


-Can I ask you a question? -Sure. - 能问您点事吗? - 当然

We need a room. 我们需要个住的地方

Just until I can fix this and sell it. 直到我把这个修好并卖掉

-There's just some glass work. -Let me stop you right there. - 只是修理些镜片 -


-I wish I could help you-- -This is my son, Christopher. - 我很希望能帮你,但是...

- 这是我儿子,克里斯托弗

-He's 5 years old. -Hi, baby. - 他5岁 - 你好,孩子

-We need some place to stay. -Okay, and I would love to - 我们需要

一个住的地方 - 好的,我很想帮助你们

...but we don't take men here. It's only women and children. 但我们不收留男士,


He can stay here, but you have to find someplace else to go. 他待在这里可以,


We gotta stay together. 我们不能分开

We got-- We're-- 我们...我们...


-Okay, listen. -You gotta have some place-- - 好的,好的,听着... - 你们一定有


Try Glide Memorial. The building books up at 5.

你试试格莱德纪念教会收容所 那儿5点关门

So you hurry up. There's a line.


-And where is it? Come on. -Ellis and Jones. - 在哪里? 我们走 - 艾莉斯和琼斯


Hey, everybody. We have four spots left, and that's all. 嘿,大家听好,只剩下4

个位子了 只有4个了

-Man. -Hey, come on, man. - 嘿,老兄,别这样 - 别这样

-Come on. -Come on, what? - 别这样 - 别哪样?

-Hey, that's my spot. -Back off. - 那是我的位子 - 滚开

Come on, don't do this to me. Don't-- - 别这样,别 - 一边儿去

Dad! 老爸!


Stop it! Break it up! Break it up! 住手,把他们拉开

Stop! Stop! 住手,住手!

Get out of the line, both of you. Both of you. 走,你们两个都走

I was here first. They told me that we had to be on time.

我先来的,是我先来的 他们告诉我要准时来

I got here on time. I was in line. 我是准时来的,就在队里排着

I came from work, I got my son. 我下了班,接了我儿子

I was here on time. We were here on time! 我是准时到这的! 我们准时到的!

He sliced in front of him in line. 他趁他不注意插队的

-Who did? -He did. - 谁? - 他

Come on, come on, Rodney. Come on. Let's go. Get out of line. 走吧,走吧,罗

尼 走吧,别排队了

That's it. No more. 就这样了,没位子了

-What's your favorite color? -Green. - 你最喜欢什么颜色? - 绿色


Green? 绿色?

-What do you like that's green? -Trees. - 喜欢什么绿色的东西? - 树木

Trees. What else? 树木,还有呢?

Holly. 冬青树

-Holly. What's holly? -The Christmas stuff. - 冬青树?什么冬青树? - 圣诞节装


Christmas stuff. 啊,圣诞装饰

What's that? 怎么了?

I guess they want us to go to sleep. 大概我们该睡觉了

Here you go. We gotta make sure Captain America's warm in there. 好了,我们


Can you breathe? 他能呼吸吗?

-You're good? -Yeah. - 他还好吧? - 是的

-I gotta go work on the scanner-- -Don't go. - 好了,我得去修扫描仪... - 别走


No, no, no. I'm gonna be right outside the door. 我不走,不走,我就在门口

All right? I'm just gonna be right there. I'll leave the door open a little bit. 好


And I'll be able to hear you if you call me. 这样你叫我,我就能听到

I wanna go home. 我想回家

But that's why I gotta work on the scanner. 所以我才更得修好扫描仪啊

All right? 好吗?

I'm gonna go out there. 我就在外面

I'm gonna leave the door open. I'll be right up the stairs. 把门敞开点 我就在楼


I'll be able to hear you if you call me. 要是你叫我,我肯定能听到的

-All right? -All right. - 好吗? - 好的

You gotta trust me, okay? 你要相信我,好吗?

You gotta trust me. 你得相信我


I trust you. I trust you. 我相信你,我相信你

I trust you. 我相信你

-I can't hear you. -I trust you. I trust you. - 我听不到啊 - 我相信你

Give me a kiss. 亲亲

-I'll just be a little while, okay? -All right. - 我一会就回来,好吗? - 好的

-I'll be right here. -Okay. - 我就在这儿 - 知道

-Can you still hear me? -Yeah. - 听得到我吗? - 听得到

-Can you hear me? -Yeah. - 能听到我吗? - 能

-Do you trust me? -Yeah. - 你相信我吗? - 相信

-Yeah. -Like that? - 好的 - 像这样?

