









Leslie Nielsen's childhood was a difficult one, but he had one particular shining star in

his life-his uncle, who was a well-known actor. The admiration and respect his uncle earned

inspired Nielsen to make a career(职业)in acting. Even though he often felt he would be

discovered to be a no-talent, he moved forward, gaining a scholarship to the Neighborhood

Playhouse and making his first television appearance a few years later in 1948. However,

becoming a full-time, successful actor would still be an uphill battle for another eight years

until he landed a number of film roles that finally got him noticed.

But even then, what he had wasn't quite what he wanted. Nielsen always felt he should

be doing comedy but his good looks and distinguished voice kept him busy in dramatic roles.

It wasn't until1980-32 years into his career-that he landed the role it would seem he was made

for in Airplane! That movie led him into the second half of his career where his comedic

presence alone could make a movie a financial success even when movie reviewers would not

rate it highly.

Did Nielsen then feel content in his career? Yes and no. He was thrilled to be doing the

comedy that he always felt he should do, but even during his last few years, he always had a

sense of curiosity, wondering what new role or challenge might he just around the comer. He

never stopped working, never retired.

Leslie Nielsen's devotion to acting is wonderfully inspiring. He built a hugely successful

career with little more than plain old hard work and determination. He showed us that even a

single desire, never given up on, can make for a remarkable life.

21. Why did Nielsen want to be an actor?

A. He enjoyed watching movies. B. He was eager to earn money.

C. He wanted to be like his uncle. D. He felt he was good at acting.

22. What do we know about Nielsen in the second half of his career?

A. He directed some high quality movies. B. He avoided taking on new challenges.

C. He focused on playing dramatic roles. D. He became a successful comedy actor.

23. What does Nielsen's career story tell us?

A. Art is long, life is short. B. He who laughs last laughs longest.

C. It's never too late to learn. D. Where there's a will there's a way.


21.C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“The admiration and respect his uncle earned

inspired Nielsen to make a career in acting”可知,尼尔森的叔叔所受到的赞赏和尊敬激励



22.D 细节理解题。题干定位:根据题干中的 in the second half of his career可将本题题


定在第二段。根据第二段中的“That movie led him into the second half of his career where

his comedic presence alone could make a movie a financial success even when ...”可知,尼


23.D 推理判断题。本文主要介绍了尼尔森受叔叔的影响在进入演艺圈,并且32年后




We live in a town with three beaches. There are two parks less than 10 minutes' walk

from home where neighbourhood children gather to play. However, what my children want to

do after school is pick up a screen-any screen -and stare at it for hours. They are not alone.

Today's children spend an average of four and a half hours a day looking at screens, split

between watching television and using the Internet.

In the past few years, an increasing number of people and organisations have begun

coming up with plans to counter this trend. A couple of years ago, film-maker David Bond

realised that his children, then aged five and three, were attached to screens to the point where

he was able to say "chocolate" into his three-year-old son's ear without getting a response. He

realised that something needed to change, and, being a London media type, appointed himself

"marketing director for Nature". He documented his journey as he set about treating nature as

a brand to be marketed to young people. The result was Project Wild Thing, a film which

charts the birth of the Wild Network a group of organisations with the common goal of

getting children out into nature.

"Just five more minutes outdoors can make a difference," David Bond says. "There is a

lot of really interesting evidence which seems to be suggesting that if children are inspired up

to the age of seven, then being outdoors will be a habit for life." His own children have got

into the habit of playing outside now: "We just send them out into the garden and tell them

not to come back in for a while."

Summer is upon us. There is an amazing world out there, and it needs our children as

much as they need it. Let us get them out and let them play.

24. What is the problem with the author's children?

A. They often annoy the neighbours. B. They are tired of doing their homework.

C. They have no friends to play with D. They stay in front of screens for too long.

25. How did David Bond advocate his idea?

A. By making a documentary film. B. By organizing outdoor activities.

C. By advertising in London media. D. By creating a network of friends.

26. Which of the following can replace the underlined word "charts" in paragraph 2

A. records B. predicts C. delays D. confirms

27. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Let Children Have Fun B. Young Children Need More Free Tire

C. Market Nature to Children D. David Bond: A Role Model for Children


24.D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“what my children want to do after school is pick up a

screen—any screen—and stare at it for hours.”可知,作者的孩子们放学后想做的第一件



25.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“...being a London media type, , a

film which charts the birth of the wild Network, a group of organizations with the common

goal of petting children out into nature”可知,David是一个电影导演,利用媒体来向孩子

们推销大自然,记录了自己的活动,并且拍成了一部电影Project wild Thing,由此可知


26.A 词义猜测题。根据第二段划线词前面的句子“He documented his journey as he set

about treating

nature a brand to be marketed to young people”可知其中的“documented”意为“记录”。

因此,结合划线词后面的“the birth of the Wild Network ”可知,他的纪录片记录了一


27.C 主旨大意题。作者通过回忆自己小时候在外面玩,以及现在自己的孩子花费在屏


影导演 David Bond为例,拍摄纪录片,倡导让孩子们到户外,到大自然中去等,因此



More than 25 years ago, Saroo Brierley lived in rural(农村)India. One day, he

played with his brother along the rail line and fell asleep. When he woke up and found

himself alone, the 4﹣year﹣old decided his brother might be on the train he saw in front

of him﹣so he got on.

