he had anything to eat? I will


(He moves to take the bird from the LITTLE GIRL'S hands. She resists instinctively; and, in their

hesitation, the DOVE escapes and flies away.)


THE LITTLL GIRL (with a cry of despair) He is gone!


TYLTYL Never mind. Don't cry. I will catch him again. (Stepping to the front of the stage and

addressing the audience.) If any of you should find him, would you be so very kind as to give him

back to us? We need him for our happiness, later on.




(Adaptation from The Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlinck)


Unit 3

Understanding ideas



Welcome to Dunhuang! On the old Silk Road, this city was the gateway to and from Ancient



China, a place where East met West, and a green island in the middle of the desert. You can only

imagine how travellers felt when they saw the oasis of Dunhuang ahead of them.



Dunhuang's long and glorious history represents its significance as a centre of cultural and

commercial exchange. Today, Dunhuang is a world-class tourist destination boasting sites with

UNESCO-protected heritage status. Now, we are going to enter some of the city's famous caves, of

which there are more than 700. Known as the Mogao Grottoes these ancient caves were carved out

of the rock over a period of 1,000 years. If you look up, you can see the paintings and other

artworks that are testimony to how the Silk Road brought East and West together. Look at these

statues! You can see elements from Ancient Greece, India and Iran. Now look around the walls of

the cave. Come little bit closer so that you can get a better view. Look at them! The murals cover an

astonishing area of 45,000 square metres.


The subjects of the Dunhuang murals vary from religious stories to scenes of everyday life. But one

type of mural that is unique to Dunhuang shows the Apsaras, or "Flying Immortals".

Representations of these heavenly musicians, singers and dancers decorate the walls of many caves.

Take a look at this mural. The Apsaras are depicted sailing in the bright blue sky, with their scarves

flying, as if they are about to fly down to meet us. And here is another one. Move over here where

you can see it in more detail. The Apsaras are holding lotuses, playing musical instruments, dancing

and throwing flowers. The painting of Apsaras reached a peak during the Tang Dynasty; these

images are full of life, reflecting the confidence and optimism of people from that time.


Now, something really extraordinary happened in 1900, when a Taoist priest made one of the

most important finds of the 20th century. In a sealed cave, now known as the famous Library Cave,

were hidden thousands of manuscripts paintings and scrolls, as well as silk embroideries We'll have

a chance to see some of them shortly the Library Cave is only a stone's throw from here. Dating

from 405 AD to 1002 AD, these hidden treasures give us a picture of Dunhuang when it was at the

very centre of the Silk Road trade. Thanks to this ancient library, we now know that goods arrived in

Dunhuang from as far away as North-east Europe, and that goods were also exported from

Dunhuang across Asia and Europe. The scrolls are so detailed that they describe the vast range of

goods that were imported and exported from Dunhuang, such as ceramics, medicine, perfumes and

fruit, to name just a few. The scrolls also reveal how many different communities lived side-by-side



within this great city. However, the reason why the Library Cave was sealed up all those years ago

remains a mystery.



In the Ming Dynasty, trade routes changed and Dunhuang was not as prosperous as it used to

be. Gradually, it faded from memory, even though it was once such a great city.


This century is bringing the Silk Road to life once more through the Belt and Road Initiative.

Dunhuang has once again become a global crossroads since it hosted hundreds of representatives

from over 51 countries for the Silk Road International Cultural Expo in 2017. Given that the theme

of the Expo was to promote cultural exchange and strengthen mutual cooperation between the

countries along the Silk Road, Dunhuang was the ideal place.


Now let's move on to the


Unit 3

Developing ideas



The world of Chinese literature is one that is familiar to us have you ever stopped to

wonder what works are read outside of China and how they are received? Today,four Sinologists

and translators share their experience of Chinese literature with us. They are:


Petko, aged 43 from Bulgaria


Annelous, aged 34 from the Netherlands


Joachim, aged 25 from France


Mai, aged 28 from Egypt




Q1: How did you get interested in Chinese literature?


