


Unit 1 How tall are you?单元语法



① 一般直接在形容词的词尾加er

Tall → taller short → shorter long → longer

② 在以字母e结尾的形容词后加r

Large → larger nice → nicer late → later

③ 以重读闭音节结尾的形容词,且词尾只有一个辅音字母的词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加er

Thin → thinner big → bigger fat → fatter

④ 以辅音字母 + y 结尾的形容词,把y改为i,再加er

Busy → busier heavy → heavier easy → easier

2、多音节和大多数双音节形容词的比较级通常在前面加 more

Beautiful → more beautiful

Careful → more careful

Interesting → more interesting


原级 比较级

good better

bad worse

many more

little less

Part A


tallest 最高的 metre米 dinosaur恐龙 heavy重的

ton吨 size尺码 taller更高的 younger更年轻的

older更老的 shorter 更矮的/更短的 longer 更长的


1】【in this hall. Zhang Peng: Look! That' s the tallest dinosaur2


tall is it? Mike: Yes, it is.

【】3 4 metres.

Zhang Peng: Maybe【】4

s taller than both of us ‘ Mike:


【】5 Zhang Peng: Look! There are more dinosaurs over there ! Mike:

They 'all so big and tall.

6】【 t tall! I' m taller than this Peng: Hey, this dinosaur isn'

Mike: Oh, yes. How tall are you?

m 1.65 metresZhang Peng: I '

1、That' s the tallest dinosaur!那是最高的恐龙

Tall(高的)→ taller (更高的)→ tallest(最高的)

原级 比较级 最高级



I 'm shorter than you,but Sara is the shortest in the classroom


2、How tall is it ? 它是多高的?

这是一个用来询问高度的句型,回答时的结构可以为:主语 + be动词 + 数字 + 长度单位 + 形容词tall

—How tall are you?你有多高?

—I am 1.67 metres ( tall ) 我一米六七

—How tall is your tree?你的树木有多高?

—It is 87 centimeters ( tall ) 它有87厘米那么高


How much 多少钱?/ 多少(不可数名词)How much is your bag?

How many 多少?(可数名词)How many apples do you have?

How big 多大?How big are your feet?

How heavy 多重?How heavy are you?

?How long is your hair多长?How long

How old?多大(年龄)How old are you?/ I'm 12 years old

How far?多远(距离)How far is your home from school?



Maybe you are right 也许你是对的

Maybe that is Mike's uncle 也许那个人是麦克的叔叔

Maybe 与 may be,二者都是“也许,可能”的意思;


May be 是两个词的构成,may 是情态动词,后接谓语动词原形,所以当句子的谓语是be动词时,受may的影响,am/is/are必须变回原形be,所以may(可能)+ be(是)= 可能是;

You may be right

That may be Mike's uncle

4、It ‘s taller than both of us together 它比我们两个加起来更高

① 当我们使用形容词比较级,常常是用两样东西来比较,这时,一样东西 作主语,另一样东西则需借用than(比)引入


A + be 动词 + 形容词的比较级 + than(比)+ B

翻译:A是比B 更加......的

I am heavier than you 我是比你更重的

Zoom is stronger than Zip Zoom是比Zip更加强壮的

She is younger than me 她是比我更加年轻的

【拓展】我们可以用much,a little等词来修饰形容词的比较级,表示更...程度的大小强弱

An elephant is much bigger than an ant 一只大象比一只蚂蚁大很多

I am a little taller than you 我比你高一点点

② both of us 我们两个

Both of us are students 我们两个都是学生

5、There are more dinosaurs over there ! 那边有更多的恐龙

① many/much(许多)→ more(更多的)

原级 比较级

He drink much milk,but I drink more milk than him


I have more apples


② over there在那边 get/go there去那边 come here来这里

6、I' m taller than this one. 我比这一只更高

One是指刚才谈论话题中涉及物体的任意其中一个,在这句话当中,one指代的就是Mike和Zhang Peng谈到的恐龙的其中一个。

One 与it 的区别:


Dogs are lovely,I want to buy one 狗狗们好可爱啊,我想买一只

It:it 指代前面提到的某样事物,是特指!

