


泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)中英对照Thirteen meters You should see itOkay take her up and over the bow railOkay Mir~2 we're going over the bow Stay withusOkay quiet We're rollingSeeing her coming out of the Darkness like aghost shipStill gets me every timeTo see the sad ruin of the great ship sitting hereWhere she landed at 2:30 in the morning of April15 1912After her long fallFrom the world aboveYou're so full of shit boss还差13米 应该看得见了 [0:01:57]到她的上方去 越过船头的栏杆 [0:02:12]和平二号 我们要越过船头了 保持联系[0:02:16]好了 安静 我们开始录影了 [0:02:54]看她像鬼船一样 从黑暗中出现 [0:02:57]每次都让我胆颤心惊 [0:03:00]看到这艘巨轮的残骸长眠海底 [0:03:04]一九一二年四月十五日 凌晨两点半[0:03:08]她从海面上 [0:03:13]缓缓堕入海底 [0:03:16]头儿 你可真会扯淡 [0:03:18]我们第六次来到泰坦尼克号的甲板Dive six Here we are again on the deck of Titanic[0:03:50]Two and a half miles down水深两里半 [0:03:54]3821 meters也就是3821公尺 [0:03:57]The pressure outside is three每平方英寸水压 [0:04:01]And a half tons per square inch达到三吨半 [0:04:02]These windows are nine inches thick and if they这窗户有九英寸厚 万一玻璃破裂 [0:04:04]goIt's sayonara in two microseconds我们就瞬间完蛋了 [0:04:07]All right enough of that bullshit好了 狗屁放够了 [0:04:10]和昨天一样 将潜艇降在船员干部舱的顶上Just put her down on the roof of the officers'quarters like yesterday[0:04:27]Sure好 [0:04:30]Okay Mir~2和平二号 [0:04:32]We're landing right over the Grand Staircase我们要降落在大梯上方了 [0:04:33]You guys set to launch你们准备好了吗 [0:04:35]好了 布洛克 机器人出动 查理 开始吧Yeah Brock launching Dunkin now Go Charlie[0:04:37]All right tether out放出缆绳 [0:04:47]Tether out放出缆绳 [0:04:49]Okay Brock we're dropping down along the hull布洛克 沿着船体往下放 [0:04:50]知道了 放下去 然后沿着一等舱登船口下去Yeah roger that Okay Drop down and go intothe first~class gangway door[0:04:56]我希望你们都仔细看看D层的接待处和餐I want you guys working the D deck Receptionarea and the dining saloon厅 [0:05:00]Copy that知道了 [0:05:06]Tether out Tether out放出缆绳 放出缆绳 [0:05:12]1/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Okay now left Now left Left leftSnoop Dog is on the moveWe're headed down the stairwellOkay Lewis drop down to B deckA deckGive me some rope CaptainB deck Get in thereWatch the door frame Watch itI see it I got itWe're good Just chill bossOkay make your turnCable out CaptainOkay okay Make your turn Watch the wallBrock we're at the piano You copyCopy thatRight there right there right thereThat's it That's the bedroom doorI see it I see itWe're in We're in baby We're thereThat's Hockley's bed That's where the son of abitch sleptOops Somebody left the water runningHold it Just a second Go back to the rightThat wardrobe door Get closerYou're smelling something bossI want to see what's under itGive me my hands manAll rightTake it easy It might come apartOkayOkay go Flip it over Go Turn overKeep going Go go goOkay drop itOh baby baby Are you seeing this bossIt's payday boysCha~chingWe did it BobbyWe brought it backOh yeah You're the manWho's the best baby Say it2/72往左边 往左边 [0:05:14]猎狗出动 [0:05:25]我们正沿着楼梯往下 [0:05:27]下到B层 路易斯 [0:05:32]然后A层 [0:05:35]缆绳放长一点 [0:05:36]B层 进去 [0:05:37]小心门框 小心 [0:06:17]我看见了 搞定了 [0:06:19]一切顺利 放心吧 头儿 [0:06:26]好 转弯 [0:06:43]收绳子 [0:06:45]快转弯 小心墙 [0:06:46]布洛克 我们看到钢琴了 你听到没 [0:06:48]知道了 [0:06:51]就在那里 就在那里 [0:07:00]就是那扇门 那是卧室的门 [0:07:02]看见了 看见了 [0:07:04]我们进来了 宝贝儿 找到了 [0:07:14]那是霍克利的床 那个狗娘养的睡过的地方[0:07:19]看来有人忘了关水龙头 [0:07:29]等一下 等一下 回到右边去 [0:07:32]那扇衣柜的门 靠近点 [0:07:41]发现什么了 头儿 [0:07:44]我想看看下面有什么 [0:07:45]让我操作机器人手臂 [0:07:47]好极了 [0:07:54]轻点 不然可能会散掉 [0:07:57]好的 [0:07:59]好 把它掀开 翻过来 [0:08:00]继续 继续 [0:08:05]好 放下 [0:08:08]宝贝 宝贝 你看见了吗 头儿 [0:08:17]伙计们 咱们发财了 [0:08:23]收钱喽 [0:08:41]鲍比 我们找到了 [0:08:44]我们把它带回来了 [0:08:45]哥们 好样的 [0:08:46]谁是最棒的人 说啊 说啊 [0:08:49]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)You are Lewis~Bobby my cigar ~Right hereOkay crack her openLet me get around Hang onYou getting itGot itShitNo diamondYou know boss, this same thing happened toGeraldoAnd his career never recoveredTurn the camera offBrock, the partners would like to know how it'sgoingHey Dave Barry hi Look it wasn't in the safeDon't worry about it, There are still plenty ofplaces it could beHell yesThe floor debris in the suite the mother's roomThe purser s safe on C deckJimmy Hoffa's briefcaseA dozen other placesGuys look you just got to trustMy instincts I know we're closeWe just got to go through a little process ofeliminationHang on a secondLet me see thatWe might have something here, guysWhere's the photograph of the necklaceWe'll call you right backApril 14 1912 J.D.I'll be goddamnedTreasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known forfinding Spanish goldIt's okay, I'll feed you in a minuteHe has chartered Russian subs to reachThe most famous shipwreck of allThe TitanicHe's with us live via satellite fromThe research ship Keldysh in the North Atlantic3/72是你 路易斯 [0:08:52]~鲍比 把雪茄给我 ~给你 [0:08:56]好 把它敲开 [0:09:06]绕一圈看看 [0:09:11]你能看到了吗 [0:09:12]没问题了 [0:09:14]见鬼 [0:09:38]没有钻石吗 [0:09:40]以前热拉尔多也经历过这种鸟事 [0:09:43]他的事业从此一蹶不振 [0:09:46]把摄影机关掉 [0:09:52]布洛克 合伙人想知道现在的情况 [0:09:54]你好 戴维·巴里 听我说 钻石不在保险箱里 [0:09:58]但别担心 它也可能在别的什么地方[0:10:01]是啊 地狱里 [0:10:05]套房的地板 她母亲的卧室 [0:10:06]C层的保险柜里 [0:10:08]或者在吉米·霍法的箱子里 [0:10:09]还有很多地方要找呢 [0:10:11]伙计们 对我的直觉有点信心 [0:10:12]我相信咱们已经很接近了 [0:10:14]我们只是需要一个一个地排除 [0:10:15]等一下 [0:10:20]让我看看 [0:10:25]可能有发现了 [0:10:26]项链的照片呢 [0:10:30]回头再跟你说 [0:10:32]1912年4月14日 J.D. [0:10:43]居然有这种事 [0:10:45]宝藏猎人布洛克·洛维特以从事西班牙寻金而闻名世界 [0:10:50]好啦 我马上就喂你 [0:10:53]他包了几艘俄国潜艇 [0:10:56]探索那艘最著名的海底沉船 [0:10:58]泰坦尼克号 [0:11:00]他正在北大西洋的搜索船上 [0:11:01]通过卫星 与我们连线 [0:11:03]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Hello BrockHello TracyOf course everyone knowsThe familiar stories of TitanicYou know the nobility of the band playing to thevery end and all that你好 布洛克 [0:11:06]你好 特蕾西 [0:11:07]关于泰坦尼克号 [0:11:09]很多故事早已经家喻户晓了 [0:11:10]包括船上的贵族 演奏到最后一刻的乐队 等等 [0:11:11]但我想发掘的 是那些不为人知的故事But what I'm interested in are the untold stories[0:11:15]那些深锁在泰坦尼克号的残骸中的秘密The secrets locked deep inside the hull of Titanic[0:11:17]And we're out here using robot technology我们利用机器人技术 [0:11:20]To go further into the wreck进入到了 [0:11:22]Than anybody has ever done before以前无人探索过的地方 [0:11:24]你的探索行动其实受到了很多非议Your expedition is at the center of a storm[0:11:26]像是打捞权问题什么的 甚至还有道德问题Of controversy over salvage rights and evenethics[0:11:28]Many are calling you a grave~robber很多人批评你是在发死人财 [0:11:31]Nobody ever called the recovery of the artifacts没有人批评那些从图坦卡蒙陵墓里找到法from King Tut's tomb老遗物的人啊 [0:11:34]What is it什么事 [0:11:36]Turn that up dear亲爱的 把电视调大点声 [0:11:37]我们请了很多专门从事古物研究的专家 以I have museum~trained experts sent out heremaking sure此保证 [0:11:39]That these relics are preserved and catalogued所有发现的物品 都能被妥善保存和分类properly[0:11:42]Take a look at this drawing that we found just看看我们今天发现的这幅画 [0:11:45]todayA piece of paper that's been underwater for 84它在海底已经八十四年了 [0:11:48]yearsAnd my team are able to preserve it intact我们却能将其完好的加以保存 [0:11:51]Should this have remained unseen at the bottom难道它应该永远留在海底吗 [0:11:54]of the ocean for eternityWe can see it and我们现在可以欣赏这幅画 [0:11:59]I'll be goddamned居然有这种事 [0:12:01]Brock there's a satellite call for you布洛克 有个找你的卫星电话 [0:12:05]Bobby we're launching. See these submersibles鲍比我们就要出发了 看到那些潜艇正在下going in the water海吗 [0:12:09]Trust me buddy you want to take this call相信我 伙计 不接你会后悔 [0:12:12]This better be good最好是好消息 [0:12:16]You got to speak up, she's kind of old.你得大声点 她年纪很大了 [0:12:19]Great好极了 [0:12:22]4/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)我是布洛克·洛维特 有什么能帮您的吗 这位... [0:12:24]Calvert Rose Calvert是卡尔弗特 萝丝·卡尔弗特夫人 [0:12:27]Mrs Calvert卡尔弗特夫人 [0:12:29]I was just wondering if you had found The Heart我只是想知道 你们找到"海洋之心"了吗 布of the Ocean yet Mr Lovett洛克先生 [0:12:31]Told you you wanted to take the call我就说吧 不接你会后悔的 [0:12:38]This is Brock Lovett. How can I help All right, you have my attention RoseCan you tell us who the woman in the picture isOh yes The woman in the picture is meShe's a goddamn liarSome Nutcase seeking money or publicityGod only knows why Like that Russian babeAnesthesiaThey're inboundRose Dewitt BukaterDied on the Titanic when she was 17 rightThat's rightIf she had lived she'd be over 100 by now101 next monthOkay so she's a very old goddamn liarLook I've already done the background on thiswomanAll the way back to the 20s when she wasworking as an actressAn actress. There's your first clue SherlockHer name was Rose Dawson back thenThen she marries this guy named CalvertThey move to Cedar RapidsAnd she punches out a couple of kidsNow Calvert's dead and from what I hear CedarRapids is deadAnd everybody who knows about the diamond issupposed to be dead or onThis boat but she knowsDoesn't exactly travel light does sheHurry up give him a handMrs Calvert I'm Brock Lovett. Welcome to let's get her inside there5/72好吧 你成功吸引我注意力了 萝丝 [0:12:42]你能告诉我们 画中那女人是谁吗 [0:12:46]噢 当然 那画中的女人就是我 [0:12:49]她是个骗子 [0:13:08]不是想捞钱就是想出名 [0:13:10]就像真假公主故事里的那个安娜公主一样[0:13:13]他们快到了 [0:13:17]萝丝·德威特·布卡特 [0:13:24]十七岁就在沉船事故中死了 [0:13:25]没错 [0:13:28]如果她还活着 那她现在不得有一百多岁了[0:13:29]她下个月满一百零一岁 [0:13:32]好吧 那她就是个死老骗子 [0:13:34]听着 我已经查过她的底细了 [0:13:38]她在20年代的时候是个演员 [0:13:40]演员 你看吧 福尔摩斯先生 [0:13:44]她当时叫萝丝·道森 [0:13:47]后来她又嫁给了卡尔弗特先生 [0:13:50]他们搬到了博瑞小镇 [0:13:52]然后生了几个孩子 [0:13:53]现在不仅她老公死了 而据我所知 博瑞小镇也没落了 [0:13:55]知道那钻石的人不是在这船上就是已经死了 [0:13:59]但她却知道 [0:14:02]她的行李可真不少 [0:14:17]快去 搭把手 [0:14:20]卡尔弗特夫人 我是布洛克 欢迎登上凯尔迪希号 [0:14:22]好 送她进去吧 [0:14:27]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Hi Miss CalvertHiWelcome to the KeldyshThanksYesAre your staterooms all rightOh yes very niceHave you met my granddaughter Lizzy, shetakes care of met just a few minutes agoRemember Nana up on deckOh yeahThere That's niceHave to have my pictures when I travelCan I get you anything Is there anything you'dlikeYesI would like to see my drawingLouis XVI wore a fabulous stone called the BlueDiamond of the CrownIt disappeared in 1792About the same time old Louis lost everythingfrom the neck upThe theory goes that the crown diamond waschopped tooRecut into a heart~like shape that becameknown as the Heart of the OceanToday it would be worth more than the HopeDiamondIt was a dreadful heavy thingI only wore it this onceYou actually think this is you NanaIt is me dearWasn't I a dishI tracked it down through insurance recordsAn old claim that was settled under terms ofabsolute secrecyCan you tell me who the claimant was RoseI should imagine someone named HockleyNathan Hockley, That's right. Pittsburgh steeltycoon.6/72卡尔弗特小姐 你好 [0:14:30]嗨 [0:14:31]欢迎登船 [0:14:32]谢谢 [0:14:34]怎么 [0:14:45]您的房间还算舒适吗 [0:14:46]是的 很舒适 [0:14:48]见过我孙女莉西了没有 都是她在照顾我[0:14:50]我们刚才见过了 奶奶 [0:14:55]在甲板上 记得吗 [0:14:57]哦 对了 [0:14:58]这样就对了 [0:15:00]我出门都一定带着照片 [0:15:02]请问您还需要什么吗 [0:15:05]有 [0:15:09]我想看看我的画像 [0:15:11]路易十六有颗稀世宝石 叫做"蓝色王钻"[0:15:27]钻石在1792年失踪了 [0:15:32]差不多就是在他一无所有 上了断头台的那年 [0:15:35]有传闻说 钻石也被切割了 [0:15:39]它被重新切割成心形 被世人称为"海洋之心" [0:15:43]如今它的价值 可能远超过"希望之钻"[0:15:47]那东西重得不得了 [0:15:50]我只戴过一次 [0:15:53]奶奶 你真的认为这是你吗 [0:15:55]这当然是我 亲爱的 [0:15:57]我那时很美吧 [0:15:59]我翻遍了当时的保险资料 [0:16:03]发现当时有个严加保密的索赔 [0:16:06]能告诉我获得理赔的人是谁吗 萝丝[0:16:11]我想应该是个姓霍克利的人 [0:16:14]对 内森·霍克利 匹兹堡钢铁大亨 [0:16:17]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)The claim was for a diamond necklace his sonCaledon bought his fiance youA week before he sailed on TitanicIt was filed right after the sinkingSo the diamond had to have gone down withthe