Petko: It all started with a movie I watched when I was a boy The Shaolin Temple. That movie gave

me so many reasons to fall in love with China. I was amazed by Chinese kung fu, of course -everyone

loves kung fu, don't they? I also thought the Chinese language sounded so beautiful, and found that

I liked Chinese music, too-I just loved the movie's theme tune, Song of the Shepherd.


Annelous: I became interested in languages at a young I started high school, I began

reading books about Chinese history and culture, and this inspired me to choose Chinese Studies as

my academic major at university.


Joachim: When was 15 years old, my mother bought me a copy of the classic Shi Ji, or Records of

the Grand Historian. Prior to that, the only great historical works I had been exposed to were

Homer's epic poems. Records of the Grand Historian was my first encounter with Chinese classical

reading it, realised the true genius of China's "Grand Historian", Sima Qian. His

writing had a profound effect on me, and I have this to thank for my passion for Chinese literature.


Mai: I gradually fell in love with Chinese literature when I started working as a translator. Most of

the translated works of literature in Egypt are from the English-speaking world, so reading Chinese

literature was a stimulating and inspiring experience.


Q2: How do you select works to translate?


Petko: I particularly like classical Chinese literature, especially works from the Ming and Qing

dynasties I fell in love with Dream of the Red Chamber the first time I read it, and was determined to

translate it into Bulgarian Now that this dream has come true, my next goal is to translate The

Romance of the Three Kingdoms.


Annelous: In the Netherlands, the decision as to which works of Chinese literature get translated is

largely influenced by the opinions of respected Sinologists. In addition publishing houses tend to

look to other countries to see which Chinese works have sold well there, I've so far translated the

writings of Han Han, and I am now working on those of Xu Zechen.




Joachim: I just go with what I like and what I am interested in. I've translated several short stories by

Mo Yan. Right now, I'm doing research into popular literature in Shanghai at the start of the 20th



Mai: I don't care if writer is popular or not. What interests me most is the work itself. I've translated

some works by authors such as Xi Murong and Bi Shumin. I also keep a close eye on what's being

self-published online by new, young authors-they have some good ideas.


Q3: Which works by Chinese writers are popular in your country?


Petko: Thirty-six Stratagems has sold more than 1,000 copies in Bulgaria. When you consider that

here the best a writer can usually hope for is to sell a few hundred copies of their work, Thirty-six

Stratagems is a best-seller in Bulgaria!


Annelous: Each year sees more works by Chinese writers published in the Netherlands, and they are

well-received. The people that buy and read these books do so because they want to learn more

about Chinese culture and everyday life in China. On the whole, I do have to admit that here,

people's knowledge of Chinese literature is rather limited.


Joachim: The novels of Mo Yan and Yu Hua sell quite well in France. Mo Yan was already hugely

popular, but became even more so after receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature. Literature has a lot

of significance to the French and Chinese literary works tend to be highly thought of.


Mai: Egyptians like literature that reflects human nature and experience. A couple of good

examples of this are "Fond Memories of Autumn"by Shi Tiesheng and "Street Scene"by Zhou

Guoping. I think Egypt and China are closely connected and both have a lot in common. Because of

this, Chinese literary works really strike a chord in the hearts of Egyptian readers.


Unit 4

Understanding ideas

Business Blossoms


As she spoke, Zhang Yue put her hands behind her back to hide that they were shaking. She

couldn't, however, hide the line of sweat running down her forehead, which was caused partly by



the heat of the television studio, but more by fear of the four people seated in front of her. They

stared back, their blank faces giving no clue as to what they would say next. Feeling dizzy, Zhang Yue

took a deep breath as she struggled to finish her presentation, "And that is why need your help in

turning my new and exciting business into a successful one."'


