



As for "whether mobile phones should enter the campus",

there is a difference between people. Some people say that

mobile phones have updated people's lifestyles and have brought

many benefits; Some people say that mobile phones are monsters

and do great harm to people. Here I would like to say that we

can take advantage of the wind of science and technology and

make full use of opportunities.

In this era of information flying all over the world, mobile

phones occupy the position of newspapers and other

communication transmission modes with the advantages of small

size, convenience and rich functions, and become the main media

for us to obtain information. In today's society, we can "know

everything in the world" without going out. However, in the

relatively closed campus, it is still difficult to obtain

external information. We are faced with mountains of test

papers and textbooks every day, and the monotonous knowledge

template is repeated over and over in our minds. Is this

learning state what we want? This makes the inflow of external

information and the application of mobile phones even more


When mobile phones enter the campus, we can get information

in time. Imagine how excited and proud you will be when you count

down with the launch of the manned spacecraft on the screen;

When you see several more students climbing to the "Everest"

in the academic world and obtaining achievements and praise,

will you be more determined to add another weight to the Libra

of your dreams and be a great person like them? In addition to

obtaining information, mobile phones can also be used as

learning assistants. Nowadays, there are many software

specially designed to assist learning, from which we can obtain

the detailed problem-solving process and summary, expand our

horizons and make up for the gaps in knowledge. If properly used,

mobile phones will definitely benefit the campus.

Cell phones do a lot of harm? Is mobile phone a "monster"?

Yes, mobile phones do harm people, but they do harm to people

with poor self-control; Mobile phones are indeed "monsters",

but they "eat" people who are willing to degenerate and do not

want to make progress. Some people may wonder that there are

instances where mobile phones delay learning and affect health.

Then I have to mention "self-control". It can be said that every

successful person has it behind him. In this case, the function

of self-control is to enable people to use their mobile phones

correctly at the right time. The people who have it will

naturally have a promising future, while the people who do not

have it are the so-called "people delayed by mobile phones."

In addition, for us, mobile phones are just a tool. To say health

hazards, without mobile phones, there will be computers,

tablets and other electronic products. They are derivatives of

the era of science and technology. They are beneficial and

harmful, all based on personal consciousness. Just like a knife,

in the hands of chefs, it is a good tool to cook delicious food.

In the hands of soldiers, it is a weapon to kill the enemy, while

in the hands of gangsters, it is a lethal weapon to destroy life.

The root of harming people is not the mobile phone, but the

wavering will and self indulgence.

Our primary task is to make the pointer of mobile phones

point to "profit". When mobile phones are issued with "passes"

to enter the campus, we should take some measures to strengthen

management, mainly for students with weak self-control, and

formulate some regulations, such as not using mobile phones in

class. In addition, a second class was opened to popularize the

relevant knowledge of mobile phones, so that students could

understand and give full play to the role of mobile phones and

improve their self-control. In addition, use "technology" to

control "technology", set up intelligent network, and only

allow beneficial programs to run normally. When we can "coexist

friendly" with mobile phones, mobile phones will add a bright

color to our lives.

本文标签: 进校园手机发对作文