shipYou see the dateApril 14 1912Which means if your grandmother is who shesays she isShe was wearing the diamond the day theTitanic sankAnd that makes you my new best friendThese are some of the things we recovered fromyour stateroomThis was mineHow extraordinaryAnd it looks the same as it did the last time I sawitThe reflection has changed a bitAre you ready to go back to TitanicHere we goShe hits the iceberg on the starboard sideShe kind of bumps along punching holes索赔之物是一条钻石项链 是他儿子卡利登买给未婚妻 也就是你的 [0:16:21]那是上船之前一星期买的 [0:16:27]沉船后就马上办理赔了 [0:16:31]因此项链 一定跟着船沉入海底了 [0:16:34]看到日期没有 [0:16:38]1912年4月14日 [0:16:41]如果你祖母就是画中的女人 [0:16:44]泰坦尼克沉没那天 她就戴着那条项链[0:16:46]这也就使你成为我的新好友 [0:16:49]这是我们从你的房间里找到的 [0:16:53]这是我的 [0:16:59]真是太不可思议了 [0:17:02]跟我最后一次看到它时一模一样 [0:17:05]镜中的人倒是变了一点 [0:17:14]您准备好重返泰坦尼克号了吗 [0:17:33]是这样的 [0:17:39]船的右舷撞上了冰山 [0:17:41]船身水线以下的部分继续与冰山碰撞[0:17:43]像打摩斯密码似的 [0:17:45]撞出好多洞 [0:17:48]于是前舱开始进水 [0:17:50]水位上升 [0:17:52]越过防水隔板 [0:17:54]Like Morse code along the sideBelow the water lineThen the forward compartments start to floodNow, as the water level risesIt spills over the watertight bulkheadsWhich, unfortunately don't go any higher than E不幸的是 隔板最高也只到E层 [0:17:56]deckSo now as the bow goes down the stern rises up船首下沉 船尾就翘起 [0:17:59]Slow at first, then faster and faster until finallyShe's got her whole ass sticking in the airAnd that's a big ass. We're talking 20 000, 30000 And the hull's not designed to deal withthat pressureSo what happens She splits right down to thekeelAnd the stern falls back level7/72一开始还挺慢 越来越快 到最后 [0:18:03]整个船尾都朝着天空 [0:18:06]那可是个大屁股啊 船尾重达两三万吨[0:18:08]船身承受不了那么巨大的重量 [0:18:12]结果船身从中间崩裂 [0:18:15]船尾掉回了海面 [0:18:19]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Then as the bow sinks it pulls the stern verticalAnd then finally detachesNow the stern section kind of bobs thereLike a cork for a couple of minutesFloods and finally goes under about 2:20 amTwo hours and 40 minutes after the collisionThe bow section planes away landing aboutA half a mile awayGoing 20,30 knots when it hits the ocean floorPretty cool huhThank you for that fine forensic analysis MrBodineOf course the experience of itWas somewhat differentWill you share it with usI'm taking her to restNoCome on NanaNoGive me the tape recorderTell us RoseIt's been 84 yearsIt's okay Just try to rememberAnything anything at allDo you want to hear this or not Mr LovettIt's been 84 yearsAnd I can still smell the fresh paintThe china had never been usedThe sheets had never been slept inTitanic was called the ship of dreamsAnd it wasIt really wasAll third class passengers with a forward berthThis way please This queue Right hereIt's a big boat, huhDaddy it's a shipYou're rightI don't see what all the fuss is aboutIt doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania8/72船首下沉时 就把船尾拉直了 [0:18:22]两截终于脱离 [0:18:25]船尾像软木似的 [0:18:28]在海里漂了几分钟之后 [0:18:30]终于在凌晨两点二十分沉没 [0:18:32]就在撞上冰山两小时四十分钟后 [0:18:35]船的前半部往前滑行 [0:18:39]落在半里之外 [0:18:42]并以二十到三十节的速度撞击海底[0:18:43]很酷吧 [0:18:50]谢谢你这番细致的分析 博丁先生 [0:18:51]当然 亲身体验的感觉 [0:18:57]是有些不同的 [0:18:59]说来听听好吗 [0:19:03]我带你去休息 [0:20:00]不要 [0:20:02]走吧 [0:20:03]不 [0:20:04]把录音笔给我 [0:20:09]告诉我们吧 萝丝 [0:20:14]已经过去八十四年了 [0:20:17]没关系 记得什么你就说 [0:20:20]什么都可以 [0:20:22]你到底要不要听 洛维特先生 [0:20:24]已经八十四年了 [0:20:30]但我彷佛还闻得到那新涂油漆的味道[0:20:36]船上的瓷器都是新的 [0:20:40]床单也从没有人睡过 [0:20:44]泰坦尼克号被称为梦幻之船 [0:20:48]名副其实 [0:20:54]真的名副其实 [0:20:56]三等舱的旅客们 请往这边走 [0:21:28]这边 在这里 排好队 [0:21:32]你看这大船 [0:21:35]是大轮船 爸爸 [0:21:37]你说得对 [0:21:39]我可没觉得这有什么大不了的 [0:22:09]看起来也不比毛里塔尼亚号大多少[0:22:12]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)You can be blase about some things, Rose, butnot about TitanicIt's over 100 feet longer than MauretaniaAnd far more luxuriousYour daughter is far too difficult to impress RuthSo this is the ship they say is unsinkableIt is unsinkable, God himself could not sink thisshipSir you have to check your baggage through themain terminalIt's round that way sirI put my faith in youGood sir Now kindly see my manYes, sir It's my pleasure sir if I can do anything atallYes rightAll the trunks from thatCar there Twelve from hereAnd the safe to the parlor suite rooms B~52 5456Ladies we better hurry Come alongMy coatI have it missQueue here for health inspectionAll third class passengers queue hereFor health inspectionWelcome aboard ma'amWelcome to TitanicIt was the ship of dreams to everyone elseTo me it was a slave shipTaking me back to America in chainsOutwardly I was everything a well brought up girlshould beInside I was screamingJack you are pazzo You bet everything we haveWhen you got nothing you got nothing to lose萝丝 你绝对不能小看泰坦尼克号 [0:22:15]她比毛里塔尼亚号长一百英尺 [0:22:18]而且要豪华得多 [0:22:20]您的女儿真是挑剔啊 鲁斯 [0:22:23]这就是传说中的不沉之船 [0:22:26]没错 就连上帝他老人家也拿她没办法[0:22:28]先生 请您到主码头检查行李 [0:22:31]就在那边 先生 [0:22:34]我就交给你了 [0:22:35]那是我的男仆 [0:22:37]好的先生 这是我的荣幸 请随时吩咐[0:22:38]是的 在这边 [0:22:41]那辆车上的全部箱子 [0:22:42]这辆车上的十二箱 [0:22:43]还有保险箱 全部送到宫殿套房 B52号 54号和56号 [0:22:47]女士们 我们得快点了 来吧 [0:22:53]我的外套 [0:23:02]在我这儿 小姐 [0:23:03]请在这边排队等待健康检查 [0:23:04]三等舱的乘客 [0:23:05]请在这边排队接受健康检查 [0:23:07]欢迎登上泰坦尼克号 夫人 [0:23:17]欢迎登上泰坦尼克号 [0:23:18]对别人来说 她是艘梦幻之船 [0:23:21]对我而言 她却是艘奴隶船 [0:23:25]要把我押回美国 [0:23:28]表面看来 我无异于别的大家闺秀 [0:23:32]但内心里 我在呐喊 [0:23:36]杰克 我们只剩这些钱了 [0:23:55]什么都没有了就更不用担心了 [0:23:59]你这个白痴 真不敢相信你居然用我们的船票下注 [0:24:03]斯文 [0:24:09]好了 [0:24:32]关键时刻到了 有人的一生即将就此改变[0:24:33]SvenAll rightMoment of truth Somebody's life is about tochange9/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)BrizioNienteNienteOlafNothingSvenTwo pairI'm sorry FabrizioChe sorry ma vaffanculo Did you bet all ourmoneyI'm sorry you're not going to see your momagain for a long timeCause we're going to America Full house boysCome onI'm going homeI'm going homeI go to AmericaNo mateTitanic go to America in five minutesShit Fabri Come on Come on hereWe're riding in high style nowWe're a couple of regular swellsWe're practically goddamn royalty ragazzo mioYou see it's my destinoLike I told you I go to America to be millionaireYou are pazzoMaybe but I've got the ticketsI thought you were fastAspettaWait Hey waitWe're passengers PassengersHave you been through the inspection queueOf courseAnyway we don't have any liceWe're Americans both of usRight Come aboardWe're the luckiest sons of bitches in the world,You know that?Goodbye10/72法布里奇奥 [0:24:37]没有 [0:24:41]没有 [0:24:42]奥拉夫 [0:24:44]什么都没有 [0:24:46]斯文 [0:24:48]两个对子 [0:24:53]抱歉 法布里奇奥 [0:24:55]还抱歉 你把我们的钱都输光了 [0:24:57]抱歉 你将有很长一段时间 见不到你妈妈了[0:24:59]因为我们要去美国了 满堂红 伙计们[0:25:03]快走 [0:25:20]我要回家啦 [0:25:22]我回家了 [0:25:27]我要去美国了 [0:25:28]不 伙计们 [0:25:30]开往美国的泰坦尼克号 还有五分钟开船[0:25:32]靠 法布里 快走 快点 [0:25:36]这下真是风光了 [0:25:38]咱们是有钱人了 [0:25:40]咱们可以算得上贵族了 [0:25:42]这就是我的命运 [0:25:45]我跟你说过的 我要去美国当个百万富翁[0:25:48]你真是个疯子 [0:25:56]也许吧 反正票赢到手了 [0:25:57]你快点 [0:26:02]等等 [0:26:03]等一下 [0:26:04]我们是乘客 乘客 [0:26:06]你们通过健康检查了吗 [0:26:11]当然 [0:26:13]我们没有虱子 [0:26:14]我们是美国人 我俩都是 [0:26:15]好 上船吧 [0:26:18]咱们可真是世界上最幸运的混蛋了 你知道不 [0:26:23]再见 [0:26:36]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)You know somebodyOf course not. That's not the pointGoodbyeI'll miss you. GoodbyeGoodbyeI will never forget youCome with me darling Let's goG~60Excuse me ma amRight hereHow you doing Jack Nice to meet you~Jack Dawson Nice to meet you. ~How are says you get top bunkThis is your private promenade deck sirWould you be requiring anything Excuse meThis oneNoIt had a lot of faces on itThis is the oneWould you like all of them out missYes we need a little color in this roomPut it in there In the wardrobeGod not those finger paintings againThey certainly were a waste of moneyThe difference between Cal's taste in art andmineIs that I have someThey're fascinatingLike being inside a dream or somethingThere's truth but no logicWhat's the artist's nameSomething PicassoSomething Picasso. He won't amount to a won't. trust the Degas in the bedroomAt least they were cheapPut it in the wardrobeLet's seeOh it smells so brand newLike they are built up just for usI mean just to think that tonight11/72你有认识的人吗 [0:26:41]当然没有 但这有关系吗 [0:26:42]再见 [0:26:43]我会想你们的 再见 [0:26:44]再见 [0:26:46]我永远不会忘记你的 [0:26:46]亲爱的 跟着我 [0:27:36]G60号 [0:27:44]对不起 夫人 [0:27:46]在这 [0:27:50]你好 我是杰克 幸会 [0:27:52]~我是杰克·道森 幸会 ~你好 [0:27:56]谁说让你睡上铺的 [0:28:00]这是您的私人散步甲板 先生 [0:28:07]你还有别的吩咐吗 先告退了 [0:28:10]这一幅 [0:28:14]不对 [0:28:15]这张上面是有很多脸啊 [0:28:16]这幅才是 [0:28:19]全都拿出来吗 小姐 [0:28:22]对 这房间需要些色彩 [0:28:24]放那边 放到衣橱里 [0:28:31]又要挂那些乱七八糟的画吗 [0:28:33]它们可真是浪费钱 [0:28:36]我和卡尔在艺术品味上的唯一不同是[0:28:37]我还有那么一点品味 [0:28:39]它们棒极了 [0:28:41]就像置身于一场梦境或别的什么 [0:28:43]真实却不符合逻辑 [0:28:45]画家叫什么名字 [0:28:47]一个叫毕加索的人 [0:28:49]一个叫毕加索的人 反正是个无名小卒 他混不出名堂的 我保证 [0:28:50]把狄加的画挂在卧室里 [0:28:55]还好很便宜 [0:28:56]放进衣柜 [0:29:01]放哪儿好呢 [0:29:05]哦 空气闻起来都是崭新的 [0:29:11]感觉像是刚刚为我们建造好的 [0:29:14]想想今天晚上 [0:29:16]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)When I crawl between the sheets I'll be the firstTRUENice one, when I crawl between the sheetsI'll still be the firstExcuse me missThe first and onlyForeverAt Cherbourg, a woman came aboard namedMargaret BrownWe all called her MollyHistory would call her the Unsinkable MollyBrownI wasn't about to wait all day for you sonnyHere if you think you can manageHer husband had struck gold someplace outwestAnd she was what mother called "new money"By the next afternoon we were steaming westfrom the coast of IrelandWith nothing out ahead of us but oceanTake her to sea Mr Murdoch Let's stretch herlegsYes sirAll ahead full Mr MoodyVery good sirAll ahead fullAll ahead fullCome on lads step livelyWhat's the readingAll right Let's stoke her Right up We go fullaheadCome on right back to work21 knots, sirHey look lookSee itThere's another one See himLook at that one Look at him jumpI can see the Statue of Liberty alreadyVery small of courseI'm the king of the world12/72当我钻进被窝的时候 我可是第一个呢[0:29:20]真的呢 [0:29:24]很好 当我躺上床时 [0:29:25]我也是第一个 [0:29:28]我先告退了 小姐 [0:29:31]第一个也是唯一一个 [0:29:43]永远都是 [0:29:46]在瑟堡 有个名叫玛格丽特·布朗的女人上了船 [0:30:01]我们都叫她莫莉 [0:30:06]历史上称她为"永不沉没的莫莉·布朗"[0:30:08]孩子 别叫我在这等你大半天 [0:30:11]来 你提得动吗 [0:30:14]她丈夫在西部发现了金矿 [0:30:16]母亲说她是个暴发户 [0:30:19]第二天下午 我们从爱尔兰出发 向西航行[0:30:23]前方什么都没有了 只有一片汪洋大海[0:30:29]带她出海吧 默多克先生 让她施展一下拳脚[0:30:38]是 长官 [0:30:43]全速前进 穆迪先生 [0:30:47]遵命 长官 [0:30:48]全速前进 [0:30:54]全速前进 [0:30:56]伙计们 开工了 精神点 [0:30:58]读数是多少 [0:31:06]好嘞 咱们让她起航吧 全速前进 [0:31:18]动起来 快干活去 [0:31:22]时速21节 长官 [0:32:19]嘿 快看 快看 [0:32:30]看到没 [0:32:34]又来一只 看到了吗 [0:32:39]你看 它要跳了 [0:32:51]我已经可以看见自由女神像了 [0:33:19]当然 还很小啦 [0:33:22]我是世界之王 [0:33:27]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)她是历史上由人类建造出的 最为庞大的交通工具 [0:34:16]我必须强调 是由这位安德鲁先生亲手把她变成了现实 [0:34:22]我只是把她拼到了一起 [0:34:26]其实是伊斯梅先生的构思 [0:34:28]他想要一艘规模庞大的 [0:34:30]同时也是最豪华的邮轮 [0:34:34]而且要空前绝后 [0:34:36]而她现在就在这儿 理想成真 [0:34:38]说得好 [0:34:42]鲑鱼 [0:34:44]你明知道我不喜欢你这样 萝丝 [0:34:48]她知道的 [0:34:54]我们都要羊排 [0:34:59]三分熟 加一点点薄荷酱 [0:35:00]你喜欢羊排吧 宝贝儿 [0:35:03]香肠 [0:35:05]你是不是还要帮她切肉啊 卡尔 [0:35:08]泰坦尼克这个船名是谁想出来的 [0:35:12]是你吗 布鲁斯 [0:35:16]确实是的 [0:35:17]我想强调她的"硕大无比" [0:35:19]尺寸就代表了豪华 坚挺 [0:35:22]还有最重要的 力量 [0:35:25]你听说过弗洛伊德吗 伊斯梅先生 [0:35:28]他那关于男性对于尺寸极其重视的研究His ideas about the male preoccupation with size[0:35:31]Might be of particular interest to you你可能会很有兴趣 [0:35:33]What's gotten into you你这是做什么 [0:35:36]Excuse me失陪 [0:35:38]I do apologize真是失礼 [0:35:44]她可真呛 卡尔 希望你能应付得来啊She's a pistol Cal Hope you can handle her[0:35:45]I may have to start minding what she reads from我得开始注意她在看什么书了 [0:35:48]now onWon't I Mrs Brown是吧 布朗夫人 [0:35:51]Freud who is he, Is he a passenger?