That train took him a thousand miles across the country to a totally strange city. He

lived on the streets,and then in an orphanage(孤儿院). There,he was adopted by an

Australian family and flown to Tasmania.

As he writes in his new book, A Long Way Home, Brierley couldn't help but

wonder about his hometown back in India. He remembered landmarks, but since he

didn't know his town's name, finding a small neighborhood in a vast country proved to be


Then he found a digital mapping program. He spent years searching for his

hometown in the program's satellite pictures. In 2011, he came across something familiar.

He studied it and realized he was looking at a town's central business district from a bird's

﹣eye view. He thought,"On the right﹣hand side you should see the three﹣platform

train station"﹣and there it was. "And on the left﹣hand side you should see a big

fountain"﹣and there it was. Everything just started to match.

When he stood in front of the house where he grew up as a child,he saw a lady

standing in the entrance. "There's something about me," he thought﹣and it took him a

few seconds but he finally remembered what she used to look like.

In an interview Brierley says,"My mother looked so much shorter than I remembered.

But she came forth and walked forward, and I walked forward, and my feelings and

tears and the chemical in my brain, you know, it was like a nuclear fusion(核聚变).

I just didn't know what to say, because I never thought seeing my mother would ever

come true. And here I am, standing in front of her. "

21.Why was Brierley separated from his family about 25 years ago?

A. He got on a train by mistake.

B. He got lost while playing in the street.

C. He was taken away by a foreigner.

D. He was adopted by an Australian family.

22.How did Brierley find his hometown?

A. By analyzing old pictures.

B. By travelling all around India.

C. By studying digital maps.

D. By spreading his story via his book.

23.What does Brierley mainly talk about in the interview?

A. His love for his mother.

B. His reunion with his mother.

C. His long way back home.

D. His memory of his hometown.


21.【解析】根据第一段最后一句中的the 4-yea-old decided his brother might be on the

train he saw in front of him- so he got on以及第二段中的That train took him a thousand

miles across the country to a totally strange city. 可知,布赖尔利在25年前和家



22.【解析】根据第四段中的Then he found a digital mapping program. He spent years

searching for his hometown in the program's satellite pictures. In 2011,he came across

something familiar.可知,布赖尔利是通过研究数字地图找到家乡的。故选C项。


23.【解析】根据最后一段中的My mother looked so much shorter than I remembered..

because I never thought seeing my mother would ever come true.可知,布赖尔利在采访




I never knew anyone who’d grown up in Jackson without being afraid of Mrs. Calloway

our librarian. She ran Jackson’s Carnegie Library absolutely by herself. SILENCE in big

black letters was on signs hung everywhere. If she thought you were dressed improperly, she

sent you straight back home to change your clothes. I was willing

I would do anything to


My mother was not afraid of Mrs. Calloway. She wished me to have my own library

card to check out books for myself, She took me in to introduce me. “Eudora is nine years old

and has my permission to read any book she wants from the shelves, children or adults,”

Mother said.

Mrs. Calloway made her own rules about books. You could not take back a book to the

library on the same day you`d taken it out

it made no difference to her that you’d read every

word in it and needed another to start. You could take out two books at a time and two only.

So two by two, I read library books as fast as I could go, rushing them home in the basket of

my bicycle. From the minute I reached our house, I started to read. I knew this was extreme

happiness, knew it at the time.

My mother shared this feeling of mine. Now, I think of her as reading so much of the

time while doing something else. I remember her reading a magazine while taking the part of

the Wolf in a game of "Little Red Riding Hood" with my brother's two daughters. She'd just

look up at the right time, long enough to answer– in character –"The better to eat you with,

my dear," and go back to her place in the magazine article.

of the following best described Mrs. Calloway?

. . us. erate.

do the underlined words "this feeling" refer to in the last paragraph?

to read.

st in games.

is the text probably from?

ook. autobiography. C.a news report. review.

for Mrs. Calloway.

of the library rules.


1.B 2.A 3.B





I never knew anyone who’d grown up in Jackson without

being afraid of Mrs. Calloway our librarian.