-Yeah, -Then you go like that. - 对,放进... - 然后...

-ls that okay? -I don't know. What do you think? - 这样行吗? - 我不知道,你觉


Good. 那好


Let's go. Get your stuff. 我们走吧,把你的东西拿上

-Hey, why don't you leave it? -We can't. - 为什么不把它放在这儿? - 不行

We're gonna have a different room later. 我们今晚住别的房间

Go. 走吧

Hey, Chris. 嘿,克里斯

-Hey, good morning, Mr. Frakesh. -What's up? - 嗨,早上好,弗雷克斯先生 - 这


Work trip. 出公差

Your wife, Martha, works at PacBell also, correct? 你太太也在“太平洋贝尔”工


-Yes, she does. -And you guys - 是的 - 你们两个...

...Iooking to retire at the same time? 你们两个想同时退休吧?

We'd like to retire and maintain 我们希望退休后不要因为过重的税

...without paying a lot of taxes. 而改变现有的生活方式


So basically, you want nobody's hands in your pockets but your own? 也就是

说,除了你自己 不想让别人的手伸进你口袋

Are you familiar with ? 听过免税国债券...

I learned to finish my work quickly. 我学会了尽快完成工作

I had to finish quickly. 我不得不快点...

To get in line at Glide by 5. 好在5点钟赶去格莱德排队

Come on. 快点

Come on. 快点

Hold that bus! Hold the bus! 等等,等我们一下

My Captain America! 我的“美国英雄”

Dad! Dad! Dad! 爸,等一下

Stop it! Shut up! Shut up! 住嘴,住嘴

-Why don't you let the lady in? -Hey, back up. - 为什么不让女士先上? - 走开

-Hey, man, that's not cool. -Back up! Back up! - 老兄,这样可不对 - 滚开,退后,



Come on.


Dad, we need to get it! 老爸,我们得捡回“美国英雄”...

The important thing about that 重要的是自由列车之行 it's got to climb mountains. 就如同翻山越岭

We all have to deal with mountains. 我们都得面对险山砾石

You know, mountains that go way up high. 山,有险峻也有低谷

And mountains that go deep and low.

-Amen, preacher! -Yes. 没错

We know what those mountains are, here at Glide. 我们知道生活中的那些险峻

是什么 在这,在格莱德

We sing about them. 我们用歌声来歌唱他们

Lord, don't move that mountain # 上帝,别让险峻离开


Give me strength to climb it # 赐予吾翻越攀登之力

Please don't move That stumbling block # 请别挪开吾足下之绊脚石

But lead me, Lord, around it # 指引吾前进的方向

My burdens, they get so heavy # 重担虽负于肩

Seems hard to bear # 痛苦难以忍受

But I won't give up No, no # 吾不会也不曾放弃

Because you promised me # 只因吾等之间的承诺

You'd meet me at the altar of prayer # 那日二人在祭坛相...遇

-Lord don't move that mountain -Please don't move that mountain # 上帝,别

让险峻离开 # 请别让险峻离开

But give me strength to climb it # 但请赐予吾翻越攀登之力

When's your test? 考试是什么时候?

T omorrow. 明天

Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?


Of course. 当然了

Thank you, sir. 谢谢您,先生

-Hey. How you doing? -Hey. - 嘿 - 嘿,你好

So did you finish the whole thing, or you have to ? 你都答完了

吗? 还是要去什么地方?

I have to go somewhere. 我赶着去个地方

-But I finished the whole thing too. -Oh, good. 但是我也都答完了 - 不错啊

-You? -Yeah. - 你呢? - 我也都答完了

-How'd you feel about the graphs? -Easy. - 那些图表题你感觉怎么样? - 太容易

I struggled with the essay question on the back. What did you write? 试卷背后

那道论述题难住我了 你怎么答的?

-Essay question? -Yeah, on the back. - 论述题? - 是啊,在背面

Hey, Chris. 嗨,克里斯

-Hey. Jeff, right? 49ers game. -Yeah. 嗨,杰夫,对吗? 49人队那场比赛见过?


