



I. Choose the one which is equal to the word given blow:

1. chant A. religious song B. parallel lines C. balanced words

D. repeated shout

2. derelict A. grievous B. deprived C. abandoned D. hunted

3. hummock A. a desert B. a low rounded hill C. a high

mountain D. a plain

4. stow A. load roughly B. unload carefully C. move quickly D.

hide away

ed A. full of uncontrolled excitement B. full of

happiness C. depressed D. encouraged

6. fodder ous food B. well prepared meal C. rough

food D. half-cooked meal

7. clamour A. clatter B. noisily express C. iobey D. generously


8. desolate A. isolated B. united C. eccentric D. barren

9. slump A. rise up B. sink down C. move on D. repeat

10. squash A. invade B. infer C. squeeze D. separate

11. plight A. condition B. irritation C. conscience D. objection

12. infuriate A. set apart from other B. fill with rageC. become

fastened D. keep in a certain position

13. inquisitive A. unnecessarily curious B seriously urgent C.

completely controlled D. ready made

14. sidle A. climb secretly B. slide smoothly C. slip fast D. walk


15. nibble A. eat large pieces B. swallow down C. take small

bits D. sip bit by bit

16. ghetto A. musical instrument B. area C. dust D. grave

17. navvy A. a ship B. a soldier C. a labourer D. a sailor

18. lucerne A. plant B. animal C. oil D. field

19. scrap A. a sharp sound B. a sudden cutting C. a forceful

scratch D. a small piece

20. hack A. cut carefully B. dig roughly C. make slowly D.

move smoothly

21. stork A. green grass B. black soil C. white bird D. small


22. clump A. walk B. strike C. write D. fall

23. garrison A. railway station B. training centre C. military

camp D. battle field

24. hobble A. walk in difficulty with small steps B. walk quickly

with strides

C. walk slowly and lazily

D. walk sideways with tips and toes

25. identify A. equate B. differ C. irrecognize D. close

26. literally A. the use of word B. relate to literature C. fond

of learning D. actually

27. rag A. a carpet B. an animal skin C. a scrap of cloth D. a

floor covering

28. bumpy A. smooth B. rough C. heavy D. stout

29. acre A. a wide expanse of land B. number C. height D.


30. witchcraft A. craftsmanship B. magic C. airplane D.


II. Complete the words according to the definitions, the first

letter of the word is given:

1. Jewish quarter of a town, a part of a city in which a group

of people live who are poor g

2. of the Middle Ages m

3. back part of an animal including the legs h

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