




帐户名称(Account Name)— 等同于登录标识、用户标识或用户名。是指派给

UNIX/Linux 系统上用户的名称。可以在系统上对多个用户设置唯一的帐户名称,每个用

户具有不同的访问(权限)级别。在安装完 Linux 之后,帐户名称由超级用户(Superuser)

或 root 操作员指派。

Account Name – Same as Login ID, User ID, or User Name. The name

assigned to a user on a UNIX/Linux system. Multiple users can be set up on a

system with unique account names, each with varying access (permission) levels.

After Linux installation, account names are assigned by the Superuser, or root


AfterStep— 用户界面(窗口管理器)之一,AfterStep 使得 Linux 的外观很象


AfterStep– One of several user interfaces (window managers), AfterStep

makes Linux look and feel much like NeXTSTEP, with enhancements. For more on

AfterStep, go to . (Also, see Enlightenment, GNOME, KDE, and X

Window System.)

Awk(Aho、Weinberger 和 Kernighan) — 一种编程语言,因其模式匹配语法而

特别有用,通常用于数据检索和数据转换。一个 GNU 版本称为 Gawk。

Awk (Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan) – A programming language useful for

its pattern-matching syntax, and often used for data retrieval and data

transformation. A GNU version is called Gawk.

APM(高级电源管理,Advanced Power Management) — 一种工业标准,它允

许系统处理器和各个组件进入省电模式,包括挂起、睡眠和关机。APM 软件对于移动设


APM (Advanced Power Management) – An industry standard for allowing the

system processor and various components to enter power-saving modes,

including suspend, sleep and off. APM software is especially important for mobile

devices, because it saves battery power.

附加符号(Append Symbol)— 两个键盘字符 >(也就是 >>)。通常用它将命令


-a >> 将当前目录列表发送到名为 的文件,并将其添加到该文件


Append Symbol – The > keyboard character, repeated (i.e., >>). It is often

used to send the output from a command to a text file, appending the data to the

end of the file, rather than replacing the existing content. For example, ls -a >>

sends the current directory list to a file called , and adds it to

the end of the file. Repeating the command will continue to add new data to the

end of the file. (Also, see Piping Symbol and Redirection Symbol.)

本文标签: 数据文件用户尾部