



Unit 7 Is it a pear?


Prepare the Student Book used last term.

The following exercise reviews some of the English expressions in

Units 2 and 3.

Display your copy of pages 14 and 15 of Book one. Show the children

the pictures and ask what they remember of the story. You may have to

prompt the children by asking specific questions about each picture.

Tell the children, “In Unit 2, Mocky takes Ann and Ken to meet

Uncle Booky. Mocky says to them, ‘Come on!’ when they set out. What

do we say when we want someone to come with us?” Elicit an appropriate

expression in Chinese.

Say, “Yes, and in English we say Come on!” Repeat the words Come

on! and mime an appropriate gesture as you do so. Have the children do

the same.

Say, “Mocky says, ‘Oh, no!’ when he sees that the leopard is going

to eat a lemon. What is Mocky feeling?” The children can answer in


Say, “Yes, in English we say Oh, no! when we are surprised or

frightened or worried.” Elicit a similar expression in Chinese. Have

the children say Oh, no! with an appropriate expression on their faces.

Display your copy of page 27 of Book One. Say, “Later in the story

Mocky falls down and Ken says, ‘Oh! Poor Mocky.’” Ask, “What is Ken

feeling?” Have the children answer in Chinese.

Confirm their answer. “Yes, Ken feels sorry for Mocky. He says,

‘Oh! Poor Mocky.’” Have the children repeat Oh! Poor Mocky. with

expression in their voices and on their faces.

the dialog

Ask the children what they say when they see something exciting or

amazing. Tell them, “In English, we can say Wow!” Have the children

repeat the word a few times, with expression on their faces.

Ask the children what they say when they taste something really

delicious. Tell them, “In English, we can say Oooh, yum!” Have the

children repeat the words a few times.


Ask the children what they say when they taste something very

unpleasant. Tell them, “In English, we can say Yuk!” Allow the children

to repeat the word a few times.

Practice the expressions Oooh, yum! and Yuk! by asking, for

example, “What do you think of the ice cream?” “Oooh, yum!”

about the story

Student Book pages 2 and 3

Have the children open their books at pages 2 and 3. Ask these

questions about the pictures:

Picture 1: “Where are Mocky and Lulu?”

Picture 2: “Who has a stall there?”

“What does she sell?”

Picture 3: “What does Lulu taste first?”

“Does she like it?”

Picture 4: “What does she taste next?”

Picture 5: “What is the little fruit?”

Picture 6/7: “What does Lulu try now?”

Picture 8: “Does she like it?”

Student Book pages 2 and 3

Say, “Now we’re going to hear what the characters said.”

Play the tape once without stopping.

Play the tape again, pausing after each picture. Have the children

repeat each sentence after hearing it on the tape.

Divide the class into two groups. One group will be Mocky, the other

group will be Lulu.

Play the tape again. Stop the tape after each sentence. Have each

group repeat the dialog for their character. Then the groups change



Remind the children to practice some of the new English

expressions(Wow! Oooh, yum! and Yuk!) at home.



本文标签: 教案小学下册