弗洛伊德是谁 他是乘客吗 [0:35:52]The ship is nice这艘船很棒吧 [0:36:08]Yeah it's an Irish ship那当然 这是爱尔兰造的船 [0:36:10]Is English no是英国的吧 [0:36:12]She's the largest moving object ever made bythe hand of man in all historyAnd our master shipbuilder Mr Andrews hereDesigned her from the keel plates upI may have knocked her togetherBut the idea was MrIsmay'sHe envisioned a steamer so grand in scaleAnd so luxurious in its appointmentsThat its supremacy would never be challengedAnd here she is willed into solid realityHea hearThe salmonYou know I don't like that RoseShe knowsWe'll both have the lamb RareWith very little mint sauceYou like lamb right sweet peaSausageYou gonna cut her meat for her too there CalHey who thought of the name TitanicWas it you BruceYes actuallyI wanted to convey sheer sizeAnd size means stability luxuryAnd above all strengthDo you know of Dr Freud Mr Ismay13/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)No it was built in Ireland 15 000 Irishmen builtthis shipSolid as a rock Big Irish handsWell that's typicalFirst class dogs come down here to take a shitLets us know where we rank in the scheme ofthingsLike we could forgetI'm Tommy Ryan~Jack Dawson ~HelloFabrizioHiDo you make any money with your drawingsForget it boyoYou'd as like have angels fly out of your arseAs get next to the likes of herI saw my whole life as if I'd already lived itAn endless parade of parties and cotillionsYachts and polo matchesAlways the same narrow people, the samemindless chatterI felt like I was standing at a great precipiceWith no one to pull me backNo one who caredOr even noticedTrudyTrudyTrudyTrudyDon't do itStay backDon't come any closerCome on. Just give me your hand, I'll pull youback overNo! Stay where you areI mean itI'll let goNo, you won'tWhat do you mean, no I won'tDon't presume to tell me what I will and will notdoYou don't know me14/72不是的 她是由一万五千名爱尔兰人制造的[0:36:13]岩石一样坚固 爱尔兰人的巧手啊 [0:36:16]又来了 [0:36:19]头等舱的狗又到这儿来拉屎了 [0:36:21]好让我们记得自己是啥身份啊 [0:36:24]好像我们还能忘记似的 [0:36:26]我叫汤米·瑞安 [0:36:30]~杰克·道森 ~你好 [0:36:31]我是法布里奇奥 [0:36:33]嗨 [0:36:34]你的画能赚钱吗 [0:36:35]老弟 甭想啦 [0:36:48]你连接近的机会都没有 [0:36:49]她那类你都不用想了 [0:36:52]我觉得 自己的生活如同一潭死水 [0:37:17]没完没了的餐会 沙龙舞会 [0:37:21]游艇赛 马球赛 [0:37:25]永远跟同一批人 持续着毫无意义的对话[0:37:28]我彷佛站在陡峭的悬崖上 [0:37:33]没有人来拉我一把 [0:37:37]也没有人关心我 [0:37:40]注意我 [0:37:42]特鲁迪 [0:37:53]特鲁迪 [0:37:56]特鲁迪 [0:38:00]特鲁迪 [0:38:17]别跳 [0:40:26]退回去 [0:40:28]别再靠近了 [0:40:31]来 把你手给我 我拉你回来 [0:40:33]不 你别动 [0:40:36]我是认真的 [0:40:39]我会松手的 [0:40:40]不 你不会的 [0:40:53]我不会 你什么意思 [0:40:56]你凭什么说 我会不会去做什么 [0:40:58]你又不认识我 [0:41:00]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Well, you would have done it alreadyYou're distracting me. Go awayI can't. I'm involved nowYou let go, and I'm going to have to jump inthere after youDon't be absurdYou'll be killedI'm a good swimmerThe fall alone will kill youIt would hurt. I'm not saying it wouldn'tTo tell you the truth, I'm a lot more concernedabout that water being so coldHow coldFreezing. Maybe a couple of degrees overYou ever, you ever been to WisconsinWhatThey have some of the coldest winters around真要跳的话你早就跳了 [0:41:02]你在故意让我分心 走开 [0:41:05]不行 我已经介入了 [0:41:07]你要是跳下去的话 我也只好跟着跳了[0:41:11]别胡说八道了 [0:41:16]你会死的 [0:41:18]我是个游泳好手 [0:41:19]你摔都会摔死 [0:41:21]的确会很痛 我可没说不会痛啊 [0:41:23]说真的 我更担心的是水太冷了 [0:41:26]有多冷 [0:41:38]刺骨的冷 很可能接近零度 [0:41:39]你去过威斯康辛吗 [0:41:47]什么 [0:41:54]那里的冬天很冷 [0:41:55]我在那里长大 就住在奇普瓦瀑布旁边I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls[0:41:58]I remember, when I was a kid, me and my father,我还记得小时候跟父亲到威斯康星湖 在冰we went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota上钓鱼 [0:42:00]Ice fishing is, you know, where you冰上钓鱼就是 [0:42:07]I know what ice fishing is我知道冰上钓鱼是什么 [0:42:08]Sorry抱歉 [0:42:11]You just seem like, you know, kind of an indoor只是 你看起来 挺像足不出户的那种女孩儿girl[0:42:14]Anyway, I话说回来 嗯 [0:42:19]I fell through some thin ice冰层太薄 我掉进了湖里 [0:42:22]And I'm telling you我跟你说啊 [0:42:24]Water that cold掉进那么冷的水里 [0:42:27]Like right down there就比如这下面的 [0:42:29]It hits you like就像 [0:42:31]A thousand knives stabbing you all over your被千刀万剐了一样 [0:42:32]bodyYou can't breathe. You can't think你不能呼吸 也没法思考 [0:42:36]Least, not about anything but the pain只能感觉得到痛苦 [0:42:41]Which is why I'm not looking forward to所以 我不是很希望 [0:42:46]Jumping in there after you跟着你跳下去 [0:42:47]Like I said但我说过了 [0:42:51]I don't have a choice我没有什么选择 [0:42:53]I guess I'm kind of hoping所以 我希望 [0:42:59]You'll come back over the rail你能到这边来 [0:43:00]15/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)And get me off the hook hereYou're crazyThat's what everybody says butWith all due respect, missI'm not the one hanging off the back of a shiphereCome onCome on. Give me your handYou don't want to do thisI'm Jack DawsonRose Dewitt BukaterI'll have to get you to write that one downCome onI got you. Come onCome onHelp, please. Help, please~Please, help me ~Listen to me. I've got youI won't let goNow pull yourself up. Come onCome on. That's rightYou can do itI got youWhat's all thisYou stand back! And don't move an inchFetch the master~at~armsThis is completely unacceptableWhat made you think that you could put yourhands on my fianceeLook at me, you filth~Cal ~What do you think you were doingCal, stop. It was an accidentAn accidentIt wasStupid, reallyI was leaning over and I slippedI was leaning far over to see the~Propellers ~Propellers and I slippedAnd I would have gone overboardBut Mr. Dawson here saved meAnd almost went over himself16/72别让我为难 [0:43:02]你真是疯了 [0:43:04]大家都这么说 但是 [0:43:07]说了你别生气 小姐 [0:43:11]现在挂在船尾 想做傻事的人可不是我[0:43:13]下来吧 [0:43:16]下来 手伸过来 [0:43:18]你不想这么做的 [0:43:20]我叫杰克·道森 [0:43:38]萝丝·德威特·布卡特 [0:43:41]你可能得写下来我才记得住 [0:43:43]来吧 [0:43:47]我抓住你了 上来 [0:43:54]上来 [0:43:57]救命 救命 [0:44:02]~救命啊 ~听着 我抓住你了 [0:44:07]我不会放手的 [0:44:10]你得爬上来 快 [0:44:12]来 就是这样 [0:44:17]你能行的 [0:44:20]我抱住你了 [0:44:26]这是怎么回事 [0:44:33]你给我退后 不许动 [0:44:40]去叫纠察长 [0:44:45]这太过分了 [0:44:49]是谁给你胆子 居然敢碰我的未婚妻[0:44:51]看着我 你这下流东西 [0:44:55]~卡尔 ~你以为你在做什么 [0:44:57]卡尔 住手 这只是个意外 [0:44:59]意外 [0:45:03]对啊 [0:45:05]其实很难为情 [0:45:07]我趴在栏杆上往下看 结果滑倒了 [0:45:09]我趴在栏杆上想看看 呃 [0:45:14]~螺旋桨吗 ~螺旋桨 结果我滑倒了 [0:45:21]我差点掉进海里 [0:45:23]是道森先生救了我 [0:45:25]连他也差点掉下去 [0:45:27]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)She wanted to see the propellersLike I said, women and machinery do not mixWas that the way of itYeah, yeah, that was pretty much itWell, the boy's a hero, then. Good for you, doneSo, it's all's well and back to our brandyLook at you. You must be freezing. Let's get youinsidePerhaps a little something for the boyOf courseMr. LovejoyI think $20 should do itIs that the going rate for saving the woman youloveRose is displeasedWhat to doI knowPerhaps you could join us for dinner tomorroweveningTo regale our group with your heroic taleSure. Count me inGood. It's settled thenThis should be interestingCan I bum a smokeYou'll want to tie thoseIt's interesting. The young lady slipped sosuddenlyAnd you still had time to remove your jacket andyour shoesI know you've been melancholyI don't pretend to know whyI intended to save this Until the engagementgala next weekBut I thought, tonightGood graciousPerhaps as a reminder of my feelings for you~Is it a ~Diamond? Yes56 carats to be exactIt was worn by Louis XVIAnd they called it Le Coeur de la Mer17/72她只是想看螺旋桨 [0:45:30]我就说嘛 女人和机器天生相克 [0:45:32]事情是这样的吗 [0:45:36]对 差不多就是这样 [0:45:41]这孩子是个英雄啊 棒极了小伙子 做得好[0:45:43]没事 咱们都回去继续喝酒吧 [0:45:46]你看你 肯定冻坏了 我带你进去 [0:45:50]是不是该谢谢这个小伙子 [0:45:55]当然 [0:46:00]洛夫乔伊先生 [0:46:01]我想二十块应该够了 [0:46:03]难道你心爱的女人只值20块钱啊 [0:46:06]萝丝不开心了 [0:46:10]该怎么办呢 [0:46:12]有了 [0:46:14]要不然 你明晚能与我们共进晚餐吧[0:46:18]给我们大家讲讲 你英雄救美的故事[0:46:22]好啊 没问题 [0:46:28]好 就这么说定了 [0:46:30]有好戏看了 [0:46:34]来根烟好吗 [0:46:44]你鞋带松了 [0:46:56]真有意思 这位小姐突然间滑倒 [0:47:00]你却还有时间脱外套跟鞋子 [0:47:03]我知道你最近心情不好 [0:47:23]我也不想深究 [0:47:26]我原本打算先留着 等下星期的订婚宴会再拿出来 [0:47:30]但我觉得 今晚 [0:47:39]我的天啊 [0:47:44]也许能提醒你 我对你的真心 [0:47:46]~这是 ~没错 是钻石 [0:47:50]确切来说 有56克拉 [0:47:54]它原本属于路易十六 [0:47:59]他们称它为Le Coeur de la Mer [0:48:02]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)~The Heart of the Ocean ~The Heart of theOcean. YesIt's overwhelmingIt's for royaltyWe are royalty, RoseYou know, there is nothing I couldn't give youThere is nothing I'd deny youIf you would not deny meOpen your heart to me, Rose~海洋之心 ~海洋之心 是的 [0:48:05]太贵重了 [0:48:14]这是皇室之物 [0:48:16]我们就是皇室 萝丝 [0:48:19]你知道 我什么都能给你 [0:48:25]我不会拒绝你任何要求 [0:48:28]只要你别拒绝我 [0:48:31]把你的心给我吧 萝丝 [0:48:37]它就是块冰冷的石头 应该叫寒冰之心It was a cold stone, a heart of ice[0:48:53]After all these years这么多年过去了 [0:48:57]I can still feel It closing around my throat like dog我依旧能感觉到它像锁链一样 紧紧禁锢着collar我的喉咙 [0:48:59]If you could have felt it如果你能真正感受到它 [0:49:05]Not just seen it而不仅仅是垂涎三尺 [0:49:07]Well, that is the general idea here, Rose的确 萝丝 一般人都是这样 [0:49:09]What exact, I want get something straight等等 我要搞清楚一件事 [0:49:14]You were gonna kill yourself by jumping off the你真想跳下泰坦尼克号自杀啊 [0:49:16]TitanicThat's right是啊 [0:49:20]Lewis刘易斯 [0:49:21]Yeah, you could just wait two days其实你只要再等两天 [0:49:21]告诉我更多关于钻石的事 之后霍克利怎么Tell us more about the diamond, What didHockley do with it after that处置它的 [0:49:25]I'm afraid I'm feeling a little tired, Mr. Lovett我有点累了 洛维特先生 [0:49:28]Would you like some more coffee要再来点咖啡么 [0:49:31]She's tired她累了 [0:49:32]Wait, wait, wait慢着 慢着 [0:49:33]您休息之前 能再透露些有用的信息么Before you go to bed could you give mesomething to go on here[0:49:34]Like who else had access to the safe比如谁可以动那个保险箱之类的 [0:49:37]What about this Lovejoy guy, the valet他的贴身男仆洛夫乔伊呢 [0:49:39]~Did he had the combination ~That's enough~他知道密码吗 ~够了 [0:49:41]I need time Just find me more time, more time我需要时间 再给我些时间 时间 [0:49:49]Brock, we're 6 days over布洛克 我们已经超了六天了 [0:49:54]It is 30, 000 dollars a day每天要花三万美金 [0:49:55]It means I won't be able to Raise a 25 cents for a很快我就连个电话都打不起了 [0:49:58]phone callThe partners are pissed合伙人已经没耐心了 [0:50:01]Brock, are you hearing this布洛克 你在听吗 [0:50:03]I'm telling you what they told me我只是把他们的意思转达给你 [0:50:07]18/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)The hand is on the plug, and starting to pullYou tell the hand I need another two daysBobby, Bobby, We're close, I smell it~Don't smell it, Okay, don't ~I smell itShe had that diamond on that nightI just got to work her a bit more, okayAlright, we'll develop a satellite trouble orsomethingYou get two days, Brock~Two ~Go get themHey, LizzyI was just coming to find youCan I talk to you for a secondDon't you mean work meOK, lookI'm running out of time hereI need your helpI'm not gonna help you Browbeat my 101 yearold grandmotherI came down here to tell you to back offPleaseShe cannot understand somethingI mean look at all theseLike the guys dive around the clockIt's a three~ring circusMy partner and I, we got all our dose on thisthingThis is three years in my life going down thedrain hereI bet everything to find the Heart of the OceanYou see this right hereWhatThat's the shape of my hands gonna be When Ihold itI'm not leaving here without itI can't leave here without itI need to unlock the inside