



白羊座:3月21日 - 4月20日

金牛座:4月21日 - 5月21日

双子座:5月22日 - 6月21日

巨蟹座:6月22日 - 7月22日

狮子座:7月23日 - 8月23日

处女座:8月24日 - 9月23日

天秤座:9月24日 - 10月23日

天蝎座:10月24日 - 11月22日

射手座:11月23日 - 12月21日

魔羯座:12月22日 - 1月20日

水瓶座:1月21日 - 2月19日

双鱼座:2月20日 - 3月20日



Directions: Fill in the blanks using some of the words given below. Change the

form where necessary.

1) Her most cherished possession is the diamond necklace around her neck.

2) According to the statistical figures, over half of the students had a positive

attitude toward their future.

3) Deleting this plot would destroy the integrity of the story.

4) Because of the long-lasting snowstorm, the price of agricultural

commodities has risen greatly.

5) It is important to be cooperative toward the other team members in

order to achieve our goal.

6) Food and water have been distributed among the refugees from the

neighboring country.

7) Since it is not easy to repair this highly sophisticated machine, we need

more time.

8) The other positions have been filled, but there are still vacancies for



9) At college, computers are used to facilitate students' language learning.

10) Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply.

11) We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the


12) The surgical operation was conducted by the best surgeon in the


13) At the beginning, virtually every soldier confronts his own problem.

14) Internet shopping has had a great impact on the traditional


15) Due to the lack of money, some public facilities in the community were

poorly maintained .

2. Directions: Distinguish between the confusable words and fill in the blanks

with the proper word from the brackets of each sentence.

1) Since he was promoted last month, he has occupied himself with the new

work and has neglected his kids. (neglected; ignored)


本文标签: 月份答案星座大学