



1. Machine -机器,通常用于表示自动化、工业、生产等领域。例如:I work as a machine operator in a factory.(我在一家工厂里担任机器操作员。)

2. Moment -片刻/时刻,通常用于表示某一个时间点或一个事件的发生瞬间。例如:The moment she saw the dog, she screamed

with joy. (她一看到那只狗,便欣喜地尖叫了。)

3. Museum -博物馆,通常用于表示收藏和展示历史、文化、艺术等方面的展览馆。例如:I went to the museum to see the ancient


4. Movement -运动,通常用于表示身体或物体的移动和活动。例如:I like to do yoga because it requires a lot of movement.(我喜欢练瑜伽,因为它需要很多动作。)

5. Mortgage -抵押贷款,通常用于表示把房产或其他财产作为贷款担保。例如:We had to take out a mortgage to buy our house.(我们不得不拿出房屋抵押来买房。)

6. Momentous -重要的,通常用于表示具有深远的历史或影响的事件。例如:The signing of the Declaration of Independence

was a momentous occasion for the United States.(《独立宣言》签署对美国来说是一个具有重大意义的时刻。)

7. Movement disorder -运动障碍,通常用于表示神经系统引起的肌肉运动失调或不协调等问题。例如:My grandfather had

Parkinson's disease, which caused him to have a movement


8. Malignant -恶性的,通常用于表示癌症等疾病的恶性程度。例如:The doctor told me that my tumor was malignant and I

would need chemotherapy.(医生告诉我,我的肿瘤是恶性的,需要进行化疗。)

9. Microscope -显微镜,通常用于表示观察微小的结构和细胞等。例如:I use a microscope to study cells.(我使用显微镜研究细胞。)

10. Migration -迁移,通常用于表示人或动物的移动和迁徙。例如:Many birds migrate to warmer climates during the winter.(许多鸟类在冬季迁移到更温暖的地区。)

11. Metabolism -新陈代谢,通常用于表示机体内物质代谢的过程。例如:Healthy eating and exercise can help improve your


12. Multimedia -多媒体,通常用于表示涵盖音频、视频、图像等多种媒体形式的艺术作品或技术。例如:My presentation

includes a multimedia component with video and audio clips.(我的演示文稿包括一个多媒体部分,包括视频和音频片段。)

1. I need to fix the washing machine before I can do my

laundry. (我需要先修理洗衣机再洗衣服。)


2. The moment I saw her, I fell in love. (我一眼看到她,我就爱上了。)

The moment I saw her, I fell in love.

3. The museum has an impressive collection of ancient

artifacts. (博物馆有许多珍贵的古代文物。)

The museum has an impressive collection of ancient


4. The movement of the dancers was mesmerizing. (舞者的动作令人着迷。)

The movement of the dancers was mesmerizing.

5. We had to take out a mortgage to buy our dream home.


We had to take out a mortgage to buy our dream home.

6. The discovery of penicillin was a momentous event in

medical history. (青霉素的发现是医学历史上具有重大意义的事件。)

The discovery of penicillin was a momentous event in

medical history.

7. Parkinson's disease is a movement disorder that

affects many older adults. (帕金森病是一个影响许多老年人的运动障碍。)

Parkinson's disease is a movement disorder that affects

many older adults.

8. Malignant tumors can be very dangerous if not treated

early. (如果不及早治疗,恶性肿瘤可能非常危险。)

Malignant tumors can be very dangerous if not treated


9. I can see the cells under the microscope. (我可以在显微镜下看到细胞。)

I can see the cells under the microscope.

10. The migration of whales is a fascinating natural

phenomenon. (鲸鱼的迁移是一个迷人的自然现象。)

The migration of whales is a fascinating natural


11. Regular exercise can boost your metabolism and help

you lose weight. (定期锻炼可以促进新陈代谢,帮助你减肥。)

Regular exercise can boost your metabolism and help you

lose weight.

12. Multimedia artists use a variety of tools and

techniques to create their works. (多媒体艺术家利用各种工具和技术来创作他们的作品。)

Multimedia artists use a variety of tools and techniques

to create their works.

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