



语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

My life as a tax-paying employed person began in middle school, when, for three whole days, I worked in a

baking factory.

My best friend Betsy’s father was a manager at Hough Bakeries, which, at Easter time,

bunny ( 兔 子 ) cakes for all its

needed eight kids for 43


41 little

throughout Cleveland. It happened that the plant downtown

44 beyond help during our spring break, for which I had no

46 listening to my favorite records. I’d 45 minimum wage. I’d see how a factory

all of this was a grand idea and called Betsy’s dad with their

Our 48

and nose.

47 .

. My parents thought

in the factory were simple: Place cakes on a moving belt. Attach icing (糖霜) ears. Apply icing eyes

49 bunny from the belt. This was 50 than it sounds. 51 a bit and the cakes pile

. up. As I told my parents at dinner that first night, it was all a little more high-pressure than I’d 52

Dad 53 . The son of a grocer, he’d spent the summers of his childhood


54 food in Benardsville,

New Jersey. This was the sort of work that made you

the work, he told me.

41. A. sold

42. A. stores

43. A. generous

44. A. plans

45. A. offer

46. A. worked

B. ordered

B. families

B. financial

B. problems

the dollars you earned and respect those who did

C. made D. reserved

C. schools

C. technical

C. excuses

D. citizens

D. temporary

D. hobbies

B. earn C. set

B. closed

D. suggest

D. survived

D. invitation

C. developed

C. experience 47. A. ambition B. permission

48. A. joys

49. A. Save

50. A. harder

B. ideas C. roles D. choices

B. Keep C. Stop D. Remove

B. better C. longer

C. Stay on

C. expected

C. hesitated

C. sharing

C. receive

44. A

53. B

45. B

54. D

D. cheaper

D. Move on

D. remembered

D. refused

D. delivering

D. appreciate

46. A

55. D

47. B

48. C

49. D

51. A. Calm down B. Slow down

52. A. indicated B. witnessed

53. A. cried

54. A. tasting

B. smiled

B. finding

55. A. withdraw B. donate

【答案】41. C

50. A

42. A

51. B

43. D

52. C




【41 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:我最好的朋友 Betsy 的父亲是霍夫面包店的经理,在复活节期间, 这家面包店为克利

夫兰所有商店制作小兔子蛋糕。A. sold 销售;B. ordered 定制; C. made 制作;D. reserved 预定。根据“Our 48 in

the factory were simple: Place cakes on a moving belt. Attach icing (糖霜) ears. Apply icing eyes and nose. 49

bunny from the belt.”可知我的工作是制作小兔子蛋糕,由此推知,这家面包店为克利夫兰所有商店制作小兔子蛋糕。


【42 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:我最好的朋友 Betsy 的父亲是霍夫面包店的经理,在复活节期间, 这家面包店为克利

夫兰所有商店制作小兔子蛋糕。A. stores 商店;B. families 家庭;C. schools 学校;D. citizens 市民。根据“throughout


【43 题详解】


计划。A. generous 慷慨的; B. financial 财政的;C. technical 技术的;D. temporary 暂时的。根据“during our spring


【44 题详解】


划。A. plans 计划;B. problems 问题;C. excuses 借口; D. hobbies 爱好。根据“beyond listening to my favorite

records”可知我没有其他计划。故选 A。

【45 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:我挣的是最低工资。A. offer 提供;B. earn 挣得; C. set 放置;D. suggest 建议。根据

“minimum wage”可知我挣的是最低工资。故选 B。

【46 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想看看工厂是如何运作的。A. worked 运作;B. closed 关闭;C. developed 发展;D.

survived 幸存。根据“I'd see how a factory”可知这里意思是我想看看工厂是如何运作的。故选 A。

【47 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的父母认为这一切都是一个伟大的主意,并打电话给 Betsy 的父亲,得到了他们的

同意 。A. ambition 抱负;B. permission 允许;C. experience 经历; tion 邀请。根据“Our 48 in the factory

were simple: Place cakes on a moving belt. Attach icing (糖霜) ears. Apply icing eyes and nose. 49 bunny from

the belt.”可知我们已经在工厂工作了,所以必然是得到了他们的同意。故选 B。

【48 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们在工厂的任务很简单:把蛋糕放在移动的传送带上。 附加上糖霜耳朵。把兔子从

传送带上拿下来。A. joys 欢乐; B. ideas 观点;C. roles 任务; D. choices 选择。根据“Place cakes on a moving belt.