Now chairwoman of her own company Zhang Yue is fond of saying, "The early bird catches the

worm."The place where this happens is a valley, a world away from any television studio. Moving

carefully through the darkness, she passes row upon row of rose plants. In an hour, these fields will

be full of people, working quickly to pick the flowers before sunrise. "It has to be done then," says

Zhang. "These flowers are delicate."


Zhang never thought that this was something she would end up doing. Surrounded by roses as

she was growing up, she paid them little attention. It was only after graduating from university

overseas and returning to visit her parents that Zhang realised the potential. "Conditions are ideal

here," she says. "This is a place where roses grow wild."



Zhang therefore decided to return to her home town and grow roses, which surprised many

people. "I wanted to experience the freedom of being my own boss," she said. "But I also wanted to

give something back to my home town. As people say, 'It takes a village to raise a child.'"


She is not the only young person to have been bitten by the start-up bug. All over the world, an

increasing number of enterprising young people are thinking of starting their own businesses, as the

growing economy creates more opportunities. Like Zhang, they present their ideas in the hope of

getting investment and advice, and they have the same passion and devotion. The majority meet

with rejection. A few, like Zhang Yue, find themselves lucky enough to get investment and the

all-important input and support from more experienced business people. The road to their success

is however still a long and difficult one, with many challenges along the way.




As someone who grew up in the country, Zhang already knew about growing plants. However,

like any entrepreneur who was just starting out, she still had lot to learn. She has overcome a

number of obstacles in nursing her business to the success it is today. "The biggest challenge at the

initial phase was to persuade people to work for me, which was totally outside my experience. Few

in the village believed I could create a multi-million yuan business from flowers," says Zhang. "After I

went on TV, a major Asian manufacturer of cosmetics was willing to purchase my product and help

with its distribution. It was only then that the locals began to believe me. Now my product is one of

the best in Asia. This year, can pay all my fellow workers a decent bonus.


Seeing her peers who also dream of success and independence, Zhang has mixed feelings.

Though she welcomes the new entrepreneurial spirit, she advises that people be realistic and seek

guidance from expert consultants before rushing into things.


"I love running my own business, but it's not for everyone says Zhang. "To succeed in business,

you need more than a good idea, hard work and determination. What really matters is a sound

business plan, access to capital, and good management and negotiating skills. Most of all,don' t be

too should know your own limits and those of the people you work with. For young

people who have little life experience, that can be a challenge.


Unit 4

Developing ideas

What's mine is yours.


We've been told since we were toddlers that"It's good to share" Parents and teachers keep

reminding us to share toys, snacks, books, happy memories, and sometimes even sorrows with

others. When we grow up, we share photos, life stories and opinions with people around us and

with those we don't know via social media. Taking it as an object of study, psychologists have

published various papers stating that the behaviour of sharing is beneficial to setting up positive

emotional bonding.




Today, the action of sharing takes on extra meaning. It's not just about sharing sweets or

frustration; it has expanded to almost every aspect of our lives -the whole world seems to be into

sharing. We are using technology to reduce the money that we spend on goods and services, or to

make money out of those that we don't use ourselves all of the time. These vary from car shares to

home shares, and even to pet shares. The sharing economy is taking off in all sorts of areas. It is

creating new ways of thinking and is providing services to people when and where they want them.


This wealth of ways of sharing is a response to our increasing demand for quality goods and

services at competitive prices, all delivered at the click of a button. Whether it's an online shop

where we can hire designer clothes at rock-bottom prices, or a platform from which we can rent out

our flats for a couple of days, it's out there. Whether we're a lender or borrower, it's a win-win

situation; everyone makes or saves money. We also make connections and sometimes even make

new friends. What's more, sharing encourages us to reuse items, thereby cutting down on waste.

And set-ups such as bike and car sharing do a further favour for the environment by reducing the

number of polluting vehicles on the road.


