



部门: xxx

时间: xxx



A Nestling and A Plant of Morning Glory

A Little Bird and a Morning Glory




In an elm tree is located a nest in a countryyard

[courtyard],where [您把where放在courtyard的后面,那么这个where究竟是指代courtyard呢?还是指代nest?按说where应该是指代nest 而不应该指代courtyard,对吗?] a nestling

inhabits,each day landing on the ground and frolicing with

the blossoms and grass. <注意:一般的叙事应该用过去时态而不应使用现在时态。Blossom是指树上的花而不是草地上的花。另外,像locate 和inhabit这样的字用在这里都太大,太正式了)b5E2RGbCAP


There occupying the nest in an elm growing in my yard

was a little bird. Each passing day tended to see the

little creature swoop down from its nest just to gambol in

the midst of flowers on the lawn.p1EanqFDPw



One day ,unfortunately ,the bird got ailing,staying in

its nest he dropped into expection

[expectation。另外,dropped into expectation用在这里是个不通的表达法] that how glorious [请您去字典里查一下glorious这个字是甚么意思?用在这里合适否?] it is to accompany [请您去字典里查一下accompany这个字是甚么意思?用在这里合适否?]

the singing of the blossom [只有一朵花吗?] and dance with

the that he is [怎么这里的动词时态变成现在式的了?] so worn out that he can't [怎么这里的动词时态变成现在式的了?还有,在指代这个小鸟时,您有的时候是用it,但有的时候您却用he,这是不合适的。] spare any effort to take



Feeling rather indisposed and disinclined to stir one

day, the bird began to give rein to its reveries, while

keeping to the nest, telling itself how fantastic it would

be to join the flowers in a chorus on or to romp about over

the lawn! But having fallen ill, the birdwas altogether

weak and not at all able to come down from the tree just




Anyway,the bird stuck his [您不可以在上面的文字中用its

来指“小鸟的”而突然在这里却改用his 来指“小鸟的”]

head out of the inhabitation [inhabitation这个字用在这里太大了。这里漏译了“费了好大的劲”这几个字] to strike up

[请去查字典,看strike up是什么意思?]the talk with a Garden

Balsam [这两字不必大写] :"In the case of weakness in my

body [我划underline处的几个英文字是个不通顺的英文表达法],i wonder if you can do me a favour and sport [sport一字用在这里不妥] togethre for a while?"The Balsom flashed

[flash用在这里不妥,请您去字典里查一下flash一字的意思]immediately hearing the invitation [我划underline处的几个英文字是个不通顺的英文表达法] and replied :" I 'm

sorry but how can I entertain [entertain用在这里不妥] you

absent from the ability to clime up and fly over the tree

on foot or by wings [我划underline处的几个英文字是个不通顺的英文表达法] ,for I 'm limited [limit这个字用在这里不妥,请您去字典里查一下limit一字的意思] to live on the



Having thrust its head out of the nest with difficulty,

it pleaded to a touch-me-not under the tree, “Oh, dear

sister Touch-me-not, I’m taken ill. Would you be so kind

as to come up here to beguile the time with me for a while?

But standing abashed at the bird’s urge, the touch-me-not

said, “It’s too bad that I can neither crawl up a tree

nor get myself midair by floating on wings, as I’m

innately earthbound. I can’t see a way to uplift myself

into your nest, can I?”LDAYtRyKfE



The bird then turned to the grass :"Miss [明明是小草弟弟,您怎么在这里用Miss这个字?] Grass,due to my ailing [这个字用得不妥] and weakness,could you come and enjoy[这个字用得不妥] ourseves?" No sooner had Grass heared [heard]

the suggestion than he seemed somhow [somehow] embarrassed

and gave a shameful [这个字用得不妥] response:"Thanks for

your invitation,but I can not aviate [这个字用得不妥] or

walk to you ."dvzfvkwMI1


Then the bird turned to entreat the grasses [注意:我在这里用grasses,而不用grass,您知道为什么吗?] flourishing

around the tree, saying, “Dear brothers, I’ve got laid up,

see? Would you please come up here to have a chat with

me?” And the grasses, overcome with shyness, blurted in

unison, “It’s really regretful that it’s out of the

question for us to vault over into your nest to engage you

in a hearty small talk since we’re inseparable from the

sod by nature and endowed neither with wings nor with





In the immediate situation [这两个字用在这里是不通的] ,the Morning Glory [不必大写] at the sight of [at the

sight of用在这里是不通的] the chat cut in:"Miss

Balsam,don not be so gloomy,i'll do it."he then twisted the

elm tree with it's vines [我划underline处的几个英文字是个不通顺的英文表达法]sturdily,day after day [day after day与中文原文的意思吻合吗?],When the sun one day appeared on

the horizon [我划underline处的几个英文字是个不通顺的英文表达法],the Morning Glory turned much thrilled [我划underline处的几个英文字是个不通顺的英文表达法],blowing

it's horn more fascinatedly [我划underline处的几个英文字是个不通顺的英文表达法]. (另外,请您去字典查一下vine和fascinatedly这两字分别是什么意思?用在这里合适否?>SixE2yXPq5


At this juncture a morning glory chimed in and said,

“Listen, Sister Touch-me-not and the grasses. Please

don’t worry. I’d go to offer my company to the little

bird.” Thus the morning glory exerted to wind its stem and

tendrils about the trunk of the tree for climbing upward.

And when the dawn peeped, the morning glory alreadytrailed

up to the brim of the nest and began to merrily try some

notes on a trumpet.6ewMyirQFL



Wakened up by the melodyof the Glory,the bird caught the

glimpse of the shape of the cteature [creature]

therefore the bird perped [有perped这个字吗?] up and felt

much 42VRUs


Roused from its sleep, as, staying next to it, the

morning glory was blaring a trumpet, the little bird got

elated and thought its indisposition much abated.y6v3ALoS89



Excited by the fabulous [请去查一下fabulous是什么意思]

reaction of the bird,the Morning Glory burst [burst用在这里不妥] into great inspirations [请去查一下inspiration是

什么意思] to blow his horn more intendedly [有intendedly这个字吗?].M2ub6vSTnP


The elation of the little bird just goaded the morning

glory to sound all the trumpets it had more hilariously to

bring out a continuous fanfare. 0YujCfmUCw







本文标签: 小鸟小草时态学习没有