SILENCE in big black letters was on signs hung

everywhere. If she thought you were dressed improperly, she sent you straight back home to

change your clothes.





Mrs. Calloway





Now, I think of her as reading so much of the time while doing

something else.












Zachariah Fike has an unusual hobby. He finds old military(


) medals for sale

in antique stores and on the Internet. But unlike most collectors, Zac tracks down the medals’

rightful owners, and returns them.

His effort to reunite families with lost medals began with a Christmas gift from his

mother, a Purple Heart with the name Corrado A.G. Piccoli, found in an antique shop. Zac

knows the meaning of a Purple Heart—he earned one himself in a war as a soldier. So when

his mother gave him the medal, he knew right away what he had to do.

Through the Internet, Zac tracked down Corrado’s sister Adeline Rockko. But when he

finally reached her, the woman flooded him with questions: “Who are you? What antique

shop?” However, when she hung up, she regretted the way she had handled the call. So she

called Zac back and apologized. Soon she drove to meet Zac in Watertown, N.Y. “At that

point, I knew she meant business,” Zac says. “To drive eight hours to come to see me.”

The Piccolis grew up the children of Italian immigrants in Watertown. Corrado, a

translator for the Army during WWII, was killed in action in Europe.

Before hearing from Zac, Adeline hadn’t realized the medal was missing. Like many

military medals, the one Zac’s mother had found was a family treasure. “This medal was very

precious to my parents. Only on special occasions(


) would they take it out and let us

hold it in our hands,” Adeline says.

As a child, Adeline couldn’t understand why the medal was so significant. “But as I

grew older,” Adeline says, “and missed my brother more and more, I realized that was the

only thing we had left.” Corrado Piccoli’s Purple Heart medal now hangs at the Italian

American Civic Association in Watertown.

Zac recently returned another lost medal to a family in Alabama. Since he first reunited

Corrado’s medal, Zac says his record is now 5 for 5.

did Zac get a Purple Heart medal for himself

the army.

an antique shop.

his mother.

Adeline Rockko.

did Zac realize when Adeline drove to meet him

was very impolite.

was serious about the medal.

suspected his honesty.

came from a wealthy family.

made Adeline treasure the Purple Heart?

parents’ advice.

knowledge of antiques.

childhood dream.

memory of her brother.


4.A 5.B 6.D


Zachariah Fike






Zac knows the meaning of a Purple Heart—he earned one

himself in a war as a soldier. So when his mother gave him the medal, he knew right away

what he had to do.













“To drive eight hours to come to see me.”



Purple Heart








Corrado, a translator for the Army during WWII, was killed

in action in Europe.


“But as I grew older,” Adeline says, “and missed my

brother more and more, I realized that was the only thing we had left.”













I start every summer with the best of intentions:to attack one big book from the past, a

classic that I was supposed to have read when young and ambitious. Often the pairings of

books and settings have been purely accidental: "Moby Dick" on a three-day cross-country

train trip: “The Magic Mountain” in a New England beachside cottage with no locks on the

doors, no telephones or televisions in the rooms, and little to do beyond row on the salt pond.

Attempting "The Man Without Qualities" on a return to Hawaii, my native state, however,

was less fruitful: I made it through one and a quarter volumes (

), then decided that I'd got

the point and went swimming instead.

But this summer I find myself at a loss. I’m not quite interested in Balzac, say, or

“Tristram Shandy.” There’s always War and Peace, which I've covered some distance several

times, only to get bogged down in the "War" part, set it aside for a while, and realize that I

have to start over from the beginning again, having forgotten everyone’s name and social rank.

How appealing to simply fall back on a favorite-once more into “The Waves” or “Justine,”

which feels almost like cheating, too exciting and too much fun to properly belong in serious


And then there’s Stendhal’s “The Red and the Black,” which happens to be the name of

my favorite cocktail (


) of the summer, created by Michael Cecconi at Savoy and

BackForty. It is easy to drink, and knocking back three or four seems like such a delightful

idea. Cecconi's theory: "I take whatever’s fresh at the green market and turn it into liquid."

The result is a pure shot of afternoon in the park, making one feel cheerful and peaceful all at

once, lying on uncut grass with eyes shut, sun beating through

can we infer about the author from the first paragraph?

has a cottage in New England. shows talents for literature.

enjoys reading when traveling. admires a lot of great writers.

do the underlined words "get bogged down" in paragraph 2 mean?

confused. carried away.

interrupted. no progress.

does the author say reading his favorite books feels like cheating?

finishes them quickly. should read something serious.

barely understands them. has read them many times before.

can be a suitable title for the text?

Books of Summer Summer Holidays

Read or Not to Read ’s Never Too Late to Read


7. C 8. D 9. B 10. A

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