Attach icing (糖霜) ears. Apply icing eyes and nose. 49 bunny from the belt.”可知这是我们的任务。故选C。

【49 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们在工厂的任务很简单:把蛋糕放在移动的传送带上。 附加上糖霜耳朵。把兔子从

传送带上拿下来。A. Save 节省;B. Keep 保持;C. Stop 停止;D. Remove移动。根据“bunny from the belt.”可知这

里意思是把兔子从传送带上拿下来。故选 D。

【50 题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这比听起来难多了。A. harder 更难的;B. better 更好的; C. longer 更长的;D. cheaper

更便宜的。根据“51 a bit and the cakes pile up.”可知这项工作比听起来更难。故选 A。

【51 题详解】

考查动词短语辨析。句意:慢一点,蛋糕就堆起来了。A. Calm down 平静下来; B. Slow down 慢一点;C. Stay on

继续停留;D. Move on 往前走。根据“and the cakes pile up”可知这里意思是慢一点,就会造成蛋糕堆积起来的后果。


【52 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:正如我在第一个晚上的晚餐上告诉父母的那样,一切都比我预料的要紧张。A. indicated

表明; B. witnessed 目击; C. expected 预料;D. remembered 记得。根据“This was 50 than it sounds. 51

a bit and the cakes pile up.”可知工作的实际情况比我预料的要紧张。故选 C。

【53 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:父亲笑了。A. cried 哭了; B. smiled 微笑;C. hesitated 犹豫; D. refused 拒绝。根据

“The son of a grocer, he'd spent the summers of his childhood 54 food in Bemardsville, New Jersey. This was the sort

of work that made you 55 the dollars you earned and respect those who did the work, he told me.”结合生活常识,


【54 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一个杂货商的儿子,他童年的夏天都在新泽西的贝马兹维尔送外卖。A. tasting 品

尝;B. finding 找到;C. sharing 分享;D. delivering 送货。根据“The son of a grocer”可知作为一个杂货商的儿子,


【55 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:他告诉我,这种工作能让你感激得到的报酬,并尊重那些从事这项工作的人。A. withdraw

撤退;B. donate 捐赠; C. receive 收到;D. appreciate 欣赏。根据“the dollars you earned”结合生活常识,可知孩



第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)

第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Simply saying thank you doesn't seem enough in certain situations. I was considering this while working as a

41 just a few weeks ago. And it came to me then how much easier it would be if we had a range of words that express

different 42 of gratitude(感谢).

My thoughts were soon 43 . We had a woman patient who was 44 from a knee replacement operation.

One afternoon, while 45 to get into bed she collapsed(倒下) from what was 46 discovered to be a heart attack.

The collapse was disastrous, 47 the emergency medical team and good teamwork. But she recovered, though

48 , and was ready for discharge(出院)after four weeks.

She was 49 for everything that the medical and nursing team had done for her. On her day of discharge,

we shared in her 50 at her recovery. As she was 51 she was eager to say 52 to each of us in the nursing

team. When she 53 one nurse, she tried to press a five-pound note into her hand. My colleague 54 to

accept it, saying that we were all just 55 our job. The patient looked puzzled, and then 56 :“Oh this isn't for

the 57 I had. I take that as a 58 . No, this is for setting my hair yesterday.”

And there you have it. To many people, 59 lives is part of the job but styling hair is an 60 and should

be rewarded.

41. A. cleaner

42. A. grades

B. chemist

B. meanings

C. nurse D. doctor

C. needs ations

C. brought under discussion

D. recovering

D. promising

D. secretly

D. proving

D. happily

D. fearful

D. disappointment

D. leaving

D. yes

D. persuaded

D. refused

D. starting

D. reported

D. taken into account 43. A. brushed aside B. put to the test

C. retiring

C. pausing

C. casually

C. forming

C. slowly

C. sorrowful

C. curiosity

C. hesitating

C. goodbye

C. introduced

C. failed

C. securing

C. replied

44. A. departing B. escaping

45. A. attempting B. choosing

46. A. eventually B. fortunately

47. A. assessing B. requiring

48. A. slightly

49. A. grateful

50 A. surprise

B. accidentally

B. thoughtful

B. delight

51. A. operating B. thinking

52. A. sorry

53. A. reached

54. A. wished

55. A. enjoying

B. hello

B. consulted

B. pretended

B. doing

56. A. repeated B. recited

57. A. courage

58. A. goal

59. A. risking

60. A. honour

【答案】41. C

51. D


B. patience

B. given

B. changing

B. ability

42. A

52. C

43. B

53. A

C. duty

C. push

C. saving

C. opening

44. D

54. D

45. A

55. B

D. care

D. greeting

D. building

D. extra

46. A

56. C

47. B

57. D

48. C

58. B

49. A

59. C

50. B

60. D



【41 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:几周前我在做护士的时候就在考虑这个问题。A. cleaner 清洁工;B. chemist 化学家,