There is a dog over there. It is lovely. 那边有一只小狗,它好可爱

7、and 和or

And ,意为“和”,出现在肯定句当中

I like apples and oranges 我喜欢苹果和橙子


What fruit do you like,apple or orange?你喜欢什么水果?苹果或者橙子?

I don't like apple or orange 我不喜欢苹果和橙子

Part B


thinner更瘦的 heavier更重的 bigger 更大的

stronger更强壮的 smaller更小的


【】【】21 Let's have a :Those shoes in the window are nice!Wu Yifan:What size are your shoes,Mike?

Mike:Size 7

Wu Yifan:Size 7 ? That's so small.

【】3 . Mike:In China,I wear size 38 shoes【】4My shoes are size 37.

Your feet is bigger than Yifan:Oh!

】【5ou look taller

than y?Mike:【】6How heavy are you.? Wu Yifan:But I think you

are heavier【】7 'm 48 :I

Wu Yifan:Yes, you're heavier. I 'm 46 kilograms.

1、Those shoes in the window are nice!在窗户里的那些鞋子是很漂亮的!

① those(那些)→ that (那个)

(这个)this (这些)→these


② those shoes in the window 窗户里的那些鞋子


介词短语通过后置的方式来修饰前面的名词,在这里,介词短语 = 形容词,形容词 + 名词 = 名词! 所以尽管 those shoes in the window 看起来很长,归根到底只说了一样东西,shoes, shoes 是整个句子的主语! Shoes are nice!

I want to read a book about space travel

She has a house with a beautiful garden

2、let 's have a look!让我们看一看!

① Let 's = let us 让我们

Let sb do sth 让某人做某事

Let 's play football 让我们来踢足球!

Let me sing a birthday song for you 让我为你唱一首英文歌!

② have a look 看一看


Have a try 试一试 have a rest 休息一下 have a walk 散散步

3、I wear size 38 shoes. 我穿38码的鞋子

① 提问:What size are your shoes?你的鞋子是什么码数的?

I wear size 38 我穿38码的

What color is it?它是什么颜色?

What time is it now? 现在是什么时间?

② wear,动词,意为“穿(衣服);戴(眼镜);留(长发))”等

She is wearing a red skirt today 她今天穿着一件红色的短裙

We need to wear sunglasses when we play on the beach 在海滩玩耍的时候


My sister wears long hair 我姐姐留着一头长发

4、Your feet is bigger than mine. 你的脚比我的脚要大

① foot (复数)feet 脚

goose (复数)geese

② mine,名词性物主代词,是名词,意为“我的东西”,这样东西指代前面谈话中刚出现过,在your feet is bigger than mine中,mine = my feet ,我的东西


名词性物主代mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs

My hair is longer than yours 我的头发比你的头发长

Her eyes are much bigger than ours 她的眼睛比我们的眼睛大很多

5、You look taller than me. 你看起来比我更高

Look跟六年级上册unit 6学习过的feel一样,是连系动词,连系动词兼有be动词和实义动词的双重性质,一方面它后面跟的是形容词(和be动词一样)作表语,另一方面它作谓语的句子改为疑问句和改为否定句时改法和2类句子一样。

You don't look taller than me

Do I look taller than you?

6、But I think you are heavier. 但我认为你更重一点


I think we should finish homework before watching TV 我认为我们应该完成作业再看电视

I think she is very pretty 我认为她很漂亮

7、I 'm 48 kilograms. 我48 公斤

Kilogram 公斤

Read and write

1、little duck is watching the sun go down 小鸭子正在看太阳往下沉(即日落)

① is watching = be + 动词ing, 现在进行时,正在做某事,“正在看”

② watch sb do sth 看某人做某事

I watch you play on the playground 我看见你在操场上玩耍

2、It is getting lower and lower 太阳越来越低

His shadow is getting longer and longer 他的影子越来越长

比较级 + and +比较级,表示“越来越......”