But the sharing economy is not without its problems. As is often the case all over the world

with new areas of economic activity, the sharing economy is developing faster than existing

regulations or ongoing supervision. Some companies are taking unfair advantage of this situation to

expand their share of the market, often at the expense of more traditional and established

companies. In addition, the sharing economy is subject to abuse of trust. Some people have

experienced damage to their properties whilst renting out their homes and others have found

themselves victims of theft or attack while sharing rides. Finally, personal data, the heart of the

sharing economy, is not yet secure. Sharing platforms collect personal information about almost

every part of our lives, including our names, locations, bank information, and individual preferences

for goods and services. Yet, the technology to prevent such information from leaking or being stolen

still needs improvement and the awareness of potential risks is low among both service providers

and users.




Nonetheless, what is in no doubt is that the sharing economy is increasingly relevant to our

daily lives as well as to the global economy. It is expanding at such a rate that we can only imagine

what it will comprise in the future. What will we be sharing next? Who will be sharing and how?

And the most interesting question of all-what type of society will all this sharing take us to?


Unit 5

Understanding ideas

The Mysteries of THE MAYA


Intrigued by Maya civilisation from a very young age, 15-year-old Canadian William Gadoury

thought he had made an incredible discovery from his study of ancient star charts. Through

comparison, he found that the locations of the 117 known Maya cities correspond to the positions

of the stars. Based on this, he believed he had spotted an unknown Maya city buried deep in the

jungle. Although his theory has been dismissed by scholars, it shows how powerful the secrets of

Ancient Maya civilisation are among people.


It isn't difficult to see why. Extending south from parts of what we now know as Mexico into

Central America, Maya civilisation has been surrounded by mystery since its rediscovery in the 19th

century. The Maya built impressive palaces and temples, including their representative step

pyramids. What is most extraordinary about these complex structures is how they were built

without the use of wheels, metal tools or even animal power. The Maya's understanding of

mathematics and astronomy was also quite amazing. They applied this understanding to the Maya

calendar, which was accurate to within 30 seconds per year. On top of all this was an achievement

unique in the Americas at that time: a true writing system. It contained more than 800 characters

with some signs representing animals, people and objects and others representing syllables. It was a

writing system so complicated that, so far, no one has been able to interpret it completely.



The fact that Maya society was technologically primitive makes its achievements all the more

incredible and mysterious. But the greatest mystery of all is what caused the Maya to abandon most



of their great cities. By 700 AD, Maya civilisation was at its peak. Yet, within just a couple of

generations, it began to mysteriously decline. The cities were left to be taken back by the jungle.

When Europeans arrived in Central America in the early 16th century to claim its riches, the

remaining Maya people were living in small settlements.


Why Maya civilisation collapsed remains a mystery. Was it a natural disaster? A deadly disease?

Conflicts between cities? Or was it a combination of several different factors? Some research seems

to indicate that Maya people themselves may have played a part in their downfall. They had turned

wetlands into fields for growing grains, and had dug huge canal systems. As their population

expanded, yet more land was needed for agriculture and more trees for construction. By changing

the landscape in this way, it is possible that the Maya people unknowingly reduced their ability to

deal with natural disasters.


Research also suggests that those natural disasters may have led to the decline of the Maya.

Some recent studies have found that there were far fewer tropical cyclones than usual between 700

AD and 1000 AD. This is likely to have led to a series of droughts, each lasting for a couple of years,

including a "megadrought" around 900 AD. Many scientists believe that these droughts were the

main reason why Maya civilisation began to collapse at different rates in different places. These

droughts would have led to food shortages, conflicts and, ultimately, the downfall of the cities.


Whatever the reasons, Maya civilisation largely disappeared within the deep jungle. Its

once-great cities fell into ruin, leaving various mysteries for later people to solve. Meanwhile. the

rise and fall of this civilisation must also leave us thinking about our own past, present and future.


Unit 5

Developing ideas



Lying under waters across the globe are an estimated three million shipwrecks. All of them

represent attempts over the centuries to explore Earth's furthest corners. Among these is the



Esmeralda, the earliest wreck from the age of the European exploration of Asia. Today, some 500

years after the Esmeralda set sail, there is little -if any -land on our planet left unexplored. We have

more detailed maps of the Moon, and even of Venus and Mars, than we do of Earth's own sea bed.


