


短语 "be accustomed to doing" 表示某人对于做某事已经习以


1. She is accustomed to waking up early in the morning.

- 她习惯早上早起。

2. After living in the city for years, he is accustomed to the

noise and traffic.

- 在城市生活多年后,他已经习惯了噪音和交通。

3. The team is accustomed to facing challenges and

overcoming them together.

- 这个团队习惯于面对挑战并共同克服它们。

4. Having grown up in a cold climate, she is accustomed to

wearing layers of warm clothing.

- 她在寒冷的气候中长大,已经习惯穿着厚厚的保暖衣物。

5. He is accustomed to using public transportation for his

daily commute.

- 他习惯使用公共交通工具进行日常通勤。

6. After years of practicing, she is accustomed to speaking in

public without feeling nervous.

- 经过多年的练习,她已经习惯在公共场合演讲而不感到紧张。

这些例句展示了 "be accustomed to doing" 短语在不同情境中


本文标签: 习惯行为适应面对挑战