


Entrust Timestamping Authority

On-premises timestamping server


Electronic timestamping is the only way

to guarantee that a transaction occurred

or that an electronic document was signed

at a given time. Entrust TSA (Time stamping

Authority) is designed to:

• Guarantee, objectively and precisely,

the registering of the moment a

transaction occurs

• Protect the timestamp records

• Integrate easily and securely to your

organization‘s control systems, minimizing

installation and maintenance costs


• Aligned with ETSI standards that

define the requirements for qualified

timestamps in the eIDAS Regulation

• Defines the roles and events

required to operate the TSA service

according to the CEN standard

• Supports separation of roles

between the security operator,

system administrator, and system


• Incorporates a data protection

system and an emergency system

that ensures logs cannot be lost

• Supports selecting automatic

events and defining manual events

• Meets the highest load

requirements, can be integrated in

high availability architectures, and

guarantees the fastest-possible

transactional response times

• Includes a workflow engine to

define the interaction with

information systems




The main functions of Entrust TSA are to:

• Receive timestamp requests via the Internet

from users and service providers that want to

add timestamps to electronic documents or


• Generate a digitally signed timestamp

that includes the time of the request, the

information that securely binds the stamp

to the electronic document, and a unique

registration number for auditing purposes

• Generate audit logs so operators can monitor

the status of the system, its security, and to

what extent the corporate specifications are

being met

• Optionally, keep track of and limit each

client’s use of the timestamping service.

To do this, Entrust TSA assigns a service

usage quota or restricts use for a specific

time period (i.e., billing)


The following figure illustrates the general

architecture of Entrust TSA and how it

interrelates with the network components

(under the IETF timestamp protocol). Entrust

TSA can operate with an HSM (network or

internal) and requires access to a database

and a network time source (e.g., via NTP).


• Applications (automated processes)

• Users (e.g. using Acrobat Reader)

TSP over


Entrust TSA


TSA Keys


Authority (CA)

Time Source


• Timestamp protocols: IETF RFC 3161 and RFC 5816

• Timestamp profile and policies: Aligned with ETSI EN 319 421 (replaces TS 102 023), ETSI TS

319 422 (replaces TS119 422, and TS 101 861), and CEN TS 419 261 (replaces CWA14167-1)

• Cryptographic devices: RSA PKCS#11

• Connectivity: SQL, LDAP/SLDAP, Microsoft Active Directory, HTTP/HTTPS, REST,

and SOAP Web Services, POP3 and SMTP

• Event monitoring: SNMP v1, v2c and v3

• SIEM integration and audit: Syslog protocol or Windows Event Log


• Operating systems: Windows

• SMTP mail server: Recommended for implementing customized

event notification

• Database systems: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL,

or Maria DB

• HSM support: PKCS#11 devices approved by Entrust

• Time source: Operating System‘s time synchronized with an external source.

NTP required for compliance with ETSI TS 102 023 and ETSI EN 319 421


Entrust keeps the world moving safely by enabling trusted identities, payments and data protection.

Today more than ever, people demand seamless, secure experiences, whether they’re crossing borders,

making a purchase, accessing e-government services, or logging into corporate networks. Entrust offers

an unmatched breadth of digital security and credential issuance solutions at the very heart of all these

interactions. With more than 2,500 colleagues, a network of global partners, and customers in over 150

countries, it’s no wonder the world’s most entrusted organizations trust us.

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Entrust and the Hexagon logo are trademarks, registered trademarks, and/or service marks of Entrust

Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other brand or product names are the property of their

respective owners. Because we are continuously improving our products and services, Entrust Corporation

reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. Entrust is an equal opportunity employer.

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本文标签: 说明书电子服务时间