药剂师;C. nurse 护士;D. doctor 医生。根据下文的“as she was 11 she was eager to say 12 to each of us in the

nursing team.”可知,当时作者是一名护士。故选 C。

【42 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:我突然想到,如果我们有一系列表达不同程度感激之情的词语, 那会容易得多。A. grades

分数,级别,程度;B. meanings 意思;C. needs 需求;D. expectations 期待。根据上文的“simply saying thank you

doesn’t seem enough in certain situations”可知, 作者认为如果有表达不同程度感谢的词,那么感谢就容易得多了。

故选 A。

【43 题详解】

考查动词短语辨析。句意:我的想法很快就进行了测验。A. brushed aside 撇开;B. put to the test 经受考验,接受……

的考验;C. brought under discussion 在讨论中;D. taken into account 考虑。结合下文讲述女病人对护士们的所为,


【44 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们有一个病人膝盖置换手术后正在康复。A. departing 出发,离开;B. escaping 逃跑;

C. retiring 退休;D. recovering 恢复。结合下文提到手术和病人从床上摔下来可知,病人正在恢复中。故选 D。

【45 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天下午,当她试图上床睡觉时,她因心脏病而摔倒了。A. attempting 试图,尝试;

B. choosing 选择;C. pausing 暂停;D. promising 承诺。结合上文提到这是个膝盖有伤的病人,可推知她尝试着自


【46 题详解】

考查副词词义辨析。句意:一天下午,当她试图上床睡觉时,她因心脏病而摔倒了。A. eventually 最后;B. fortunately

幸运地;C. casually 随意地;D. secretly 秘密地。结合上文病人是因为膝盖置换手术而住院,由此可知,此处是指

最终发现摔倒是因为心脏病。故选 A。

【47 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:这次摔倒是灾难性的,需要紧急医疗队和良好的团队合作。A. assessing 评估;B. requiring

需要;C. forming 形成;D. proving 证明。根据“the collapse was disastrous”可知,要想把病人治好需要紧急医疗队

和良好的团队合作。故选 B。

【48 题详解】

考查副词词义辨析。句意:虽然很慢,但她恢复了,四周后就可以出院了。A. slightly 轻微地;B. accidently 意外

地;C. slowly 缓慢地;D. happily 幸福地。根据上文的“the collapse was disastrous”可知,要从灾难性的病痛中恢

复一定很慢。故选 C。

【49 题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她对医疗及护士团队为她所作的一切都非常感激。A. grateful 感激的;B. thoughtful 体

贴的;C. sorrowful 伤心的,悲伤的;D. fearful 恐惧的。结合下文女病人离开前和大家一一道别,推知她对大家的

付出表示感激。故选 A。

【50 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:在她出院那天,我们分享了她康复的喜悦。A. surprise 惊喜;B. delight 喜悦;C. curiosity

好奇心;D. disappointment 失望。根据下文的“her recovery”可知,此处是指分享她康复的喜悦。故选B。

【51 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她要离开时,她急切地想和我们护理队的每一个人说再见。A. operating 手术;B. thinking

思考;C. hesitating 犹豫;D. leaving 离开。根据上文的“on her day of discharge”可知,女病人要出院了,所以此处


【52 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:当她要离开时,她急切地想和我们护理队的每一个人说再见。A. sorry 抱歉;B. hello 你

好;C. goodbye 再见;D. yes 同意。根据上文的“on her day of discharge”可知,女病人要出院了,由此推知她对护

理团队的人告别,say goodbye to sb.“和某人告别” 符合语境。故选 C。

【53 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她走到一个护士身边时,她试图塞一张五英镑的钞票在她手里。A. reached 到达;B.

consulted 咨询;C. introduced 介绍;D. persuaded 说服。结合上文提到女病人出院时要和护士们一一道别可知,


【54 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的同事拒绝接受,说我们只是做了自己的工作而已。A. wished 希望;B. pretended 假

装;C. failed 失败;D. refused 拒绝。结合常识和下文的“we were all just 13 our job”可知,作者的同事拒绝收下女

士给的钱。故选 D。

【55 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的同事拒绝接受,说我们只是做了自己的工作而已。A. enjoying 享受;B. doing 做;

本文标签: 可知结合蛋糕病人工厂