Her hair is longer and longer 她的头发越来越长了

He is taller and taller 他越来越高了

Part C story time

1、I'd like to have a try

① I 'd like = I would like

动作 作宾语时:Would like to do sth = want to do sth, 想要做某事......

I would like to have fish and rice for dinner = I want to have fish

and rice for dinner 我晚餐想要吃鱼肉和米饭

名词 作宾语时:would like sth = want sth 想要某物

I would like some apples = I want some apples 我想要一些苹果

② have a try 试一试

2、Mr Zebra is 10 centimetres taller than Mr Deer 斑马先生比鹿先生高10厘米


A+ be 动词+数字+计量单位+形容词比较级 + than + B

He is twelve centimeters taller than me他比高我高12厘米

Mike is 3 kilograms heavier than John 麦克比约翰重三公斤

3、but he can't catch the ball!!但是他接不到球!!

Catch the ball 接球

4、I 'm the tallest one. 我是最高的那一个

5、What 's happening here?这里发生了什么事?


6、here is the one we one 这个就是我们想要的

7、He's almost bigger than the goal 他几乎比球门还要大


巩固练习 1、写出下列词的比较级。 fat


happy heavy funny

tall strong small

foot (复数) meter(2、复数)


right 同音)






( )1. I'm two years _______than you .

A. young B. shorter

C. younger

( )2. Line up _____ younger to older .

A . from

B. at

C. of

( ) 3. How big ______ your feet ?

A. is

B. areC. it

( ) 4. _______—80cm.

A. How tall are you ?

B. How long are your legs ?

C. How old are you ?

( ) 5. Which monkey do you like ?

A. I like the yellow one. B. It's younger. C. It's nice .

( ) 6. How ______is your best friend ? ——Thirteen years old .

A. old

B. tall C. heavy

( ) 7. How tall is Chen Jie?


C. She is 153cm.

B. I'm 157cm. A. He is 12 years old.

than you.

) 8. I'm 55 kg. You are 45 kg. I'm (

C. heavier

B. shorter

A. taller

than the panda. ) 9. The elephant is (


B. young

A. heavy

他的头更小。”时,你应该说: ( ) 10. 当你想表达“ head is

A. His head is smaller. B. His head is shorter.


四、读一读,找出对应的答语A. I'm 47kg. )How heavy are you ? (

B. I wear size 17. ( )How old are you ?

( C. I'm 165 cm.

) How big are your feet?

( )How long are your legs ? D. My legs are 76cm.

E. I'm 13 years old.

) How tall are you? (

五、读对话,将句子补充完整1. Mike: How you ?

Amy: I'm 40kg.

Mike: I'm 35kg . I'm you.

2. Sarah: you ?

Liu Yun: I'm 165cm.

Sarah: I'm 160cm. You're cm me.


1. are, you, than, stronger, me(.)(连词成句)

2. long, your, legs, are, how(?)(连词成句)

)(连词成句).(3. hands, are, bigger, yours, than, his

4. My pencil is 15 cm. (对划线部分提问)

is pencil?

5. Zhang Peng is 43kg. Lucy is 39 kg.(合并句子)

Zhang Peng is kg Lucy.


Mary, Jane and May are very good friends. Mary is shorter than May, May is

heavier than Jane. Jane is thinner than Mary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old.

Jane is 12 years old and May is 9 years old. They study at Qing Lan Primary School.

Mary likes English, Jane likes math and May likes music. They all study hard.


( ) are 3 children in the story.

( ) 2. Mary is shorter than May.

( ) is heavier than Jane.

( ) 4. Jane is the youngest.

) 5. They are all good friends.


本文标签: 形容词比较级动词句子东西