of your grandma'smemoryLook, she's gonna do this her way, on her owntime19/72他们马上准备收手了 [0:50:09]那就告诉他们 我还需要两天时间 [0:50:12]鲍比 鲍比 我们快成功了 我能嗅到成功的味道 [0:50:16]~你还是别嗅了 别 ~我嗅到了 [0:50:21]沉船那天晚上 她戴着那个项链 [0:50:23]我只是需要再多下点功夫 好吗 [0:50:26]好吧 我想办法搞出点卫星通讯障碍什么的[0:50:30]我给你两天的时间 布洛克 [0:50:33]~两天 ~快去吧 [0:50:35]嘿 莉西 [0:50:37]我刚刚想去找你呢 [0:50:39]能和你聊两句吗 [0:50:41]你是想逼问我吧 [0:50:43]听着 [0:50:47]我真的快没时间了 [0:50:50]我需要你的帮助 [0:50:52]我是不会帮你逼供我101岁的祖母的[0:50:54]我就是过来让你停手的 [0:50:57]求你了 [0:51:00]她不太明白这里的情况 [0:51:01]看看周围的一切 [0:51:04]大家马不停蹄的下水搜索 [0:51:06]忙得不行了 [0:51:08]我和我的合伙人 把一切都赌在了这上面[0:51:10]我们三年的努力就快付诸东流了 [0:51:13]我不惜一切代价想要找到海洋之心[0:51:17]看到这个了吗 [0:51:22]那是什么 [0:51:25]如果我手捧着海洋之心 我手上图案就是这个样子 [0:51:27]我不会空手而归的 [0:51:32]我也不能空手而归 [0:51:34]我需要打开你祖母的记忆 [0:51:38]听着 她做事有自己的原则 在她认可的时机[0:51:42]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Don't forget she contacted youShe's out here for her own reasonsGod knows what they areMaybe she wants to make peace with the pastYou really think she was thereOh, yeahI believe herShe was hereThe next dayI remember thinking how the sunlight feltAs if I hadn't felt the sun in yearsFabrizioFabrizioZioAnd youHelgaVery goodVery very goodThanksCora, we have to go nowSay goodbye to uncle JackGoodbye uncle JackGoodbye CoraJackHello, Mr. DawsonHello againMay I speak with youYeahIn privateYes, of courseHere, youI've been on my own since I was 15Since my folks diedAnd I had no brothers or sistersOr close kin in that part of the country20/72别忘了是她先联系了你 [0:51:46]她来这里有她的理由 [0:51:48]虽然没人知道是什么理由 [0:51:49]也许她想给过去一个交代 [0:51:53]你真的相信 她当时就在船上吗 [0:51:58]是啊 [0:52:00]我相信她 [0:52:03]她曾经在船上 [0:52:06]第二天 [0:52:13]我真切地感受到了阳光 [0:52:15]就好像我很多年都没有享受过温暖了[0:52:19]~你不会意大利语 那英语呢 ~只会说挪威语 [0:52:45]~海尔格 别和陌生人说话 ~是 妈妈 别担心[0:52:51]~那是你妈妈吗 ~嗯 [0:52:55]法布里奇奥 [0:53:06]法布里奇奥 [0:53:07]奇奥 [0:53:08]你叫什么 [0:53:11]海尔格 [0:53:13]画的真棒 [0:53:25]真是太棒了 [0:53:28]谢谢 [0:53:30]科拉 我们得走了 [0:53:31]和杰克叔叔说再见 [0:53:33]再见 杰克叔叔 [0:53:34]再见 科拉 [0:53:35]杰克 [0:54:10]你好 道森先生 [0:54:20]又见面了 [0:54:23]能和你说句话吗 [0:54:25]没问题 [0:54:26]私下说 [0:54:31]噢 当然 [0:54:33]你先请 [0:54:36]我十五岁时父母过世了 [0:54:44]之后就孤身一人 [0:54:46]我在那里既没有兄弟姐妹 [0:54:49]也无牵无挂的 [0:54:50]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)So I lit on out of there and I haven't been backsinceYou can just call me a tumbleweed blowing inthe windWell, RoseWe've walked about a mile around this boatdeckChewed over how great the weather's been Andhow I grew upBut I reckon that's not why you came to talk tome, is it?~Mr. Dawson, I ~JackJack, I want to thank you for what you didNot just for pulling me back~But for your discretion ~You're welcomeLook, I know what you must be thinkingPoor little rich girl. What does she know aboutmiseryNoNo, that's not what I was thinkingWhat I was thinking wasWhat could have happened to this girl To makeher think she had no way outWell, IIt was everythingIt was my whole world and all the people in itAnd the inertia of my lifePlunging ahead, and me, powerless to stop itGod, look at that thingYou'd have gone straight to the bottomFive hundred invitations have gone outAll of Philadelphia society will be thereAnd all the while, I feel I'm standing in themiddle of a crowded roomScreaming at the top of my lungs, and no oneeven looks upDo you love himPardon meDo you love himYou're being very rude. You shouldn't be askingme thisIt's a simple question. Do you love the guy ornot21/72从此就到处流浪 再没回过家乡 [0:54:53]就像是风中飘零的浮萍 [0:54:56]好啦 萝丝 [0:55:01]我们已经在甲板上绕了半天了 [0:55:03]谈天气 谈我的成长经历 [0:55:06]我想你今天来找我 还有别的用意吧[0:55:09]~道森先生 我 ~叫我杰克 [0:55:15]杰克 我想向你道谢 [0:55:18]你不仅把我拉了回来 [0:55:23]~还替我保密 ~不用客气 [0:55:26]听着 我知道你在想什么 [0:55:30]可怜的富家女 她哪懂得人间疾苦 [0:55:34]不 [0:55:39]不 不是的 我没有那么想 [0:55:41]我在想的是 [0:55:43]这女孩发生了什么事 让她这么想不开[0:55:44]是 [0:55:50]所有的事 [0:55:53]我周围的整个世界 以及周围的人 [0:55:54]生活里的一成不变 [0:55:58]我被困其中 却无力阻止 [0:56:00]老天 看看这玩意儿 [0:56:04]你还真的被套牢了啊 [0:56:06]已经发出了五百张请柬 [0:56:10]届时费城所有的名流都会到场 [0:56:13]我无时不刻不感觉 自己站在挤满人群的房间里 [0:56:16]高声呐喊 却没有人看我一眼 [0:56:20]你爱他吗 [0:56:25]什么 [0:56:28]你爱不爱他 [0:56:29]你真没礼貌 怎么可以问我这样的问题[0:56:31]这问题很简单啊 你爱不爱这个家伙[0:56:35]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)This is not a suitable conversationWhy can't you just answer the questionThis is absurdYou don't know me and I don't know youAnd we are not having this conversation at allYou are rude and uncouth and presumptuousAnd I am leaving nowJack, Mr. Dawson, it's been a pleasureI sought you out to thank you, And now I havethanked youAnd you've insulted meWell, you deserved it~Right ~Right~I thought you were leaving ~I amYou are so annoyingWait, I don't have to leaveThis is my part of the ship. You leaveWell, well, well! Now who's being rudeWhat is this stupid thing you're carrying aroundSo, what are you, an artist or somethingThese are rather goodThey're very good, actuallyJack, this is exquisite workParisYou do get around for a poor~Well a, a person of limited means ~Go on, apoor guyYou can say itWell, well, wellAnd these were drawn from lifeThat's one of the good things about ParisLots of girls willing to take their clothes offYou like this womanYou used her several timesWell, she had beautiful hands, you seeI think you must have had a love affair with herNo no no. Just for her handsShe was a one~legged prostituteSeeShe had a good sense of humor, though22/72我们不该谈论这件事的 [0:56:39]为什么不直接回答我的问题呢 [0:56:41]这太荒唐了 [0:56:45]你我根本不认识 [0:56:48]我们没什么好谈的了 [0:56:49]你非常无礼而且自以为是 [0:56:52]我要走了 [0:56:55]杰克·道森先生 很高兴认识你 [0:56:56]我找你是要向你道谢的 既然已经谢过了[0:56:59]但你刚把我骂了一顿 [0:57:01]你活该 [0:57:04]~那好吧 ~好吧 [0:57:05]~你不是要走了吗 ~对啊 [0:57:10]你好烦啊 [0:57:15]等一下 凭什么是我走 [0:57:18]这是我的地盘 你走 [0:57:20]嗬嗬嗬 现在是谁无礼了 [0:57:24]你拿的是什么蠢玩意儿 [0:57:31]你是干嘛的 艺术家还是什么 [0:57:34]画得还不错 [0:57:41]事实上 你画得还真好 [0:57:46]杰克 这些作品都非常细腻 [0:57:56]巴黎 [0:58:01]你去过的地方可真不少 像你这么 [0:58:04]~额 钱财有限 ~就说我很穷 [0:58:09]没关系的 [0:58:13]哇 哇 哇 [0:58:18]这是真人写生吗 [0:58:24]这是巴黎的好处之一 [0:58:29]有很多女孩愿意裸体 [0:58:31]你一定很喜欢这个女人 [0:58:39]好几幅画的都是她 [0:58:42]她的手很美 你看 [0:58:45]我想你一定爱过她 [0:58:51]不不不 只是爱她的手 [0:58:53]她是个只有一条腿的妓女 [0:58:56]你看 [0:59:00]她很有幽默感 [0:59:08]They didn't think too much of them in old Paree巴黎人可不这么想 [0:57:59]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)And this ladyShe used to sit at this bar every nightWearing every piece of jewelry she ownedJust waiting for her long lost loveWe called her Madame BijouxSee, her clothes are all moth~eatenWell, you have a gift, JackYou do~You see people ~I see youAndYou wouldn't have jumpedBut the purpose of university is to find a suitablehusbandRose has already done thatLook, here comes that vulgar Brown womanQuickly, get up before she sits with usHello, girls. I was hoping I'd catch you at teaWe're awfully sorry. You missed itThe Countess and I were just off to take the airon the boat deckWhat a lovely idea. I need to catch up on mygossipSo you've not yet lit the last four boilersNo, I don't see the needWe are making excellent timeThe press knows the size of Titanic还有这位女士 [0:59:12]她每晚都坐在酒吧里 [0:59:15]身上戴着她所有的首饰 [0:59:17]等她的爱人回来 [0:59:19]我们都叫她"珠宝夫人" [0:59:23]你看 她的衣服都被虫蛀了 [0:59:26]你很有天份 杰克 [0:59:29]我说真的 [0:59:32]~你能看透人 ~我能看透你 [0:59:35]我怎么样 [0:59:40]你不会跳下去的 [0:59:43]上大学的目的是为了找个如意郎君[0:59:49]这点萝丝已经做到了 [0:59:53]快看 那个暴发户女人来了 [0:59:55]快走 我可不想跟她坐在一起 [0:59:58]嘿 姑娘们 我还想跟你们喝杯茶呢 [1:00:01]真抱歉 你错过了 [1:00:04]我们正打算到甲板上呼吸点新鲜空气[1:00:07]好极了 我正愁没人聊天呢 [1:00:09]最后四个锅炉还没用上吗 [1:00:19]没有 我觉得没有必要 [1:00:22]我们的速度已经很快了 [1:00:24]新闻界知道这艘船很大 [1:00:27]现在我希望他们能惊叹于她的速度Now, I want them to marvel at her speed[1:00:29]We must give them something new to print我们得给他们点新闻写写 [1:00:32]泰坦尼克号的处女航 一定要上头条才行This maiden voyage of Titanic must makeheadlines[1:00:36]Mr. Ismay伊斯梅先生 [1:00:40]在引擎跑顺之前 我不建议给引擎施压I would prefer not to push the engines Untilthey've been properly run in[1:00:43]Of course, I'm just a passenger, I leave it to your当然了我只是个乘客 一切还得由您做主good offices to decide what's best[1:00:49]But what a glorious end to your final crossing但你马上就要退休了 [1:00:53]我们如果能在周二晚上抵达纽约 必定举国If we were to get into New York on Tuesdaynight and surprise them all皆知 [1:00:55]Make the morning papers早报也会刊登出来 [1:00:59]Retire with a bang, eh, E.J.难道您不想风光地退休吗 船长 [1:01:01]23/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Good manI don't really care too much about All thatdadaism and cubismJust had no heart to itI like some of itReallyYesParis for meWas more about living on the streetsAnd trying to put it on the paperYou know what I meanYou know my dreams have always beenJust run away and become an artistLiving in a garretPoor but freeYou wouldn't last two daysThere's no hot water and hardly any of caviarI happen to hate caviarAnd I hate people telling me what dreams Ishould and shouldn't haveI'm sorryYou're rightWell, alrightEverybody expected me to be this delicate littleflowerWhich I am notI'm sturdy, I'm strong as a horseI'm here to do somethingNot just sit around and be decorativeHave you seen these hands, they were made forworkCare for something, missWould like some tea or some bouillonNoThere's something in me, JackLike a dynamite I feel itI don't know what it isBut I should be an artist or a sculptor orI don't knowI'm, a dancer like Isadora Duncan好船长 [1:01:07]我不是很喜欢什么达达派风格或者立体主义风格 [1:01:10]算是没心思吧 [1:01:13]有些我挺喜欢的 [1:01:16]是吗 [1:01:17]没错 [1:01:18]巴黎对我而言 [1:01:19]就是到处流浪 [1:01:21]并把这些都画下来 [1:01:23]你明白我的意思吧 [1:01:25]我的梦想就是逃离这一切 [1:01:28]成为一个艺术家 [1:01:29]住在某个阁楼里 [1:01:32]贫穷但自由 [1:01:33]你肯定连两天都受不了 [1:01:36]没有热水不说 更别提鱼子酱了 [1:01:37]正好我讨厌鱼子酱 [1:01:41]更讨厌有人对我的梦想评头论足 讥讽嘲笑[1:01:43]抱歉 [1:01:48]你是对的 [1:01:50]好吧 没事了 [1:01:51]每个人都希望我是个优雅娇弱的小女人[1:01:54]但我不是 [1:01:57]我很坚强 也有能力 [1:01:58]我想要成就一番事业 [1:02:01]而不是安逸地呆坐着 当个装饰品 [1:02:01]你看我的手 它们的存在是要做实事的[1:02:04]要来点什么吗 小姐 [1:02:07]您需要茶或者肉汤吗 [1:02:07]不需要 [1:02:09]我心里有股强烈的欲望 杰克 [1:02:13]像炸药一样 我能感觉得到 [1:02:15]虽然我不清楚具体是什么 [1:02:16]或许是成为一名画家 雕塑家 [1:02:17]或者别的什么 [1:02:20]比如像伊莎多拉·邓肯那样的舞者[1:02:21]24/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)With wild pagan spiritOr moving picture actressWell after that, I worked on a squid boat inMontereyThen I went down to Los Angeles to the pier inSanta MonicaAnd started doing portraits there for 10 cents apieceWhy can't I be like you, JackJust head out for the horizon whenever I feel likeitSay we'll go there sometime, to that pierEven if we only ever just talk about itNo, we'll do it. We'll drink cheap beerWe'll ride on the roller coaster till we throw upThen we'll ride horses on the beach, right in thesurfBut you'll have to do it like a real cowboyNone of that sidesaddle stuff~You mean, one leg on each side ~Yeah~Can you show me ~Sure, if you likeTeach me to ride like a manAnd chew tobacco like a manAnd spit like a manWhat, they didn't teach you that in finishingschoolNoCome on, I'll show you. Let's do it~What ~I'll show you how, come on~Jack, no. Jack ~Come on~No. Wait, Jack ~Come on有着狂野不羁的灵魂 [1:02:24]或者成为一名演员 [1:02:26]后来 我又在蒙特雷一艘鱼船上打工[1:02:37]接着又去了洛杉机的圣莫尼卡港口[1:02:41]在码头给人画像 一毛钱一张 [1:02:43]为什么我就不能像你一样呢 杰克 [1:02:47]说走就走 想去哪就去哪 [1:02:49]快说 将来有一天我们会去那码头 [1:02:55]哪怕只是说说而已 [1:02:58]不 我们一定会去 可以去喝便宜的啤酒[1:03:00]坐云宵飞车坐到想吐 [1:03:03]我们还要伴着海浪 在海滩上骑马 [1:03:07]但你得像真正的牛仔那样骑 [1:03:10]不能侧坐着 [1:03:12]~你是说要两腿分跨两边吗 ~对 [1:03:14]~你能教我吗 ~当然 只要你喜欢 [1:03:19]教我像男人那样骑马 [1:03:23]像男人那样嚼烟草 [1:03:25]还要像男人那样吐口水 [1:03:28]不会吧 在贵族学校的时候没人教你吗[1:03:30]没有 [1:03:32]来 我教你 开始吧 [1:03:34]~什么 ~我给你作示范 快来 [1:03:36]~杰克 不行啦 杰克 ~怕什么 [1:03:38]~不行 等一下 杰克 ~来嘛 [1:03:40]~不行 杰克 我不可能这么做的 杰克 ~来嘛~No, Jack. I couldn't possibly, Jack ~Come on[1:03:42]Watch closely仔细看好了 [1:03:45]That's disgusting好恶心 [1:03:48]All right, your turn好吧 轮到你了 [1:03:50]That was pitiful. Come on, you really gotta hawk这真是笑死人了 瞧 你得用力往里吸it back[1:03:53]Get some leverage to it, use your arms做好准备 运用你的臂力 [1:03:57]Arc your neck脖子后仰 [1:03:59]You see the range on that thing看我吐得多远 [1:04:01]25/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Okay, go~That was better. You got to work on it ~ReallyReally try to hawk it upMotherMay I introduce Jack DawsonCharmed, I'm sureThe others were gracious and curiousAbout the man who'd saved my lifeBut my mother looked at him like an insectA dangerous insect which must be squashedquicklyJack, sounds likeYou're a good man to have around in a stickyspotWhy do they always insist on announcing dinnerLike a damn cavalry chargeShall we go dress, MotherSee you at dinner, JackSonSonDo you have the slightest comprehension ofWhat you're doing?Not reallyWell, you're about to go into the snake pitWhat are you planning to wearI figured. Come onI was rightYou and my son are just about the same sizePretty closeYou shine up like a new pennyGood evening, sirThere are several thousand tons of Hockley steelin this very ship~Which part ~All the right ones, of courseThen we'll know who to hold accountable Ifthere's a problem~Where's my daughter ~She'll be alongThere is the Countess~Hello, my dear ~Good evening, Cal好 吐 [1:04:04]~有进步 你还得多多练习 ~ 真的 [1:04:09]使劲往回清嗓子 [1:04:10]妈妈 [1:04:22]我来介绍一下 杰克·道森 [1:04:28]真是幸会 [1:04:32]其他人对杰克的态度很好 [1:04:38]很好奇这位救了我一命的人 [1:04:41]我妈却当他是个虫子 [1:04:44]一个需要立刻除掉的害虫 [1:04:47]杰克 听说大家 [1:04:52]都在议论你英雄救美的事迹啊 [1:04:53]为什么他们每次叫人吃晚饭 [1:04:59]都搞得像冲锋陷阵一样 [1:05:01]妈妈 我们去换衣服吧 [1:05:04]晚餐见 杰克 [1:05:07]孩子 [1:05:11]孩子 [1:05:12]你知道自己待会儿要干嘛吗 [1:05:14]不太清楚 [1:05:17]你要面对的是可怕的上流社会 [1:05:18]你打算穿什么去吃晚饭 [1:05:23]我就知道 跟我来吧 [1:05:28]果然没错 [1:05:32]你跟我儿子的身材差不多 [1:05:34]挺合身的 [1:05:37]一表人才啊 小伙子 [1:05:42]晚上好 先生 [1:05:57]这艘船用了很多我们霍克利家的钢铁[1:07:02]~用在哪儿了 ~当然是那些重要的地方[1:07:06]如果出了问题 就找你负责啊 [1:07:08]~我女儿呢 ~她就来了 [1:07:10]伯爵夫人在这呢 [1:07:13]~晚上好 ~晚上好 卡尔 [1:07:15]And get some body to it. You know, 集中精力 知道吧 你得... [1:04:11]26/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)So good to see youI saw that in a nickelodeon onceAnd I always wanted to do itI'll see you at dinnerDarling, Surely you remember Mr. DawsonDawsonThat's amazingYou could almost pass for a gentlemanAlmostExtraordinaryMy dear, it's delightful to see youWhat a remarkable voyage this is~It's mad, isn't it ~Completely lunaticThere's the Countess of RothesAnd that's John Jacob AstorThe richest man on the shipHis little wifey there, Madeleine, is my age, Andin a delicate conditionSee how she's trying to hide itQuite the scandalAnd that's Benjamin Guggenheim and hismistress, Madame AubartMrs. Guggenheim is at home with the children,of courseAnd over here, we have Sir Cosmo and Lucile,Lady Duff~GordonShe designs naughty lingerieAmong her many talentsVery popular with the royalsCongratulations, Hockley. She's splendidWhy, thank you~Care to escort a lady to dinner ~CertainlySweet peaSweet peaAin't nothing to it, is there, JackRemember, they love moneySo just pretend like You own a gold mine andyou're in the clubHey, AstorHello, Molly, nice to see you27/72很高兴见到你 [1:07:17]我在那些电影里看到过 [1:07:44]然后就一直想这么做一次 [1:07:46]晚餐时间见 [1:08:00]亲爱的 你还记得这位道森先生吧 [1:08:02]道森 [1:08:06]真不可思议 [1:08:08]你看起来几乎像个绅士了 [1:08:10]差不多 [1:08:13]真有意思 [1:08:15]亲爱的 见到你真高兴 [1:08:29]这趟旅程真棒啊 [1:08:31]~太疯狂了不是吗 ~ 可不是嘛 [1:08:33]那位是罗斯伯爵夫人 [1:08:36]那位是约翰·雅各布·阿斯特 [1:08:40]船上最有钱的人 [1:08:44]他的小太太玛德琳跟我一样年纪 却已经怀孕了 [1:08:46]但她不想让人知道 [1:08:50]实在是个大丑闻 [1:08:52]那边的是本杰明·古根海姆先生跟他的情妇奥伯特夫人 [1:08:55]当然啦 古根海姆夫人正在家陪孩子呢[1:08:58]这边是科斯莫爵士和露西尔 达夫~戈登夫人 [1:09:02]她有众多的才能 [1:09:05]其一是设计性感内衣 [1:09:07]非常受皇室的欢迎呢 [1:09:09]真是恭喜你了 霍克利 她好标致 [1:09:12]哈 谢谢 [1:09:14]~护送女士们去吃晚餐吧 ~没问题 [1:09:17]小可爱 [1:09:21]小可爱 [1:09:22]其实也没什么 对吧 杰克 [1:09:24]你只要记住他们有多爱钱 [1:09:26]然后假装自己拥有一座金矿就好了[1:09:27]你好 阿斯特 [1:09:33]莫莉 见到你很高兴 [1:09:36]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)J.J., Madeleine, I'd like you to meet Jack Dawson两位 我来介绍 这位是杰克·道森 [1:09:38]~How do you do ~PleasureWell, JackAre you of the Boston DawsonsNo, the Chippewa Falls Dawsons, actuallyOh, yesHe must have been nervous, but he neverfalteredThey assumed he was one of themHeir to a railroad fortune, perhapsNew money, obviously, but still a member of theclubMother, of course, could always be counteduponTell us of the accommodations in steerage, I hear they're quite good on this shipThe best I've seen, ma'am. Hardly any ratsMr. Dawson is joining us from the third classHe was of some assistance to my fiancee lastnightIt turns out that Mr. Dawson is quite a fine artistHe was kind enough to show me some of hiswork todayRose and I differ somewhat in our definition offine artNot to impugn your work, sirAre these all for meJust start from the outside and work your way inHe knows every rivet in her, don't you, ThomasYour ship is a wonder, Mr. Andrews. TrulyThank you, RoseHow do you take your caviar, sirNo caviar for me, thanksNever did like it muchAnd where exactly do you live, Mr. DawsonWell, right now, my address is the RMS TitanicAfter that, I'm on God's good humorAnd how is it you have means to travel28/72~幸会 ~幸会 [1:09:41]你好 杰克 [1:09:43]你是波士顿道森家族的人么 [1:09:44]不 是奇普瓦瀑布道森家族的 [1:09:47]这样啊 [1:09:50]他当时一定很紧张 却没有一点畏缩[1:09:53]他们以为他也很富有 [1:09:58]铁路世家的公子什么的 [1:10:00]很明显是个暴发户 但也算得上是上层阶级[1:10:04]当然了 妈妈还是不改本色 [1:10:09]道森先生 下等舱住得还舒服吗 [1:10:13]我听说似乎还不错 [1:10:16]是我见过最棒的 夫人 都没什么老鼠[1:10:19]道森先生是从三等舱过来的 [1:10:26]他昨晚帮过我的未婚妻 [1:10:28]事实上 道森先生是个优秀的画家 [1:10:31]他今天大方地让我欣赏了一些作品[1:10:34]萝丝跟我对美术的看法有一些差异[1:10:37]当然 我不是说你的作品不好 [1:10:40]这全套都是我的吗 [1:10:53]从外往里用 你 慢慢就习惯了 [1:10:54]他对这船一清二楚 是吧 托马斯 [1:10:57]这艘船是一个奇迹 安德鲁先生 真的[1:10:59]谢谢你 萝丝 [1:11:02]您的鱼子酱要怎么用 先生 [1:11:06]不必了 我不要鱼子酱 [1:11:08]从来都不喜欢 [1:11:10]你住在哪里 道森先生 [1:11:13]目前来说 我就住在这艘船上 [1:11:16]而这之后 就得看上帝的安排了 [1:11:19]你是怎么有钱旅行的呢 [1:11:22]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)I work my way from place to placeYou know, tramp steamers and suchBut I won my ticket on Titanic here at a luckyhand at pokerA very lucky handAll life is a game of luckA real man makes his own luck, ArchieRight, DawsonAnd you find that sort of Rootless existenceappealing, do youOh, yes, ma'am, I doI mean, I've got everything I need right here withmeI got air in my lungs and a few blank sheets ofpaperI mean, I love waking up in the morningNot knowing what's gonna happenOr who I'm gonna meetWhere I'm gonna wind upJust the other night I was sleeping under abridge, and nowHere I am on the grandest ship in the worldHaving champagne with you fine peopleI'll take some more of thatI figure life is a giftAnd I don't intend on wasting itYou never know what hand you're gonna getdealt nextYou learn to take life as it comes at youHere you go, CalTo make each day count~Well said, Jack ~ Hear, hearTo making it countTo making it countBut Mr. Brown had no idea I'd hidden the moneyin the stoveSo he comes home drunk as a pig, celebrating,and he lights a fireBravoNext it'll be brandies in the smoking room~Join me in a brandy, gentlemen ~What a goodidea29/72我到处打工挣钱 [1:11:25]你知道的 货船或其它什么地方 [1:11:27]泰坦尼克的船票是我赌牌赢来的 [1:11:29]非常幸运的一局 [1:11:33]人生就是拼运气的游戏 [1:11:35]真正的男人都是自己创造运气 [1:11:39]对吗 道森 [1:11:41]你喜欢这种四处飘泊的生活吗 [1:11:43]是的 夫人 我很喜欢 [1:11:50]您瞧 我的全部家当都在身上 [1:11:52]我有个健康的身体 以及作画用的纸[1:11:56]我喜欢在一早起来时 [1:12:00]不知道今天会发生什么 [1:12:01]会遇到什么样的人 [1:12:02]或者到哪里漂泊 [1:12:05]就在前两天我还在桥下过夜 [1:12:07]现在却到了这艘豪华巨轮上 [1:12:09]跟你们这些上流人士共饮香槟 [1:12:12]再给我来一点 [1:12:14]生命是上帝的礼物 [1:12:17]我不打算浪费它 [1:12:18]你永远不知道下一张牌是什么 世事难料[1:12:21]随遇而安就好 [1:12:23]给你 卡尔 [1:12:26]精彩地去活每一天 [1:12:29]~说得好 杰克 ~说得多好 [1:12:31]敬享受每一天 [1:12:35]敬享受每一天 [1:12:38]我老公不知道我把钱藏在炉子里了[1:12:48]结果他醉醺醺地回到家 把那炉子给点燃了[1:12:53]太有趣了 [1:12:57]接下来是餐后酒会时间 [1:13:01]~去喝杯白兰地吧 先生们 ~好主意 [1:13:05]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Now they retreat into a cloud of smoke, andcongratulate each otherOn being masters of the universeLadies, thank you for the pleasure of yourcompanyRose, may I escort you to the cabinNo, I'll stay hereHere you go, MollyJoining us, DawsonYou don't want to stay out here with the women,do youNo, thanks, I've got to be heading backProbably bestIt'll be all business and politics, that sort of thingWouldn't interest youBut, Dawson, Good of you to comeJack, must you goTime for me to go row with the other slavesGood night, RoseMake it count. Meet me at the clockSo you want to go to a real partyIs it okay if I put my hand here? OkayI can't understand you~Bravo! ~Let's goI'm going to dance with her now, all right~Come on ~What ~Come onCome with meJack! Jack, waitI can't do thisWe're gonna have to get a little bit closerLike thisYou're still my best girl, CoraI don't know the stepsNeither do I, just go with itDon't thinkWait, Jack! StopStop! Wait Jack, noWaitJack, noBeyond the jurisdiction of the Sherman ActSo my lawyers will argueThat's what Rockefeller said30/72他们会在烟雾缭绕的房间里互相吹捧[1:13:09]都以为自己是宇宙的主宰 [1:13:12]女士们 谢谢你们的愉快陪伴 [1:13:13]萝丝 我送你回房吧 [1:13:17]不了 我呆在这就好 [1:13:18]谢谢 莫莉 [1:13:21]一起来吧 道森先生 [1:13:23]你该不会想和女士们呆在这里吧 [1:13:25]不了 谢谢 我得回去了 [1:13:28]也好 [1:13:31]我们谈的都是生意和政治 [1:13:31]你不会感兴趣的 [1:13:34]不过 道森 还是谢谢你能来 [1:13:36]杰克 你一定要走吗 [1:13:45]我该回到我的下等人世界去了 [1:13:46]晚安 萝丝 [1:13:52]精彩地去活每一天 大钟前见 [1:14:09]你想不想参加一场真正的派对 [1:14:33]我把手放这里可以吗 [1:14:46]我听不懂 [1:15:08]~太棒了 ~下一首 [1:15:37]现在我要和她跳舞了 可以吗 [1:15:42]~来 ~什么 ~来 跟着我 [1:15:45]跟我来 [1:15:48]杰克 杰克 等等 [1:15:49]我不会跳 [1:15:53]我们得靠近一点 [1:15:54]像这样 [1:15:56]我还是最爱你 科拉 [1:16:01]我不晓得舞步 [1:16:06]我也是 跟着节拍就是了 [1:16:07]别想太多 [1:16:09]等一下 杰克 停 [1:16:30]停 等一下 杰克 不要 [1:16:31]等一下 [1:16:42]杰克 不要 [1:17:25]反垄断法也管不着 [1:17:33]我的律师会搞定的 [1:17:35]洛克菲勒也这么说 [1:17:36]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)But the Supreme Court is not swallowing it但是最高法院不买帐 [1:17:38]怎么 你认为头等舱的小姐不会喝酒吗What, You think a first~class girl can't drink[1:18:00]Get out of here快走开 [1:18:07]You all right你没事吧 [1:18:08]I'm fine没事 [1:18:11]Two out of three三战两胜 [1:18:13]So, You think you're big tough men怎么 你以为你很厉害啊 [1:18:15]Let's see you do this看你会不会这招 [1:18:21]Hold this for me Jack帮我提着裙摆 杰克 [1:18:25]Hold it up提高点儿 [1:18:26]Jesus, Mary and Joseph天啊 我的神啊 [1:18:45]~Are you all right ~I haven't done that in years~你还好吧 ~我好多年没练了 [1:18:47]Let's go再来一曲 [1:18:59]Come Josephine, in my flying machine来吧 约瑟芬 跳进我的飞行器 [1:19:19]And up she goes她飞起来了 [1:19:23]Up she goes飞起来了 [1:19:25]Something about Like a bird on a beam然后是什么 像鸟儿一样 [1:19:28]In the air She goes where在空中 她去哪里了 [1:19:31]There There she goes在那里 她去那里了 [1:19:34]Up, up, a little bit higher再高一点吧 [1:19:35]Oh, my, the moon is on fire天哪 月亮着火了 [1:19:38]Here we are我到了 [1:19:51]All right是啊 [1:19:55]And I don't wanna go back我不想回去 [1:19:58]Look你看 [1:20:09]It's so beautiful真美啊 [1:20:11]Yeah是啊 [1:20:12]So vast and endless无边无际 [1:20:16]They're so small看起来好渺小 [1:20:20]My crowd They think they're giants我周围的人 总觉得自己很伟大 [1:20:24]Not even dust in God's eye而在上帝眼里 连尘埃都算不上 [1:20:28]You know there's been a mistake也不全是那样 [1:20:31]You're not one of them你和他们不一样 [1:20:34]You got mailed to the wrong address你只是投胎投错了地方而已 [1:20:36]I did, didn't I没错 对吧 [1:20:40]Look, a shooting star快看 是流星 [1:20:42]That was a long one好长的尾巴 [1:20:46]You know my papa used to tell me我爸爸曾经告诉我 [1:20:49]Every time you saw one, There was a soul going每颗流星 都是一个正在升往天堂的灵魂to heaven[1:20:51]31/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)I like thatAm I supposed to wish on itWhyWhat would you wish forSomething I can't haveGood night, JackCoffee, sirI had hoped you would come to me last nightI was tiredYour exertions below decks were, no doubt,exhaustingI see you had that undertaker of a manservantfollow meHow typicalYou will never behave like that again, Rose, doyou understandI'm not a foreman in one of your mills tshat youcan commandI'm your fianceeMy fianceeYes, you are, and my wifeMy wife in practice, if not yet by lawSo you will honor meYou'll honor me the way, A wife is required tohonor her husbandBecause I will not be made out a fool, Rose~Is this in any way unclear ~NoGood. Excuse meMiss Rose~We had a little accident ~That's all right, MissRose~Sorry, Trudy ~It's all right~Let me help you ~It's all right, missIt's all right, missTea, TrudyYes, ma'amYou are not to see that boy againDo you understand meRose, I forbid itStop it, Mother. You'll give yourself a nosebleedThis is not a game, Our situation is precariousYou know the money's gone32/72我也这么想 [1:20:55]我该对着它许愿吗 [1:20:57]为什么 [1:21:02]你想许什么愿 [1:21:04]那些我渴求 却难以拥有的 [1:21:11]晚安 杰克 [1:21:16]先生 要咖啡吗 [1:21:30]我本来希望你昨晚会来找我 [1:21:42]我累了 [1:21:45]是 到下等舱去狂欢 当然很累人 [1:21:50]看来你是让你那奴才去跟踪我了 [1:21:55]真像你的风格 [1:21:57]以后不允许再那么做了 萝丝 明白吗[1:21:59]我不是你工厂里那些任你使唤的工头[1:22:06]我是你的未婚妻 [1:22:10]我的未婚妻 [1:22:13]没错 而且还是我太太 [1:22:14]你注定是我的妻子 [1:22:19]你就必须对我忠实 [1:22:22]就像妻子忠于丈夫那样 [1:22:24]别人休想耍我 萝丝 [1:22:27]~我说的还不明白吗 ~明白 [1:22:30]很好 失陪了 [1:22:34]萝丝小姐 [1:22:43]~我们刚出了点意外 ~没关系 萝丝小姐[1:22:46]~抱歉 特鲁迪 ~没关系 [1:22:48]~我来帮你 ~没关系的 小姐 [1:22:50]没关系的 小姐 [1:22:59]去沏茶 特鲁迪 [1:23:07]是 夫人 [1:23:08]你不能再跟他见面了 [1:23:25]你明白吗 [1:23:27]萝丝 不准见他 [1:23:30]够了 妈妈 你会气坏身子的 [1:23:33]别再胡闹了 我们处境为难 [1:23:37]你知道家里没钱了的 [1:23:41]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Of course I know it's goneYou remind me every dayYour father left us nothingBut a legacy of bad debts hidden by a goodnameThat name is the only card we have to playI don't understand youIt is a fine match with HockleyIt will ensure our survivalHow can you put this on my shouldersWhy are you being so selfishI'm being selfishDo you want to see me working as a seamstressIs that what you wantTo see our fine things sold at auctionOur memories scattered to the windsIt's so unfairOf course it's unfairWe're womenOur choices are never easy∮ Protect them by Thy guarding hand ∮∮ For every peril on ∮∮ O, spirit whom the Father sent ∮∮ To spread abroad the firmament ∮∮ O wind of heaven,by Thy might ∮∮ Save all who dare the eagle's flight ∮∮ And keep them by thy watchful care ∮~Hello, Mr. Andrews ~Hello, Jack~Sir ~I just need to talk to somebody for asecondSir, you're not supposed to be in hereI just need to speak to someoneI was just here last night, you don't remembermeNo, I'm afraid I don'tNow, you're gonna have to turn aroundHe'll tell youI just need to talkMr. Hockley and Mrs. Dewitt BukaterContinue to be appreciative of your assistanceThey asked me to give you this in gratitude33/72怎么会不知道 [1:23:43]你每天都提醒我 [1:23:45]你父亲除了一屁股债 [1:23:48]什么也没留下 幸好名声还在 [1:23:50]我们也只能靠这个名声了 [1:23:53]我真不了解你 [1:23:57]你跟霍克利多般配 [1:23:59]嫁给他我们才能生存 [1:24:01]你怎么能把这一切归到我身上 [1:24:04]你怎么这么自私 [1:24:06]是我自私吗 [1:24:08]你想看到我去当女工吗 [1:24:14]你希望那样吗 [1:24:18]想看着我们变卖家当吗 [1:24:23]想看到以前的一切都化为乌有吗 [1:24:27]这太不公平了 [1:24:40]当然不公平 [1:24:43]我们是女人 [1:24:46]我们没有太多选择 [1:24:50]♪用你指引的手保护他们 ♪ [1:25:13]♪使他们无畏地上的危险 ♪ [1:25:19]♪天父所派遣的圣灵 ♪ [1:25:24]♪四散在天穹 ♪[1:25:30]♪这天堂的风 借你之能 ♪ [1:25:35]♪拯救所有勇敢如鹰的人们 ♪ [1:25:39]♪有你眷顾 保护他们 ♪ [1:25:44]~你好 安德鲁先生 ~你好 杰克 [1:25:51]~先生 ~我只想找个人说两句话 [1:26:02]先生 你不该来这里 [1:26:05]我说两句话就走 [1:26:06]我昨晚来过这儿的 记得吗 [1:26:11]不记得 我没有印象 [1:26:13]现在 您必须马上离开 [1:26:14]他可以告诉你 [1:26:15]我只想跟... [1:26:17]霍克利先生和德威特·布卡特女士[1:26:18]非常感谢你的帮忙 [1:26:22]他们要我给你这个以示感谢 [1:26:25]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)I don't want your money. Please. I justAlso to remind you that you hold a third~classticketAnd that your presence here is no longerappropriatePlease, I just wanna speak to Rose for onesecond, alrightGentlemen, please see Mr. Dawson gets back towhere he belongsAnd that he stays thereYes, sir. Come along, you∮ O hear us when we cry to thee ∮∮ For those in peril on ∮And why do you have two steering wheelsWe really only use this near shoreExcuse me, sirAnother ice warning. This one is from theNoordamThank you, SparksNot to worry. Quite normal for this time of yearIn fact, we're speeding upI've just ordered the last boilers litAnd here we have the stationary bicycle to keepyou fitAnd over here the electrical horseThis of course has been extremely popularAnd we even have the electric camelRemind me of my Harvard daysAnd this is our new rolling machineCare to try your hand, madamDon't be absurdCan't imagine a skill I should likely need any lessThe next stop of our tour would be the bridgeThis way pleaseShe's a goddess of all men, there's no denyingBut she's in another world, Jack Just forget herShe's closing the door Just forget herHe's not being logical, I tell youNo one is logicalHey, you, get back where you belongWe go, we go34/72我不要你的钱 拜托了 我只想 [1:26:29]并提醒你 你拿的是三等舱的票 [1:26:30]你出现在这里并不合适 [1:26:34]拜托了 我只想和萝丝说几句话 [1:26:37]两位 请送道森先生回他该去的地方[1:26:39]让他别再来了 [1:26:42]是 先生 快走吧你 [1:26:45]♪请聆听我们的哭诉 ♪ [1:26:50]♪解救在海上有危险的人 ♪ [1:26:53]船上为何有两个舵轮 [1:26:59]靠岸时才会用到这个 [1:27:01]打扰下 长官 [1:27:02]诺丹号又发来一个冰山预警信号 [1:27:03]谢谢 斯帕克斯 [1:27:06]不要担心 冰山在这季节很常见 [1:27:10]事实上我们还在加速呢 [1:27:14]最后四个锅炉也点燃了 [1:27:16]我们在这放置了固定自行车 可以用来健身[1:27:23]这里还有电动马 [1:27:27]这个同样很受欢迎 [1:27:30]我们甚至还有电动骆驼 [1:27:32]让我想起了在哈佛的日子 [1:27:37]这是我们最新的划船机 [1:27:40]您要试试吗 夫人 [1:27:42]别开玩笑了 [1:27:45]我才不需要了解这鬼东西 [1:27:47]我们接下来参观舰桥 [1:27:51]各位请随我来 [1:27:53]不可否认 她是男人心中的女神 [1:27:59]但是她属于另一个世界 杰克 忘了她吧[1:28:02]她已经把你拒之门外了 忘了她吧 [1:28:04]他现在已经失去理智了 [1:28:10]大家都不理智 [1:28:11]喂 你们 回到三等舱去 [1:28:20]我们走 马上走 [1:28:21]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Mr. Andrews, forgive meI did the sum in my headAnd with the number of lifeboatsTimes the capacity you mentionedForgive me, but it seems thatThere are not enough for everyone aboardAbout half, actuallyRose, you miss nothing, do youIn fact, I put in these new~type davitsWhich can take an extra row of boats inside thisoneBut it was thought, by someThe deck would look too clutteredSo, I was overruledIt's a waste of deck space, as it is in anunsinkable shipSleep soundly, young RoseI have built you a good ship, strong and trueShe's all the lifeboat you needJust keep heading aftThe next stop will be the engine roomCome onJack, this is impossibleI can't see you~I need to talk to you. ~No, Jack. NoJack, I'm engaged I'm marrying CalI love CalRose, you're no picnic, all rightYou're a spoiled little brat, evenBut under that, you're the most amazinglyAstounding, wonderful girlWoman that I've ever known and~Jack, l ~No, let me try to get this I'm not an idiotI know how the world worksI've got $10 in my pocketI have nothing to offer you and I know thatI understand But I'm too involved nowYou jump, I jump, remember35/72安德鲁先生 不好意思 [1:28:38]我自己心算了一下 [1:28:42]把救生艇数目 [1:28:44]乘上每艘的容量 [1:28:46]请原谅 可这好像 [1:28:48]不够搭载所有的乘客 [1:28:50]只能载一半的人 [1:28:52]萝丝 真是什么都逃不过你的眼睛啊[1:28:55]其实 我原先设计了新式的吊艇柱 [1:28:57]那样就可以再多挂一排救生艇 [1:29:00]可有些人觉得 这样太挤了 [1:29:03]特别影响甲板的美观 [1:29:05]所以设计没被采纳 [1:29:07]对于这艘永不沉没的船 的确太浪费甲板空间 [1:29:10]你就安心吧 萝丝小姐 [1:29:13]我这艘船坚固得很 既坚固又平准 [1:29:15]你们有她这艘救生艇就足够了 [1:29:18]继续往船尾走 [1:29:20]下一站我们去参观引擎室 [1:29:21]跟我来 [1:29:23]杰克 我们是不可能的 [1:29:28]我不能再见你了 [1:29:32]~我有话跟你说 ~不行的杰克 不行 [1:29:33]杰克 我已经订婚了 我要嫁给卡尔 [1:29:37]我爱卡尔 [1:29:43]萝丝 你是不太好相处 对吗 [1:29:47]还是个给娇宠惯坏的小姐 [1:29:51]但藏在那外表下 你是我遇到过的 [1:29:54]最脱俗 最美好的女孩 [1:29:57]我从没遇到过你这样的女子 [1:30:00]~杰克 我 ~不 你先让我说完 [1:30:03]你...我不是傻瓜 [1:30:05]我也知道人情世故 [1:30:10]我身上只有十块钱 [1:30:12]我什么都给不了你 这我很清楚 [1:30:14]我能理解 但我早已不能自拔 [1:30:17]你跳 我就跳 记得吗 [1:30:22]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)I can't turn away without knowing you'll be allrightThat's all that I wantWell, I'm fine I'll be fine~Really ~ReallyI don't think soThey've got you trapped, RoseAnd you're gonna die if you don't break freeMaybe not right away, because you're strongBut sooner or later, that fire that I love aboutyou, RoseThat fire's gonna burn outIt's not up to you to save me, JackYou're right Only you can do thatI'm going backLeave me aloneTell Lucile about the disaster you had with thestationersOf course, the invitations had to be sent back,Twice~Oh, my dear ~And the dreadful bridesmaids'gownsLet me tell you, what an odyssey that has beenRose decided she wanted lavenderShe knows I detest the colorSo she did it to spite meIf only you'd come to me soonerRuth saw some of my designs in La ModeIllustreeThey were for the trousseau of the Duchess ofMarlborough's youngest daughterThey were quite charmingI think you'll agree, my dear, that togetherWe've created something of a phoenix from theashesHello, JackI changed my mind~They said you might be ~Give me your handNow close your eyesGo on36/72直到确定你能幸福快乐 我才会放手离开[1:30:24]我只有这个请求 [1:30:28]那么 我很好 我会很好的 [1:30:31]~真的 ~真的吗 [1:30:35]我不相信 [1:30:41]他们把你困住了 萝丝 [1:30:43]要是不挣脱束缚 你会困死的 [1:30:45]也许不是现在 因为你还很坚强 [1:30:47]但迟早 你身上那份我最爱的生命力 萝丝[1:30:51]会消耗殆尽的 [1:30:55]那也不用你来拯救我 杰克 [1:31:02]你说得对 只有你能救自己 [1:31:06]我要回去了 [1:31:16]别再找我了 [1:31:18]跟露西尔讲讲那家印刷厂给你们闯的祸吧[1:31:31]当然可以 请帖又得退回去重印 都第二次了[1:31:35]~噢 真不幸 ~还有糟糕的伴娘礼服 [1:31:38]告诉你吧 那才是一番波折呢 [1:31:41]萝丝指定要薰衣草色 [1:31:44]她明知道我有多讨厌那颜色 [1:31:46]就是故意要气我的 [1:31:48]你怎么不早来找我 [1:31:49]鲁斯在时尚画报上看到我的几款成衣呢[1:31:52]都是为了马尔伯勒公爵夫人小女儿的嫁妆特别设计的 [1:31:55]她们可是迷人极了 [1:31:58]我想你们也会同意的 亲爱的 那一套[1:31:59]简直就是给她脱胎换骨了 [1:32:01]嘿 杰克 [1:32:20]我改变主意了 [1:32:27]~听说你可能在这... ~嘘... [1:32:34]把手给我 [1:32:39]然后 闭上眼睛 [1:32:47]快点 [1:32:50]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Now step upNow hold on to the railing. Keep your eyesclosed~Don't peek ~ I'm notStep up onto the railHold on. Hold onKeep your eyes closed~Do you trust me ~I trust youAll right, open your eyesI'm flying. JackCome, Josephine, in my flying machineGoing up she goes up she goesThat was the last time Titanic ever saw daylightWe're up to dusk, the night of the sinking~Six hours to go ~IncredibleThere's Smith, and he's standing thereAnd he's got the iceberg warning in his fuckinghandExcuse me, his hand, and he's ordering morespeedTwenty~six years of experience working againsthimHe figures anything big enoughTo sink the ship, they're gonna see in time toturn现在 站上来 [1:32:55]现在抓紧栏杆 眼睛继续闭好 [1:33:00]~不准偷看 ~ 不会 [1:33:03]踩到栏杆上去 [1:33:06]抓紧 抓紧了 [1:33:12]眼睛继续闭好 [1:33:15]~你信任我吗 ~我信任你 [1:33:17]好了 睁开眼睛 [1:33:30]我在飞 杰克 [1:33:40]来吧 约瑟芬 跳进我的飞行器 [1:34:07]我们一起飞上云宵 [1:34:11]泰坦尼克号沐浴的最后一次夕阳余晖[1:35:03]天色渐暮 是沉船那天的傍晚 [1:35:08]~还剩六小时 ~真不可思议 [1:35:11]那个史密斯船长就愣站在那儿 [1:35:13]冰山预警就捏在日他妈的手里 [1:35:15]抱歉我说粗话 就捏在他手里 可他还下令加速 [1:35:17]掌舵二十六年的经验反而毁了他 [1:35:20]他以为一定能发现任何 [1:35:24]大到把船撞沉的物体 并且及时转向[1:35:25]但这艘巨轮太大了 船舵实在是太小了But the ship's too big with too small a rudder[1:35:28]Doesn't corner worth a damn根本来不及急转弯 [1:35:31]Everything he knows is wrong他的经验学识在这里都错了 [1:35:34]It's quite proper, I assure you. This is the sitting我保证这起居室是再适合不过的了room[1:35:49]~Will this light do ~What~这光线还行吗 ~什么 [1:35:55]Don't artists need good light对画家来说光线很重要吧 [1:35:58]That is true, but I'm not used to working in such的确不错 但如此"差劲"的条件 我看来也只horrible conditions好将就了 [1:35:59]Monet莫奈的画 [1:36:05]~You know his work ~Of course~你知道他的作品 ~当然 [1:36:07]Look at his use of color here. Isn't he great你看他这部分的用色 真棒 [1:36:10]I know. It's extraordinary我懂 令人过目难忘 [1:36:12]卡尔不管去哪都坚持带着这讨厌的保险箱Cal insists on carting this hideous thingeverywhere[1:36:17]37/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Should we be expecting him anytime soonNot as long as the cigars and brandy hold outThat's nice. What is it, a sapphireA diamond. A very rare diamondJack, I want you to draw me like one of yourFrench girls~Wearing this ~All rightWearing only thisThe last thing I needIs another picture of me looking like a porcelaindollAs a paying customerI expect to get what I wantOver on the bed. The couchLie down~Tell me when it looks right ~Put your arm backthe way it wasPut that other arm up, that hand right by yourface thereRight Now, head downEyes to me, keep them on meAnd try to stay stillSo seriousI believe you are blushing, Mr. Big ArtisteI can't imagine Monsieur Monet blushingHe does landscapes~Just relax your face ~SorryNo laughingMy heart was pounding the whole timeIt was the most erotic moment of my lifeUp until then, at leastSo what happened nextYou mean, did we do itSorry to disappoint you, Mr. BodineJack was very professionalThank youWhat are you doingWill you put this back in the safe for me~Gentlemen, would you excuse me ~SureNone of the stewards have seen her38/72那他会很早回来吗 [1:36:21]只要还有烟有酒 他就不会 [1:36:24]很漂亮 是蓝宝石吗 [1:36:30]是钻石 非常罕见的钻石 [1:36:34]杰克 你也像给法国女孩画像那样 给我画一幅 [1:36:41]~我要戴着这个 ~好啊 [1:36:45]我只戴着这个 [1:36:50]我最不想要的 [1:37:27]就是再一幅把我画得像瓷娃娃一样的像了[1:37:29]顾客就是上帝 [1:37:35]我希望成品能如我所愿 [1:37:39]躺到床上 呃 沙发上 [1:37:59]躺下 [1:38:11]~姿势摆好了就叫我 ~手臂就像刚才那样[1:38:16]另一只手举起来 把你的右手搁在脸旁[1:38:22]不错 头再低一点 [1:38:27]眼睛看我 要一直看着我 [1:38:33]然后尽量不要动 [1:38:37]你好严肃啊 [1:38:58]你好像脸红了 大画家先生 [1:39:41]我可很难想象莫奈先生也会脸红 [1:39:48]他画的是景物 [1:39:53]~脸部放松 ~对不起 [1:39:55]不要笑 [1:39:57]我当时全程都心跳得厉害 [1:40:30]那是我一生中最性感的时刻 [1:40:33]至少到那时候为止 [1:40:41]那接下来呢 [1:40:44]你是问 我们后来有没有做爱 [1:40:46]博丁先生 很抱歉让你失望了 [1:40:52]杰克非常有职业素养 [1:40:55]谢谢 [1:41:05]你在做什么 [1:41:14]帮我把这个放回保险箱好吗 [1:41:17]~先生们 原谅我失陪一下 ~没关系 [1:41:31]乘务员都没有见过她 [1:41:35]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)This is absurd. It's a shipThere's only so many places she could beLovejoy, find her~Clear ~ YesI don't think I've ever seen such a flat calmLike a mill pond. Not a breath of windIt will make the bergs harder to seeWith no breaking water at the baseWell, I'm offMaintain speed and heading, Mr. LightollerYes, sirIt's getting cold~You look nice ~Miss RoseMy drawingsCome on, Jack~Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait ~Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait~Go. Go ~ Take us down, quick~Go ~Quickly. QuicklyByeSorry~Keep going ~Thank you, I've got itPretty tough for a valet, this fella太荒唐了 这只是一艘船 [1:41:38]这么点地方 她还能跑哪儿去 [1:41:41]洛夫乔伊 把她找回来 [1:41:43]~好明朗 ~ 是啊 [1:42:02]我似乎从未见过这样的风平浪静 [1:42:05]简直像个池塘 一丝微风都没有 [1:42:10]可是这样 发现冰山就更困难了 [1:42:14]看不见冰山在水面下的浪花 [1:42:17]我要下班了 [1:42:31]保持速度和航向 莱托勒先生 [1:42:33]遵命 [1:42:36]似乎变冷了 [1:42:49]~你真美 ~萝丝小姐 [1:42:50]我的画 [1:42:53]快跑 杰克 [1:43:21]~等等 等等 ~等等 等等 [1:43:25]~快 快 ~快下去 [1:43:29]~快 ~赶紧 赶紧 [1:43:31]再见 [1:43:38]抱歉 [1:43:47]~继续 ~谢谢 没关系 [1:43:54]这个男仆可真难缠 这家伙 [1:44:06]~倒更像个警察 ~他以前好像还真是~Seems more like a cop ~I think he was[1:44:08]Cal's father hired him to keep his litlle boy out of卡尔的父亲雇他来看着他的宝贝儿子 别惹trouble是生非 [1:44:11]To make sure he got back to the hotel with his得确保卡尔从镇里那些风气不好的地方wallet[1:44:16]After he's crawled to the less reputable parts of爬回酒店的时候 钱包还在自己身上town[1:44:18]Can't like what you're doing right now, hah你现在可没那么享受了吧 [1:44:26]~Oh, shit ~Go~糟了 ~快跑 [1:44:33]~No, over here ~Quick~不 到这边来 ~快 [1:44:39]~Now what ~ What~现在怎么办 ~ 什么 [1:44:49]Coal. More coal for number one, mate加煤 一号炉继续加煤 [1:44:57]Hold on. What are you two doing down here等一下 你们俩跑这儿干什么来了 [1:44:59]You shouldn't be down here. It could be你们不该来这儿 这里很危险的 [1:45:02]dangerousWe're going like hell I tell ya告诉你吧 我们可是疯了一样大涨 [1:45:12]I have fifty bucks, that says we make it into New要是我周二晚上在纽约市投下50块钱York Tuesday night[1:45:13]And 150 Wednesday am周三上午就成了150块了 [1:45:16]39/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Carry on. Don't mind usYou're doing a great job. Keep up the goodworkLook at what we have hereThank youWhere to, missTo the starsYou nervousNoPut your hands on me, JackLook at this one继续工作 别管我们 [1:45:22]你们干的很好 继续干活吧 [1:45:24]看看我们找到什么了 [1:46:09]谢谢 [1:46:29]小姐 您想去哪 [1:46:42]去摘星星 [1:46:45]你紧张吗 [1:47:05]不紧张 [1:47:10]把手放到我身上 杰克 [1:47:28]快听听这封 [1:47:55]他要私人列车去接他 说得像真的一样He wants his private train to meet him. La dee da[1:47:56]We'll be up all bloody night on this lot我们整个晚上都得耗在这儿了 [1:48:00]~You'll be up all bloody night on that lot ~Oh~你才整晚得耗在这儿呢 ~哦 是么 [1:48:03]yeahSorry不好意思 [1:48:06]You're joking你开玩笑吧 [1:48:07]Bloody hell见鬼 [1:48:10]Christ老天爷 [1:48:14]It's that idiot on the CALIFORNIAN是加利福利亚人号上的那个白痴 [1:48:15]Tell him to shut up叫他闭嘴 [1:48:17]I'll do more than that我才不善罢甘休 [1:48:19]Keep out. Shut up别捣乱 闭上嘴 [1:48:25]I am working, Cape Race我可是在工作 怀斯角 [1:48:28]Arrogant bastard这个傲慢的混蛋 [1:48:36]I tried to warn him about the ice he tells me to我警告他注意冰山 他却叫我闭嘴 [1:48:38]shut upAnd listen to that spark, he must be right on top听听那点击声 他还以为自己多了不起呢of it[1:48:42]What's he sending now他现在在发什么呢 [1:48:45]Poker. . . uh...扑克...生意...很好...啊... [1:48:48]Well, that's enough for me. I'm shutting down好吧 真是受够了 我要收工了 [1:48:58]~Good night ~Night~晚安 ~晚安 [1:49:07]It's bloody cold冷死个人了 [1:49:17]知道不 冰山靠近的时候 我能闻得出来You know, I can smell ice, you know. When it'snear[1:49:19]~Bollocks ~Well, I can, all right~吹吧你 ~我就是有办法 咋地 [1:49:24]Did you ever find those binoculars for the给眺望员用的望远镜找到没有 [1:49:28]lookoutsHaven't seen them since Sout Hampton从南安普顿出发后就没看见过 [1:49:30]Well, I'll be on my rounds. Cheerio好吧 我去巡逻了 等会见 [1:49:33]40/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)You're tremblingDon't worry, I'll be all right~They ran down there ~All rightAnything missingDarling now you can keep us both locked in yoursafeI've got a better ideaGotchaDid you see those guys' facesDid you see themWhen the ship docks, I'm getting off with you~This is crazy ~I knowIt doesn't make any senseThat's why I trust itHere, look at thisThey're a bit warmer than we areIf that's what it takes for us to get warmI'd rather notIf it's all the same to you, all rightBugger mePick up, you bastards~Is anyone there ~Yes, what do you see~Iceberg, right ahead ~Thank youIceberg, right aheadHard Turn! SmartlyFull astern~Hard over. ~Helm's hard over, sirGo, lads, goBring that steam down! Bring it downShut all the dampers! Shut themHold itHold itNow! Engage the reversing engineWhy ain't they turning~Is it hard over ~It is. Yes, sir, hard overCome on. Come on. TurnYesIt's gonna hitJesus Christ41/72你在发抖 [1:50:07]别担心 待会就好了 [1:50:11]~他们往那边去了 ~好的 [1:50:35]东西有没有少 [1:50:47]亲爱的 这下你可以把我和项链一起锁进保险柜了 [1:51:00]我有个更好的办法 [1:51:14]往哪儿跑 [1:51:28]看到他们表情没 [1:51:39]看到了吗 [1:51:42]等船靠岸了 我要跟你一起走 [1:51:50]~这太疯狂了 ~我知道 [1:51:56]这好像完全不合理 [1:51:59]所以我才会这么肯定 [1:52:02]喂 你看 [1:52:13]他们可比我们暖和 [1:52:18]要是让我们俩像那样取暖 [1:52:20]我可不要 [1:52:22]你也肯定不愿意吧 [1:52:23]我的妈呀 [1:52:37]快接啊 你个蠢货 [1:52:44]~有没有人在 ~有 你看见什么了 [1:52:49]~冰山 正前方 ~ 谢谢 [1:52:52]正前方有冰山 [1:52:57]右满舵 [1:52:58]转 转 快转 [1:53:07]全速后退 [1:53:14]~转到底了 ~船舵转到底了 长官 [1:53:18]快点 快点 [1:53:24]减少蒸气 减少 [1:53:28]节气阀全部关掉 关掉 [1:53:32]稳住 [1:53:40]稳住 [1:53:43]好 现在反转引擎 [1:53:46]怎么还不转向 [1:54:16]~船舵转到底了吗 ~是的 长官 转到底了[1:54:18]快点 快点转啊 [1:54:27]对了 [1:54:41]要撞上了 [1:54:47]我的上帝 [1:55:00]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Jesus~Hard to port ~Hard to portGet backCome on, let's goGet out of the door. They're closing the doorsGet outGet out of the door! GoCome on, lads! Go, lads, goOutHey sonny, how about a little iceYes, ma'amOh, my GodThat was a close shave, wasn't itSmell ice, can you? Bleeding ChristNote the time and enter it in the logWhat was that, Mr. MurdochAn iceberg, sirI put her hard to starboard, and ran the enginesfull asternBut it was too closeI tried to port round it, but she hit~Close the watertight doors ~Doors are closed,sir~All stop ~Aye, sirFind the carpenter. Get him to sound the shipYes, sirCome on, let's get the hell out of hereCome on, hurry upExcuse me, why have the engines stopped~I felt a shudder ~I shouldn't worry, madamWe've likely thrown a propeller blade. That's theshudder you feltMay I bring you anythingNo, thank youSo, now there's talk of an iceberg. Did you seeanythingI don't see anything now. Do youWell it looks alright, I don't see anythingIt could have damaged the shipIt seemed like much of a bombI think we're alrightAlright, that's it42/72天啊 [1:55:23]~左满舵 ~左满舵 [1:55:24]退后 [1:55:37]走 快走啊 [1:56:07]快出去 他们要关闸门了 [1:56:09]快走 [1:56:11]快出去 快走 [1:56:19]快走 大家快走 快点 [1:56:22]快走 [1:56:32]嘿 孩子 再给我加点儿冰 [1:56:53]好的 夫人 [1:56:56]我的天啊 [1:57:01]这可真险啊 [1:57:04]还说你能闻到冰山 见你的鬼吧 [1:57:07]记下事发时间 记到航海日志里 [1:57:13]刚发生了什么事 默多克先生 [1:57:22]是冰山 长官 [1:57:24]我全速左转 引擎反转 [1:57:27]但距离太近了 [1:57:29]再右转想避开 可还是撞上了 [1:57:30]~把防水门都关上 ~已经关了 长官 [1:57:33]~引擎全部停下 ~遵命 长官 [1:57:39]去找修理工 派人去检查 [1:57:50]是 长官 [1:57:51]我们快离开这里 快点 [1:58:04]快走 赶快 [1:58:05]打扰一下 请问引擎怎么停了 [1:58:12]~我感到震动了 ~别担心 夫人 [1:58:14]可能是推进器叶片掉了 所以有些震动[1:58:16]您要来点什么吗 [1:58:19]不用了 谢谢 [1:58:21]听说撞上冰山了 你看见什么了吗 [1:58:28]我没看见 你呢 [1:58:30]看起来好像没什么 我没发现什么 [1:58:34]船有可能已经受到损伤吗 [1:58:38]刚才只是动静很大 [1:58:40]我觉得应该没什么事 [1:58:43]好了 你闹够了没 [1:58:53]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)~You're going over the board ~No. NoYou're going over the boardLet's goIf this is the direction the rats are goingThat's good enough for meEverything's under control~ You there ~ Sir, there is no emergencyYes, there is. I've been robbedGet the master~at~arms~Now, you moron ~Yes, sirHey, did I miss the fun~Did you see what happened ~No, I missed itApparently, it hit over thereBoiler Room 6 is flooded 8 feet above the plateAnd the mail hold is worse. She's all buckled in~Can you shore up ~Not unless the pumps getaheadHave you seen the damage in the mail holdNo, she's already underwaterThis is badWe should tell Mother and CalI think they're very good, sirDon't touch anythingI want the entire room photographedWe've been looking for you, missHere we goSomething serious has happenedYes, it hasIndeedTwo things dear to me have disappeared thiseveningNow that one is backSearch him~Take your coat off, son ~Now whatCome on, nowCal, what are you doingWe're in the middle of an emergencyWhat's going on~Is this it ~That's it43/72~看我把你扔下去 ~不 不 [1:58:54]我要把你扔下去 [1:58:56]我们走 [1:58:59]老鼠去哪 [1:59:00]我就去哪 [1:59:01]一切都在控制之中 [1:59:06]~ 喂 你过来 ~先生 没什么大事 [1:59:10]有大事 我被打劫了 [1:59:12]去请纠察长来 [1:59:14]~快去啊 笨蛋 ~是 先生 [1:59:15]我错过了什么吗 [1:59:21]~你有没有看见发生什么事 ~没 我也错过了 [1:59:24]很显然 那边被撞到了 [1:59:26]六号锅炉房进水深达八英尺 [1:59:29]邮件舱更糟 那儿全被水淹了 [1:59:31]~不能抽水吗 ~水泵抽水速度不够 [1:59:34]查看过邮件舱没有 [1:59:36]没有 那里已经被淹没了 [1:59:37]情况很严重啊 [1:59:40]我们应该去通知我妈和卡尔 [1:59:44]我觉得这画画得很好 [1:59:46]什么也别碰 [1:59:51]犯罪现场要拍照存证 [1:59:53]我们一直在找你 小姐 [1:59:59]我们到了 [2:00:06]发生了一件很严重的事情 [2:00:14]是的 的确 [2:00:16]的确严重 [2:00:19]今晚我的两个宝贝不见了 [2:00:21]现在有一个回来了 [2:00:23]搜一下 [2:00:27]~把外套脱了 ~又怎么了 [2:00:28]快点脱 [2:00:29]卡尔 你在做什么 [2:00:31]现在事态很严重 [2:00:33]这是怎么回事 [2:00:34]~是这个吗 ~正是它 [2:00:35]I have a pretty good idea where to find the other另一个看上去也不难找 [2:00:24]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)This is horseshitDon't you believe it, Rose. Don't~He couldn't have ~Of course he couldIt's easy enough for a professionalBut I was with him the whole time. This is absurdPerhaps he did it while you were putting yourclothes back on, dearReal slick, Cal. Rose, they put it in my pocket~Shut up ~It isn't even your pocket. Is it, sonProperty of A. L. RyersonThat was reported stolen todayI just borrowed it. I was gonna return itAn honest thief. We have an honest thief here,do weYou know I didn't do this, Rose. You know itDon't you believe them, Rose. You know it~You know I didn't do it, Rose ~Come on, 's go~Rose ~Come on, there's a good ladCome onYou know I didn't do it. You know meThis is most unfortunate, CaptainWater 14 feet above the keel in 10 minutesIn the forepeak, in all three holds, and in BoilerRoom 6That's right, sirWhen can we get underway, damn itThat's five compartmentsShe can stay afloat, with the first fourcompartments breachedBut not fiveNot fiveAs she goes down by the headThe water will spill over the tops of thebulkheads at E deckFrom one to the next, back and backThere's no stopping itThe pumps. We open the pumpsThe pumps buy you time, but minutes only44/72这怎么可能 [2:00:38]别相信他们 萝丝 别信 [2:00:40]~他不可能拿的 ~他当然能 [2:00:42]行家要拿还不容易吗 [2:00:44]但他一直和我在一起 这太荒唐了 [2:00:46]或许他是趁你穿上衣服时候偷的 亲爱的[2:00:49]是他们故意栽赃我的 萝丝 [2:00:54]~闭嘴 ~这外套也是偷来的吧 年轻人[2:00:56]它属于A.L.瑞尔森先生 [2:00:59]今天他已经报案了 [2:01:05]我只是暂时借一下 我会还给他的 [2:01:06]这小偷倒很诚实 这小偷真诚实啊 [2:01:08]萝丝 你知道我没有这么做 你知道的[2:01:11]别相信他们 萝丝 你知道的 [2:01:14]~你知道我没偷 萝丝 ~乖乖跟我走吧[2:01:16]~萝丝 ~快走 跟我们走吧 [2:01:19]快走 [2:01:22]你知道我没偷 你了解我 [2:01:23]情势不容乐观 船长 [2:01:27]才十分钟 海水就灌了十四英尺深 [2:01:33]前舱 三个货舱 和六号锅炉室进水 [2:01:37]是的 先生 [2:01:40]见鬼 什么时候才能开船 [2:01:41]有五个舱进了水 [2:01:43]她能承受前四个舱进水 [2:01:47]五处就不行了 [2:01:50]五处就不行了 [2:01:52]船头会先下沉 [2:01:53]水会从E层 溢过防水隔板 [2:01:55]到下一个舱 再下一个舱 一直往后淹[2:01:59]无法阻挡 [2:02:01]用水泵抽水呢 [2:02:03]抽水能拖延些时间 但只有几分钟 [2:02:05]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)From this moment, no matter what we doTitanic will founderBut this ship can't sinkShe's made of iron, sirI assure you, she can. And she willIt is a mathematical certaintyHow much timeAn hour. Two, at mostAnd how many aboard, Mr. Murdoch2,200 souls on board, sirWell, I believe you may get your headlines, , you're just a little slut, isn't itYou look at me when I'm talking to you~Mr. Hockley? ~ Not now. We're busySir, I've been told to ask you to put on yourlifebelts这一刻开始 不管我们做什么 [2:02:08]泰坦尼克号都会沉没 [2:02:12]但这艘船永不沉没 [2:02:16]她是铁做的 先生 [2:02:18]我保证能沉 而且一定会沉 [2:02:19]这是绝对可以肯定的 [2:02:23]我们还有多长时间 [2:02:29]一小时 最多两小时 [2:02:38]船上有多少人 默多克先生 [2:02:47]有两千两百人 长官 [2:02:49]这下明天能上头版了 伊斯梅先生 [2:02:59]你还真是个贱货 [2:03:20]看着我 我在跟你说话 [2:03:23]~霍克利先生 ~等一下 我们在忙 [2:03:25]先生 上面通知 请穿上救生衣 [2:03:28]~到救生艇甲板上去 ~我说了 现在没空[2:03:31]I'm sorry to inconvenience you, Mr. Hockley不便之处请原谅 霍克利先生 [2:03:33]But it's Captain's orders但这是船长的命令 [2:03:34]Now please, dress warmly请多穿点衣服 [2:03:36]It's quite cold out tonight今晚外头很冷 [2:03:38]Now, may I suggest topcoats and hats请穿上外套 戴上帽子 [2:03:41]This is ridiculous真是荒唐 [2:03:43]Not to worry, miss. I'm sure it's just a precaution别担心 小姐 只是以防万一 [2:03:46]Everybody up. Lifebelts on都起来 穿上救生衣 [2:03:50]What's he on about他吵什么吵啊 [2:03:54]Everybody up. Put your lifebelts on所有人 穿上救生衣 [2:03:56]What's the ruckus怎么啦 [2:03:57]Just put your lifebelts on穿上就对了 [2:03:58]CQD SirCQD 长官 [2:04:01]That's right, CQD, the distress call是的 CQD 求救信号 [2:04:06]That's our position这是我们的位置 [2:04:08]Tell whoever responds that如果有人回应就说 [2:04:15]We're going down by the head我们要沉船了 [2:04:17]And need immediate assistance而且需要紧急救援 [2:04:18]Blimey我的天 [2:04:28]Keep lowering. Keep lowering放低一点 放低一点 [2:04:40]Steady! Make it taut! And winch out稳住 拉紧 绞盘伸出来 [2:04:49]Uncover this boat! Uncover all the boats aft揭开救生艇帆布 全部揭开 [2:05:04]Mr. Wilde, where are the passengers王尔德先生 乘客们呢 [2:05:06]~And come up to the boat deck ~I said, not now45/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)They've all gone back insideToo damn cold and noisy for themYou thereGet down here and help with these linesCare for a drink, sirSonny, what's doingYou got us all trussed up hereAnd now we're cooling our heelsSorry, ma'am. Let me go find outI don't think anybody knows what the hell'sgoing on around hereIt's just the goddamned EnglishDoing everything by the bookThere's no need for language, Mr. HockleyGo back and turn the heaters on in our roomsI'd like a cup of tea when I return~Yes, ma'am. ~Yes, ma'amMr. AndrewsI saw the iceberg. And I see it in your eyesPlease tell me the truthThe ship will sink~You're certain ~YesIn an hour or soAll this will be at the bottom of the AtlanticWhatPlease, tell only who you mustI don't want to be responsible for a panicAnd get to a boat. Quickly. Don't waitYou remember what I told you about the boatsYesI understandYes, madam, please put it on immediatelyOver here, sonSir, they need you up at the second~classpurser's officeThere's a big mob up thereGo on. I'll keep an eye RightSir, Carpathia says they're making 17 knots46/72他们全都进去了 [2:05:07]嫌外头又吵又冷 [2:05:09]你过来 [2:05:11]下来帮忙把绳索解开 [2:05:13]要不要来杯酒 先生 [2:05:29]亲爱的 怎么回事 [2:05:33]你叫我们全副武装 [2:05:36]然后耗在这又累又冻的 [2:05:37]对不起 夫人 我去问一问 [2:05:39]肯定没人知道这是在搞什么鬼 [2:05:42]白痴英国佬就是这样 [2:05:45]做什么事都一板一眼 [2:05:46]不必骂人吧 霍克利先生 [2:05:48]回去把我们房间的暖炉开着 [2:05:51]等会儿我回来了要喝茶 [2:05:53]~好的 夫人 ~好的 夫人 [2:05:55]安德鲁先生 [2:06:06]我看见冰山了 你的眼神也是这么说的[2:06:09]请您跟我说实话 [2:06:13]这艘船要沉了 [2:06:23]~您确定吗 ~确定 [2:06:27]再过一小时左右 [2:06:29]这一切就会沉到大西洋海底 [2:06:31]什么 [2:06:35]请你只跟最亲近的人说 [2:06:36]我不想引起大家的恐慌 [2:06:38]还有快上救生艇 别再等了 [2:06:41]还记得我当初跟你说过救生艇的事吗[2:06:44]记得 [2:06:50]我明白了 [2:06:53]女士 请您立即穿上 [2:06:59]过来 孩子 [2:07:02]长官 您得去一下二等舱保管处 [2:07:05]发生骚乱了 [2:07:07]你去吧 我来看着他 [2:07:08]这样...好吧 [2:07:11]长官 卡帕西亚号说他们正以17节的速度[2:07:26]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Full steam for them, sirShe's the only one who's respondingThe only one close, sirSays they can be here in four hoursFour hoursThank you, BrideMy GodWe are swung out and ready, sirHadn't we better get the women and childreninto the boats, sirYesSirWomen and children first, yesYes, sirLadies and gentlemen, your attention, pleaseStep this way, please. That's rightCome towards me. Thank youGoodFor the time being, I shall require only womenand children~Gentlemen, please ~Right hereAll right, boys. Like the Captain saidNice and cheery, so there's no panicWedding DanceLifebelts on. Put your lifebelts onHere, put your lifebelt onYeah, come on. Put your lifebelt onTurn that aroundPleaseIt isn't time to go up to the boats yetPlease stay calmMake sure, everybody, you've got your lifebeltsonAnd, gentlemen, Allow the women and childrenthrough to the front~What are we doing, Mommy ~We're justwaiting, dearWhen they finish putting first~class people in theboatsThey will be starting with usAnd we'll want to be all ready, won't weEverybody, not just right yet47/72全力赶来救援 [2:07:30]只有她回应了吗 [2:07:34]只有她离我们最近 [2:07:35]他们说四个小时可以到 [2:07:37]四个小时 [2:07:39]谢谢 布莱德 [2:07:46]天呐 [2:07:52]救生艇都准备好了 长官 [2:08:03]是不是最好让妇女儿童先上船 长官[2:08:06]好 [2:08:12]长官 [2:08:14]妇女儿童先上船 对 [2:08:17]遵命 长官 [2:08:22]女士们先生们 请注意了 [2:08:26]请到这边来 对了 [2:08:30]请过来 谢谢 [2:08:32]很好 [2:08:36]我的要求是 暂且先请妇女和儿童上船[2:08:38]~先生们 ~这边 [2:08:42]好了 伙计们 船长交代了 [2:08:44]演奏轻柔欢快些 以免大家慌乱 [2:08:46]婚礼舞曲 [2:08:49]穿上救生衣 穿上你的救生衣 [2:08:59]来 穿上救生衣 [2:09:02]快点 穿上救生衣 [2:09:03]转过去 [2:09:07]劳驾 [2:09:10]上船的时间还没到 [2:09:13]请保持冷静 [2:09:16]各位务必穿上救生衣 [2:09:18]先生们 请让妇女和儿童到前面来 [2:09:21]~妈咪 我们在干嘛 ~ 我们在等呢 宝贝[2:09:24]等头等舱的人上船了 [2:09:27]就轮到我们了 [2:09:29]我们要先做好准备 对不对 [2:09:30]大家不要着急 [2:09:32]

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)Don't push on the gates. You won't get out anyfasterGo and get some helpLower it away, left and right togetherBoth sides together! SteadySteadyStopHold the left sideRight side onlyRight side only. Hold the left sideLower away togetherSteady, ladsFor God's sake, hurryThere's no turnawaysMove it away, move it awayHey, get out of the way, you foolYou mean to drown all of themYou know who I amYou're one of the passenger推门也没有用 你也走不了 [2:09:34]快去找人帮忙 [2:09:36]降下去 两边一起 [2:09:38]慢一点 两边一起 [2:09:42]稳住 [2:09:46]停 [2:09:50]左边别动 [2:09:53]只降右边 [2:09:54]只降右边 左边别动 [2:09:56]两边一起降 [2:10:01]大家稳住 [2:10:05]看在上帝的份上 快点吧 [2:10:20]先不要把船放出去 [2:10:22]让开 让开 [2:10:24]嘿 给我让开 你这个傻子 [2:10:26]你要淹死其他人吗 [2:10:28]你知道我是谁吗 [2:10:29]你是一名乘客 [2:10:30]而我是这艘船上的士官 请让到一边去And I'm the ship bloody officer. Now do as I told[2:10:31]It's quite right你说得对 [2:10:35]Sorry, I...抱歉 我... [2:10:38]You know, I do believe this ship may sink你知道吗 我想这船真的要沉了 [2:11:10]I've been asked to give you this small token of我奉命向你表示小小的感谢 [2:11:15]our appreciationCompliments of Mr. Caledon Hockley是卡利登·霍克利先生的美意 [2:11:22]过来吧姐妹们 你听见他说的了 快上船Come on, sister. You heard the man. Into theboat[2:11:32]Any room for a gentleman, gentlemen有绅士的位子吗 先生 [2:11:35]Only women at this time, sir目前只允许妇孺上船 先生 [2:11:37]Will the lifeboats be seated according to class救生艇上的座位有分等级吗 [2:11:42]I hope they're not too crowded希望那上面不会太挤 [2:11:46]Oh, Mother, shut up天哪 妈妈 够了 [2:11:50]Don't you understand你还不明白吗 [2:11:52]The water is freezing and there aren't enough海水很冰 而且救生艇不够 [2:11:54]boatsNot enough by half甚至还不到一半 [2:11:57]Half the people on this ship are going to die这船上一半的人都会死 [2:11:59]Not the better half不是好的那一半 [2:12:01]Come on, Ruth, get in the boat快点 鲁斯 快上来吧 [2:12:05]First~class seats are right up here头等舱的位子在这里 [2:12:07]48/72

泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)You know, it's a pity I didn't keep that drawingIt'll be worth a lot more by morningWomen and children towards the front, pleaseYou unimaginable bastardCome on, Rose darlingThere's plenty of room for youRight this way, MissCome on, RoseYou're next, darlingCome into the boat, RoseComeRoseGet into the boatRoseGoodbye, MotherRose~Rose, come back here, right now ~Where areyou goingTo himWhat, to be a whore to a gutter ratNo, waitI'd rather be his whore than your wifeNoI said, noRose, please stop~Lower away! ~No, Rose~All together ~No, waitLower awayRoseHelpCan anybody hear meHello! Help me. Help. Help meCan anybody hear meSomebody help meMr. Andrews~Steward, check the starboard corridor ~Yes,Mr. AndrewsMadam, please, put on a lifebeltGet to the boat deck immediately你知道 真可惜 那幅画我没带 [2:12:10]到了明天它可就值钱了 [2:12:12]妇女和孩子请上前 [2:12:14]你这不可思议的杂种 [2:12:17]快来 萝丝 亲爱的 [2:12:20]这还有很多位子呢 [2:12:21]这边走 小姐 [2:12:23]该你了 萝丝 [2:12:24]你是下一个 亲爱的 [2:12:26]上船来 萝丝 [2:12:28]来啊 [2:12:31]萝丝 [2:12:33]快上船 [2:12:35]萝丝 [2:12:37]再见了 妈妈 [2:12:40]萝丝 [2:12:43]~萝丝 你现在给我回来 ~你去哪儿 [2:12:45]去找他吗 [2:12:48]去当那个混混的情妇 [2:12:49]不 等等 [2:12:51]我宁愿当他的情妇也不当你的妻子[2:12:52]我不准 [2:12:58]我说不行 [2:13:00]萝丝 别去 [2:13:03]~放下去 ~不 萝丝 [2:13:06]~一起下水 ~不 停一下 [2:13:09]下水 [2:13:10]萝丝 [2:13:12]救命 [2:13:19]有人听得见吗 [2:13:21]喂 救命 救命 救命啊 [2:13:27]有没有人听得见 [2:13:31]来个人救我啊 [2:13:33]安德鲁先生 [2:13:36]~乘务员 检查右舷的通道 ~是 安德鲁先生[2:13:42]夫人 请穿上救生衣 [2:13:44]马上到救生艇甲板上去 [2:13:45]49/72

本文标签: 先生没有知道萝丝冰山