


Book 1 Unit 5 Into the wild

I. New words and Expressions

1. charity n. 慈善,慈善机构,慈善团体

This charity is a nonprofit organization.这个慈善团体是个非盈利性组织。

She gave the old woman some pairs of shoes out of charity.她出于善心给了老妇人几双鞋。

The flood victims received money and clothes from several charities.


2. monarch n. 君主,国王,帝王

They attempted to overthrow the monarch.他们企图推翻帝王。

3. monarch butterfly黑脉金斑蝶

How does the monarch butterfly travel thousands of kilometres on its yearly migration?


4. Atlantic adj. 大西洋的

It took them several days to cross the Atlantic Ocean.他们花了好几天的时间穿越大西洋。

n. 大西洋

He was the first air pilot to cross the Atlantic.他是飞越大西洋的第一个飞行员。

5. whale n. 鲸鱼

The blue whale is the world’s largest living animal.蓝鲸是当今最大的动物。

6. annual adj. 一年一度的,每年的

The earth makes an annual course round the sun.地球一年绕太阳转一圈。

Mr. White’s annual income is 20,000 dollars.怀特先生的年收入是20,000美元。

What’s his annual salary?他的年薪是多少?

The annual income of his family has doubled.他家的年收入翻了一番。

7. migration n. 迁徙

Swallows begin their migration to the south in autumn. 燕子在秋季开始向南方迁移.

8. migrate v. 移栖,迁徙

In some developing countries more and more people migrate to urban area.


These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall.这些鸟春天向北迁徙,秋天向南迁徙。

9. seek vt. Vi.寻找,寻求 , 设法 (sought, sought)

Many single people are seeking that special someone.许多单身人士都在追求他们的唯一。

They were seeking employment.他们在找工作。

He sought vainly for the answer. 他寻求答案,但无结果。

He sought to speak to her.他寻找机会与她说话。

I sought to win the game.我试图赢得比赛。

10. professor n. 教授

The professor is easy to approach, and all the young teachers like to ask him for advice.


Our professor will deliver a lecture on Shakespeare tomorrow.


11. measure v. 量,测量,打量;估量, 权衡

They measured the height of the ceiling.他们测量了天花板的高度。

It measures five feet eight inches.它的长度是5英尺8英寸。

The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometres. 这个湖长130公里宽89公里。

She measured the stranger with her eyes.她用双眼打量着那个陌生人.

I measured his strength to be greater than mine. 我估计他的力气比我大。

n. 措施;量度;尺寸;程度;办法

The government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of pork.

The government has taken some measures to control the spread of AIDS.

I want the suit made to my own measure. 我想要这套西装照他自己的尺寸做。

12. position n. 位置, 职位

Please show the position of the river on the map. 指出这条河在地图上的位置

He has got a position in a bank.他在一家银行找到一份工作。

He accepted the position, but asked so small a salary. 他接受了这一职位,但要求的薪水很低。

13. determine v. 决定;决心, 测定,确定

I must now determine whether to meet him or not.我现在必须决定是否要见他。

I am determined to find out the truth of this matter.我决心查明这件事的真相。

The size of a boot is determined by the foot. 靴子的大小根据脚来确定。

Man’s conduct is usually determined by quite different motives.


14. eventually adv. 终于,最终

It was a long journey, but we eventually arrived.旅程很长,但我们最后还是到达了。

Eventually the fire was under control.火势终于被控制住了。

He hated his stepfather and eventually ran away from home.他恨他的继父,最终从家中逃走了。

15. solution n. 解决,解决方案

He has attempted to find a solution to the conflict. 他试图寻求解决冲突的方案。

16. mystery n. 难以理解的事物,迷, 神秘;奥秘

She proposed a possible solution to the mystery.她提出了对这个奥秘的一种可能的解答。

mysterious adj. 神秘的;不可思议的

Africa is a mysterious land to him.对他来说,非洲是一片神秘的土地。

His action was very mysterious.他的行动十分神秘。

There are many mysterious stories about the Egyptian pyramids.关于埃及金字塔有许多神秘的故事。

17. amazing adj. 令人惊异的, 惊人的,了不起的

He told me an amazing story.她告诉我一个令人惊奇的故事。

The new car goes an amazing speed.这辆新车开起来速度惊人。

He is a most amazing person.他是个不可思议的人物。

18. crash v. 暴跌

After the crash, many Wall Street investors pulled out. 股市暴跌之后,华尔街的许多投资者都退缩了


The plane crashed.那架飞机坠毁了。

His business crashed last year.他的生意去年破了产。

19. per cent n. 百分比

Twenty percent of the products are exported.百分之二十的产品外销。

20. destroy v. 破坏,毁掉

Most of the houses in the city were destroyed in the earthquake. 城里大多数的房子在地震中毁了。

An atom bomb would destroy a city.一颗原子弹会摧毁一座城市。

You have destroyed my life.你毁了我的一生。

21. chemical n. 药品;化学品

The industry produces agricultural chemicals.这个工厂生产农药。

The farmers shouldn’t use so heavy chemicals in their products.

本文标签: 寻求团体决定职位测量