


【英语词汇】 imitate、mimic、mock、 simulate、emulate 这


imitate 指出于仰慕或缺乏独创性而模仿他人或某物

(模仿核心部分,但在细节上却不一定一样)。 其名词是

imitation。 1)Tom admired the film star Jerry very much and

he liked to imitate every action of his. 汤姆非常钦

佩的电影杰里,喜欢模仿他的每一个动作。 2)Teachers

should provide a model for children to imitate. 教师应该

是孩子们仿效的典范。 3)Some birds, as the parrot, can

imitate human voice. 有些鸟儿,如鹦鹉,能模仿人的声

音。 4)You use computer programmes to imitate the real

world and call it “virtual reality”. 你可用计算机


5)Painters lacking originality often spent his lives in the

imitation of the great masters. 缺乏创意的画家通

常一身都在临摹绘画大师的作品。 6)An expert was needed

to authenticate the original Van Gogh painting from his

imitation. 这幅画是凡高的真迹还是赝品,需由专家来


mimic 指以开玩笑或取笑的目的模仿他人,尤指滑稽模仿


1)The naughty boy mimicked his teacher’s voice and

gestures very cleverly. 这个淘气的男孩把他老师的

声音和姿态模仿得惟妙惟肖。 2)Nowadays it has become

fashionable for young people to mimic their idols

haridos and dressing styles. 现在年轻人模仿偶像发

型和衣着风格的做法变得流行起来。 3)So far attempts to

make artificial organs have been disappointing: nature is

hard to mimic. 迄今为止,制作人造器官的尝试是令

人失望的: 因为自然的东西是很难模仿的。 4)Scientists

in the food industry try to find single chemical combinations

that mimic meat’s flavor and made inexpensive meat

substitute more delicious. 食品工业的科学家在努力


美味 可口。 5)There are many different tactices

used to lure you, including e-mail and Web sites that

mimic well-known, trusted brands. 有许多不同的



mock 指以开玩笑或取笑的目的模仿他人。

1)It is wrong to mock the cripples 模仿跛子走路

它是错的。 2)He made all the other boys laugh by mocking

the way the teacher spoke and walked. 他模


simulate 指努力“模拟”、“模仿”某物以达到仿照得实际


1)Artifical intelligence refers to the ability of the computer

to stimulate human behavior. 人工智能指的

是计算机可以模仿人的行为。 2)The game device is

designed to simulate the experience of a rocket launch,

including acceleration twice that of gravity. 这一游乐


3)he neural network is an information system which simulates

the brain structure and function. 这种神经网

络是一种模拟大脑的结构和功能的信息系统。 4)This

developed bio-reactor can simulate internal working

circumstance of human myocardial tissue in a certain

degree. 这种研制的生物反应器能够在一定程度上


emulate 指模仿他人以赶上或与之竞争,也可指“仿真”某


1)Observe how the most successful employees operate and

try to emulate their skills. 观察最成功的员

工如何操作,然后去模仿他们的技能。 2)When a new

product is put into the market, more often than not, it will soon

be emulated. 当一个新产品投入市场,经常

它会很快被仿效。 3)Liss says that humanity can emulate

nature’s garbage-free ways, but it will require

innovative technology and a big change in attitude. 利


科技和态度的重大转变。 4)EMBA programmes are

beginning to emulate MBA programmes in other ways too.

EMBA课程也开始在其它方面效仿MBA课程。 5)Around

the world, it is no longer European or American models that

developing countries are seeking to emulate.


● model after 和 pattern after也可表示“模仿”、“仿照”的

意思,短语中的 after可换成 upon 或 on。

1)The Summer Palace is said to be modeled after the West

Lake in Hangchow. 据说颐和园是仿照杭州的西湖。

2)The airport is parrerned after the Beijing International Airport.

那个机场是按照北京国际机场的样式设计建造的. 3)She

modeled herself on her mother. 她模仿母亲的一举一

动。 4)She bought a new dress patterned upon a Paris model.



本文标签: 模仿模拟仿照效仿包括