-Yeah, you were gonna give me a call? -I never actually got your number. - 没

错,什么时候给我打电话? - 我一直都没有你电话

Here's my number. Call me, okay? 这是我的电话,给我打电话,好吗?

Yes, sir. Absolutely. Thank you very much. 好的,当然了,谢谢

Chris, you got five bucks? I left my wallet upstairs. 克里斯,有5块钱吗? 我把


Let me run up and grab that for you, Mr. Frohm. 我现在到楼上帮您拿下来,弗雷


No, I gotta be at CAL Bank at 4, and I'm late. 不了,我得在4点前赶去加州银行 我


-I'll pay you back, honest. -Five is good? - 我会还你的,真的 - 5块钱够吗?

Five is lovely. Thank you. Thank you. 足够了,谢谢

That's it. That's the room quota. 好了,就这么些床位配额

There's no more space. You gotta head out. 再没有多余的位子了,到别处去找吧

That's it for today. Come back tomorrow. 今天没有位子了 明天再来吧


All the rooms are full. It's completely full. 没有床位了,全满了...

That's it. Just keep heading out. Come back tomorrow. 就这样,保持秩序 明天


You like it? 好吃吗?

Twenty. One, two, three, four. 20,21,22,23,24

Now, here's your bulb, and there's your ferrite core inductor. 这是你要的灯泡


-How much? -Eight dollars. - 多少钱? - 8块

-What's that? -It's to repair the light. - 那是什么? - 修灯用的

Can I see it? 我看看行吗?

Yeah, sure. Just don't break it. 好的,别弄坏了...

Unless you wanna sleep in a room with me for the rest of your life. 除非你下半


I don't mind. 我不介意

Yeah, you will. 你会的


Why don't you get some sleep, okay? 好好睡一觉,好吗?

Okay. 好的

-Warm enough? -Yeah. - 够暖和吗? - 是的

All right. 好的

Did Mom leave because of me? 是因为我妈妈才离开的吗?

-What? -Did Mom leave because of me? - 什么? - 妈妈是因为我才走的吗?

Don't-- Don't even think something like that. 别...千万别这么想!

Mom left because of Mom. 妈妈走了是因为她自己的原因

And you didn't have anything to do with that, okay? 和你没关系,知道了吗?

Okay. 知道了

You're a good papa. 你是个好爸爸

All right, go to sleep. 好了,睡觉吧

-I love you. -I love you too. - 我爱你 - 我也爱你


So far, so good, Chris. 还不错啊,克里斯

-lt works. -Thank you very much. - 工作了 - 太谢谢你了

Two hundred and fifty dollars. Four more weeks of oxygen. 250美元 4周的


One hundred, 20, 40, 60, 80, 200.


Twenty, 30, 40, 50.


-Anything else? -No, sir. - 还需要别的吗? - 不了,谢谢

Thank you. Thank you.多谢,多谢

-You ready? -Yep. - 好了吗? - 嗯

-Are we going to the church place? -No. - 我们是要去教堂那儿排队吗?

Where are we going, then? 那去哪里?

-Probably stay at a hotel. -A hotel? - 去旅馆 - 旅馆?


不是 -

Just for the night. 就今天一晚上

We can go back to the cave if you like. 你要是愿意的话 我们可以回那个山洞去住

No, thank you. 不用了,谢谢

-Ever? -I hope not. - 永远不回去了? - 希望不会

Why not?


Well, because some things are fun the first time you 因为有些事情第

一次做兴致昂然 之后再重复就索然无趣了

...and then not so much the next.

-Like the bus? -Yeah, like the bus. - 就象坐公车一样? - 对,就像坐公车

I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh, should I? 对不起,我不该笑的,对吗?

Sometimes when we're moving 有时我们穿梭与夜色下...

...we pass houses with lights and people. 在人与房屋之间穿行

Sometimes you can hear them laugh. 有时你能听见他们的笑声


The next day, 第二天

... we just went to the beach. 下班后,我们去了海边

Far away from anything. 远离一切

Everything. 远离所有尘嚣

Just Christopher and me. 只有克里斯托弗和我两个人

-Did you see me? -Yeah. - 看到我了吗? - 看到了

Far away from buses 远离公车,噪音...