Given our limited knowledge, it is perhaps no surprise that exploration of the oceans continues

to lead to discoveries in various scientific fields. As with the discovery of the Esmeralda, many

archaeological finds are made in shallow waters near the coast. These may sometimes include

whole cities buried beneath the waves. One such find is the ancient Roman city of Neapolis,

discovered off the coast of Tunisia. Believed to have been buried underwater by tsunami in the

fourth century AD, the ruins of Neapolis are almost 2,000 years old. The remaining streets and

buildings offer a window into a fascinating period in our history. However, we are only beginning to

overcome the challenges of pressure, darkness and extreme cold at vast depths. Fragments of the

past lying deep beneath the oceans are still waiting to be discovered.


Amazing biological discoveries are also being made. The dark zones of the oceans may contain

up to 90 per cent of the planet's fish. In these waters, more than 200 metres deep, where light

cannot reach, are extraordinary creatures that appear as if they are straight out of science fiction.

Imagine bone-white- coral 6,000 metres below the ocean's surface growing at the rate of only one

or two millimetres per year Some of these could be 4,000 years old. Swimming through these black

depths is the barreleye, a strange fish with eyes that can look upwards through its transparent

forehead. In the very deepest ocean trenches that are more than 8,000 metres below the surface,

the pressure is equivalent to 50 aeroplanes stacked one on top of another. Yet there is still life to be

found, even around the deep-sea volcanic openings. These discoveries all help us understand the

capacity for life on our planet, even in the most extreme circumstances.



Furthermore, the oceans are a valuable source of natural resources, some of which are

completely new to us. Most notable of these is China's discovery of an ice-like substance, known as

"fire ice", under the South China Sea. In addition, China's underwater vessels, such as the Jiaolong

and Shenhai Yongshi, have been exploring waters at depths of thousands of metres. The Jiaolong



even holds the record for the deepest dive by a manned submarine, at 7,062 metres, giving China its

place alongside the world's top ocean explorers The research conducted by these vessels is giving

scientists a greater understanding of how the sea bed was formed, as well as helping identify areas

for deep-sea drilling, taking deep-sea exploration into a whole new era.


Being a tough environment of complete darkness, enormous pressure and intense cold, the

ocean depths have long been beyond the reach of human exploration. However, through closer

international scientific economic and cultural cooperation, we are all becoming part of a global

mission to open up our planet's final frontier. Humankind is entering a new age of oceanic discovery,

and the world beneath the waves may one day be almost as familiar to us as the land we walk upon



Unit 6

Understanding ideas

The Call of the challenger


Ever since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon back on 20 July 1969, people have

become accustomed to the notion of space travel. Millions watched that first lunar landing on black

and white television sets, their hearts in their mouths, aware of how arduous and hazardous an

undertakin it was, and of the many things that could go wrong. With Armstrong's now famous

words "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", what had once been considered

impossible had now been achieved. Guided by a computer that was much less powerful than the

ones used by today's average school students, all three astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission made it

safely back to Earth.



Following the Moon landings, space travel rapidly became unexceptional to the public, as

innovations succeeded each other. By the early 1980s, the great rockets previously used in the

American space programme had been replaced by the space shuttle. When the Challenger space

shuttle took off on 28 January 1986, the world seemed to have lost its wonder at the amazing

achievements of the astronauts involved. But this was going to be no ordinary excursion, and



millions of people tuned in to witness the take-off on TV. It was special because Christa McAuliffe

aged 37, an ordinary teacher and mother, was about to become the first civilian in space. She

planned to give two 15-minute lessons from orbit: the first to demonstrate the controls of the

spacecraft and explain how gravity worked, and the second to describe the objectives of the

challenger programme. Christa hoped to communicate a sense of excitement and rekindle interest

in the space programme. With the eyes of students across the nation upon her, she might have

inspired an entirely new generation of astronauts and space scientists.


