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1.1 跟我学如何应用DJ Native Swing 组件实现在Java应用程序中嵌入浏览

1、应用DJ Native Swing 组件(/ns/)组件可以支持



import Layout;

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import tilities;

import s;

import Interface;

import owser;

public class EagleBrowser extends JPanel {

private JPanel webBrowserPanel;

private JWebBrowser webBrowser;

private String url;

public EagleBrowser(String url) {

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杨教授工作室 精心创作的优秀程序员 职业提升必读系列资料

super(new BorderLayout());

= url;

webBrowserPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());

webBrowser = new JWebBrowser();






(webBrowser, );

add(webBrowserPanel, );


public static void main(String[] args) {

final String url = "";

final String title = "电信营业厅缴费终端";



Later(new Runnable() {

public void run() {

JFrame frame = new JFrame(title);


tentPane().add(new EagleBrowser(url), );







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杨教授工作室 精心创作的优秀程序员 职业提升必读系列资料






1) Simple Example: This is a simple example that shows the basic configuration of an

embedded web browser component.

2) Setting Content: Set any HTML content to the web browser.

3) Javascript Execution: Execute some Javascript code in the current web browser page.

4) Navigation Control: Control the navigation happening in the web browser from the Java


5) This allows to block certain links and/or the creation of new windows, or to open links

and/or new windows elsewhere.

6) Sending Commands: Use static links or simple Javascript to send some commands with

arguments to the application:

function sendCommand(command) {

var s = 'command://' + encodeURIComponent(command);

for(var i=1; i<;


on = s;


1) Cookies: Access and modify the cookies set by the various browser instances.

2) Classpath pages: Load web pages from the classpath with the help of the embedded simple

web server.

3) Mozilla XPCOM Page Edition: Toggle edition mode of a web page by accessing the

Mozilla interfaces using XPCOM.

4) Mozilla XPCOM Download Manager: Modify the browser's download manager

using Mozilla XPCOM.

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1) Simple Example: Display a Flash application.

2) Variables and Flow: Control the flow of a Flash animation, and get/set global variables.

3) Function Calls: Invoke functions, with or without waiting for a result, and listen to Flash



Simple Example: Load a movie/sound file to an embedded VLC player.


1) Simple Example: Graphically edit some HTML, get and set the HTML content.

2) Custom Configuration: Modify default behaviors with custom configuration script.

3) TinyMCE implementation: Use the TinyMCE editor implementation instead of the default



Simple Example: Display some content with syntax highlighting from one of the available

languages (C++, C#, css, Delphi, Java, JS, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL, VB, XML, HTML).

(6)JWMediaPlayer (win32)

Simple Example: Load a movie/sound file to an embedded multimedia player.

(7)Additional Features

1) Constrain Visibility: Constrain the visibility to superimpose Swing and native components.

2) Deferred Destruction: Defer destruction until finalization to add/remove the same

is not destroyed when removed but on disposeNativePeer() or garbage


3) Hierarchy Proxying: Use a proxied component hierarchy for the native components to

allow re-parenting and change of component Z-order.

4) Thumbnail Creation: Create a thumbnail by painting a native component to an image.

5) Pseudo Transparency: Simulate alpha blending of a Swing component over a native

component. This works rather well over static content.

6) Component Life Cycle: Present the life cycle of a component and when method calls

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highlight how runInSequence(Runnable) can be useful, and for special needs

how to use initializeNativePeer().

(8)Utilities File Associations

Get the file type associations, and use them to launch files.


(1)java –jar


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本文标签: 应用程序组件示例工作室程序员