...and a constant disappointment in my 而我“无敌大头”


...and myself. 远离自我

-Chris, thank you very much. -Well, thank you, Dean. - 谢谢你,克里斯 - 谢谢,


-Take care. -You made all the right moves. - 保重 - 你的选择很明智

Thanks, Chris. 谢谢,克里斯


Because when I 我小时候

...and I'd get an A on a history test 历史还是什么考了个甲

...I'd get this good feeling about all the things that I could be. 当时我有种能


And then I never became any of them. 但结果却什么也没成

-Hey, Chris. -Hey. - 嗨,克里斯 - 嗨

-How you doing, Jay? -I'm doing fine. - 杰,你好吗? - 我很好

Rumor has it you signed 31 accounts for us from Pacific Bell. 有传闻说你从“太

平洋贝尔”那儿 签了31个客户过来

Yeah, yeah. 是啊

Met some guys at a ball game, got some cards. I've been working. 我在球场上

认识了些人,拿了名片 正在争取他们

I guess.


So one more day. 我说...再一天就结业了


Getting nervous? 紧张吗?

-No, I'm okay. -Yeah? - 还好 - 是吗

Listen, 听着,无论结果如何've done a fantastic job, Chris.


I mean that. 这是我的真心话

Take care of yourself. 保重

Yes, Mr. Johnson. Chris Gardner, Dean Witter. 约翰森先生 克里斯·迦纳,迪安·维


Yes, sir. Just calling to thank you 我是特意打电话来感谢

...for your support at last month's seminar. 您上回研讨会上对我的支持

Yes, sir. Absolutely. 是的,先生,当然了

Yes, sir. 是的,先生

No, sir, that's it. 没有了,就这些


Thank you very much. Bye-bye. 非常感谢,再见

Chris. Come. 克里斯,来

-Hi, Chris. -Mr. Frohm, good to see you. - 嗨,克里斯 - 弗雷姆先生,见到您很高

-Nice shirt. -Thank you, sir. - 衬衫很漂亮 - 谢谢

-Chris. -Hey, Jay. - 克里斯 - 你好,杰

-Chris. -Chris, sit down, please. - 克里斯 - 克里斯,请坐

I thought I'd wear a shirt today. 我觉得...今天应该穿衬衫来...

You know, being the last day and all. 最后一天了

Well, thank you. Thank you. We appreciate that. 谢谢,很感谢


...wear one tomorrow though, okay? 明天接着穿,好吗?

Because tomorrow's going to be your 因为明天将是你的第一天...

...if you'd like to work here as a broker. 如果你想在这里做经纪人的话


Would you like that, Chris? 你愿意吗,克里斯?

Yes, sir. 是的,先生

Good. We couldn't be happier. 好极了,我们太高兴了

So welcome. 那么...欢迎你

-Was it as easy as it looked? -No, sir. No, sir, it wasn't. - 并不象看上去的那么容易

吧? - 当然不是,先生

-Good luck, Chris. -Thank you. Thank you. - 祝你好运,克里斯 - 谢谢,谢谢

Oh, Chris. 哦,克里斯

I almost forgot. 我差点忘了

Thank you. 谢谢

This part of 我人生的这部分

...this 这个小阶段 called "Happiness. " 叫做“幸福”

Christopher. Christopher. Come here. 克里斯托弗,过来


克里斯·迦纳在迪安·维特公司 开始了他的事业 随后于1987年创办了 “迦纳富饶”


So 那...一共有...

...planets are there? 一共有多少行星?

-Seven. -Seven? - 7颗 - 7颗?

Nine. 9颗

Who's the king of the jungle? 丛林之王是谁?

-Gorilla. -The gorilla? - 猩猩 - 猩猩?

The gorilla? 猩猩?

No. Lion. 不对,是狮子

Oh, yeah. Lion, lion, lion. 对啊,是狮子,狮子,狮子

Hey, Dad, listen to this. Knock, knock. 嘿,爸,听这个 叩!叩!(敲门声)

-Who's there? -Shelby. - 谁啊? - 小鼻

Shelby who? 哪个小鼻?


Shelby coming around the mountain When she comes 蜡笔小新来啦,啦啦啦,


-Knock knock. -Who's there? - 叩!叩! - 谁啊?

-Nobody. -Nobody who? - 没人 - 哪个梅仁?

Nobody who? 哪个梅仁?

Now, that's funny. I like that one. 哦~ 哈哈,好笑,这个我喜欢


本文标签: 生活喜欢没有修好迦纳