


魔兽世界mangos_数据库结构大纲 大芒果 gm 命令 坐标 魔兽世界

3.35(World of Warcraft mangos_ database structure outline,

big mango GM command coordinates World of Warcraft 3.35)

World of Warcraft Mangos database structure outline, big mango

GM command coordinates, World of Warcraft 3.35

Role database: characters-tbc


Arena_team arena team information

Arena_team_member arena team member

Arena_team_stats athletics count statistics

Auctionhouse auction house (parameter -- corresponding to


Bugreport sends the data corresponding to the GM

The character role data corresponds to playercreateinfo

The shortcut key corresponding to the skills learned by the

character_action role

BUFF effects of the character_aura role

Item description information for the character_gifts role

The site (or place of birth) bound by the character_homebind

character's return to the city

Character_instance role player copy information

Character_inventory characters, objects in the body and


Honor information for character_kill roles (kill or kill, honor,

etc.) (TYPE=1 gain, 2= loss)

Pet information for the character_pet role

Task information for the character_queststatus role

Character_queststatus_daily daily tasks (recording some time

related tasks, etc.)

The faction, reputation, honor, etc of the

character_reputation's faction

Character_social role buddy list

Character_spell's magic and proficiency information (ID will

appear only in magic)

Character_spell_cooldown role spell cooldown

Character_ticket role transfer point information

The character_tutorial role tutorial explains information

本文标签: 魔兽世界芒果数据库命令