Tragically, she never returned to her classroom as the shuttle exploded just over a minute after

taking off in Florida, and all seven astronauts on board were killed. The world went into shock, most

people having assumed that this space flight would be no more dangerous than travelling in an

aeroplane. How wrong they had been! Instantaneously, excitement and optimism turned into terror

and failure. It was the most disastrous space accident ever, and it cast a shadow on people's hearts.


"I can remember that day so clearly, watching the take-off on TV at school, said one student.

"There was an ordinary teacher on the Challenger, and we were all very excited. We didn't have

much patience waiting for the launch. We had seen the smiling faces of the astronauts waving to

the world as they stepped into the shuttle. Then, little more than a minute after take-off, we saw a

strange red and orange light in the sky, followed by a cloud of white smoke. The Challenger had

exploded in mid-air and we all started screaming.


Following the shock of the Challenger disaster, space shuttle flights were suspended for nearly

three years while the cause of the disaster was investigated, and some of the shuttle's components

were redesigned. But there was never any doubt that manned flights would continue, and on 29

September 1988, the space shuttle programme resumed with the successful launch of Discovery.


It has now been over 30 years since the loss of Challenger and although the lives of its crew

were cut tragically short, they take their place alongside the other heroes of space exploration, such



as Gagarin, Tereshkova, Armstrong and Yang Liwei. The memory of those seven will live forever,

written in the stars, inspiring us to join them in humanity's greatest journey of exploration and

discovery. The sacrifice of the Challenger calls to us, reminding us that we must continue to reach

for the stars, no matter how distant they might seem.


Unit 6

Developing ideas



The night sky has been an endless source of fascination since the start of human history. For

example, the mysterious large-eyed, bronze statues of the ancient Shu Kingdom, discovered at the

Chinese archeological site at Sanxingdui, were believed to have been able to look across great

distances into the stars. In reality, humans can see very little of the night sky with the naked eye.

And, for a long while, people were unable to understand what they could see. Not knowing what

the stars were, people in ancient times used their imaginations to create a world in the sky.



Our power to investigate and thus understand space changed dramatically when the first

telescope was angled at the night sky, increasing as it did the power of the human eye and enabling

us to understand that the universe is far larger than was previously imaginable. The planets were

seen to be worlds similar to our own, many of them even having their own moons. Soon, it was

understood that the Sun was just one star among billions in the galaxy we call the Milky Way. Some

300 years later, we learnt that the Milky Way itself was just one galaxy among billions of others,

spread across the blackness of space like great islands of light and matter floating in a vast cosmic



Almost 400 years after the first Earth-based telescope was invented, the Hubble Space

Telescope was launched into orbit, giving astronomers-indeed all of us-the first breathtakingly

beautiful images of our universe taken from beyond Earth. Nothing in history has allowed us to see

so much over such great distances, from enormous clouds of gas where stars are being born, to

huge black holes, and even to new planets where we might conceivably find life. Not only that-it has

also helped us to work out the age and nature of the universe, and discover the incredible fact that



the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing speed.


To see even further into the universe, many countries are now engaged in building ever more

advanced telescopes. Currently, China operates the world's largest and most powerful radio

telescope, the FAST telescope, completed in 2016. The 500-metre dish of the "Eye of Heaven" as it is

known, is being used in the search for dark matter, thought to be composed of subatomic particles

invisible to ordinary telescopes. This vast dish also has the ability to explore regions of space billions

of light years away, right at the edge of the visible universe.


The Hubble and the space telescopes constructed after it will allow us to see further and

further into space. We will view stars and galaxies billions of light years away and look back at a past

that was billions of years ago. Using ever-larger radio telescopes as our eyes, we will one day be able

to look back to a time in the very early universe, before the existence of light. But the human

quest for knowledge reaches even beyond that. So much of the universe remains unexplored that

we are still close to the start of this incredible journey of discovery.



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