




1. Mary usually________(go) shopping with her mother on Sunday.

2. ________ Peter always ________(take) a shower in the evening or in

the morning?

3. Mary _____________ (not listen) to music in the evening.

4. She never ________(have) breakfast.

5. What time ________ Jack ________(eat) lunch?

6. Listen! Who__________(talk) in the room?

7. ________ you ________(do) your homework now?

8. Jack is playing football and he ____________(not run).

9. Please be quiet. The children ____________(sleep).

10. It's twelve o'clock. People__________(have) lunch.


1. There isn't ____ milk at home. Let's buy ____.

A. some; some

C. some; any

B. any; any

D. any; some

2. She ____ of medium height, and she____ long straight hair.

A. is; is

B. is; has

D. has; is C. has; has

3. —What would you like to eat, Linda?

—I'd like ____and ____dumplings.

A. chickens; cabbages

C. chicken; cabbages

B. chicken; cabbage

D. chickens; cabbage

4. —____ was your party yesterday?

—Excellent. I liked it very much.

A. How B. When C. What D. Where

5. My mother didn't feel well this morning. She had a little ________ for


A. tomatoes B. noodles C. milk D. potatoes

6. The cakes are very delicious. I would like ________ one.

A. the other B. another C. other D. others

7. My sister wants to be a doctor. She hopes her dream can________.

A. cut down B. come true C. put up D. run away

8. —What will the weather be like tomorrow?

—It will be ________.

A. rain B. rainy C. to raining D. rains

9. — How ________ is it from your home to school?

— It's only ________.

A. far; a ten­minutes walk B. long; ten minutes' walk

C. far; ten minutes' walk D. long; a ten­minute walk

10. Two ________students in our school are from the countryside.

A. hundred of B. hundreds of C. hundred

11. —What ____sunny weather it is!

D. hundreds

—Yeah! Let's stay outside and enjoy ____sun!

A. /; / B. the; a C. /; the D. the; /

12. Sally always practices ____the piano on Saturday afternoon.

A. plays B. play C. to play D. playing

13. Don't forget ____the classroom when you leave.

A. clean B. cleaned C. to clean D. cleaning

14. —What time do you usually get up?

—At about ____.

A. six forty

B. forty six

D. forty to six C. forty past six

15. We don't want Tommy to play the game ____he doesn't follow the


A. and

16. — ____?

—It's cloudy and cool.

A. How do you spell it B. Can I help you

B. but C. so D. because

C. How's the weather D. How long does it take

17. —My parents will take me to China next week.

— ____. It's my dream country.

A. Lucky you

C. Not much

B. Good idea

D. Sorry to hear that

18. —Hello? ____

—Hi, Anna. It's Carol here. Are you free on Sunday?

A. Who are you?

C. She is Anna.

B. This is Anna.

D. What's your name?

19. The Greens like the quietness in the countryside. The city is too

________ for them.

A. comfortable B. dangerous C. noisy D. perfect

20. —Don't be ________, Jim! Please clean your room this morning.

—OK, Mom.

A. lazy B. smart C. tidy D. strict

三、根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。

1. 你妹妹会游泳吗?

________ your sister ________?

2. 凯特会做什么?

________ can Kate ________?

3. 不要外出。

________ ________ ________.

4. 安静点!上课时间到了。

________ ________! It's time for class.

5. ——她正在做什么?


—What ________she________?

—She is washing her clothes.

6. 书桌上有一本书和两支钢笔。

________ ________ a book and two pens on the desk.

四、对画线部分提问, 每空一词。

1. My brother is eight years old.

________ ________ is your brother?

2. It takes me half an hour to take a shower.

________ ________ does it take you to take a shower?

3. She usually goes to work by bus.

________ ________ she usually go to work?

4. This pair of shoes is twenty dollars.

________ ________is this pair of shoes?

5. It's ten kilometers from his home to the train station.

________ ________ is it from his home to the train station?


1. The little girl has a ________ (圆的) face.

2. Do you know the ________ (答案) to these questions?

3. Lucy, do you like eating ________ (土豆)?

4. In our store, we have ________ (不同的)kinds of clothes.

5. Li Ming is one of the most ________ (优秀的) students.

6. I bought some ________ (礼物) for my parents.

7. We are ________ (发育), so we must sleep well.


1. Do you have any p in your study? I can help you.

2. It's very cold in w in the north.

3. It's r hard outside. Don't go out!

4. I want to get some money. Is there a b near here?

5. When we walk a the street, we must be careful


6. The box is very h . Can you help me?

7. Can you d the criminal in detail(详细地) to me?

8. I have time this weekend. Do you have an i ?

9. It's getting d . Let's go home right now.

10. If the skirt is too e ,I won't buy it.


1. My father __________ (开车) to work every day.

2. ________________ (别迟到) for class, Jim.

3. Mona's teacher ____________ (对……要求严格) her.

4. We have to _______________ (遵守规则) at school.

5. Look! The man is _____________ (砍倒) the big tree.


1. in, many, the, are, park, flowers, there


2. go, you, trip, Beijing, will, on, to, a


3. last, he, first, year, won, place


4. goes, always, she, on, to, own, school, her


5. how, is, the, weather, fine



A:Hi, Maria. 1. ________________________________?

B:Not much. I'm just watching a talk show.

A:2. ________________________________________?

B:It's boring. I don't like it.

A:Well, do you want to go to the butterfly museum(蝴蝶馆) with me?

B:Yeah. 3. _________________________. But it's raining outside.

A:It will be sunny in the afternoon. 4. _________________


B:Sounds great. How do we get there, by bus or by subway?

A:The two ways are not good. Let's ride our bikes there.

B:Not bad. 5. _________________________________?

A:About half an hour.

B:Well, let's meet at one o'clock in the afternoon.

A:OK, see you then.


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